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Fantasy Forsaken Dawn Guild OOC Chat

I get the impression that Lithia is pretty open to us building on the world. So if you want there to be a lightning rail or other transportation method from point A to point B there can be. At least for major cities/towns where it would make sense. They could take one to the closest city and walk from there if it would be faster.

This is probably end-game stuff, but once we get some more bases like Glyphstone Keep or inns in other cities one of the conjurors can start setting up teleportation circles. It would give the feel of actual guild-wide improvement if travel progressively becomes easier.
That's fair, but King's Forest is in the middle of fuck all. It's in-between Sharn and the capital Wroat for sure, but the roads--and in turn most likely the Lightning Rail--completely omit the forest. Regardless of where we start, it'd probably take equally as long. As for teleportation, Luce has some old friends from work.
Now that I actually look at the map, on-foot does look to be the better option. You can always come up with a mount or something fancy to rent that lets you travel the forest a bit quicker. Though I do know that at least one of you is light on coll right now 😂
Could there be someway for the quests to be marked as picked up by someone? Because I already can tell I'm gunna start to lose track of it at some point lol
Well if everyone would be so kind as to post their quests that might help, I would say to just leave a reaction on the one you're doing I'm not sure
Lithia Lace Lithia Lace So I ran by the maps and did a guesstimate by referencing the Grand Map 500 miles marker to that of Khorvaire's. Measured ~500 miles between Sharn and Zilargo. Thus, from Sharn to King's Forest would be around 100 miles, correct?
Since it's a big forest, movements would be further hindered off-road. In addition to Phos and Stynger's physical conditioning to walk, say 20-25 miles per day (at best), it would take 4-5 days to reach King's Forest from Sharn. This is all estimates and speculations, so please lemme know if that is correct?
Sounds about right
Lithia Lace Lithia Lace So I ran by the maps and did a guesstimate by referencing the Grand Map 500 miles marker to that of Khorvaire's. Measured ~500 miles between Sharn and Zilargo. Thus, from Sharn to King's Forest would be around 100 miles, correct?
Since it's a big forest, movements would be further hindered off-road. In addition to Phos and Stynger's physical conditioning to walk, say 20-25 miles per day (at best), it would take 4-5 days to reach King's Forest from Sharn. This is all estimates and speculations, so please lemme know if that is correct?
Depends on how far I you're going in.
That was such a terrible analogy; Phos was always about fucking around and finding out.

Regardless, he will find some way to fill that silence.
Phos: Ya like music?
Stynger's earbuds: "Crawlin' in my crawl, these crawls they will not crawl."
Stynger: I guess.

Though I do know that at least one of you is light on coll right now 😂
Don't have to worry about light travel when you're broke. Also big noise reduction for stealthy approach. (big thonk) x)

Depends on how far I you're going in.
How far WILL we go in? 🤔
All fun and games 'til your longsword is obstructed in tight caves.
But I get the gist, thanks for the affirm. I will get Stynger going with Phos soon.
Pulled a 38-hour day for the first time in years. Job hunting sucks, but the fruits of my labor ripen quick! I am now a Slot Technician of the fabled Hard Rock Casino! Now is the part, where I crash and burn. I will see the lot of you in some fourteen hours or so.
Pulled a 38-hour day for the first time in years. Job hunting sucks, but the fruits of my labor ripen quick! I am now a Slot Technician of the fabled Hard Rock Casino! Now is the part, where I crash and burn. I will see the lot of you in some fourteen hours or so.
Jolly good show, congratulations btw
Does this look correct?

Guild: Akar, Scarlet, Rhys, Gul, Arcturus,

Harpies: Cyndoka
Ogre: Zael, Olivier, Rinaque, Khione
Bandits: Luce, Lilira
Goblins: Phos, Stynger

Just so we can split into reasonable groups without stepping on anothers toes.
edit: fixed Khione, added Goblins
Last edited:
Does this look correct?

Guild: Akar, Scarlet, Rhys, Gul, Arcturus, Khione

Harpies: Cyndoka
Ogre: Zael, Olivier, Rinaque
Bandits: Luce, Lilira

Just so we can split into reasonable groups without stepping on anothers toes
Khione is with Zael Oliver and Rinaque

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