Forced To Be

((sorry for the late reply. Meh. >_<))

Nikolai rolled his eyes, glaring down at the maid. "Yes, that's smart. Send the dangerous, bloodthirsty vampire to dance with what looks like the most helpless princess here." How stupid. He sighed heavily, but decided he might as well just dance with the girl and get it over with. Hopefully if he acted dreadful enough she would not take interest in him. He wasn't here to find love like his parents wished. Why did he need to be married to rule his kingdom anyway?!

He approached the small princess, his strong build towered over her, making her seem even more fragile. She really is lovely, He found himself thinking. He stopped the thoughts immediately. He held out his hand to her, working to make his voice sound detached and uninterested, "Would you join me in a dance, Princess Eliza?"
Eliza saw him glare at Breena and sheshook her head slightly and as he began to talk to her her nerves faded, she found she really didnt care, he seemed not to either "I would, thankyou" she said in a calm voice now talking to someone a male at that she found talking to him was really no problem she put in "With no disrespect, I would apreciate if you showed at least a little kindness towards my friend, Being born in a lower class does not meam she is a horrible person" Her delicate apearence really contradicted her anger and her 'fire' as her brothers called it "She is just trying to help us get out of here faster" she said flashing him a smile
He was a bit taken aback by her defensiveness toward the maid, and even more so by her dazzling smile. "I meant no disrespect, I'm just unhappy about being sent here.... And I'm not very good at controlling my anger." He admitted as he efortlessly twirled her out onto the dance floor.
Breena shook her head slightly as Nikolai walked away thinking, I'm a vampire and I haven't bit anyone yet. She sighed knowing she couldn't be rude and just walked over to Tick and Tock wanting to test something about the twins. "Hello princes, I was just wondering if one of you would be kind and go talk to that princess over there?" She gestured towards Lucy mostly looking at Tick wondering if he was the kinder twin. She hoped he would go thinking Tock would most likely not.
Eliza smiled an laughed again as he dress swirled up around her, for a moment, to her it was a blur of silver and red "Emotions can be tricky" she said glancing at her twin as they danced and shaking her head "I've read a lot on that, Az used to have problems, although it was more all of the pressure put on him. " She sighed and rolled her shoulders "I have been the victim of peoples anger, it wasnt even me they were angry at. Directing your anger at the wrong people can be . . . fatal" she said a little faint, she was remembering the terrible thing that evil man (No, not R***) had done to her, in front of her brothers. He was dead now, of course but the memory still haunted her. Eliza didn't care who knew her story, If people called her weak or hated her for it, she was a victim and people should know that nobles and upperclassmen men were capable of what filthy murders on the streets were.
(this is way overdue, hope I can still join in)

Gloria looked out the window of the carriage, she waslate and she knew it, it was one of her specialties. she didn’t want to takemuch notice of the maid Zakir sitting in front of her, but she couldn't helpit, she just kept talking and talking. "it's rude to be late don't youthink?" she asked Zakir, when she didn't get an answer from the maid she'dtaken it as victory, no one ever talks back to her, especially Zakir but havinggotten orders from her father Zakir could now say whatever she wanted "hismajesty gave me direct orders himself to make sure you didn't try to run andthat's exactly what I've done, I may be old and at a much lower rank that youprincess, but I know what my are duties" Gloria turned back to staring outthe window "if you know your duties then you should know your place andthat it is nowhere near mine" the carriage had stopped just as Zakri wasabout to cry, but even after she got out of the carriage she didn't cry, she'dgrown up with this child and even though her words may have brought great painto her, she was there and would always be, she has suffered much more than herhopefully one day she'll really know why.

Gloria jumped out of the carriage with her long green cotton cape brushing thefloor and her hood that she had just put over her covering her eyes, her topwent down to her shoulders and looked like it really tight her but she was verycomfortable, her skirt touch the floor making it impossible to see her legs."why did he have to send me here anyway?" she said looking to at thestairs that basically lead to her doom "because it is what is best foryou" Zakri said as she gave her last formal bow and goodbye to thePrincess "Why look so sad Zakri, are you missing my aching words already? Smilefor me one last time will you please just for luck?" Zakri didn't take thePrincess last wish for her as an order but something she would have doneanyway.

Gloria had turned around to see Zakri's last smile for her, and she felt aloneagain, as she heard the wheels of the carriage get softer and softer until shecould no longer hear them. She could now try to avoid this situation but therewere guards everywhere, so she just decided to follow orders for once, it tookher a while to, to find where the other princes and princesses were. Some wherestanding in the corners by themselves and some were actually dancing or talkingto each other. She felt too tired to have to be doing this right now and wantedto go to bed, it had been a very very long ride from her kingdom. she walked tothe dance floor hoping to see someone she at least recognized but the odds werenot with her.
'How could he have donethis' she thought. She was alone again, just like always.
(Of course you can still join. I also want to say there's no extra princes and princesses that no one plays just you guy. Makes it less complicated for me cause I'm weird like that ^-^)

Breena noticed Gloria walk into the ballroom and smiled toward Tock. "And would one of you mind asking the princess that just came in to dance?"
Kaleo looked at leo "I got Bandit

From the woods out side the castle.

he was hurt, both his back legs broken."

She sighed and smiled up at Leo.

"I like the woods" she fashed him her fangs

"They are quiet and calming. I

dont know i just love it there"

She sighted again and took a sip of her

Rylan nodded "I regected all the bimbos my father aproved of" he told her looked aroumd and shrugged h wasnt sure if they were allowed but he nodded "Sure." he stood and held his hand out for her to take. He pulled her up gently and kept hi had and hers laced together.
Annie blushed slightly and smiled as she walked to outside. "I wonder if they have a garden here." She looked around outside and wasn't sure they could be outside either, but what harm could it do? They have guards everywhere.
Rylan smiled, she truly did look beautiful when she blushed and he guided her out the door, if they wernt allowed someone would inform them surley. He lead her over to the fountain and sat on tge edge and said "Its beautiful over here
Annie sat next to him and nodded looking around. "It is beautiful." She smiled as her cat Jinx came out of nowhere and jumped onto her lap. "I thought I left you at home?" she asked Jinx but the cat just ignored her curling up on her lap.
Rylan held his hand out for jinx to sniff and smiled "Cats are sneaky" he laughed and pat the cat gently "Of course, they are unbareabbly cute" he grinned and said "But apearences can be deseiving
Annie laughed as she said, "You have no idea." Jinx made an annoyed meow as if saying whatever. Annie laughed again and just kept petting her.
Nikolai tilted his head in question of Eliza's somberness, but he didn't press the subject. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable. Why not? He wondered, wasn't my goal to be as rude as possible so as not to draw her to me? Why should I care about her feelings? He mulled these thoughts over as they spun and swayed gracefully on the dance floor. He had to scare her off, he would NOT obey his fathers wishes. He opened his mouth to speak an insult, but instead what came out was: "Are you hungry at all? Thirsty?" He fought the urge to smack himself. Being cold and cruel always came so easily.... what was wrong with him, he was loosing his touch!
Eliza noticed he seemed to be having an internal battle and laughed slightly, he looked angry at himself, like Az did when he did something wrong, she knew the expressions well. At his question she shook her head "No, I ate on the way, i wasn't sure what was going to happen so i ate about an hour ago" she said smiling at him once again. He had quite the height difference on her, she had always been a little short and her brothers towered over her. They joked that when she was angry she looked like a little kitten, but in truth when she was angry, they were scared of her.
Alyx looked up darkly from the side of the room, she had no intention whatsoever toget to know an of these Princes.

She traced her heel lightly in a figure of eight on the floor and prodded at her fangs with her tongue lightly.

Alyx noticed a little commotion in the middl of the room and smirked. She pushed herself off from the wall and started

gracefully gliding over to them.
Eternity's face slowly shaded to a deep red, and she stared at him for a moment before looking at the ground. " Y-you need to focas on finding a princess. This is merely a little puppy crush and you will soon get over it, trust me. There are plenty of worthy princesses, you should at least give them a chance, rather then eat I mean..." Though seeing the Prince already fled off she hit herself with her hand, metal scolding herself. Honor stared at his master in almost pure amazment. He had never seen this side of her before, a bit frightening to him.

Leo looked up from the dog, "Would you like to go out into the woods near here? I know we arnt suppose to leave but Im sure if we are together they wont really care." He didnt even think twice about her fangs, he had seen so many creatures in his time it because natrual to see a princess that was slightly different. He gave her a smile and awaited her awnser.
Circling, the prince and Princess, Alyx sensed something not

quiet right about them. Theres was... something. She hissed

quietly and narrowed her eyes slightly as a new smell came

to her nose, it smelt of lemon and something else... was that?

It was blood. Blood and lemon. Alyx sniffed the air and stroked

her fangs with her silky tongue.

Deciding to do before she could change her mind, Alyx walked

straight up to the Prince, he was kneeling by a puppy, and looking

up at the Princess. "What's going on" she asked, voice like butter.

Alyx raised one eyebrow and quickly licked her bottom lip, getting

rid of a trace of blood. She stood right in front of him, black and

red dress swirling at her feet.
Brady looked at the clock up on the wall to see what time it was a proceeded to walk outside and to the back of the mansion. He made a giant circle with three symbolism splitting it into thirds. He sat in the middle of the circle chanting as flames came from the symbols.
Eternity sighed, feeling like a mother to this prince. She looked to the other gaurd who was in the room with her and nodded to him as if saying 'Look after these children while Im gone' and sprinted out. She found her way to the back of the mansion, and placed her hands on her hips, watching him for a little before letting her loud voice burst into his concentration "You cant just sit still like I ask cant you?" Honor shook his head at the prince before wrappin his head uner his wing to try and rest while Eternity worked this issue out.
He ignored her until he finished his chant stepping out of the circle and releasing his hands as a pillar of fire came from the circle and out came another Hawaiian man and woman with flecks of gray in their hair stepped out "Mother...father welcome to this worthless place you sent me to." The man spoke "Oh shut up you would have to get married eventually." He walked toward his parents quietly talking about Eternity with them "Do you see her?" They all took a moment to look at her continued talking.
Eternity stood up straight, these were real royals! She instantly bowed out fo respect to their position, she had only met a few but they were all human! If they thought she was rude or not taking care of her son they would probably roast her. She was about to speak up, but refrained, thinking it was the smartest play to just stay quiet until they asked for her to give her opinon. Honor was still asleep ontop of her shoulder, not even realizing there was high ranked beings infront of him.
The man spoke again "She doesn't look like a princess...she's not even wearing a dress." He said circling her and coming back to the group then the woman said "She doesn't even look like she could cook." All of their eyes were glowing like burning coals and Toa spoke "Your right she doesn't look like a princess...she looks even better she's even hotter than we are even the sun succumbs to her beauty." He stopped for a moment and continued "Lots of the girls in there look to stuck up to even try to cook."
Breena noticed Toa and Eternity left the room again and went outside to find them. Once she found them talking with Toa's parents she started getting worried. Breena hesitantly walked up to the group and asked, "Is there something the matter?" She looked from Toa to his parents.

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