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Fandom Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

I'd imagine, though atleast let us both build it up before bringing the scene to close, Villys a silly billy though, as risk of sounding stupid for the sake of rhyming.

And go ahead if you wish, i have to run for a few errands today.
If you guys need a place to work on posts in real time, rather than on a text by post basis, then here is a place you can do that: https://www.piratepad.ca/p/zOr6zIwySJ

It's a real time chat page where, if you both happen to be online at the same time, you can see each other typing in real time and exchange information on a much faster and reliable basis. But please keep things on that page relevant to your posting needs. I'll be checking in now and again to make sure it doesn't become a "what did you do today" kind of thing.

Thank you!
Oh, thats a pretty clever thing there buddy ol' pal of friend.
Tomorrow I am on a 7 hour car ride home from vacation, and won't be posting all day. Sorry guys.

I hope you guys can make due without me, and try not to destroy the world until I get back! That's my job, after all!

Thank you!
[QUOTE="Horizon King]Hello! I'm pondering if there is there a spot open for another character?

Depends entirely on the character you want to make.

Aaaaaand I am home!!

I'll be posting sometime tomorrow! Ya'll need to get a crackin'!
[QUOTE="Horizon King]Alright, I do hope that my human Myrmidon can be of use here.

I have analyzed the profile, and I only have one gripe: the Killer Edge.

As was stated in the skeleton, I want everyone to stick to iron and steel weapons to start. You can acquire the Killer Edge not long after the RP begins, maybe give it a month or so IC, but to start things off I want everyone more or less on equal footing as far as weaponry goes.

So if you change the Killer Edge to either an iron or steel sword of some kind, then I'm good to go so long as you clean up a few of the minor BBCode errors that are present. You know, make it look pretty.
[QUOTE="Horizon King]Alright, I've fixed the problems that you have stated.

Nice. You're good to post whenever you're ready.
Hey guys! I just want to give you a head up! I might not be able to get a post up today or tomorrow! Busy weekened! I will of course try, but don't expect too much! ^^
No worries, took me a year and a day to get mine up.
Speaking of posts, mine is now up as promised!

Hopefully it gives the proper impression of just how strong this feeling can be. As stated in the post, not everyone can sense it. In fact, very few can pick up on it... But we can...

What is going on here?

I wonder............
made Cal'vina bloody shaken to the core, when your a cleric of the very goddess who caused it, i'd imagine her fury would shake them pretty hard aswell.
Orikanyo said:
made Cal'vina bloody shaken to the core, when your a cleric of the very goddess who caused it, i'd imagine her fury would shake them pretty hard aswell.
I imagine so, but since nobody knows it's her yet, he won't feel the full brutality of the effects juuuuuust yet.
of course, he'll probably think it is a demon coming forth, technically true in a way.

ATTENTION SHOPPERS!... All merchandise must go!

Marinate on that for a few minutes after reading this and keep it in mind.

It sounds like a random statement/joke, but it will mean something to those who are perceptive enough to catch the reference in a post I'll be making very soon.

And no, it's not the post that's going up in the next few minutes. Just keep the statement in mind for a future post.

Thank you!


@RubyRose, @Zelda18, @Wavebird, @Orikanyo, @Horizon King.

Welcome boys and girls to the end of your character's lives!!!

..... Or at least, that's what I thought would get your attention!

This is not the end. Far from it.

This, my friends, is where our story TRULY begins! With your character's deaths!

Happy trails! And I'll see you all in the Light!
I look at this like the tarot of death, see it not as an omen of end times, but the beginning of new.
either way, cal'vina is pissed.
I know but still. Still. Zakai is going to die and that still makes me sad :(

I'm psyched to see where you're going with this, though!!! :D
aww man this is sad all around, but a great appetizer, whets the palate for the full course meal... of asswhopin' were gona give to that goddess later.

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