Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

Though we should be a rather small company, as in just the few of us at first, so a mercenary company of the farthest stretch. And I'm surprised you don't have much defence, wyvern riders are the shock troopers of the sky.
There's a new mechanic where you add and take away stats. I made my character more of a pegasus knight on a wyvern.

I don't think there's enough people here for a giant company. :P
Hmm? I never saw this mechanic. Nonetheless if your speed is high it's just the same.
I'm sorry, but I'll have to decline your offer, @Black Masquerade. I was really looking forward to role-playing the scene where our characters meet in splendid peace and camaraderie...or it could be a death pit of suspicion and sardonic remarks.

Huehuehuehuehue...we shall see...we shall see...
Ahaha, oh PUN-lease! Why would you PUN-ssibly consider me the sort of PUN-son that would do something so imPUNtinent like that?

Though, indeed, that would be very PUNny. (Mwahahaha...cringe and cower at the terrible force which is my punning.)
And thus the madness continues in the OOC as opposed to IC. Haha! Well this is what we get for having senses of humor.
Oh give ti a moment, the shenanigans shall come~!
We wont even sea them coming.

Oh gods poor Al...
poor *little* guy.

Admitably this is one of the very few group rps I've done, the only question i have is are we doing a posting order thing? or is it first come first serve?
I think it really depends on what situation the characters are in.

For example, your character can post next, even though Kyero and I haven't gone, since the last post directly affects your character. My character is just getting puked on by an NPC, so I probably won't post until later. (Later being probably tomorrow? I'm usually a 1-2 post per day sort of person, at the fastest.)
Alright, so its a "Take 'r as she comes" sort of deal, an old newfoundlander saying, sounds better in person. (two modest husahs for being Canadian)
Hmm, I can't think of any good Saskatchewan sayings at the moment. I'm sure there's gotta be one.
Well, anything really can be a newfie saying, you just have to blend words together into a massive slurry of words that can barely be recognized as english anymore.
I was tempted to write a long slurred line but I refrained. Thank goodness. I don't think my sanity could take such a pounding from these silly sayings you all are adding to the conversation. Lol.
"Dares moose in dem dare woods bye"(translated to, theres woods in them there woods boy) is the common phrase I use to explain to my friends how strange the accent can be. Say it as it is spelled, remember this is going very fast, I asked my grandpa why people talk so fast there its because. "Were a half an hour ahead of Canada, we gotta stay in the lead." While aware about time zones, its still funny.

Hmm, i wonder what will happened when all of our characters get together, hell looking at it two of the three guys, unsure about our priest, seem abit uneasy when dealing with woman. Muchless a noble one, who probably, meaning absolutely will, comment on their every move.

So a fanatical bandit group eh? Sounds evil enough to be evil bad guys.
Orikanyo said:
"Dares moose in dem dare woods bye"(translated to, theres woods in them there woods boy) is the common phrase I use to explain to my friends how strange the accent can be. Say it as it is spelled, remember this is going very fast, I asked my grandpa why people talk so fast there its because. "Were a half an hour ahead of Canada, we gotta stay in the lead." While aware about time zones, its still funny.
Hmm, i wonder what will happened when all of our characters get together, hell looking at it two of the three guys, unsure about our priest, seem abit uneasy when dealing with woman. Muchless a noble one, who probably, meaning absolutely will, comment on their every move.

So a fanatical bandit group eh? Sounds evil enough to be evil bad guys.
Oh these bandits are pansies compared to what's coming.

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