Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

I'll see what i can do, but this new game makes me wonder what characters they will have, after awhile its hard to keep things fresh I'd imagine.
Orikanyo said:
I'll see what i can do, but this new game makes me wonder what characters they will have, after awhile its hard to keep things fresh I'd imagine.
Ebay might be the only place left to find them. On amazon (which is my go-to online shopping site) Path of Radiance is $180. That's WAY too much for that game even if it is a dying breed. I'd suggest downloading the Dolphin Gamecube/Wii emulator and downloading the Path of Radiance ISO which are both free. If you don't want to go that route, then I don't have any advice for you other than to look very thoroughly for these games and do your best to do so in a place where they are not overpriced.
@Kyero I'll try my best, what did that bird letter pretain to by the way? or are we to.. "wing it" ohohohohohohoh~!
Orikanyo said:
@Kyero I'll try my best, what did that bird letter pretain to by the way? or are we to.. "wing it" ohohohohohohoh~!
Ah, more puns. Lol.

The bird carried a message that the time for Rising Red Tide to make its move is drawing near. They are gathering EVERYONE in the organization to send a message, a rather hateful one mind you, to the world. As you'd expect of fanatics, they believe themselves to be under the protection of the Goddess Auxereilla, and that their actions are entirely justified and for the greater good. But you'll see more of what I mean during my next post tomorrow.

I plan to introduce the attack in force and start our first major battle. Everyone should expect at least one full level by the end of it, if not two depending on how you approach the battle. My post will give you a good idea of what to expect for your own interpretation of the battle and your involvement in it as well as how to approach the whole level up mechanic and how it will change your character over time.

Till then!
@Kyero Right, then i will do my post of the emssage tomorrow, or rather today... whatever, I look forward to see us all in action.
All right ya'll, so the game is afoot as Sherlock Holmes would say (version dependent).

So my post is an example, but you should feel free to introduce more or fewer bandits than I did at your own discretion and to your own judgement about what your character can handle. This battle is meant to be introductory for the moment, but the fight against this bandit group will intensify very soon in the RP's timeline.

So, since Kyo'da defeated three enemies, all of which were a higher level than he was, he received 40 EXP for each one for a total of 120 EXP, leveling him up by one level. So, using my nifty RNG thingie, my resulting stats were as follows: HP +1, MAG +1, SPD +1, DEF +1. So now I will add those stats to Kyo'da's profile to showcase the change. His 20 leftover EXP will also carry and be added to his profile to help keep track of it for future battles.

Sei'rina, though it was not shown directly, was singing a Galdrar during the latter half of his battle and afflicting his enemies with an energy drain which is why he beat the latter two so easily. Singing a Galdrar for her is basically the same as using a staff. The more advanced the Galdrar, the more EXP she gets but for now she gets 10 EXP per enemy for 20 EXP total.

This is the true Fire Emblem part of the RP, keeping track of our growth mechanically so we can determine how they grow from a human perspective in the RP.
I hope it was okay that I made another character, I thought we needed more Laguz, so I made one. :3
Is it slightly sad the first thing I thought when I saw the new character is "Kitty~!"

well, it seems that again we are well timed.
also getting on that letter dialogue thing.
Seems I do get to show Franny's adoration of them now.. not sure if this will be good or bad.

@TerraBooma welcome to the stay behind the meat shields club!
Wooooo meat shields

my job is to keep the meat shields alive

fortunately, kyero has given me the ability to defend myself

Fear my hunting knife, in it's might uselessness!
[QUOTE="Black Masquerade]I hope it was okay that I made another character, I thought we needed more Laguz, so I made one. :3

My first thought when I saw her pictures was "That woman is NUTS!!"

Anyway, I like her. She'll add a rather comedic side to our group which I think we need. This'll be fun.
Well, due to me being on my laptop I am unable to get color on my texts, a pity but people will survive I hope. We have a few knives, a near unbreakable spoon, all we need is a fork and we'll have a kitchen set.

I want a list of the backliner's hand to hand combat skills

I think it'd be:




That accurate?
Franny? hand to hand? More like hand to weak noodly apendages that act as arms.
From what I read Black I'm pretty sure it'll be Tyrin asking questions while cat lady pokes him repeatedly.

xD At least Franny can throw a punch, I think Sei'rina is more or less useless on her lonesome

So Tyrin healed 9 nameless people on the way down the street, brining him up to 90 EXP but still level one
Already getting to work on the healing, that poor staff, already getting worked to the bone.

Mind you Franny doesn't really need hand to hand, magic has no minimum range... save for the fact you don't want to be casting anything when your close enough to see every vein in an enemy's bloodshot eyes.

That and it's REALLY HARD to cast when someone is swinging an axe at your face.

Plus if they get behind the backline the best bet for buying time is Tyrin...

I need to get a sword or dagger for a secondary, and soon

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