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Fandom Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

Ah, either way, loot to be had! (yar har)

I'm simply trying to be where the plot may be, plus Blue berry was nearby, so i thought "hey, why not."
Wavebird said:
@RubyRose Sorry for sort of rushing the scene, I just want to keep up with the rest. Just say if I should rewind a bit!
And that is THAT for today. It is closing in on 4am here, and I am so tired... Geez. Hoping to get a good read tomorrow though! :)

@RubyRose @Orikanyo @Kyero @Zelda18
Heh... I might just surprise you.

Scared shitless moment #1, complete!

I hope you all enjoyed that little demonstration. A sneak peak of the kind of power we'll face in this RP as it continues.
...Whelp, if your gona worship a goddess, worship the crazy one, better chances of her not smiting you... maybe...
Orikanyo said:
...Whelp, if your gona worship a goddess, worship the crazy one, better chances of her not smiting you... maybe...
That's one way of looking at it. And one particular word you used touched on a major plot device I'm using for her character which should frighten the bejeezus out of you and your characters IC once they encounter her.

I look forward to the reactions... Hehehehehehee...
Note tyo self, do all you can to sate the goddess, she wanst you foot? give it to her, your Donkey, jsut be nice to him, your treasure chest? Oh.. thats where the line is crossed, ain't no one getting my chest damn it!
Orikanyo said:
Note tyo self, do all you can to sate the goddess, she wanst you foot? give it to her, your Donkey, jsut be nice to him, your treasure chest? Oh.. thats where the line is crossed, ain't no one getting my chest damn it!
Calm down Anna. Lol!
Little did the world know that inside the box, is not souvenirs, but a shine to the immortal goddesses of merchants.
*Watches how Axuereilla completely destroys the skin hunters like if she wasn't even trying! GASP!*

"Jävlar i helvete! HJÄLP!!"

Her will be done. Scary shit though. I guess we better be nice to the furries from here on in xD
Wavebird said:
*Watches how Axuereilla completely destroys the skin hunters like if she wasn't even trying! GASP!*
"Jävlar i helvete! HJÄLP!!"

Her will be done. Scary shit though. I guess we better be nice to the furries from here on in xD
Oh I've barely scratched the surface on what she's capable of and the kinds of things she'll be doing. Lol.
Hey sorry for my sudden disappearance act, again. I was called away to Chicago for an award ceremony for work, whilst in Chicago I was expect to do work related activities so I couldn't get on.

Despite this however I have the general idea of my characters so all I have to do is fill out Skellies for them and fill in some blanks and go more into depth in some other areas.

So without further adue here is what I have on them so far, I'd like an approval before I actually go and work on the skellies.

Name: Alexia Loxaerion

Age: Twenty Eight although she prefers to think of herself as an eighteen year old.

Sex: Female

Personality: Alexia is a meek and soft spoken woman who is a tad older than she acts. Alexia by herself is an airhead of a woman if she were alone with her friends for the rest of her life she'd be playfully happy and loud.(Think of Sumia minus the tripping)

Social standing: Noblewoman and diplomat.

Weapons training&history: She uses a longsword but she's not very proficient with it. Her bodyguard Ragnar is training her in the use of multiple different fighting styles one of which includes the use of a rapier.

Homeland: Spear's Tip, capital of Spearpoint.

Name: Ragnar Walister

Age: Forty-Eight

Sex: Male

Personality: Ragnar is your topical over protective knight, very specifically he is Alexia's Frederick. A very stern and serious older gentleman who is willing to risk any thing for his charge Alexia.

Social standing: a Knight serving the Loxaerion family.

Weapons training&history: Ragnar has been put through a hellish training cycle in his life. It all began when he was a child at the age of fourteen, he served as Squire for Alexia's father, who's name I haven't decided yet, where he was trained to use a dagger to fend off thieves while delivering messages. Two years later he was sent to battle school two weeks before his actual sixteenth birthday. In battle school he was drilled in the use of spears, swords, pikes, and axes, out of these he showed potential in only Swords and Spears. For the next five years of his life Ragnar was trained in combat with the sword and spear from horseback as well as on foot. By the end of battle school Ragnar was a gifted swordsman and spear master. He then started his servitude of the Loxaerion family, where he drilled young knights in their battle school and trained members of the family in the use of various weapons, as well as continuing to hone his own skills. Until he finally met his master Alexia at the age of thirty. He has served Alexia for twenty-six years now as her tutor, trainer, bodyguard and loyal retainer.

Homeland: Orleans: Spearpoint.

Name: Red

Age: Twenty-Two

Sex: Female

Personality: Red is a unusual girl, Orphaned at a young age Red spent her early years in an orphanage, despite this she has turned into a rough, foul mouthed, and foul mannered woman of a Mercenary.

Social standing: Orphaned Mercenary

Weapons training&history: At the age of sixteen Red still lived in the orphanage, the orphanage was in trouble so she went to the local hunter, whom she has already done favors for, and requested she be his apprentice so she could hunt and bring money to the orphanage, the hunter agreed and trained her with a bow and the ways of hunting, stalking, and tracking. At the age of Twenty-one Red met a mercenary and was enchanted by the tales of his adventures, afterward she strove to become a mercenary. Her friends and family, the family being the orphanage, all chipped in to get her decent equipment and to find her, her first contract.

Homeland: Hilton: Spearpoint.
Kyero? not doing a post longer then 12 of mine put together!? WHO ARE YOU!?
Orikanyo said:
Kyero? not doing a post longer then 12 of mine put together!? WHO ARE YOU!?
There wasn't really any further need for words this time around. It was mainly filler to give everyone time to take in another small element which only Laguz characters will feel.
Kyero you're not opposed to those set ups are you? If not I'll start transferring them to your Skelly and filling out more, you know, like actually meeting the requirements you set for making characters

Also to be fair Ori, Maurice was the same height as Al so he too was a perfect target for height jokes. Saw that post on page five but I was too late to make my comment.
Killjoy707 said:
Kyero you're not opposed to those set ups are you? If not I'll start transferring them to your Skelly and filling out more, you know, like actually meeting the requirements you set for making characters
Also to be fair Ori, Maurice was the same height as Al so he too was a perfect target for height jokes. Saw that post on page five but I was too late to make my comment.
The only thing I don't like at the moment is that in Ragnar's bio setup you have him going to battle school for 5 years, and then suddenly he's a gifted swordsman and spear master who's teaching? At the age of only 21, he'd be a fine candidate for service, possibly being in said capacity for between 5-10 years, but he would not be seen as instructor material. He's far too young and inexperienced outside of the training floor to be useful in that capacity. Once he's lived through 5-10 years of service and combat, and seen most of what the ugly side of his chosen path has to offer, then he's a candidate for mentorship.

Five years can do a lot depending on the person, but unless the talent is prodigious (which I don't allow), it won't be enough to master a weapon. Let alone two. Not even close.

Also, I am getting a bit of a mix up in his age. He's listed as forty eight, but you said he met Alexia at age 30 and served her for 26 years. By that count, he should be 56.

So tweak the bio a bit and clean up the age confusion and you'll be good to get to work on the real profiles. The other two I have no issues with.
Well that was derp math at it's finest, it's what I get for doing math at four in morning in the back of a car. In my mind he was assigned to Alexia as bodyguard when she was ten, that makes him thirty. So he's been serving her for eighteen years. I would not have noticed my derpy math unless you brought it up, making this exactly why I posted those here for approval.

As for his fighting style and his mentorship, I'll fix what it says because I ment that although he could use a spear he's not too skilled but he showed the potential to be skilled if he worked on it, which he didn't he focused on swordsmanship until he was thirty-five and he felt proficient enough to move on to a new weapon set that he was instructed in. Nonetheless even at his veteranable age of forty-eight he still practices to hone his skill. I did by no means try to make him out as a master at a young age but I geuss four in the morning me had other intentions.
Sorry for making lazy posts, I'm drowning in both work and other stuff right now and it came as a surprise to say the least. I'll try to get some more quality in them next time, but didn't feel like waiting another day with posting since we're so active right now :) I wish I could hear more about the Ravens though! @Zelda18 ;)
Currently working on a post on Daire's take on the shift in the Earth's energy. @Kyero is doing an excellent job on building up the suspense. If Sei'Rina doesn't like the feel of whatever it is, it must be pretty grim. :o
Is it terrible that I'm just realizing who you are @Zelda18

It has been too long since there has been true activity in InBetween :P

How have you been?
It's a shame too, I really liked the plot and all the characters~

I've been good, Ruby, how about you? ^-^ Every time I see a post for Zakai, I always half-expect to see Rye instead haha
I unfortunately seem to have a knack for having names that are similar or that rhyme :P

Think we could get it going again if we worked really hard or is it just one that should just be left to die quietly? :P

It's good seeing you as well. Sorry about not recognizing you earlier... I blame your icon :P I probably wouldn't have caught on if Wavebird hadn't directed a comment at you and my mind just click with 'Zelda18!? Where?!'
I dunno :c I'd really like to continue with it though~

And don't worry about it ^-^ I tend to change my icon a lot so it does cause some confusion haha
I'm interested as to how our character's first interaction will be, seeing as how Daire has a grudge against archers. xD @RubyRose

I didn't really think about how your character was one until after I finished her bio and all
Ohhhhhh O.o That will be interesting.

Whelp, Zakai has never met a Laguz before, though he's of the 'judge by behavior, not by bloodlines' thing... and he takes greeeeaaaat pride in his archery.

Also, what does everyone have against archery anyways? (*cough* Edmund and Daire *cough cough*)

Kidding, because I understand why. But still :P

Our characters probably aren't going to meet up until the big call together, right?

I'm really psyched to see how that's going to work out!

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