Forced To Be

Eliza nodded and smiled "I dont know what happened, perhaps its the fact that everyone feels the needto do everything for him, but not me, of course i m still treated respect but not as such degree as Az." she pondered

Rylan gently plucked th lile fron inbetween their hands and placed it in her hair "That would be wonderfull my sister would love that, she loves anything creative." he smiled and spun her so her back was pressed to jis stomack and back again "We celebrate, but not that often"
"Really? Why?" Breena asked a bit curious and glance over at Az.

Annie blushed slightly when he put the lily into her hair. "Your sister sounds really interesting" she looked up at him when she was pressed up to his back and couldn't help but blush more, and she hoped the blush wasn't noticeable when he spun her back. "Why don't you celebrate often?"
Eliza smiled and said "Well my family believes that all the family should have a job, mine of course is getting married and having kids, Rylan's is Ruling and Az's is leading the army" She explained "So they treat him as equal to Ry, of course they don't like that i'm not treated the same, but rules are rules" she shrugged "I push it by spending all my time in the gardens and i got a tan. My father hated it, but she wants me to marry, Ry and Az were NOT impressed when they heard i was coming " She laughed and shook her head "They tore apart the invitations to my Aunts home"

Rylan smiled slightly and said "My father is far to buissy and my mother has other hobbies, no one calls them except for good occasions." He noticed her blush and smiled, she did look beautiful when she blushed, absolutely breath taking. He would not say this at first though, perhaps later, he might be more confident
"Oh I see." Breena laughed a little wondering if a shy prince like Az could command a army. She didn't want to sound rude though and didn't say anything else hoping Eliza wouldn't ask what she was laughing about.

Annie thought about it for a second and asked, "Have they always been busy?" She was wondering since her parents, especially her mother, was never busy unless there was a problem of some sort, which amazingly didn't happen that much since elves were so peaceful.
Eliza quickly caught on to what Breena was laughing at, many questioned it as well and she said "His shyness right? you cant picture it? many cant, even Az" she smiled slightly, glancing at him. "I hope he can find someone who will help him with that, his shyness" she added looking away from her twin.

Rylan spun them again, this time just in a circle and answered "Yes, quite. My father always had some issue to attend to, Mostly our people, an illness has swept through lately. L; Liza has been letting them in the gardens she loves making people happy." he smiled at the thought "and if not that he is reading or with mother.
Breena looked down slightly and nodded, "Sorry I didn't mean to laugh, but there's a lot of outgoing princesses that he could find here so I wouldn't worry too much about that." She smiled at Eliza.

Annie smiled and said, "I have to meet you sister she sounds so sweet and caring." She noticed his smile and smiled also. Annie could tell Eliza meant a lot to Rylan by how much he mentioned her and her garden, which Annie thought was nice since she has no siblings.
Liza smiled and shook her head "its fine Breena, i swear, id rather it said to my face than to others and i dont nessisarily mean a princess, just someone a friend would be nice" she smiled thoughtfully

Rylan decided to stop mentioning Liza and focus of the shy girl infront of him. They song changed to a more complicated dance and he picked her up by thw waist from behind, spinning them around "Has anyone ever told you that you look beautiful when you blush?" he asked her cheekily placing her on the ground and walsting with her for a moment before spinning them again. Rylan wasnt a player or anything like that he just liked making girls well anyone really smile an hated that they were insicure
Breena smiled and nodded. "That's actually good to know. I'm really nervous to tell you the truth. I'm just really shy and has only really talked to Chris over there." She looks over at Chris who stood alone by the music player looking more like a waiter than a prince.

Annie blushed more by the compliment and shook her head as she said, "No one has ever even called me beautiful before."
Eliza looked wher she was pointing and said "I understand your caution, but i prefer to know what people think of me rather then them pretend to like or respect me, i like honest opinions, but not everyone feels the same as me" she smiled

Rylan grinned and bent down slightly and whispered in her ear "Well, i cant think of reasons they would not, you are beautiful, and kind and not a brat, honest" he smiled at her and bowed to her slightly and kissed her cheek.
Breena nodded thinking about it for a minute. "I understand what you mean, and I hope you didn't think I'm just playing nice maid cause I do like you. Your nice and have an opinion unlike most princesses I've met..." She looked down slightly then asked, "Um shouldn't you be talking witha prince not me though?"

Annie blushed as she stuttered, " Th-thanks" She looked at him and smiled a little. "Your very kind yourself, and handsome, charming, and your goofy grin makes you look cuter too." She looks down shyly after saying the last part. She didn't mean to say really it just came out.
Eliza looked away and figeted a little "Um . . .Well, yeah but jist because i have people skils doesent mean that im not shy around guys, i was rarely allowed to interact with them" she expains flushing a little and looking at her feet.

Rylans grin apeared he couldnt help it it just showed up "Why thankyou, My fair lady" he bowed his head and as the faster part of the dance came they moved faster "Although, do not think im being silly your beautiful and any guy would belucky to have you on his arm." he said his face going serious for a miute and then he dipped her low and said "and dont let him walk all over you" before pulling them back up and smiling again
Breena smiled kindly and said, "I understand and, if you want, I'll ask one of the princes to ask you to dance or something first, okay?"

"I don't think your being silly, and I think a girl would be lucky to have you too. But I wouldn't worry about a man walking all over me." Annie smiled as she continued, "I have too many tricks up my sleeve to let a man walk all over me." She may be a peaceful elf, but she still has her magic to make things to confuse or hurt someone, like illusion or transforming an object into something else.
Eliza looked up at Breena with hopefull eyes and smiled "Would you? please?!" she smiled a little and shifted her dresd a little so it didnt press against her scar as much and she said "thank you breena honest you are probably the nicest person to me ive met" she smiled

Rylan grinned and said "Should i be worried?" in a joking tone "not that i am walking over you it just seems, My fair Lady, that you have many surprises and secrets. I like it that way" Rylan knew how to flatter a lady but rarely used it and at the moment he was really enjoyinh Annies company, he didnt know if it would get to be more but he would take what he got for now
Breena smiled laughing a bit as she said, "It's not a big deal really, it is my job. Now is there a certain prince you want me to ask?" Breena scanned the room to see any lone princes. She found again Chris, Nikolia, Tick, and Tock. She then looked to see what girls were alone and saw that Lucy and Eliza were the only princesses left. Maybe a couple of princes are going to go home alone, Breena thought a bit worried.

Annie laughed as she said jokingly, "I don't think you have to worry too much," then asked, "Why do keep calling me fair lady? And I wouldn't say i have a lot of secrets, but maybe surprises."
Eliza shrugged she didnt really care "No not really i dont know anyone so . . . . . " she trailed of and looked up at breena sh really did apreciate it but she had no one in mind Rylan laughed and said "So re assuring" he smiled and said "I dont really know" he realised he sounded like an idiot and aughed at himself
After finishing his little love spiel he walked away and grabbed a glass of water holding it between his fingers. He stood there and sipped his drink leaning against the wail just waiting.
Breena had someone in mind but didn't know if it would go well, so she nodded saying, "Alright, leave it up to me," and walked away from Eliza. She went to Nikolai smiling kindly and said, "Hello, Prince Nikolai. I was wondering if you'd mind asking Princess Eliza to dance." She pointed at Eliza when she said her name hoping Nikolai would think she was cute enough to just go ask her, and wouldn't start a fight with Bree.

Annie laughed also and didn't think he sounded like an idiot, but just a funny guy. She started feeling hungry though and asked, "Are you hungry?"
Eliza looked at her feet nervously and waited hoping that he said yes rylan laughed and twirled her over to the food table "why yes i am" he pulled out a seat and tucked he in, takig the seat next to her and smiling "Anything you want in particualar?"
Rylan nodded and placed a garden salad on her plate an got a plate of chips on his own. he ate it slowly and said "Hm, i wonder how long we hve to be here "
Annie thought about it for a minute as she ate her salad. "I'm not sure. I think we'll only be in here until sunset or when it's actually dark. Then they'll probably give us rooms to stay for the night and try something different tomorrow."
Rylan smiled nd said "i ment over all, i dont want yo be here for ages, and im sure nobody else wants to either. . . " he said eating another chip and thinking a little "Do you think that the sooner we find someone th sooner we leave?" h asked, he didnt want to leave his siblings here and how would they go about telling everyone? and how would the ask the prince or princess themselves?
Annie thought about it for a while before saying, "I'm sure they have a time limit for how long they can keep us here, but I do think that after we find someone we get to leave." Annie hoped she was right actually. She didn't want to be there for a long time with guards and servants watching her every move then try giving her relationship advice, it just didn't work for her.
He nodded and said "That seems reasonable . . . well sort of they could hav just assigned us someone that would be alot worse" he frowned and shrugged slightly he looked around the room, apart from eating dancing and talking what was there that the young royals could do? and he and Annie had done all of them, he enjoyed her company yes but much prefered to do somthing while in her company. He sighed as he finished eating and aked her "What would you like to do now, Annie? not that there is mucb" he said
"If anyone will just assign us to someone it'll be our parents, which I'm not going to let happen." She finished her salad and looked at him. She started thinking of something to do and looked over at the doors that went outside. "Wanna go outside?"

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