Forced To Be

Honor, who had been flying outside this whole time, descended upon Toa,landing gracfully on his shoulder. He looked down at his wound, giving a small twitter noise from the back of his throat. He always created this sound when he was intrested or confused. In this scenerio, he was both.
Toa looked at his chest as the blue started spreading when Honor flew onto his shoulder "Hey...I'm weak aren't I? Couldn't even protect the woman of my dreams..." He said in a sad tone as he gasped again from the pain ,falling to his knees straining to push the blue back. That part of his body just felt cold.
Honor gave a loud caw, a signal to his partner to come. Eternity, being a good human, came to her bird. Though what surprised her was the sight of Toa dieing, again. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, helping him stand "Your always in some type of trouble." Her tone was playful when she said that though, as if possably gaining feelings for this prince, she had to check up on him every 5 seconds so it is highly possable. "You said something about Core Heat before, what is that?"
Breena sighed and shook her head. She was pretty confused herself and just went with it. She went to the doors to leave the ballroom and looked around at the royals. She needed to get their attention. "Excuse me everyone," she started making her voice loud and clear, "I think it's time we got you all your rooms and started explaining more about this match-making plan. First of all you can go outside, but you have to stay on castle ground and there has to be a guard outside to watch you. I also want to tell you that you'll be here for a year if you don't find someone, and after you find someone you think you might like you'll only be here for three more days to make sure your sure about that person. Also after that year is up and you still haven't found somebody your parents will decide what happens with you." Breena stopped for a moment to let it sink in. She looked around and noticed John looking around wondering what was going on but ignored him for the moment to say, "That is all I have to tell you, if you have any questions you can ask me. Now if you'll follow me upstairs to find your rooms." Breena opened the doors and waited for the royals to walk over to her then walked up some stairs near the ballroom to a hallway of doors that lead to rooms that all looked exactly the same. "Before you pick your room, there is one rule, siblings rooms have to be three rooms away from each other."
He smiled at her " I haven't been able to try this before." He took one of her hands and placed it on the blue feeling very cold. His eyes turned like burning coals and he spoke a strange word as his chest started to return to its normal color not hurting her. He wasn't holding her hand on his chest anymore. "Core heat is something that comes from the heart."
Eternity stared at him for a while before hearing at Breena had to say. "I will escort you to the hall, you should get some sleep. It has been a big day for you, and for me as well." She walked back into the palace, followed Breena's footsteps until she was at the hall with the countless bedrooms to choose from. She then turned around and awaited for Toa to meet her at this point. She couldnt help but stare at her hand while he still wasnt here, it made her face turn a brilliant scarlet. Oh no...have I...Grown feelings to a client!?
He walked up to where she was and cocked his side "There are so many am I suppose to just choose one?" He said not yet looking at her face when it was bright yet as he looked around with pure amazement. He continued walking forward and turned around to see her red finally running back to her putting his hand on her forehead "Are you feeling okay you look like your getting sick?"
She shook her head, it returning to its normal color. "Im fine, and yes you must pick one. There are plenty and dont worry they all meet the requirments of a royal." She walked down the hall, waiting for him to choose a room. "Like Breena said, you will stay here for a year and if you have not found a princess by then, then your parents decide what to do with you from there. Oh yes, and honor will stay in your room to keep a eye on you. After you accident with your parents and you almost die, I dont want to take any chances"
He took the room closest to where they were standing "What standards are you talking about and I'm not going to a find a princess...but I'd love to make a princess. So I'll train till I can beat that man and he lets me choose." He opened his door and put his arm out for the bird and started to close the door "...thank you for everything wahine."
he smiled up at him and nods her head.

"That sounds so much better than

sitting here doing nothing." She

whispered to Bandit and he took off

out side. She stood looking over at him.

"You comming?" she made her way over

to the door and sneaks out into the

darkness waiting on Leo.
Honor, swited from Eternity's shoulder to Toa's arms. Eternity couldn't help but give him the satisfaction of a smile. "You shouldnt go up against your father, at least not here. You are endagering more lives then you know. Not to mention your mother kind of scares me and I think its best if she doesnt come back here and tell princesses who is suitable for child bearing..." A small laugh escaped her lips before she left to gaurd the front gates. Her job inculded manys nights of no rest once so ever, esspecsially now that they were so low on gaurd staff.

Leo followed the princess, until he was standing outside next to her. "The grounds of this palac are quite beautiful." He held out his arm for her take a hold of. "It would be my pleasure to show you around." He was finally trying to act all princey, just mainly as a joke and partly to try and impress his new found friend.
Toa sat on his bed and put honor on the back of a chair. Toa started talking to Honor "Does she know what some of the other people here are? I'm more afraid for her than them..." A tear started rolling down his cheek "but I don't want to marry any of these princesses...I'm in love with your master...I want to make her my princess." He laid down in bed with his arms behind his head.
Chris sighed relieved that he could finally go to his room and sleep. He didn't have to follow Breena he just walked to the hall and to the door at the very end of the hallway. He went into his room without a word. He was going to wait for the rest to find their rooms before he went to bed though.

Annie heard Breena from outside. "Guess it's time to go in," she said to Rylan as she made Jinx get off her lap and got up. She waited for Rylan to get up before she followed the rest upstairs.
Rylan Nodded and got up, smiling at her and walking next to her again up the stiars. He sighed and said "I wonder whats next, I am so tired" he rubbed his eyes, a grin still on his face. He had had a long day, only being informaed of this trip early this morning and having to rush to get ready
Kaleo laughed a bit as she took his arm.

They walked down a quiet cobble stone

walk way leading to the forest up ahead.

Bandit popped his head out of a bush

and barked. Kaleo nodded her head and

Bandit took of again. She looks up at Leo

"Wow... This is way better than in side

the ball room." She smiles and looks away

"Hopefully no one sees we are gone"
He nodded, a smile still across his face "Yes I hope so too. Though with all the others it would be quite difficult to keep track of all of them. The fresh air feels good..." Leo tilted his head up to the sky, seeing that the stars were showing their bright, sparkily faces. "It is getting late, would you still like to stay out here? Or get some rest and explore the grounds tommorrow? Either way Im fine as long as I have your company." It took him a little while to realize what he just said, and just as he caught it a blush started to form across his face. Leo didnt mean for his words to come out that way, and he hoped she would take it the wrong way, Princesses can be very eamn when someone is flirting with them, he only hoped not to get slapped.
She smiled and looked around. "I

don't mind where we go I'm just bored.

" She paused looking back at

the building. "I wonder where we will

be sleeping
" She shook her head and

took off her flats. She tossed them aside

and took off running into the woods.

She giggled looking back at Leo "I

hope you can catch up
" She ran

behind a few trees and disappeared

out of Leo's sight.
Leo started to panic, if he lost her this would be bad. She would be all alone ut in the woods. He ran after her, his tux slowly getting tron by outstanding twigs and thorns on the way. "Princess wait up!" he yelled, still trying to catch up. He wasnt much of a active person, he was more a thinker or one that would stay inside and read a book. The forest actually frightened him at night, there were so many mysterious creatures and occurances that could happen while he spent his time searching for Kaleo.
Alyx's lip twitched, she felt a couple of life forces leave the massive

ballroom. Smiling faintly to herself, she ran, super-speed like a blur,

deep into the Forest, where she pricked up her ears for the sound

of royals. Soon enough, she found one. So she ran a few meters

and stood right in front of him, less that a center-meter away. Alyx

stood deathly still. 'Well, she was a vampire' Alyx thought. "You

shouldn't be out this late at night... Nasty creature come out to

play..." She smirked and her fangs showed slightly.
Kaleo jumped from tree to tree not

making a sound. She drops from a

tree and lightly lands on Leo's back.

She made sure she didn't make him

fall. She giggled in his ear "Gotcha"
Leo had to jam his heels into the ground to stop from running to the girl that had stopped infront of him. He tilted his head up at Kaleo and then returned his gaze back to the stranger. "W-who are you?" Was all he could really say. he didnt know if this girl came to the mansion or if she wandered the forests. The only thing he did know is if this girl meant harm to Kaleo he would have to put a end to her life.
Toa awoke in his bed looking up in the ceiling not being able to stop thinking about Eternity. He rolled over and fell onto the ground catching himself. He began doing push ups continuing as sweat started falling off his brow. Toa finally flipped over and started doing crunches looking up at Honor. Toa stood up and made his way to pound floating around in the water.
Kaleo glared at the other girl

flashing her fangs at her. "Why

don't you run along" She said

while on Leo's back. "He's not

alone He's with me" she growled

at the girl. She jumped off Leo's

back and pulled him along away

from the girl.
Alyx purred contently as the girl lead her prey away. "Alyx. Alyx Nather."

she sped past him, leaving a breeze and a mark on his arm, a crimson

serphant. The mark of the chosen.
Leo looked at Kaleo, going where she wanted him to. "Kaleo? You okay?" He stopped dead in his tracks when the breeze flew by. He noticed the bright red mark on his arm, but decided not to show Kaleo, it would probably only make her worry. "Hey are you okay Kaleo? That girl did nothing wrong okay, you should get so upset..." He tried to make that sound the kindest as possable, not wanting to make her even more irritated.

Honor followed his client, only allowing about 5 feet from him and Toa. The bird was just as serious about his job as Eternity was. He ruffled his feathers and gave a soft caw to the prince, as if to say Don give up. The bird was smarter then most thought, he knew that this prine was porbably one of the best things for his partner, even if Eternity tried not to think so.

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