Fox Family {CLOSED}

Natsuki huffed in anger and tried to stop herself from attacking the bigger fox. She turned around and began to walk away until she glared at him one more time, "Don't even mention Mama and stay away from us. Come on Kana, everyone's probably worried about us."
Klyde sighed. He stretched and his body was very long and his fur was sleek. He turned away. "I'll get going. Im just kinda new here so I was just exploring." He tiredly walked off
Kana felt a little torn apart, she didn't know whether to follow her sister back or follow the older fox. Being able to see his ribs, Kana had a small pang of pity for the older fox.

"But, Natsu...." Kana smiled at Natsuki, completely oblivious at the dangerous situation. "We're lost." Kana admitted loudly, she had wandered so far that Kana couldn't smell anything that was familiar to her, except her sister, of course.

Not knowing her little burst had drawn in an unwanted predator, Kana pranced around to the older fox and began to run in and out through his legs. Only to stop when she heard a low growl come from the bushes.
Natsuki grunted when Kana said that they were lost. Jeez you didn't have to say it out loud. She stopped in her tracks when she smelled a different scent from the male fox and then she heard the growl. Her first instinct was to protect her sister so she ran to stand beside the male fox. "I'm sorry about how I reacted but I think that you need to get ready to fight or run," she whispered to him.
Kana felt fear strike her heart, as she nudged closer to the male fox, whimpering ever so slightly. Kana wasn't one to fight, she always let her large size intimidate anyone who did want to. But, Kana was still a little kit, it wouldn't work against big adult foxes. Or anything else, in that matter...

Kana's breathing sped up as she felt her heart accelerated so much, she thought that it could pop out of her chest any minute now.
"its ok." He said. He stood protectively in front of the kits. He pulled his lips back and made a deep snarl towards the predators direction.
-Haku's ear twitched- ''NO! I smell something not like us! Its in the same direction as Kana and Natsuki. Haku carelessly ran in the direction of the. Her fluffy, snow white fur slicked back with the wind as her paws pounded against the grass. Then there is was. A huge creature she didn't know and Kana curled closely to a male fox. Haku slicked back her ears and snarled.-
Piper watched Haku as she ran off, the smell of the unknown animal drifting into her nose. Mama was right when she said we should stick together. Piper was conflicted, should she tell Mama or run off after her siblings? In the end she ran off into the cave, tugged on her mother's fur as she told her what happened, then ran back outside, not waiting for mother to come.
Natsuki kept her eyes on the unknown creature but twitched one ear towards Haku to acknowledge her. "Haku run, now!" she growled. She stood in front of the male and her fur stood on end and she stared at the enemy. She was only worried about the other's safety, even the male. If I can distract it the others can run away. Natsuki began to circle it while waiting for her chance.
Klydes mouth was full so it was hard to hear him but he tried to say "all of you run!" Including natsuki
"No! Kana take Haku and run for it. I'll stay here," she said as she lunged for the beast's tail. She could taste the blood filling her mouth and she released it to aim for it's leg. Natsuki bit as hard as she could to cause the most pain.
Natsuki snarled back at him, "And I told you no! I'm not gonna let run away and let you die because you tried to save us so shut up and accept my help!"
(idk it doesnt belong to me im just attacking it.. If it is a fox... I have something in mind...)
(only problem is i wasnt the one that came up with the predator so its technically not my character)
(so instead ill do this.....)

Klyde thought he saw yet another fox, and he let go of the enemy and he got low to the ground and backed up. It seemed he was scared
Natsuki was confused when he let go and she accidently released its leg. She backed up towards him while keeping an eye on the enemy, "What are you doing?"
Piper slowed down when she was near everyone, they couldn't smell, see, or hear her but she could see, hear, and smell them. She made sure to stay hidden and keep quiet, something she was extraordinarily good at, and watched everything from a distance. She would only go over there if things got out of hand.
She looked at him with a confused face until she smirked, "Oh I get it now. You were scared the whole time you were hanging but you tried to make yourself look cool." Natsuki started to laugh at his scared expression.

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