Forced To Be

Toa kissed her quickly and let go as he started walking back to the large building. He looked down at his hands because he had never felt like this but he still looked the same he wasn't sure what happened.
Eternity's heart skipped a beat or perhaps two. She was expecting such a thing to occur to the likes of her. Her head drooped down so that her hair covered her blushing face and she walked up next to him, leading him to a hallway almost similar to the royal's "Pick a room..." Her voice was softer and more frail then ussual. "You should get some rest, Im sure changing like that is exhasting."
Toa looked at her hanging her head and lifted her head lightly. "Come on now I'm sure everyone will want to see this pretty face you shouldn't hide it." He brushed the hair out of her eyes "plus I just want to be around you."
Eternity sighed and smiled at him "Just pick a room please..." It felt that he was actually below her now. She would still probably have to watch after him but now she didnt have to think of him as a stuck up prince. "I have to go down and Gaurd the entrance, you are welcome to do whatever you please because your not a prince anymore. You are even allowed to go off the property when you wish, you dont even have to stay here anymore. Like I said before do as you wish." She turned around and walked back to the entrance of the mansion, looking almost like a statue. She no longer had those thoughts clouding her judgment, she still had Toa but it was better for her that he wasnt a prince.
Toa chose the closest room again and the went back outside into the water,as soon as he entered the water his skin turned gray and he grew sharp pointy rows of teeth. He grew a dorsal fin and pectoral fins on his biceps. He swam around in the water already feeling stronger. Toa started to move the water just as easily as the magma and got an idea. He made the water blast into the air forming words and a heart saying 'I Love You Eternity'
Eternity stared at the shooting water, her mouth hanging wide open. She gave herself a facepalm, she almost walked to the pond but refrained. She stood perfectly still beyon that point, yet again ressembaling a statue, protecting its perimeter from any harm or threat. Her eyes were starting to get sleepy, she hadn't had much rest in a few days once recieve this job and she had finally been broken down past her hard exterior. All this was new and simply life draining for her.
Toa got out of the water immidiatly turning back to his normal form. He started walking back in and saw Eternity looking tired, he walked in and grabbed a chair sitting it beside her. He picked her up and sat her in the chair and started to massage her shoulders. "Don't worry about guarding just calm down ill make sure nothing bad happens he said in a soft voice. He continued to massage her getting a sensitive spot on the neck known to tickle but calming.
Eternity looked up at him, her eyes wide open now from surprise. She didnt say anything, she just kept her neck bent back and stared at him. Her eyes looked almost childish, as well as the rest of her face. Eternity didnt really grasp what was going on, He is always around me... she kept thinking to herself. But now that she has grown feelings for him, it really did seem so bad.
He smiled down at her and cocked his head to the side "I'll always be here for you,because I love being around you." He put out some water from his hands to lubricate the surface of her skin but not wet her cloths. He continued massaging her shoulders trying to make her less stiff. Then lightly dragging his fingers along her neck and cheeks.
She couldnt help but let out a giggle, "This feels so awkward you realize this yes?" She stood up and turned around to face him, "And Im fine dont worry. I have spent more days then this without sleep, so i can handle anything out here....well...almost anything" She thought back to the fight of Toa and his father, not really wanting to bring up such fresh memories directly.
He smiled "Awkward I don't see this as awkward I see this as calming,and you may be fine but you shouldn't have to do it." He smiled a little larger "but I could make it awkward." He started tickling her sides and put his head on her shoulders.
Eternity was extremly tickilish, she couldnt help but twitching and jumping around, pushing him away while she laughed uncontroably. "No! No! Stop it!" Unable to stand anymore, she fell to her knees, holding her sides that started to hurt by now. "Ow...Stop haha Ow!"
He quite tickling her and kissed her cheek. "Got a ticklish girl here do we?" He smiled at her sweetly. " You have a beautiful laugh." He sat on the ground beside her and made mist come from his hand and the sun made it a rainbow an he kissed her again under the rainbow.
Eternity stared at the rainbow before her gaze was looked at Toa, who was kissing her! Her heart was just about to fly away when he did this, Part of her wanted to kiss back, and then part of her want to slap him. Instead she kept her stance, letting him kiss her as he wished. After a while of that she broke the kiss and looked at him, smiling halfway. "You may not be a prine anymore but you still have the charm don't you?"
He smiled at her "I like to think so." He stood up "I guess I'll let you get back to your job. I'm going back to my room you can even join me if you really want." He winked at her and smiled giving a little laugh "See you later wahine."
She stood up, and actually followed him this time. She wanted to talk to him more, to actually hold a conversation with him maybe. The only thing she said on the trip was "My name is Eternity, Not wahine..." She kept her foot steps close to his, only a foot or two seperating their distance.
"Your right its not Eternity is better,Wahine isn't a name it's a fact." He continued walking until they were on the stairs and he stopped and looked towards her.
She stopped in her tracks and stared at Toa, tilted her head ot the side. "Whats wrong?" She looked back him and up at the stair case. "Why did you stop?" She kept shifting her wait, looking over his shoulder with each switch.
"Oh nothing I just could have sworn an angel was just following me..." He continued walking "...I was wrong,she was a goddess." He made it to his room and waited for her at the door.
Breena was in the hallway next to his door. She looked stress and had her fangs out to indicate she was also hungry. "Eternity why is Toa in this hall and not the royals hallway? And why are you following him like a puppy dog when three princes and two princesses are missing?" Breena almost hissed needing blood and being worried and annoyed all at once.
Alyx walked noisilly past the room with the two in, smirking

and banging on the door, but not stopping she had lost her

kill. Alyx was angry. But Alyx would return. She would.
Breena sighed as she said, "One princess missing. Eternity will you please go search the forest for them? I'm going to get some blood then check around the castle." She sighed again going to the kitchen and getting blood the king got for Breena since she started working for Chris. She didn't know where the king got it but was sure it was animal blood but she didn't know for sure.
Kaleo looked up to Leo. a light

smile forming across her lips as

her hands rested on Leo's

chest. She breathed in his

sent and looked down at his

neck. looking at it she mentally

slapped herself thinking about

drinking from some one she

finely clicked with. She looked

back up at him and smiled sweetly.
John and Dean stayed in the first room they had all been in,Dean would have left but he got caught by John and was asked to stay and look for the ones missing. Dean never saw anyone leave before they were allowed and John could confirm that,so the two had to be in here since John didn't see them when everyone left as well. But John and Dean had checked the whole room and no one was around,something wasn't right but neither of them could figure out what.

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