Forced To Be

Kaleo growls at Alyx. "Leave" she ordered

the girl. Kaleo stood in front of Leo. After

all he was just a human. She glares at the

girl What do you want, Alyx?" Her eyes

had a hint of red in them as her eyes

stalked the girl "Please leave us be."

The craving grew stronger.
He continued swimming laps from the side of the pond and back repeating about ten times before stopping. He was panting at the edge of the pound. He put his shirt back on along with his shoes and wrapped both his hands with cloth. He walked over to the thickest tree he could find brought his arm back striking the tree making a thunderous crack but not knocking it over.
Alyx turned back to the girl Kaleo,

grinning, and winked and stuck out

her tongue "don't worry," she called

playfully, "I'll be back, one way or another..."
Eternity's eyes shot open. She heard what was like thunder, but not quite. She ran tot he sound, only finding Toa and a fallen tree. "You realize other royals are sleeping? Please do try to be more thoughtful to them okay?" She gave a nod to Honor, who returned one back to Eternity. Though Honor then flapped up and landed upon Toa's shoulder. Ruffiling his feathers once again, and pecking Toa in the head, trying to get him to go talk to her at least one more time.

Leo looked extremly confused on what just happened. "Kaleo, whats going on?" He put his hand on her shoulder, walking up so that he was right next to her rather then behind her. "You know its ussually the Prince that saves the Princess." he let out a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood for both their sakes.
He walked over to Eternity "Sorry I didn't mean to knock it down that was a terrible cheat." He looked deeply into her eyes "Could you take me further away then?" He said questionably "I don't want to end up Miuanu."
Eternity didnt quite understand what Toa was asking of her, so she decided to change the subject. "It seems Honor has taking a liking to you. Strange really, he ussually only gets along with me and a few other people. I suppose I will have to add you to the list..." She didnt exactly know what to say to him, her heart started to flutter away when she came closer. This was actually the first time she felt something so bold twoards him, of course she wasnt going to come right out and admit it. She had her pride to uphold.
She glares at the girl as she

walks away "Its nothing" She

hugs her new friend around

the waist. "Lets just wonder

around for now." She looks

up at Leo. "Its better than

standing here waiting for

that girl to come back."
Toa started unbuttoning his jacket "That blue spot was the beginning of a change to a water elemental,in our culture those who are shunned turn completely different." He sighed taking off his shirt and right where his heart was there was a red hand on his chest. "Your hand mark is the only thing keeping me like this...if its gone I change."
Leo had a blush cross his face from the hug, but he hugged her back smiling. "Okay, whatever you want." He finally found someone he felt strongly for, the only question was, did she feel strongly back. he understood if she didnt, even if he would be heart broken. "If you ever want to go back just tell me okay? You can lead me where you want to go too" He chuckled while saying his last few words and took her hand in his, holding it tight enough to give her the hint we didnt want to let go of her.

Eternity looked at the hand mark and then back up at Toa. "You..." She didnt want to finish her sentance. Instead she leaned into him, giving him a quick hug before breaking away. Eterntiy's face was yet again a beautiful shade of crimson, and she cleared her throat "V-verywell then, carry on I shall be in front adn honor shall keep a eye on you as usual" She turned and walked back to her post, she couldnt believe what she just did.
Toa smiled "thank you." He stood up on the tree as his hand turned into the glowing red he thrusted down breaking it in half. The magma started spreading up his arm burning all his cloths until his entire body was magma except for the hand mark. He fell to his knees straining from the power and chanted again forming a circle.
Honor had to flap away from the burning man, he gave a warning caw to Toa as if saying Dont be stupid! Honor wasnt dumb, he knew what Toa was trying to do from last time, and that only meant trouble form him and Eternity. The noble bird tried to flap his wings even harder and get himself noticed by Toa before the prince did anything rash.
Toa looked at the bird and he roared he placed his hand in the middle of the circle "Lave of the core of earth rise and bring the king leave the queen,seal the right of his passing and his return...OPEN!" The line of fire came from the circle.
Honor kept letting out calls to the stubborn prince. Dont you realize you will break Eternity!? How we wished he could speak so that the humans could understand him. He knew Eternity was counting on his and yet faild if this did not turn out in Toa's favor. Honors altitude increased, not wanting to get anywhere near this fight that was about to break out.
Father rose from the circle standing "You dare call me back here after that!" He turned full magma as well and both punched fists at each other knocking each other backward into trees. Both roared at each other and charged again as Toa grabbed his father throwing him back. His father bounced of a tree slamming him to the ground.
Eternity couldnt help but run back, seeing the father and son fight made anger bubble inside of her. She had told Toa not to fight on the grounds and look what he did! Her hands clenched into fists and she glared at both of them. Though she wasnt stupid enough to get in the way this time. She only hoped that Toa would be okay as well as the other royal's saftey. Honor gave a last loud caw and swopped down until he was resting upon Eternity's shoulder. "What are we going to do with him Honor?" The bird ruffled his feather thinking, I agree with you there...
Father spoke "and you brought her as well?" He grabbed Toa by his neck lifting him in the air draining him of all his magma leaving him on the ground. "This is all because of this shall die." He began walking toward her.
Eternity unseathed her sword, pointing it at him. "I do not want trouble your majesty! I am the gaurd here, the royal family that has put this together will not be satisfied to know that I have died. They will come after you!" She tried to be passive this time, knowing elementals are very powerful beings. Eternity felt like a coward hiding behind a royal, but she didnt want to fight a king unless she had to. Honor nodded to Eternity and flew up into the sky, he was ready to deliever the message of Eternity's death if need be.
The father continued forward "Then they too will burn." He reached toward her but Toa grabbed his ankle stopping him from proceeding "...s..stop.." His father kicked him away but Toa stood up infront of Eternity "I'm...still standing...old man." The man punched and kicked as Toa caught them both burning his hand and leg. He turned back to look at Eternity "P...please go."
Eternity did as she was told, not wanting to cause any more tourble then had already done. It would have been better to let Toa worry about himself alone then having to worry about her too. Though it made her almost want to shout at how weak she has become, maybe it was being around royals that had turned her soft, or perhaps Toa did that on his own. She hated being this way and she just want to hit something. She refrained from doing such actions though, and sat down instead, giving a long sigh. "Im pathetic..."
Toa took several more hits from his father before hitting the ground. He was on his knees in pain and his father put his hand on his head. He spoke " This was your last chance you are no longer a child of mine." Toas eyes began to glow as the blue began to spread around his body and his father completely incinerated her hand on his chest. He dropped Toa on the ground as his normal skin returned but he was no longer there. He had been changed to a water elemental and his father returned home leaving him on the ground.
Eternity still sat on the ground at the front of the mansion, staring out into the woods. All these different thoughts flooded into her mind, she couldnt take much more of this. Honor glided down to the ground until he was directly next to Toa. He pushed his feather head against Toa's shoulder, trying to wake him up. Is he dead? The bird thought to himself as he always did.
Toa yelled out for Eternity laying on the ground suddenly. He felt lots of pain through out his body and pulsating.
Eternity jumped to her feet and ran to where Toa was calling her. She knelt down beside him an placed her hand on his shoulder. "Come on stop laying around..." She wrapped her arm under his and help him to his feet, let him use her as a brace. "Did you defeat your father?..." She didnt see his parent around anywhere but she never really knew how elemenals looked when dead. Honor flew back up into the air, seeing as how Eternity could handle it from here.
"No...I didn't I lost...and I'm not longer a fire elemental prince or a prince at all..." He suddenly hugged her "Now they have no choice as to whom I can marry." He was smiling and crying at the same time "But do you think I could get a guard job any where?"
Eternity really had no reaction but surprise to the hug, "Uh...I. Y-you can always probably get a gaurd job here if you want, or mabye a butler of course. Im not the on that makes those kind of choices though, you might want to talk to Breena if you want to work here." She sighed and whipped away his tears, "Ill have to show you to your new sleeping quaters, Im sure you can stay here for a little while even if you dont get a job for the mansion." He waited for him to let go of her before leading him to his new room.

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