Forced To Be

"Goodnight" Leo leaned down and gave her a kiss on the forhead before continuing further down the hall to pick his room out of the many doors. He finally picked one, it was one of the ones at the end of the hall. When he creeked open the door, his breath was taken from the room. It was amazing! The furniture was not bloodstained and the floors not tattered from weapons. Of course this is what his war passioned family's palace was like, it was a major shock to someone who had grown up around that all his life.
she entered her room

and closes the door

softly. She sighs and

sits at the window

looking down into the

This was here chance. He was

alone. Alyx swifty walked up the stone

staired and saw him, entering his room. Alyxwalked to the end of the corridor and waitedfor him to sleep.
Breena followed Toa and smiled when Kaleo and Leo went to find rooms. "Thanks for getting them to finally go to a room. You can go get some sleep we can talk about a job for you in the morning." She smiled at him then went to make sure if all princes and princesses were finally in a room. Alyx was still not in a room from what she could tell and Tick and Tock was still missing. She sighed and went to the ballroom to see if John or Dean had any luck finding the twins.
John and Dean were now just sitting there in the room by the wall in some chairs they pulled up.They had checked everywhere in this room and had moved everything around.They still couldn't find the twins,they had still kept an eye out so they couldn't leave ether.There has to be something they don't know about them,because they don't seem to just be hiding.John noticed Breena and just shrugged his shoulders as Dean waved.
Kaleo walked out of her room and

seen Alyx. She made a growling

sound and sat outside Leos door.

She watched Alyx not letting her

eyes trail off the girl. She waited

till she heard heavy breathing and

she entered Leo's room while he

slept. She sat in a chair across the

room from his bed and watched him.
"It's as if there not here,and trust me we've checked everywhere...."Dean had jumped up from his seat and sighed as looked around."Isn't there information on everyone somewhere?There must be something we don't know about these two that's making it so hard of us to find them.."John asked Breena as he stood up as well.
Alyx smiled sweetly as the Princess passed.

When she shut the door, though, her face turned

sour. she would pay for protecting her prey.

They would all pay.ggggg

Instead, alyx enered her own black rohom,

sat swathed in black silk, and thought

about her past.

When alyx was born, her real parents,

humans, hated her. They had abandoned

her, left her in the forest for the wolves to

eat her. 'Evil' they had called her,

'the Devil.' So, before abandoning her,

they had tried to get the devil out.

They had seen her teeth, so they cut them off.

Alyx licked her fangs. fake.

"We do have files on everyone. I'll get the one for the twins for you guys." She walked to a room full of files and got the one on the Tick and Tock. She started to go through it trying to find something that might help them.
John looked through the files,most of it was just normal information and didn't help at thee time. But then he read the last page and got what they had missed," Grab the everything and start breaking it." John blurted out without explaining anything. Dean just stared at him as iff he was crazy," What!?" He had no idea what John was thinking.
John smiled."Everything,just break it."He faced the page he had read at them and held on finger to his lips.There was a letter pinned to it,it read:

To Ms and Mr.Collen,

Tick & Tock's abilities have grown rapidly,now being about to change anything about them.

You must watch them now for this could become a risk to both of them,

If something goes wrong or one seems to be heading the wrong way

please inform me.

From your dear friend,

Dr. Rink

P.s,You better find a way to tell them from,well,everything else.

Behind the letter was a form of medical information that stated Tick and Tock's ability to shape shift,showing the fact that this wasn't common in the family and they saw it as a sickness at first.John figured they had hidden among the items in the room and knew if they had started threatening that they would begin breaking the things the twins would not sit back and be broken.Dean smiled,now getting this 'plan' of Johns."Ahhh,Alright."

Breena was understanding the 'plan'also and nodded. "Before you start destroying all the king and queen's things I would start with the things that don't seem like they're in the right place," she suggested looking around the room.
John looked around the room,they had placed everything where it was before when they checked around so nothing was moved much.So all they had to do was look for something they never noticed when everyone got here,two things that don't belong might be hard since it's only two out of all the stuff in here.Dean noticed right away something off when he actually knew what he was looking for,Two tall foot lamps stood on both sides of the room.Dean didn't care for light so he pays attention to these things,before he had stood not to far from the spot where one of the lamps were since it wasn't lit up like the rest of the room.He smiled and he walked over to one of the lamps,pointing at it he said,"I can break this right?"
Alyx started at a souns, then sunk back into her bitter


Her parents had cut her fangs off, and cut her to try and

remove the devil. Alyx, being one, screamed and almost died.

However, she didnt and they abandoned her. She was bought

up by a King and Queen, and taught the rulles of Darkness.

Right now, outside the Prince's room, Alyx couldn't help

the two salty tears sliding down her face. All Alyx wanted

was love. And she might have just lost it. She looked

helplessly at the door. She had to be strong. The Vampire

King and queen had punished her for being weak.

Alyx pictured the angry red scars she knew were on her

pale skin. She wiped away her tears and put on a face like


The Chosen One Was Her Love.
Kaleo walked to Leo's bed side.

He looked so peaceful and happy

as he slept. She sits on the edge

of the bed looking at him. She

lightly places her hand on his

cheek and smiles. "You're so

cute" she whispered at him.
Breena watch Dean walk over to the lamp. She knew the Queen didn't like the lamps anyway so it wouldn't hurt to break them. She nodded to Dean and said, "Yeah, go ahead a break it."
Dean chuckled as John turned and got the other lamp when Dean also grabbed the one next to him."break yours at the same time,ready?"Dean wondered what they'd do now,would they let Dean and John break them?Or freak out which was the more obvious one,ether way Dean was having fun.He held the lamp sideways aiming to break it on his leg while John just held it up,figuring he'd snap it in half."Three,two..."Dean started counting and as he expected he heard a "Stop!"But not from what he thought it'd come from.It came from Tock who was kneeling on the ground,he had been a chair but Tick who was now in John's hands wasn't so lucky.Dean set his lamp down and smiled as he slightly leaned on it."Ha."Then Tock came and ran to him,tackling him down."That's not funny!"John held Tick now in his arms since Tick had clung to him as he shook in fear,John imagined his position and saw it as normal so be scared after almost being snapped in half.
Leo awoke to being touched and spoken to by Kaleo. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, followed by a giant yawn. "Kaleo?...What are you doing? Why are you in my room?" He wasnt exactly one to be disturb in a sleep but didnt mind as much since it was her. He jumped out of bed and opened his blinds, turning back to Kaleo still with a confused expression slapped on his face. "Did you knock? Sorry if you did Im kinda a heavy sleeper..."
Kaleo just smiled and

stood up. "Im keeping

watch because of what

happened in the forest."

she looked down felling

wrong about entering his

room. "I didnt want her

to hurt you."
Breena looked at the twin princes surprised, she didn't think that Dean's plan would work as fast as it did. She walked up beside Dean and looked down at Tock. "What were you guys thinking? We were so worried." She looked at Tick shaking in fear and sighed. "Come on you two lets just get you to your rooms and let you sleep."
Alyx was still sitting outside

the princes door, looking wryly

out of the polished window.

She traced on the groud with her

foot and licked her fangs. She had

just gotton back from a quick spot of

hunting, and her hunger was gone, for

the minute, anyway

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