Forced To Be

Alyx pased, and swiftly walked the other way,

out of the ballroom and into the fores. She stuck

to the shadows and smiled to herself, she was

watching the marked, her prey, with someone

else, a Princess. She was acting all... Alyx didn't

know how to explain it, she had never acted like

that or seen anyoe act like it. No one in her

Kingdom hardly ever spoke to eachother.

Alyx shook herself from her daydreams

and fixed her icy glare onto the couple

once again.
After Breena finished her blood she caught Alyxa as she went outside from the ballroom to spy on Kaleo and Leo. "Where do you think your going Princess Alyx? You're suppose to be in your room not out here spying."
Alyx sad nothing for a moment, then turned to look at breena.

"i was just taing a...walk." Alyx blinked slowly and stepped out from the

tree. She said nothing more, just walked silently past breena and

winding in between the trees as a blur, dissapeared into the night.
Toa looked back at Breena and ran towards her trying to catch up with her "Princess Breena I need to talk you stopped two feet away from her.
Eternity heard Breena's command, and since the maid was in a higher position that her she nodded respectfully. "I shall find them." After her small statement she was off, she had already removed all her metal so the clacking noise wouldn't effect her tracking. She gave a almost faint whistle to the air, giving Honor the call to follow her and search from above. This was their daily routine, one looked on the ground while the other from the sky. Suddenly, Eternity knelt down, spotting foot prints indented into the soft dirt. "Hm..." She mumbled to herself and continued forward, being very silent in her movements.

Leo gave her a chuckled before hugging the princess. "So are you ready to head back now? I dont want to puch it, its just the longer we stay away the more of a chance we get in trouble." Leo wasnt one for punishment, he followed the rules like a good lad and did everything that he was told to do. Though, Kaleo made him want to break the rules he held so high in regaurd. It was strange feeling the one he was experiancing now.
She looked up at him with caring eyes.

"Leo?" she spoke softly as is someone

was watching. "C... Can you do me a

favor?" Her fangs grew a bit longer as

she kept looking at his neck and wrist.

She needed the blood. Her mouth

watered and she looked back up to his

face waiting on a reply.
Eternity finally found the two, they had ventured far into the forest. She was surprised that she found them before Honor, but after all, they were clouded by the trees. "Hey!" She reveiled herself, walking through the undergrowth that hid her form their sight. "You two need to go back to the grounds. Its dangerous out here and we dont want anyone getting hurt." Her voice was very harsh, commanding them to do as she said.

Leo was about to awnser her, not even noticing her fangs until the gaurd came in, cutting him off. "Oh! Uh! Yes Ma'am sorry!" He felt so embarassed, this ruined his reputation of following the rules and being a decent prince. "Come Kaleo, we can go hang out somewhere in the palace..."She broke away from her, not even holding her hand anymore and trudged back to the mansion grounds.

Eternity's gaze followed Leo before striking back at the Princess. "Yes please do not give me a hard time..."
"I am no longer a family has discarded me...I need a job is there any way you could hire me as a guard?" He said quietly not sure what to do "I can even get to the prince and princess right away if you wish."
Kaleo glared at the guard and

followed Leo in to the ball room

"Hey Leo..." she stopped and

looked at the ground "Im sorry

I got us in trouble" she grabed

his hand pulling him to one of

the halls "please will you help

me?" she still looked at the

ground not wanting to make

eye contact.
Leo's face faded to a bright red as his wide eyes stared down at Kaleo. "W-what? Dont be sorry okay? And Ill be dleighted to help you with anything Princess." His put on of his fingers under her chin, lifting her head to that he could see her face. "There is no need to be ashamed or embarassed for what happened if you do feel that way okay? Im just happy I got to spend a little alone time with you."

Eternity walked with them back, twisting around at the entrance to the mansion, making sure they didnt try to escape again. His mind shot back to Honor, was he still trying to search for the two children or...Her sight caught him sleeping on a tree branch and she glared at her bird. "You can be such a lazy bird at times, you do realize this correct?"
She slowly opens her mouth showing

him her fangs her eyes now deep red.

She very slowly lifts up on her tip toes

and kisses his cheek "Please..." she

whispers and kisses his neck letting her

fangs skim across his neck.
Toa shook his head and ran away from her "Ill be right back." He said before turning the corner and skidded to a stop seeing the prince and princess. "Hey pretty face,how about a nice glass of water instead?" He turned his body completely transparent just like water "I'm not sure but I don't believe that's allowed."
Leo's eyes stared down at her with a hazed expression. He didnt know what to think of this, was he really going to let her take his blood? Was she just pretending to like him to do this? His thoughter were shattered by a boy popping in and interupting. He pulled Kaleo behind him and smiled at the random passing byer, "Oh we are sorry sir. Please do exuse us..." He pulled her back into the hall way that contained their rooms, trying to rid himself of this man, he wanted to be alone with Kaleo.
She looks back up at Leo her

eyes still deep red. She ran

her tongue over her fangs.

She then places her hand over

her mouth. "Im sorry" she

mumbled through her fingers.

Her throat burned from the thirst.

She shook her head at her self

and mentally slapped herself again.

"I should have not done that." she

mumbled again.
"Its okay...We can probably get you some blood around here if we find a maid or something." Leo was starting to get concerned for her. He didnt want to get to close to her until her thrist was satisfied. "You shouldn't feel bad for what you are. Its only natural okay? So dont get down about it." he started looking around the hallway, trying to see if there was someone who could help nearby.
She pulled him to her quickly

and pressed her lips to his

neck. She hissed in his ear

"I cant wait any longer" She

pressed the tip of her fangs

to his neck and let them sink

into his skin. His warm sweet

blood flowed into her mouth

as she gently sucked. Her

hand laid on his cheek to

keep him calm. Her eyes

shut as she drank his blood.
Leo's hands clenched into fists, it was a extremley awkward sensation, being slowly drained of his blood. Yet, he felt oddly saine, he pressed his cheek against her hand, closing his eyes at well. He could feel his heart wanting to break from his chest, this was all so sudden. Leo tried to stay perfectly still for her, she may have used him for a meal but to be honest he didnt mind. As long as he could make her happy, he would let her consume every last drop of blood he contained in his body.
She pulled away and pressed

a cloth against his neck. The

blood stopped flowing and she

licked the 2 holes watching

them heal up. she looks up at

him "I...Thank you." she reaches

up on her tip toes and kisses

his lips. she hled the kiss for a

few seconds and pulled away.
His eyes got even more wide and he stared at her, rubbed the back of his head and looked away. "It was no problem really. Im glad you didnt kill me though!" He let out a awkward laugh before tugging on his ruined tux. "Are you tired at all? We havent gotten any sleep and I would be more then happy to walk you to your room." He was a little sleepy himself and after all he had been though it was probably the best idea for them both to get some rest.
she noded not letting him know she

can only sleep for a hour.

She linked her arm through

his and walked down the

hall looking for the door

that had her name.
Leo laughed at what she was doing, rubbing her head softly "The doors dont have names silly if thats what you are looking for. You just pick one." He wanted to wait for her to pick one first, it was the more polite way to go. He held her close to him, his other hand interlocked with hers that was linked with him. Even though she was going to pick first, he diecided to at leats look at the different doors. He obviously couldnt see inside but he wondered what the roomwas like, were they all the same?
She giggles and points to a

old oak door. "That one." she

walked up to it turning to him.

She puts her hands behind

her back and rocks back and

forth on her feet.

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