Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla


I'm going to make a third character to introduce a bit later in the RP when we get closer to our second major battle. Once this one is over we'll have some exploration and investigating to do before we move forward.
Yes sir! Now, when I get home I shall finish off Franny's little encounter, seems. Cyrus found himself a new kitty buddy, who's name excapes me already.

I'm just predicting now, bandits at the mayor's place

And just so everyone knows I've only played Awakening and the second Wii game, the one with Sothe/Micaicah
So then, this is the day of the great level up rolls.

Here are your random numbers:

9 53 2 62 9

66 14

Timestamp: 2015-01-16 02:36:02 UTC

4 out of 7 ain't bad, hell I got them in all the right places. though I do notice the strange time stamp.. its 9:43 pm on the 15 here, time zones are strange.
lets see, if we keep fighting people our level we should level up in 4 kills, lesser levels 15, more then our level is 40 exp. With the paragon skill Franny gets x2 the exp. Abit broken in a way but I made it fit her character, her willingness to learn and adapt. i don't think we'll be fighting anything higher tier soon, if so and we beat it thats a boat load of exp for us. I'm not sure about it more then one person contributes, but for a boss we should try not to be "Super duper one shotty Mconeshotterson." This goes espeacally for me since.. well... kinda what dark mages do, they kill things, alot of things.

Also we are lvl one, so lvl ups go through the roof as is at the beginning, we should probably try to keep a general margin for everyone to be at.
For sake of being near story-line shenanigans, we should be in the same city, besides apparently its a pretty big one, we canj still ahve whatever we want to do happen.
My new character is up! I hope you like her! I do apologize for the lack of proper traits, but there weren't any good pictures to add to the image. Just remember that she's a Wolf Laguz so she has the ears and a furry tail.

Anyway, she will not be part of the RP until after our next battle, so don't worry about her just yet.


[QUOTE="Black Masquerade]I find it funny that all the Laguz are girls. :P

That is kind of interesting. Lol!
Insert witty comment referring to how now there is an equal amount of male to female ratio, probably referring to S ranks.

Right I'm sorry I'll show myself out
Also, I'll admit it. @Trignome you got me hard on that manimal thing... good job.

@Kyero A good mix of fancy, fierce and deadly, as expected of a wolf laguz. Were building up the repitoire of characters now, soon we'll have a good old fashioned warband, but with magic and stuff. now that i think of it how will she and our kitty react? I'm sure ti will be fione.. but the imagine of her chasing the poor girl up a tree is present in my mind.
@Orikanyo *bows* Thank you, sir. Your kind words are a blessing indeed.

So...I was originally going to write an obscenely long hangover recovery/fight scene/what-have-you. But then I decided the RP would run a bit more smoothly if my posts stayed relative to the time-space continuum of the plot. So I'll wait a bit before finishing up the fight. That's really just an excuse so I can sleep because my beloved pillow calls to me.

Also @Kyero, I couldn't help but think that the motives behind Rhe-sia's journey is super sweet. In a gushy way, but the gush is endearing.
@TerraBooma ...dear god your right, Cyrus must have some sort of education, and our heron is probably a sharp tact but... aside from that... oh boy.
Yeah, Cyrus is educated. But he isn't as smart as Tyrin or Franny. He just knows the stuff he needs to know.
hopefully people know how to write... She maybe a good secretary but all that paperwork can kill a man/woman.
Trignome said:
@Orikanyo *bows* Thank you, sir. Your kind words are a blessing indeed.
So...I was originally going to write an obscenely long hangover recovery/fight scene/what-have-you. But then I decided the RP would run a bit more smoothly if my posts stayed relative to the time-space continuum of the plot. So I'll wait a bit before finishing up the fight. That's really just an excuse so I can sleep because my beloved pillow calls to me.

Also @Kyero, I couldn't help but think that the motives behind Rhe-sia's journey is super sweet. In a gushy way, but the gush is endearing.
Thank you. I try.
And thats it for me, good night people, and my advice to you all, don't die, sound advice to live by.


You two are like two peas in a pot (and shut up, I know how old that reference is).

Poor Sei'rina is really uncomfortable with Cyrus' formality.
its not all that bad, atleast we know we can talk easily. Though hard to speak at the same time. nonetheless the ears will be a drawn on thing... i don't think the universe could handle her being that happy, it would probably cause the world to split in two.
SO wait, Cyrus is injured right?

Also I want to point out, Tyrin and Franny both want to learn mroe about Laguz

Tyrin's just not as obsessed xD

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