Forced To Be

Tock jumped up and looked as if he was going to yell,but when he saw Tick he stopped himself."Fine...."His gaze went else were,trying not to meet anyone else's.He would have been fine and would have yelled what he felt,if Tick wasn't the one to be caught.But Tock was stronger than Tick,Not just physically but mentally too,so if Tock had been caught he would have most likely gotten them into more trouble. John looked at Tock see how angry he looked,but not letting it out.He set Tick on his feet,helping support him until he found his footing and He smiled at Breena ."Come on then."

And just like magnets,once Tick was set down Tock came running over to make sure he was okay.Anything he asked was not answered with words but just a nod of the head from Tick.Dean had sat up and watched the two,having a grudge on one he figured he'd surely will pay back later.But thought having this plan and almost getting the other snapped was enough to pay it in full,so he let it go.
Breena smiled and walked upstairs with the two. Once upstairs she said, "Okay so we only have one rule, siblings rooms have to be three rooms apart." She smiled and left them to choose there rooms. She went back down to the ballroom to see what John and Dean were doing.
Tick and Tock both stared at her as if she was crazy,there was no way they were going to follow that rule. As she left they looked at the rooms,"Share one?"Tock asked and saw a good room,he was replied with one nod from Tick.They had always slept in the same room together,and every time there parent tried to fix this habit it would always end up with them both waking up in panic after have a terrible nightmare and them not being able to sleep for a week.Even now at there age it was the same cycle so they had no intention of sleeping apart or they were going to have issues staying here.One for not being able to ever have sleep and two they were pretty sure if there whole family could hear them wake up at there place,everyone here would be able to and that would not be good for them.The two slipped into a room and looked around,both smiling and then saying."Perfect."

John was getting onto Dean,before he may not have seemed it but he was very mad and shocked that he could have harmed one of the princes.He figured the lamps were just for show and not really the two,and the fact that he was the one who actually had one was even worse."That was way to risky!"He yelled at Dean in an irritated voice."Well sorry,I knew they wouldn't just sit back and wait for us to break them so why would it be a problem?"Dean snapped back at him,not seeing the deal with it."What if they didn't!?I would have..."John just couldn't picture it,That would have been terrible.
Breena looked at the two and shook her head. She understood why John was mad and he had a good point, it was very dangerous, but if it wasn't for Dean's plan they wouldn't have found the twins. She watched the two for a moment then walked and asked, "Should you guys really be fighting right now while royals are sleeping?"
Alyx heard everything.

She heard the Princess

talking to the Chosen.

She heard the two princes,

choosing their room.

She heard the servants fighting.

She stood from her perch and glided down

the staires, black hair flying. Alyx stood by the fighting

servants, not sayig a word
Breena looked at Alyx, she couldn't believe she was still up and downstairs. "Alyx what are you doing out of your room? You and every princess and prince are post to be asleep. Go back to your room before you break another rule."
"You're post to be in your room anyway, so go," Breena said not effected by her fangs, Breena knew if Aylx started a fight with her Alyx would be gone without another warning. Fighting was not going to be allowed unless Breena saw that it had a good reason behind it.
John sighed figuring nothing could change what happened anyway,and it at least came out okay."Anyway...What are we going to do so this doesn't happen again?"Dean smirked as he snapped his fingers,"I've got just the thing,the only issue it to get them on the two..."John looked at him interested."What is it and how will it help?"
Breena smiled a little for her victory then turned to John and Dean. "What are you planning on doing now?" she asked Dean a bit worried for the twin princes.
Dean looked at her and sighed."It's nothing bad...When I was little I was given a red collar that shocked me when I went out of control,along with my brother at the time.These collars were special and were made to help parents with 'misbehaving' children,they did what they needed to help and had different things for different species.Our problem is that if those twins change again we might not be able to find them easily next time,these collars won't change with them there for-"He was cut of by John."All we'd need to do was find a red collar..."Dean nodded."Exactly.And it sizes itself around the one's neck so if they ever shifted to something skinny or small it would size itself to where it wouldn't fall off."He smiled."I have the collars with my stuff since i keep them with me to make my parents 'feel better'....I never use them though.."

Tick and Tock had gotten comfy in there room,they always slept in shorts and no shirt and they weren't going to change that like everything else.So Tick and Tock had already changed and gotten into bed to sleep,when Tock was just about to close his eyes he was startled by Tick who jumped up."My bag!"He yelled out of the blue and Tock covered his mouth to shut him up and in a whisper yelled back."Shut up!what about you bag?"Tick moved Tock's hand off his mouth."I left it down there where I hid it..."Tock face-palmed and sighed."You idiot..."Tick glared at him."Am not..."Tock snapped back."Then why'd you leave it!?"Tick smiled nerious."Well...we were being pushed out...and I was in slight shock of of being broke in half unlike somebody!"Tock stared at him,this was true.He sighed again before getting out of bed."Well I guess we should get it right?..."Tick nodded and he jumped to the side of the bed Tock was laying and hugged him from behind."Yes!"They both smiled and just slipped on loose,long sleeve shirts,then peeked out of the room and looked around.
Breena thought about it for a minute and nodded agreeing with the plan. "Okay go get the collars but wait for a minute before you go put it on them, I think I just heard a door open." She loved being a vampire sometimes.
Dean looked the direction of where the princes and princesses rooms were,"One of them..."He sighed."Let me guess..."The only ones he knew of that could still be awake was that girl just now or the two they just sent to bed,ether one was bothersome at the time.John,being only human, just believed their word and figured one of the royals was being a pain again.

Tock stepped out."Okay,I'll see if the coast is clear and if not i'll be the bait,then you grab your bag and we'll meet here.Got it?"Tick smiled as he stepped right behind him."Got it...Though couldn't we ask to just get my bag?"Tock shook his head."These people are too stubborn with there 'rules'...I rather just not involve them if possible..."Tick nodded."That's understandable..."The two walked one to where they remembered the big room to be,staying quiet as they did.
Breena sighed and looked at Dean. "Should one of us go check it out and see what they need?" she asked him hoping a little that he would go. She was getting annoyed at these royals. Why couldn't they just be good kids and just go to sleep and stay there until the morning?
"I'll go."John step forward,"You just get those collars..."He turned to Dean and he spoke then walked on to where the princes and princesses were.Dean watched him and smiled."Well alrightly then..."

Tick and Tock looked around as they walked."I'll never get this plan,why could they be normal and just invite people over?It'd be a lot easier and nicer instead on being locked up in here with those guards..."Tock obviously hated all this to the point,it was stupid in his eyes and annoying at that.Tick shrugged his shoulders and yawned,"What ever there reason it's a bit late to change it now..."He thought it all through for a moment."If we do want to get out of here we have to do as they say,they announced if we don't find someone on so many days we'll be here a year...and I really don't feel like wasting so much time here..."Tock nodded,now remembering that."Agreed...."
"Ah...yea."Dean nodded and ran off to get the collars. John went along and now heard familiar voices coming closer,he hid to see who it was and as he expected it was the two troublemakers heading to the ball room. He stayed hidden figuring he'd just let them go along to the room since it'd bee easier than trying to force them to come so they could get the collars on them.
Breena smiled then looked around the room. She decided to start cleaning up since she had to start sometime. As she cleaned she found Tick's bag and wondered if that was what they were looking for. Breena wondered if it would be easier to just give the bag back then put the collars on the princes while they slept, but she wanted to wait until Dean or John were back to talk to them about it first.
It didn't take Dean long to come back with two collars,each with two blank name tags hanging off them.Like he said,they were a nice red and were solid,there were no holes or buckle on them."Here they are."He said holding them out and stopped walking when he made it back to Breena.

Tick and Tock made it to the ball room and they looked around,two were still here but where'd the other go?Tock noticed Breena had Tick's bag and figured this would be even more difficult then he thought,"Hey!"he heard all of a sudden.Tick had ran down to Breena and Tock had no idea until now,"Tick..."He ran after him brother figuring he's doing his 'plan' from before.John just chuckled as he watched them from behind,he had followed them and now came out of hiding to join the others.He walked behind the two as they ran to Breena and Dean.
Breena looked at the collars and asked, "Should we wait until they go to bed before putting them on?" Before Dean could answer though she noticed Tick running towards her. Breena smiled knowing he was after his bag. "I guessing this is yours?" she said holding up his bag then handed it to Tick.
Tick grabbed it and hugged it tight,then glared at Breena."Did you mess with my stuff...."He sounded suspicious as he turned slightly away,pulling his bag away from her.Tock caught up and sighed as he stared at Tick."Hopeless..."He huffed and was answered by a confused look from Tick which just made Tock sigh again.John had slipped by and stood beside Dean smiling,who had hid the collars behind his back and was trying to decide if he should answer Breena's question now or wait.
Breena was surprised by Tick's suspicion but didn't say anything and just looked at Dean and John. She slipped away from the princes and stood next to Dean. "So what's your plan?"
Dean shrugged his shoulders and whispered back since the two were now busy talking to each other."Well like you suggested,we could wait till they fall asleep.Or let big,strong man over here hold them while we get them on."John glared at Dean,irritated knowing he was the one Dean was talking about.Though he was fine with both plans,the sarcastic comment he added wasn't needed.
Breena smiled because of Deans commented, but only because she thought it was ironic since Dean was a vampire butler and John was a human guard. Breena shook her head and whispered back, "Not funny, Dean." She looked at the twins and decided to go with her idea as she said to them, "You two should probably go get some sleep you know, it's most likely gonna be a long day tomorrow."

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