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Fandom Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

Should we just continue where we are? I'm not entirely certain if there will be an event to group us together or if we should invent something ourselves so our characters can cross paths~
Zelda18 said:
Should we just continue where we are? I'm not entirely certain if there will be an event to group us together or if we should invent something ourselves so our characters can cross paths~
Oh there will be an event which forces us together. I promise... I'm evil that way and have the imagination to pull it off whether our characters themselves want it to happen or not.


... Ahem... Anyway!

My ebilness out of the way (misspelled on purpose), feel free to continue posting as you will. I will be able to force us together, though I'm toying with a few options so it could be either a slow or fast grouping depending on how I feel when we reach that point.
alright, I'm nearly done... just one more paragraph until I'm satisfied, and then to post it up and get it torn apart by Kyero TT~TT

I'm kidding, your a fair judge, an ebil one but fair :P

Well I'm done, I'll try to have something in, an fix whatever mistakes are made tonight.
You, sir/ma'am, are incredibly talented. And the style is pretty similar to Fire Emblem's in my opinion. How do you art so well? :o
Well I'm done with my character, except for the one part that I suck at; appearance. I truly have no good sites I find pictures of, any suggestions?

I just can't seem to find an appearance or personality that fits me, but more so this RP. I really enjoy the idea of this, but I don't think I'll be making a character. I will be reading though, so can't wait for this to start getting good!
Huntrey said:
Well I'm done with my character, except for the one part that I suck at; appearance. I truly have no good sites I find pictures of, any suggestions?
I just can't seem to find an appearance or personality that fits me, but more so this RP. I really enjoy the idea of this, but I don't think I'll be making a character. I will be reading though, so can't wait for this to start getting good!
The image doesn't have to be exact to the character. That's what the "Description" section is for. To inform us of all that may or may not be different about the character you have in mind versus the image you provide.

And I'm sorry to say this Huntrey. I'm not trying to be mean or offensive with this statement, just honest: If you are willing to give up on joining an RP because one or two pieces of a character profile can't seem to fit, then I would suggest reevaluating your priorities as a role-player a little bit.

If you were struggling, you could have come to me directly about the issues at hand which gave you second thoughts. As the GM, that's what I'm here for.

But if you really don't want to join the RP, then that's fine. I won't try to stop you from observing, but in all seriousness if the personality and appearance sections troubled you that much you should have come directly to me via private message. If the GM can't help you find a way to make things work, then they shouldn't be running the RP in the first place.
So, shall i got ahead is there problems I should change something?
...What? One second...

Well I'll be a monkey's twelfth uncle your right, be right on it.
Quite possible, was doing it on my phone, internet was wonky last night so could've cut it out accidentally.

I'll be working night shifts for the next two nights so I'll be more on in the mornings then late in the evenings as i usually am. Well, for instance I'll be back around this time right now really if your expecting word or something from me, just two days of night work each week, no big thing.

I think when I was making it I put the bio ion with the family, guess my brain didn't catch it, I'll expand more of stuff then head to bed.

guess not tonight, my will fails me and tiredness is winning, so long my friend, i knew ye well.

C'est fini!
Sorry to be a flake, but, I need to withdraw from the RP. I've had a lot of things going on and I probably won't have much time to make long posts in one RP, let alone two.
Natevess said:
Sorry to be a flake, but, I need to withdraw from the RP. I've had a lot of things going on and I probably won't have much time to make long posts in one RP, let alone two.
All right. Take care Nate. I'll see you on Odyssey of Power.


Orikanyo said:
Quite possible, was doing it on my phone, internet was wonky last night so could've cut it out accidentally.
I'll be working night shifts for the next two nights so I'll be more on in the mornings then late in the evenings as i usually am. Well, for instance I'll be back around this time right now really if your expecting word or something from me, just two days of night work each week, no big thing.

I think when I was making it I put the bio ion with the family, guess my brain didn't catch it, I'll expand more of stuff then head to bed.

guess not tonight, my will fails me and tiredness is winning, so long my friend, i knew ye well.

C'est fini!
Made a few minor adjustments to the bio section as it fell short of the seven sentence per paragraph requirement.

You're all set to start posting now Orikanyo. Good luck.

Now that everyone who's set on joining has been accepted, I will begin to slowly unveil the first major event/catastrophe that will see our characters unite. Though perhaps not quite in the way most of you might have expected.
Ah, guess I'll have to go filler mode, but still the alls clear is music to my ears.

misstook you saying you fixed, for you having me to fix it, regardless, i move to post... now.. who to bother?

maybe a certain noble woman left on the side of the road?

And as we see here, the Blue haired Kyoda in it's natural habitat, how swiftly to ends it's prey's lives.

Also this OOC is about as lively as a one person dance party.
Orikanyo said:
Ah, guess I'll have to go filler mode, but still the alls clear is music to my ears.
misstook you saying you fixed, for you having me to fix it, regardless, i move to post... now.. who to bother?

maybe a certain noble woman left on the side of the road?

And as we see here, the Blue haired Kyoda in it's natural habitat, how swiftly to ends it's prey's lives.

Also this OOC is about as lively as a one person dance party.
Haha! Poor Kyo'da has been reduced to animal status.

Ah well. He'll learn to live with it eventually.
Thank you, thank you, i pride myself in my commentary.
So, is there any art I can make for this? Like, if we need a certain thing illustrated, character or whatever. I'd gladly help out if I can :)
Oh my, how thoughtful, and thrilling I must admit.

In truth I wonder how others see my character in their minds, I try to find a good picture for him or her but usually I'm up to the whims of whatever is there... If you willing to try your hand I'd be most happy if you'd do mine.

If not, No skin of my nose, I maybe just misinterpreting what you said above anyways :P Also your quite a good artist I must say, better then me by any account.

Oh boy, seems somebody found Kyoda's trail, and not a certain buxom wolf woman either.

Certainly makes a name for himself, the red tide moves more then water's waves ever will.
Orikanyo said:
Oh my, how thoughtful, and thrilling I must admit.
In truth I wonder how others see my character in their minds, I try to find a good picture for him or her but usually I'm up to the whims of whatever is there... If you willing to try your hand I'd be most happy if you'd do mine.

If not, No skin of my nose, I maybe just misinterpreting what you said above anyways :P Also your quite a good artist I must say, better then me by any account.

Oh boy, seems somebody found Kyoda's trail, and not a certain buxom wolf woman either.

Certainly makes a name for himself, the red tide moves more then water's waves ever will.
He has style, I'll say that much for my blue haired hero. A bit awkward and rough around the edges, as well as eager to prove himself (though more for his own sake than for proving it to other people).

We'll see if he mellows out down the road.
Ah.. going to make a small change to my post, want to make it more interesting, especially if a certain someone is following her nose.

that old sword must have alot of blue's scent on it, and making things interesting is the name of this game we play. though the import of this trail will differ when you place Rhesia on the road.

@Wavebird And wonderful, thank you so much~!
Orikanyo said:
Ah.. going to make a small change to my post, want to make it more interesting, especially if a certain someone is following her nose.
that old sword must have alot of blue's scent on it, and making things interesting is the name of this game we play. though the import of this trail will differ when you place Rhesia on the road.

@Wavebird And wonderful, thank you so much~!
Rhe'sia will follow her nose and remain at a distance. She won't use the roads.

Still, if you guys want to find Kyo'da, he'll be hanging around the entrance to Iltres asking about an inn or some other place he can stay. Given that he's new to the area, he won't know where to go for the best restaurants and inns and whatnot.

Rhe'sia is a couple days behind him, and won't appear to everyone else for a little while longer. Sei'rina, in the meantime, remains in Beriax for the time being preparing to head West through the mountains where the Falcons reside.

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