Forced To Be

Leo shrugged, leaning back in his chair to rest. "Do yo uknow how long we are suppose to stay here? Is it until we do fall in love? If it is, seems a bit more like a prision to me..." He pushed away his coffee, growing bored of the bitter taste that continued to haunt his tounge even after he stopped.

Eternity's watch seemed to be in disgust at every royal she saw. Though one stuck out to her like a sore thumb, it was a young prince seeming more intrested in his stomach then a princess. She couldnt help but mentally laugh at that, seemed there are some princes like the rest of the normal people. It actually eased her mind to see they werent all stuck up like she knew them, though still, she found some way to be bothered by this. She crossed her arms over chest and sighed, when would this long and boring day be over?
Kaleo frowned her green eyes looking

down at here hands that are in her lap.

"I dont know. I think this is stupid. I

dont think keeping all of us in one room

will make us fall in love" she shook her

head disgusted at her father for making

her come here. she sighed and looked

around at everyone. "Yea but it seems

everyone is having a great time."

Bandit nudged her hand then layed down.

He was bored she could tell Leo was too.
Chris was the one who started the music, but he got Breena to put out the food after she had Eliza and Azaria talk to Tick and Tock. He didn't know if he should go up to anyone and start talking to them like he normally would, after all his parents were the ones who came up with the idea.

After Breena set out the food she walked to the side staying near the doors. When Eliza and Azaria came up and talked to her. "Oh I'm sorry... I just thought it would make all this go faster for you guys if you started to get to know someone the first day. That way you don't have to stay here for a long time."

Annie smiled as she said, "I can't wait." She thought it would be nice to go to a garden full of flowers, but she was also nervous. She didn't really talk to anyone except her cat Jinx.
Toa finished his meal and wiped his face the standing up and stretching for no reason but to sit back down and leanin his chair closeting his eyes attempting to rest. He opened his eyes again looking up at the lights and the ceiling sighing then closing his eyes again leaning back in the chair.
Amelia looked up when she heard music, and than she saw food. She realized how hungry she actually was, but for some odd reason, she did not go towards the food. She walked a little bit away from everybody else and stared out the large window in front of her. She saw outside it was beginning to rain.

Sighing, she leaned against the wall behind her, watching everybody else talk with each other. She would of never been here if her mother hadn't suggested this to her father. She could be at her palace right now, drinking tea and relaxing.

She let out another sigh, beginning to get slightly cold. She rubbed her hands together, and than stared at her feet sadly.
Leo only laughed how stupid his parents were. "Yes, parents only have money on their mind." His eyes left Kaleo and rested on her dog, Bandit. "I have dogs myself, unfourtunatley they arnt as kind as yours." He quickly shut up, swiming dangeriously close to his family's secret. "A-anyways, where did you get such a fine dog like that?"

Eternity Held up her arm, summoning her hawk, Honor to return from the pillar he had rested upon. Honor reconized the signal and glided back down to her, where he was greeted with a small rub to his head. "Good to have you back bud. Im sure you want to do strech your wings a bit. Im sure you will be able to fly as far as you want when this is all over, try and hang in there okay?" Honor gave a small caw and rubbed his head against Eternity's.
Toa heard the caw and was startled falling back in his chain hitting the ground. He landed with an "oft" cracking his head against the floor. He stared up at the ceiling not even trying to stand up and looked at the designs on the ceiling. He rose his arm to the back of his head feeling the back of his head. It was wet and he held the hand in front of his eyes to see the red. He dropped his hand beside himself and yawned.
Honor immediatley noticed the blood, he swooped over to the young prince, motioning Eternity to come over. Eternity did just that, running after her faithful bird. She sighed and looked at Honor, "Gosh, royals...Honor get some bandages. Ill fix this up myself." Honor gave a understanding nod and flew out of the ball room, he knew that eternity was ready for everything, and yes that meant bandages. All he had to do was go into her room and fetch them real quick. Eternity, while waiting for her bird to return grabbed some napkins, placing them on his wound as a substitute until she had the right material.
He looked back up at the girl confused at what she was going and cocked his head to the left, "I wouldn't get any on that if I were you..." He said in a really smooth calm voice and yawned " will only hurt you." He said knowing that his blood was boiling hot almost like lava.
She blinked, looking down at the prince, she had her metal armor on but once the blood seeped through the thin paper she could slowly feel her metal start to heat up. Though she acted like nothing was happening, her job was to look after the royals and that was what she was going to do. "What species are you? Fire, Im guessing, how do you normally treat wounds?" She talked back to him, not showing any pain though her hand did start to burn. She wouldnt dare put bandages on somthing like him, it would only catch of fire more likley and shrivel up, doing no good once so ever.
He looked up at her and smiled "It's okay it's nothing to worry about ill be fine." He stayed on the ground and moved her hand from the back of his head. Toa brought her hand to his mouth and licked off the blood from her hand taking away the burn as well. He let go of her hand and rolled over to show that his head was no longer bleeding. He stood up offering her a hand.
Eternity only watched, her face actully looking impressed for a moment, though once he got up she returned to her normal self. She stood up on her own, "Well if your fine then there is no reason for me to be here. Try not to be such a idiot next time!" After that Honor finally returned with the bandages. Eternity picked up her bird along with the medical wrap and returned to her cozy spot against the wall. She ran her finger along Honor's cheek, "Go on, just because im stuck here doesnt mean you have to be. Just return if I call you." She threw Honor into the air, the bird caught the slight breeze coming from the doorway and quickly flew out of the ball room.
He smiled and walked to the bathroom to wash his hands "Now that's a woman,love how feisty she is...why aren't any of the princesses like that." He said sadly as he washed his hands and continued to get angry because of it and steam started to rise of his hands. He came out of the bathroom going over to the ice sculpture hugging it trying to cool off eating it as well.
Eternity, continued her duty of baby sitting, this is until the prince came back in and started eating the ice like a total moron. She just stared at him with a disgusted look slapped on her face. Did he have no shame? That one is different from the others. But really, I'd rather deal with a self obssesed wimp then that pig. She turned back to the rest of the royals, trying to ignore him now.
He walked outside and sat on a bench under the trees placing his face in his hands "And of course I look just like an idiot this is great" he looked right down to the earths core and asked "Why do you hate me."
Eternity watched him leave, not having any reason to go after him of course, why would she? Her stare was as content as before, paying attention to any detail that something bad might break out, or if it already has take care of it. She somewhat wished Honor was back, but knew he was toutured more then her in this confined area, it was a smart and kind choice on her part to let him go out to hunt or just to simply explore. Though after a few minutes she suddenly realized she just watched someone leave!? She was a total idiot now. Eternity sprinted after the Prince, comming to a halt after seeing he only was sitting on a bench. "You need to get back in there, I cannot allow you to leave. That is not a request either."
He held up a hand as it started to crack turning his skin black and the cracks filled with liquid glowing red. Toa looked up at her "Would you like to take me?" He spoke dismally and stood up and started to walk further away. His other arm started to change the same way as the other.
Eternity only rolled her eyes and grabbed his arm, it melted through her metal and started to wound her hand pretty badly. "I said That isnt a request dont you have ears!? My job is to make sure no one leaves and thats what I plan to do" Her eyes glared at him and she began to pull him back to the ball room.
"Hmm apparently this girl likes it hot,guess I can bring on the heat." He smiled and spun around so he was between her and the palace. "You believe you people can keep a monster like me in there? There is no purpose for me to be here."
She unseathed her sword, its black crystal showing proudly, its point was only inches from the prince's face. Of course she had to use her left hand since her right was badly burned, dripping blood onto to the grass. "You obviously have a purpose. You are suppose to find a princess, that is what your parents want. So why cant you be a good little brat and do as they ask?!" Eternity was fed up by this boys stubborness. She had exactly the saem stuborn traits which is probably what made her get so irritated, ironically.
He walked up to the point of the sword smiling placing the tip at his neck " Why not? I'm not even sure maybe I need someone to take the reigns." The black charcoal like substance started spreading to half of his face as holes began to burn threw his suit.
Rylan smiled kindly as the music started and said, bowing and holding out hisr hand and askig "will you join me for a dance" he flashed her a charming smile.

Azaria nodded and said "We apreciate it, really" he smiled kindly and Liza agreed "yes, we do"

Az noticed a girl all alone (Amelia i think) and smiled at her Liza spotted and shoved him a little and he shyly aproched her and said "Hello, Princess Amelia"
She growled to herself and took her sword away, "Pathetic how selfish you royals can be. I will allow to you be out here, I can blame you for not wanting to be in there anyways." She gave a loud whistle, calling to her partner. Honor dropped down from the sky, landing on the bench nearby. "But he will be keeping a eye on you. Dont think about running away, you here for your family, run that over your mind." She walked around him, heading back into the palace, though before she entered the ball room, she wrapped her hand up with the bandage she was suppose to use for the fire elemental. It stung extremly bad, even reducing her down to closing one of her eyes while finished up tending to it. Honor tilted his head, his bright red eyes rested on the boiling prince.
He walked towards the pond that was near the large building. He looked down and smiled walking slowly into the water as the steam began to rise becoming very dense and plentiful. "I may be here because of my parents but its because of their want for money not my happiness...I just want to find love." The steam was fairly substantial and the red that was on his body had gone to a cool black "and don't worry I won't run...I'll walk." He began to walk toward the closest part of the forest.
Honor took off from the bench and got in the way of the elemental's path. Cawing loudly right in his face, as if a warning sign to stop his actions. Eternity's head shot twoards the entrane of the palace. She wasnt even in the ball room and he was trying to escape. He is such a idiot. She ran out of the palace yet again and stopped, when she was on the other side of the prince "I gave you a simple order and you can even do that? Why cant you just listen to me?!" She had to admit that this was better then just standing around, but still she had to get him back in the ball room. "Listen there are alot of princesses just waiting for you in there, can you be a normal boy and just be happy over that?! Why are you trying to get away?!"

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