Forced To Be

She falls back and hit the ground with a thud. she looked up at the male in the tux.

she stuttered a bit "N...No its okay" She just looked at him with the most odd expression.

Bandit kinda stood watch glaring in the males direction.

Kaleo shook her head giggling some and pet the dogs head lightly.

She then looked back up at the male holding out her hand for him to take to help her up.

Bandit slowly stalked the male.
'Yea,we can hear..."Tock spoke bluntly,he heard the little request and hated the one that made it."So much for just sitting this all out"he thought to himself as he sighed.Tick just rolled his eyes and looked at Tock,nudging him in the arm."This rude brother of mine is Tock...My names Tick."Tick smiled at Tock's glare,"Ha.Ha..."Tock said sarcastically,he didn't do good at talking to others but Tick had read many books on being polite so it was easy as pie for him.
Leo paid no attention to the dog, not wanting to make eye contact with it. He extended his hand, wrapping his around hers and easily pulling her to her feet. "I should have been watching where I was going. Again, my apologies and lease do bear me pardon." with his statment came a follow up bow that only intensified his disgust with himself for such a lousy act of princemenship. He felt very bad for what happened, he didnt want to hurt the lady here and also being a nam of clumsiness to his family, insults would only bring more war upon him. "If you do not mind my asking where are you from pray tell? I know it is a very bold question but we are here to get to know some people, so why not at least make a few friends on the way?" He was awkward with greetings, he was pretty much awkward in everyway possable. He had nothing going for him to say the least. His looks were dreadful, looking like a scholar more then royalty with his glasses, and his pale skin did not fit his dark hair color. Though he wasnt here to find a wife anyways, he wasnt going to do what his family told him to. Esspecially after what they did to him.
She was pulled off the ground. she dusted off her dress.

She nodded her head and smiled at the question. "Im

from Russia." she showed him the small pendent on her

bracelet her father made her wear. "Where are you from Sir?"

She smiled and leaned her head to the side again. At that

moment she felt as if she forgot to tell him some thing. "OH!

Im Kaleo"
Eliza smiled and said "Nice to meet you" bowing he head at the two, "Uhh . . . . " sh was stumped on somthing to talk about and her broyher elbowed her softly "Im guessing you are not very happy about being here . . . " he looked at the ground shyly and Liza smiled and looked back at Rylan "Neither was Ry," Az laughed and added " dont think it was him he was worried about" Liza rolled her eyes "Mm dont think i dont know that you two were mad at father." she then shook her head and turned back to the brothers "Oh im sorry, im being rude"
Leo felt shock at how she was not yelling at him for his mistake, not all princesses are the same. He rubbed the back of his head thoughtfully at her statment, Russia? Such a far ways away. "I am Leo Faunawarden, but you can call me Leo. I come from the Kingdom of Lightning. That is a far ways from here, but im sure that your home is far way too." He gave a small smile to Kaleo, he hadnt really had a conversation that didnt envolve war or how to slaughter someone. He liked this kind of talk, peacful and down to the point. His smile faded and he turned his head down to her dog, "I am sorry for running into your Princess, please do forgive me as well." He bowed again, but direct to the dog this time. He knew how loyal a animal companian could be and how they fell about their human masters. He may have looked silly, but he felt it was nessasary.
Both brothers chuckled,which was rare to see."it's fine,were used to just listening so it doesn't bother us."Tick said as Tock nodded in agreement. The boys seemed to get along quite nicely even after the first impression they showed." Though its hard for us here since this is all meant for us to talk with others.... " Tock added.
Kaleo smiled at Leo "Well its nice to meet you Leo"

she watched him closely as he bowed to Bandit.

The dog looked at him glaring a bit until he placed

a lick appon Leos hand in approval. Kaleo lowered to the

ground petting bandit. "It seems Bandit likes you" she giggled

Liza smiled and nodded in understanding and music started and she looked at az and he grinned at her "I think liza wants to dance" he said cheekily and she blushed but nodded and twirled around her dress spining prettily and she sung along Az smiled and watched her leaning close to the boys and said "Hurt her and well have a problem"
"Think we'll actually go for her and then your the one with the problem"Tock whispered back with a mocking grin,like before he still wanted no part in any of this and wasn't planning on falling for anyone soon.The only one he had ever gotten close to was Tick but they were brothers,twins even and it was normal and that was going to stay that way.He had no intention on adding someone else to that list.

Tick just giggled at Tock's reply,of course he saw it coming but it was still funny.
Az chuckled and said "You dont have to go for her or fall for her to hurt her" he didnt mean it to sound like he expected them to fall for her he ment he didnt want her sister hurt PHYSICALLY "I ment more physically, she has been before i am a little ....cautious" he watched her twirl and sing to herself
Now Tock just shrugged."Well,I can't promise anything then."He smiled,he was never the kind to 'be a gentlemen' even with women.So who knows what will come to mind when he starts thinking things over.Tock just shook his head and opened his bag,going through it to find what he was looking for.
Az shrugged and said "Ive never been one to be good with words" Eliza took azarias hamd and they spun and laughed around the room, they didnt seem keen on talking so thy wernt gona waist time it was preasiosafter all
Leo gave a small chuckle to the dogs approval sign, "Yes, well I would hope so. Being a enemy of ones animal is almost as bad as being a enemy of the human." He straightened back up and fixed his tux so that is was on properly from the previous falling. "Would you like to company me to have some food? I havent eaten since yesterday, and I would love to have a friend to talk to. You see, Im not the best at making allies. Well, unless I fall into them of course. Though I try not to do that on purpose."
Tick and Tock both watched them and sighed when they left."Finally..."Tock said in relief."I thought they'd never leave..."Tick started shuffling though his bag again and finally found what he was looking for.He pulled out a black leather book with a simple line of a circle on the front."Found it,here."He said to Tock as he opened it and Tock came over to look in it over Tick's shoulder."There those two are."He said after flipping a couple pages and stopped."Eliza and Azaria..."He looked over at Tock."Ah,I see....hmm..."Tock read and smiled."Your so useful brother."He said as he pat Tick on the head with his hand.Tick just slightly growled at him, pushing his hand off his head.

( O.o getting confused here!)
Eternity's eyes ventured from the royals to Honor, nothing seemed to be going on and even a work crazy hag could get lost sometimes. She made a light clicking sound to her pet, giving him the signal to come back down. Honor, being the loyal bird he is, glided down on the air, taking his rightful spot on Eternity's shoulder. "Good to have you back boy. Only a few minutes longer to see what this will be like and then you can go travel for al ittle bit okay?" Honor gave a excited caw, but quiet enough to not disturb the children. Eternity only smiled and pet his head, she could only really act herself around him, he is the only one that understood her after all.
Kaleo smiled as he stood she watched him fix his tux

she nodded her head lightly and turned away from

him slowly walking to the food bar. she turned her

head to Leo "So did your father make you come too?"

she looked at the ground watching her feet as

she walked.
Leo had to jog to catch up with her, but once he did he could easily keep up. "Yes actually. But not just my father, my mother as well." He shrugged and laughed at the thought of his parents actually. "Yes, Kings and queens. They will do anything for land and money." That comment was mainly to himself, but he said it outloud anyways without even realizing.
She nodded she knew exactly what he was saying.

as they approached the food bar all she asked for was

some tea. she wasn't hungry at all. she waited as

he got his food and she made her way to a table.

she sat at the table. it had a nice red silk table cloth

and nick silver silverware. she placed her hands in her

lap and smiled at him
Leo stared at all the food, he was starving at this point and everything looked so delicious. "I will..." He sighed and dropped his head "Just give me some coffee if you dont mind, black please." He wanted to eat, he really did, but getting somthing on his tux or embarassing himself yet again infront of his new friend was out of the question. He took his cup of coffee and took his seat right across the table from Kaleo. There he took a small sip of his beverage and stared out the window. "So is Russia a nice place? I have heard it is cold..."
nodded lightly at Leo.Leaning her head to the side

"Yes it is.... its usually always snowy" she sipped

her tea "The castle.... My parents castle that is,

is always beautiful during the winter" she lightly

tapped her foot to the light music. "It seems

everyone knows each other?"
"Hm, I doubt it. Princes are just charming and sucking in girls is what I think. Unfortunatley, I gather none of the charm" Leo sighed took another sip of his coffee, before turning his attention to the other royals in the room. "My kingdom isnt anything to be proud about. We arnt beautiful and we arnt friendly people...well at least the rest of my family isnt anyway." he cut himself off before he spread to much about his predicament with his relatives.
She watched him closely. She watched

his expressions change and tried to figure

them out. She gave up and sipped her coffee

"Well thats too bad... you seem nice enough

to me"
(He said it to himself) Azaria and Eliza finished dancing and aproched breena and said "That didnt go to well." they lokked at eachother and said "I dont think thy want to talk to us ....." Breena seemed nice enough and keen to help, well do her job which was helping them
Toa sat down at a very large table with a entire rack of lamb on his plate. He took the longest knife out of then napkin and placed another cloth on his lap. He began to cut his lamb and the juices began flowing out. He looked around for a moment the placed his hand on the meat as it began to burn leaving a charred black coating "Much better." He said before he began to eat. Toa was not interested in the other people at the moment he only wanted food.

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