Forced To Be

"Your right there are a lot of girls in there and all of them can't take the heat! I didn't even want to be here my parents just wanted the money! They don't care about what I want I want a girl who can take the heat and I promise you I'm not going to find one in that building right now! case you didn't notice I'm not a normal boy..." His body started to turn back to normal
She gave a small exhale, her professional face started to fade, and her voice became more soft. "Listen You dont know that. There may be someone in there that can have the requirements you want, but you never know if you dont try. Also, if they arnt here today, maybe they will come tommorrow. You will eventually find a princess, all princes do, its only a matter of time." After that friendly statment, her tone and facial expressions turned back to normal. "Now get your flaming butt back in there!"
He gave her a your kidding me right face "You can't be serious have seen and heard all of them?" He sighed "They are all little weaklings I don't see strength in anyone in the building" he smiled "So you think my butts on fire huh?" He laughed "and don't you forget it wahine..."
A blush formed across her face and she clenched her hands into fists. Unfortunatley for her, doing that sent blood from her wounded hand out of the wrapping. "Okay they may be weaklings, I can disagree with you there, but you are still a prince. Dont you think you should do your family a service by just marrying one of them? Who knows, you may find a trait you like about them." She scolded herself by using such friend-like language, she was on a job an it was very unprofessinal of her.
He saw her blushing and said " and I thought I was the only one with a hot face." He took her hand and unwrapped it licking it again causing the veins to cauterize taking away the pain and blood. "Do a service to my parents no thanks I'd rather be happy and live a normal life than be sad and live a rich life..."

He smiled " but your right I have found somethings I like about one of the girls in there...she's strong and durable...she's independent,stubborn and feisty...she like animals and can do anything she puts her mind to. Not to mention her beautiful long pink hair and the fact that she is drop dead gorgeous..." He Began to walk back "'s funny though I don't even know her name." He smiled
She put her hands on her hips, giving herself a pat on the back for a job well done. "Well Im to see you finally came to your senses! Now about this girl, just ask her, the princesses in there seem to be kind anyways, Im sure they wont mind tell you." She moved her fingers around, seein her wounds completley gone. "Oh yeah...and thanks I guess, for you know, healing me and what not. I could ahve healed by myself though." She made a clicking noice to Honor, who had already made his way to her shoulder. "Now you go first, I dont want to catch you lying and have to run back out here again!"
He turned back to look at her and smiled "Yeah your right but what's a pretty face with a scared hand wahine?" He continued walking forward "and lie I'm a prince I'm not suppose to do that, that's a bad thing...guess ill be your bad boy because you'll have to keep your eyes on me." He winked and took a step into the building "May I ask your name?"
Eternity walked in after him, grabbing his ear so that he was down to her height now. "Listen, I really hope this is the last time I have to come out here and get all friendly with you. So behave. Also, I dont know what use its going to do if your not going to talk to me after this, due to your sudden realization you actually like a princess here, but its Eternity. This is Honor, my bird. " She had no idea who this prince was talking about, she had slight intrest, though most of her didnt care, it was his buissness anyways. Eternity let go of his ear once she was done talking and continued on her way to the ball room.
He smiled and yelled over to her "I don't remember saying she was a princess." He smiled and walked over to one of the men holding a platter of ice water. He took one and sipped it slowly as he walked around trying to find someone slightly interesting he couldn't get his mind off of Eternity.
Eternity, barley heard the last statement but when she did her face grew to the color of a bright scarlet. Get it together, Princesses and Princes hellooo they are meant for eachother! Eternity took a deep breath in and found her spot in the corner were she was before having to fetch the fire elemental prince. She looked up at her bird and gave him yet another petting, "This place is messing with us Honor, first chance we get, we gotta get out of here..."
Tick and Tock had gotten bored and tried to think of a plan to make all this a little more interesting."As Chairs?"Tock asked slightly whispering to Tick who was standing pretty close in front of him with his book still in hand.Tick shook his head and Tock thought of another."As the other people?"He said looked around at the others.Tick smiled."Maybe,it'll be very tricky here though..."Tock nodded,"Yea...Umm...Guards?"He shrugged his shoulders as he asked,not so sure about this one.Tock thought for a second."Maybe that too...It'd come with more advantages..."

"And the more advantages the better,right?"

"Exactly,so That might work a lot better,but more of a pain if we got caught..."

"True...But ether way it'll be a pain if we get caught."Tick smiled and Tock nodded in agreement also with a smile.
He put the chair back up where he had fallen earlier and walked around filling his plate with desserts,and saw her in her seat he walked in front of her "I just wanted to thank you because I don't know what I would do with out you here." Toa walked away to look around for somewhere to eat his snacks but just ended up standing.
Eternity sighed at seeing Toa get only more food. "Is he ever filled?" She crossed her arms over she chest, looking around at all the other faces but still seeming to come back to his. Eternity stop being stupid and focas on possable disasters waiting to happen! She did just as she told herself, trying to focas on anything but Toa at the time.
He finished all of his dessert and gave the plate to one of the maids. He walked over to the fire and looked around to see if anyone was watching then looked towards the fire and took the fire into his mouth distinguishing the fire. He turned around nonchalantly his body seeming to have a glow to it like fired bronze. He walked back to the food table getting some more food and sitting down at the table to eat it.
Well, Eternity couldnt help but notice him now. Her mouth just dropped in pure amazment that he was getting MORE food. Did he every stop?! It baffled her, maybe elementals had to eat more then the usual person, but if he would stop eating for one second and actual bother with socializing with the other royals, maybe he would find someon he liked.
He looked up at the ceiling not knowing what to do now " am I suppose to find anyone better than her." He finished his food and stood up. He walked over to one of the princesses and tried to talk to her. She walked away before he could get out a single word to her. He clenched his fist so hard that blood started drip on the floor sizzling. He walked away back to the table and picked up his fork accidentally melting it. He picked it up but it burned before her got it to his mouth.
"Who then?"Tock asked now seeming a bit more excited."Well,someone that isn't here but could be....Have we met any other guards that aren't here?"Tick looked around at the guards standing around,seeing who was here."Check your book..."Tick said as he came over and pulled Tock's book down to where both could see and flipped through it."See any that aren't here?"He flipped through slowly as he looked at each page."...No...They all seem to be here at the time so far."Tick sighed as he held the book up with both hands as Tock flipped though.

John stood with his back leaning on a wall and his arms crossed as he looked around the room,he had been standing there quietly the whole time.Staying quiet so he wouldn't be noticed,he rather just watch without everyone knowing he was there.Dean was on the opposite side also watching everyone quietly until he was needed.
Eternity gave a long sigh, it looked like the hot head got mad again. She hopped he would making a fuss over it and just try and calm down because she had just got back inside and wanted to see how everyone was doing. Her eyes caught a new gaurd, why hadnt she noticed him before. Maybe she just ignored his existance like the other gaurd, it was odd that she missed him after the many times her eyes scanned the room. She shrugged, it didnt matter much anyways, she was thinking usless things just because she was bored, that was unacceptable to her. From then on she kept her attention strictly on the royal bloods.
He calmed himself down eventually and sat alone by the door watching the people walk around. He started writing on the wall a message with a hand that was very hot. You could read what it said if you put your hand on the hand. However the hand was burning hot.
Eternity nodded to Toa and continued her visual sweep of the children around her. She would have to ask on of the gaurd that have been here longer if they would be staying the night or if this was a one time thing. If so she would probably have to watch over love sick princesses want to escape to their love. How troubiling for her... it only brought sickness to her stomach thinking about how many of those royals would sneak out at night. She of course would have to be like a mother and watch over them, which again, was such a bother.
Annie blushed but nodded taking Rylan's hand. She was very good at dancing from growing up in an elf kingdom, so she wasn't that nervous.

Breena watch as Toa and Eternity ran out of the ballroom a bit worried but stayed to talk to Liza and Az. She smiled at them after hearing they weren't mad and said, "I'm glad." She noticed Az looking at Amilia and watched as Liza encouraged her brother to go. As he walked over Beena smiled at Liza as she said, "You're both shy aren't you?"
John suddenly chuckled as he watched the 'children',he was thinking to himself about how all this will go along.In his head he imaged this all going terribly wrong for most of them,some seemed to be doing fine though.He never cared for this kind of stuff,even when he was there age he was more into practicing his fighting skills.
He walked over to Eternity and stared into her eyes. "I can't get you out of my head even though I've hardly been around you."

"Even though you arent a princess. You have made me awestruck and your beauty is so radiant that its even hotter than the hottest volcano. Your eyes shine brighter than the stars and you've drilled your way into my brain and heart. You've made something explode in me that nobody has ever been able to do before." He stopped for a moment "Your incomparable to anyone here"
Eliza nodded and smiled slightly "Yes, I was never allowed out of the castel only to tge village and heavilly guarded, Az ...? shy is just Az" she ied slightly and she laughed an said " Well acording to mother and father our personallities got jumbled see i have an opinon and like it to be heard."

Rylan placed his arm on her waits and laced their fingers together as they danced around the ball room "My compliments to your dancing, Annie" H said
Breena smiled looking around the room noticing four boys who hadn't talk to anyone still, Tick, Tock, Nikolai and Chris. It was weird for her to not see Chris talking to anyone though, since she actually grew up around the rediculous prince. Her mother work for his parents and when Breena was old enough she became his maid, but they were more like brother and sister. Breena didn't even act like a maid around him. She looked at Lucy again finally and smiled again as she said, "Sorry I got distracted for a minute, but I think it's interesting that your brother is the shy one. That doesn't happen much, does it?"

Annie smiled proudly as she nodded. "In my kingdom dancing, music, and all that is a big thing. We even celebrate before we go to war."

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