Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

Hmmm...trying to decide how best to arrange my character into the following battle scene, but it doesn't seem likely that he'll just burst into the fight with a hang-over...though, it could happen...maybe...
Hmm, I just don't see franny taking up any melee weapon... maybe a dagger but of course the noodle arms makes it hard to do anything with it.
...Aaaaand then the fight ends. You know what, I'm just going to have my character wake up in some dark alley somewhere. Yes, that seems about right. *scuttles off to write a post*
Trignome said:
...Aaaaand then the fight ends. You know what, I'm just going to have my character wake up in some dark alley somewhere. Yes, that seems about right. *scuttles off to write a post*
The fight is over in the city where Kyo'da was, but there are other attacks happening in other cities and towns at the exact same time. There are still more bandits to fight out there. Also, there were only three bandits where Kyo'da happened to be. He's in a big city, so there are more bandits there as well who would be more than happy to burst into the more crowded buildings like pubs and try to kill everyone.
First kill for franny *confetti* Not quite enough damage to deal a one shot, even if they have 0 res, but if theres any better scene for a double hit its while their being utter fools.
Hey @Black Masquerade, I have a slight issue with your recent post.

In human form the Laguz are slightly stronger than a normal human, but not strong enough to literally punch through skin, muscle, bone, organs, another layer of bone, another layer of muscle, and another layer of skin.

In animal form all bets are off, but not in human form.

Punching her claws through the gaps in the ribcage to puncture the heart while it's still inside the chest cavity is doable if her claws are long enough and her fingers manage to dig deep enough. She can still watch the body go into shock after the heart and lungs are punctured, but I'll have to ask that you edit that bit just a little.
Alright, all fixed. I needed to add something anyway. :P

I just thought ripping out her heart would be cool, but yeah it's not exactly realistic.
RIght, so. Leveling up. I rolled these integers

35 4 77 31 26 3 35

with the percenty thing being

45 5 55 40 45 10 50

So that means

HP: 17 > 18

STR: 0 > 1

MAG: 6 > 6

SKL: 3 >4

SPD: 4 > 4

DEF: 1 > 2

RES: 6 >7

TerraBooma said:
RIght, so. Leveling up. I rolled these integers
35 4 77 31 26 3 35

with the percenty thing being

45 5 55 40 45 10 50

So that means

HP: 17 > 18

STR: 0 > 1

MAG: 6 > 6

SKL: 3 >4

SPD: 4 > 4

DEF: 1 > 2

RES: 6 >7

You did, and you're one lucky little thing to get 6/7 stats to level up. Damn. I wish I had that level up. Oh well. Next time, maybe.
TerraBooma said:
yah, but I didn't get magic. The one stat I wanted xD
Hey, remember the benefits of these stat gains in the human relations category.

His HP went up, so your character's stamina and ability to use their healing before he becomes winded increased.

His Strength went up, so he's become a tiny bit stronger.

His Skill went up, so he's a bit more adept at using the staff and will be ever so slightly better at using a dagger for self defense when an enemy comes in close.

His Speed went up, so his body is now a tiny bit faster thanks to muscle and tendon growth.

His Defense went up, so his body is a tiny bit tougher.

And his Resistance went up, so his body is a tiny bit more immune to magical attacks.

So don't knock it! I WISH I got that on my first level up. Sheesh!
TerraBooma said:
xD I guess I wasn't looking at it right.
In hte games, can't stats go up multiple times in one level up?
Nope. Only once, save for very few and special circumstances/classes. But 98% of the time it's +1 only.
Such as a few of the axe classes with 110 percent of hp growth, awakening certainly lacked characters who started with axes, Vaike you beautiful dastard. Saved me many times in my first playthrough.
[QUOTE="Black Masquerade]Isn't it if the stat is over 100%? I forget. :P

There are instances where the stat is 100+, and yes, then you have a chance to get +2 to a stat such as the Horseman in FE Shadow Dragon.

Hence why the Laguz can get +2 to HP.
Basicly you roll that integer twice to see if you get. +2 in it, easy enough.
TerraBooma said:
Alrighty then
So will I ever be able to hold my own in combat? War Cleric not a thing here?
The War Cleric from Awakening is not really a thing, but a few of the healer classes have some decent STR growths and remember you can choose a secondary weapon for your character so that if they find or buy that weapon they can use it between healing rounds.
I either gotta get faster or stop wanting to help explain stuff...
Orikanyo said:
Basicly you roll that integer twice to see if you get. +2 in it, easy enough.
Actually you roll once, and the number to the right of the 100 spot is the one you're looking for.

Say your HP growth is 140%.

If you roll a 40 or below, you just got +2. If you roll 41 or higher, you got +1.
Ah I see, and so Franny can indeed use a secondary weapon then, wonder which one though... didn't give her ignis so it'll be abit challenging...

xD I'm just glad I leveled correctly, wonderign what secondary Tyrin should have, maybe a hatchet?
While it's abit... well... thoughts on the girl using a whip?


TerraBooma said:
xD I'm just glad I leveled correctly, wonderign what secondary Tyrin should have, maybe a hatchet?
Why not, you have ignis so it should be fine, plus you could have that war cleric feel.

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