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Fandom Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

I picked archery mainly because it's the bird tribe's main weakness (at least in the games :P )

And I'm excited to see as well :D Poor Daire has never spent a day apart from her family, I'm going to have fun portraying that xD
You know, Zakai and Daire are in similar boats in that respect... except that his family finally just kicked him out so he could go make something of himself xD
Maybe it can be a bonding experience then xD

Hopefully Daire turns out to be as resourceful as Zakai~
Zelda18 said:
Currently working on a post on Daire's take on the shift in the Earth's energy. @Kyero is doing an excellent job on building up the suspense. If Sei'Rina doesn't like the feel of whatever it is, it must be pretty grim. :o
Well I am a wannabe screenwriter (on top of many other things that have little to do with one another in the grand scheme of things... PICK A FRIGGIN PATH AND STICK WITH IT KYERO!!!)

Learning to create stories, as well as all elements that come with them, and doing it well is in my best interest in that capacity.
Well, you have a talent for writing in my opinion- especially your descriptions. And I'm sure the story's plot will be good when it's revealed as well. :P

I understand the struggle with trying to pick just one of the things that interest you to focus on. :o I decided to go with game development and haven't regretted it thus far ^-^
Zelda18 said:
Well, you have a talent for writing in my opinion- especially your descriptions. And I'm sure the story's plot will be good when it's revealed as well. :P
I understand the struggle with trying to pick just one of the things that interest you to focus on. :o I decided to go with game development and haven't regretted it thus far ^-^

I would have loved to have gone into game development, but I tried basic coding and it was over my head so I decided to stick to the things I'm better at. But yeah, I cannot choose what I want to do. The following are all things I'd love to do for a living (most of which tie into one another but are just far enough removed to be isolated fields which may not be forgiving enough to allow time for anything else):

* Television/Feature Film/Video Game music composition

* Audio Recording/Mixing (of anything really)

* Television/Feature Film Screenwriting

* Video Game story writing

* Being a novelist

* Video Game concept designer (coming up with the idea of the game itself and it's mechanics, but leaving the rest to other professionals basically)

So yeah. I want to do all of this, but realistically I'll only be doing one or two of them at best. But still, all of them are incredibly fun and I look forward to what my future holds though I'm REALLY hoping that screenwriting is in there somewhere. Designing stories is like designing RP's. You'll never know what works until you try it, and even if it's a failure, you get a hefty paycheck for your troubles which can fuel the creation of future endeavors. Win-Win!

What about ya'll?!

Whaddya wanna do in life? If you don't know yet, that's fine. But for those who do? TIME TO SHARE!!!
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I wish you the best of luck! Screenwriting does seem to be very fun; I hope that works out for you. Music composition seems like another awesome field but I don't know much about that~
So what's the difference between screenwriting and screenplays, Kyero?

Oh, and I want to be a book cover designer/writer/editor/illustrator... thing. I want to make books :P

I'm going to school right now for Illustration and Graphic Design... and I had to write out a screenplay once and I was shocked by how much work it was O.o Like, I knew these things aren't easy but just how hard they were astonished me.

Picked a couple of book covers I've done from illustrations I did awhile ago

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/LeopardBookCover.jpg.2d77db1149a59618334a8bb0a3bdf5fb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63113" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/LeopardBookCover.jpg.2d77db1149a59618334a8bb0a3bdf5fb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/ShipBookCover.jpg.596118df71d6aa31efcb09b501261e0b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63114" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/ShipBookCover.jpg.596118df71d6aa31efcb09b501261e0b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • LeopardBookCover.jpg
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  • ShipBookCover.jpg
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RubyRose said:
So what's the difference between screenwriting and screenplays, Kyero?
Screenwriting is the process of creating a screenplay. Screenplay is basically the same thing as writing a script, more or less though it is the "Scriptwriter's" job to finalize it for the actors.

Basically Screenwriting looks like this (I'm using Legendary Pictures as an example for a major studio. Also, pay no attention to the border or background coloration. It's just to isolate the example from the rest of my text wall):


(SCENE 01)

EXT. (External (outdoors) environment) PACIFIC OCEAN (This part is the SCENE HEADING)

Camera dissolves from LEGENDARY LOGO to the moon's reflection on the surface of the water. (This is an "action" section, and it can define either a piece of narrative or an action taken by one or more characters as you'll see very soon)


Didn't we pack the bags yet? We're supposed to be

going on vacation!​

Carla, Samuel's wife, tromps over to the car with two large bags in her hands.


Don't you even start with me Samuel H. Neilson! Did

you forget I was the one who suggested this trip?!​

Samuel chuckles and gets in the car.


INT. (Internal (indoors) environment) FAMILY SUBARU


Hey son? Did you remember sunscreen?​


Yes dad. I remembered.​


Good. We're going to the beach so I don't want

you getting sunburned.​


That's the basic idea. Obviously that example was not the most elegant, but it showed you more or less everything that a scriptwriter has to do when creating the outline for the film. One difference which I can't do very well on this site's editor is that the dialogue has a fixed region and the left side always lines up even if the right side of the text does not. So there's that difference.

As a screenwriter you come up with the story, come up with the characters, provide the scene heading and numbers, character names, dialogue, transitions such as cutting or fading to black, and narrative elements as well. It's a rough job, and one that is full of dangerous traps such as overwriting, underwriting, or the usual weaknesses of new writers such as uninteresting characters, uninteresting plot or story development, etc.

So yeah! I'm kind of insane for choosing this aspect but I'm having a blast working on screenplays which I'll enter into some online contests!

A bit of trivia for you guys! Snow White and the Huntsman started out as the screenplay of a guy not unlike myself who entered an online screenwriting contest and won with his story of Snow White and the Huntsman (in its early stages). It was good enough to catch the eye of hollywood producers. He signed a contract, and became a screenplay writer. He was also one of the main screenwriters of Transformers: Age of Extinction and Michael Bay's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies. (Neither of which I liked, but hey, the guy has made a living)

I myself, as an avid Godzilla fan, am writing a screenplay which I will enter into an online contest in the near future which is essentially what I would envision happening in Godzilla 2 (using the Legendary Pictures Godzilla of course). I'm not using Mothra, Rodan, or Ghidorah though, as I hate the fact that Legendary is piggy backing off of Toho's previous success and using more Toho monsters. I wanted them to stick to all original creatures (except Godzilla of course). But alas, all I can do is write my own version and hope people like it.
Well cool! Good luck to you, then! Just goes to show anyone can make it big with enough work and the right ideas xD
RubyRose said:
Well cool! Good luck to you, then! Just goes to show anyone can make it big with enough work and the right ideas xD
Thank you. And nice job on those designs. I myself am not exactly what you'd call a visual artist. I draw stick people. That's about it. Lol!
RubyRose said:
Have you ever seen Animator vs Animation? Stick figures are the freakin' bomb xD
Haha! I haven't, actually. I'll make a point to watch that.

But for now, back on topic!

I am on vacation at the moment and will be spending a majority of my time tomorrow out doing vacationy things. But tomorrow evening when I return to the suites I will make a post that pushes us towards our inevitable grouping up.

The group up itself should be quite the thrilling and psychedelic moment!



RubyRose said:
O.o My prayers go to Zakai and the other characters of this roleplay. O.o
As they should... Heheheheheheehehheeeeeeeee!!!!

Oh I am loving keeping you all in the dark as to what's about to happen!!
I'm so curious xD But the anticipation is part of the fun. I have several hypothesizes, none of which are probably close haha
Zelda18 said:
I'm so curious xD But the anticipation is part of the fun. I have several hypothesizes, none of which are probably close haha
So... Out of curiosity... And based on what I posted earlier today... Were any of your guesses close to the scene I set up?
Doom and gloom scenario where the world is coming to an end?

I was thinking along those lines, but I didn't think it'd be caused by a Goddess :P
Not very~ I'm still not 100% certain of what's going to happen, but I was imagining things like a Mulan-ish scenario where every family is required to send in one member to fight in a war or something along those lines. Not very original, I know. xD Now I'm thinking there's going to be a sort of magical teleportation that causes all our characters to meet, but who knows how accurate that'll turn out to be? :P
Ahh... Speculation and educated guessing. Both signs of an active and engaged mind.


Heheh hee.... Hahaha haaa!!


Quake in fear you mortal fools! The Mother of Light and Life has BIG plans for all of us!!
While I admit it is funny, one should wait until the second swipe at her before you started the whole tripping thing, I understand if you were on a roll it's just best to not assume my actions, I'm sorry if this all came off angry in any way in rps it's my pet peeve when people asume my actions and run away with a scene.

Admitably it could have been worse, it ended humorous so I could honestly care less, it's just I got to talk about it or I'll never bloody just let it go.
Don't worry, I was the one taking liberties. I will change it if you want :P Just give me a few hours (going for dinner now). And by the way, the way I imagined it they where trading blows for a while before the tripping happened.

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