Forced To Be

Eternity looked at Honor and slowly flicked him awake. The bird spread his wings far out before shaking his head to cope with the drowziness. Eternity tried to ignore her birds bold gestures and stood up very straight for the king and queen. She tried to look at professinal as possable with them judging her and all. She felt as if she was a mare being sold for a bargin, in a streched scenerio this was exactly hat was happening.
His mother walked closer to her examining her closer lifting up her arms and measuring her waist. She walked back talking fairly loud "Well she has wide hips she'll be able to bear lots of children." The father looked again "She's also only a mortal from what I can tell." The mother returned with "She still looks better than your old girl friend." The father said "Oh don't even start." The both walked to both sides of her standing very close emitting heat.
Eternity could help but blush at what the mother said. her face was bright red at this point, though she kept her stance and professinal aura to a hold. She ahd noticed the princess that had walked in but gave her no mind, she was to busy actin like a show dog for these royals. When the king and queen stood near her she acted at if the temprature had not changed, she never showed pain if that is what she could call it. Honor, on the other hand had to fly away to try and cool of his feathers before they burned off his body.
Tick and Tock had vanished from the room everyone was in,they had a plan to see just how good these guards were and were sure to test them at the highest level possible at the moment.

John noticed some people leaving and wondered what was going on,but he didn't move.He just sighed and watched the children like before,nothing seemed to be changing except,two were missing.He figured he just miss counted and counted again,still two were not there.Could he had just missed them?He was sure no one had left the room,he looked around trying to spot the missing two.As he did he noticed Dean also looking around as if looking for something,now John knew he wasn't the only one who's noticed.
Toa pushed away his father "too close" and they both made staffs of black with the tips burning.Mother said to her "They are going to fight over you." Both started spinning them in a fancy matter clashing them together every spin around sending off sparks "I'll knock you off the end of the earth to even just try for her heart old man." He said as they were pressed against each other the father said "Oh please you haven't been able to beat me before and you won't today." The both laughed and continued
She shook her head and got inbetween them, her hands gripping each one of their hands. The magma lit her hands, slowly roasting them alive. She showed no fear and no paint, glaring at each one. "For the saftey of the rest of the royals and for the saftey of you I must order this to stop!" She kept her hands on thier magma like hands until they agreed to stop. "This is suppose to be a time for love and peace and I will not stand for that purpose to be ruined. You may be a higher rank then me but you put your son uner my watch and that is just what I am doing your majesty."
Breena sighed and cleared her throat trying to get their attention. She may be a maid but she still doesn't like being ignored.
Toa unlit his hands returning to normal discarding his staff but his father turned up the heat turning his entire body to magma and yelled "You dare defy my you worthless human! I may I placed him in your care but you do not over power me!" He knocked Toa away with his staff stepping towards Eternity leaving charred ground. He stood infront of her his arm of magma raised "Now die!" He screamed he punched toward her just as Toa got in the way getting the fist threw his chest. He was smiling with blood running from the corners of his mouth.
Eternity blinked at Toa, and then glared his father, pulling her sword out and point it straight in his face. "I must ask you to leave now your majesty, before I make you" her voice was serious, she had failed in her duty to protect the prince and it angered her to the point of slicing through this king. Her hands oozed blood from the burns, though she showed now sign of pain, her face only expressed anger. "I will not ask a second time"
"You always were weak and useless." The man said as he pushed his son off his hand kicking him in the gut before he left back to sign with the woman. The pillar reappearing taking them away with them. Toa was completely normal with blood still flowing from his mouth and the wound not healing. He simply laid there.
She looked at the prince and kneeled down, "Im not sure how to fix should probably know that. Do you elementals gain your strength from for element? Could I possably throw you into fire?" She was just acting stupid now, but dealing with a creature such as this was tricky. She could treat it like any other wound, so stupid was what she had to ask. She was definantly going to do everything in her power to let him live, staying calm while figuring out this puzzle.
"...your hands...they are bleeding..." He said more concerned about her than himself. He looked up at her and smiled the blood still running and coughed blood dropping back down to the ground. " can'" He reached for her hands licking them again to take away the burns and pain,but leaving his blood behind. "Sorry...I..I got you dirty." He said breathing heavily.
She sighed and shook her head "No need to be sorry, your the one dieing afterall. You must have somthing that you can heal from...Everyone does." She tried to think, though the painic running inside of her clouded any good ideas that might have been present. "You will not die without me trying. Fire can only help right? They have a fireplace inside the mansion."
He laughed a little "I ate that..." He breathed heavy again and tried to speak "I'll be fine." He smiled "Dont worry." He passed out right there simply laying on the ground he tried to revive himself. The blood on the ground started to cool down turning into a black and red shiny stone. Toa started going cold "Heat..." He said before fading again.
Eternity was now openly panicking she picked up the prince and sprinted into the mansion as fast as she possable could carry both of them. She almost fell when coming to the fireplace, tossing the prince inside. Being so unprofessinal was unlike her, but when one is dieing she can give up that act to save a them. She simply waited and watched, so see if this would either kill him or save him, it intrested her but at the same time made her heart beat twice as fast to know the result.
Breena started thinking fast as Eternity threw him into the fire place. " Chris restart the fire!" Chris quickly used magic to start a big fire in the fire place. Breena watched worried to see if it would work hoping no royals would freak out.
Eternity Turned to Breena, and mde her way to the maid so that she was standing side by side with her. "Thank you...Im afraid my mind is a bit foggy today..." Surpisingly she gave the maid a smile, somthing she doesnt do very often. Though ever since Toa had approached her, she has seemed less strict in her actions.
Toas body started to blacken and crumble half of his jaw had fallen in on itself until his entire body cracked into ash. The ashes moved on to the floor building a humanoid shape it coughed blowing black dust "You threw me into a fire?" He paused "Why did you throw me into a fire?"
Breena smiled back and nodded. "It's no problem, just make sure he's okay. I'm going to get the rest out of here." Breena looked around at the other young royals. She wouldn't call them children since most of them were older than her. But before she left to lead them out she asked Eternity, "What was all that about anyway? Why was Toa's parents here?"
"You a fire elemental! You said you wanted heat! Fire should've helped you..." She kneeled down to looked at the ashes in wonder. It boggled her mind to think how one that is use to volcano heat cant stand to be around a simple fire. Its like say throwing a water elemental into a lake would kill it, it made absolute no sense to her in any way, shape, or form.
"Yeah your right I needed core heat but my body was deterred to a human form and the outer heat turned me to ash." He turned around to the fire and took in the fire heating the inside of his body turning the ash back to a human form skin. Toa turned around again "...that hurt." He still had a gaping hole in his chest but walked over to the food table and started eating slowly filling in the hole.
"Thats...Very disturbing actually..." Her voice was a bit shakey, she was taking this in all at once. Almost haveing herself die, to almost having Toa dieing, it was all so much to experiance in one day, let alone a few minutes. All Eternity could do was accept it though, Toa lived and that is what mattered at the moment. Seeing that the other gaurd was still inside the ball room, she decided to step out to gaurd the entrance instead of having to watch the very face that was about to perish.
Toa filled in the hole in his chest and yawned started thinking 'Why was I eating earlier...did I break something...or did I just feel broken hearted...' He shook head again but yawned,Toa just wanted to go to bed that was to straining so he sat in his chair just waiting for them to be excused to their room. He opened his palm to see the magma glub in his hand and the bubbles pop. He still felt the pain in his chest pulsating.
John now began to walk,still looking around for the two.He sighed and counted everyone over and over again,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18...That was it,no matter how many times he recounted it came up as 18.But how could one get out?Or,a more reasonable question,Where could one hide?No one but the guards have come and gone and he was positive,so the only other option was to hide.But for someone to crawl under something was too obvious and would be seen and pointed out easily,they couldn't go up since it was pretty impossible to secretly do that.So where?
Toa walked outside again by himself trying to get the pain out of his chest. He took a deep breath which made him put his hand to his chest with the amount of pain he was feeling. He unbuttoned his jacket and dress shirt to look at his chest that was blue,a strange color for a fire elemental.

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