Fire and Leonhart 1x1 Forest Castle Fight school.

Flower looks at him and then smiled. "Hey." She said and then took off her towel and then set it on the floor. She glanced at him and then ran and dived into the water. She came up and pushed her hair out of her face. However on her back...there were scars, they covered her back. That's what she was going to tell him about but decided not to, thinking he might freak out. Flower can't remember where they came from. She wanted to warn him about it...but found it hard to talk about.
Kal threw his towel over a bench, and dived in with her. Coming up next to her, his hair was soaked. He grinned to her, but when he saw her turn, he saw big, deep scars, that were left after wounds have been healed. Kal didn't know whether he should bring it up or not, but he felt like he needed to know. "Flower... What are those on your back?"
Flower blinked and then looked at Kal as if expecting him to have brought it up. "Well...doctors say it looks like scars from a whip. However...the memory is lost like much of my past is." She said and then looked down at the water. She looked back at him. "Well...maybe I shouldn't remember." She said and then smiled. She changed the mood and then splashed him. She giggled and swam away from him.
He thought about it. She doesn't remember. That's what Nick meant. She doesn't remember her past. He felt sad after knowing that its something she can't remember, scars without a story. When he was splashed with water, he smiled. "Get back here!" He swam over to her and tried to splash her, chasing her.
Flower looks at him and then blocked the water somewhat with her hand. She started laughing. "H-Hey!" She looks at him and then dives underwater. She grabs his leg and tugs him under the water. She swam away and then came up gasping for breath and giggling a little at the edge of the pool.
He laughed as he splashed her. Then, he was unexpectedly pulled underwater. He didn't see it coming, and he breathed his last breath of air before he came to the surface. Kal swam over to the edge where she was breathing out and giggling. He smirked at her, next to her now. "You know... Nick wasn't wrong about you, in your swimsuit.." He chuckled, teasing her. The scars didn't hinder his thought about her appearance, only intrigued and saddened him.
Flower looks at him and blushed. She quickly moved away splashing him in the process. "Shut up..." She said and then looks at him. She pushed her hair out of her face. "I'm just glad he isn't here..." She said and then looked at the ceiling. She looked back at him and then skimmed her hand against the top of the water.
He looked up at the ceiling with her to see what she was looking at. It was pretty high. He looked back to her then. "Heh.. Well I'm sorry if I admit things that are true, on occasion." Kal smirked, blushing back. He thought about what Nick would do if he was here. That made him laugh. Then, he turned away, and dove underwater. He then grabbed her waist, and dragged her down under with him.
Flower yelled out before he pulled out down with him. She opened her eyes and then looked back at him. She lightly elbowed him and then swam away going up for air. She pushed her hair back and then laughed a little. She looked at him from above the water watching him carefully. She smiled and then waved at him.
He smiled back. He wanted revenge. He tickled her feet softly, before rising up, shaking his hair out like a dog. Kal looked into her eyes, smirking a bit. She was surely something different, Kal knew. His grey eyes blinked a few, before he rested on the edge again.
Flower looks at him and then blinks. She looks at him and then smiles. "Little warning...I'm not ticklish." She said and then float on the water. She smiled and looked at kal. "So Kal, do you remember your past?" She asked and then swam over to him. "Can you tell me more about yourself?" She asked looking at him with curiosity. She got closer to him wanting to know. Not knowing her own past made her wonder about others.
"Uhm..." He was a bit easy, but he felt comfortable around her enough. He could trust her, he knew he could. "I started fencing and swordfighting when I was five.... I grew up with both my mom and my dad." He looked to her blankly, starting to try and find words. "I began to like writing, alot.. I wrote about what I felt. I wrote poems, and stories.. But Dad, he never liked what I did outside of swordplay. He resented me. I didn't know why, but it just hurts, cause..." He shook her head, looking into the water. "I loved him. And because of alot of other things.. Fights, arguements.." Kal stopped, and tried to think, to put something on his blank canvas. "He's gone."
Flower looked at him and backed up. She looked down. "Oh...I'm sorry." she couldn't remember anything about her father... Her mother. She wondered if they were even alive. "..." she looked at him. "Sorry I asked I just wanted to know." she said and then looked back up at him with a small sme. "However if he could see you know I think he would be very proud, you fought like an expert warrior."
He stopped weakly. He looked from the water, to her, and smiled. "Thanks. But you did too... I'm sure both your parents would be proud." He flushed with red. She was such a good girl, although dangerous. That was funny to Kal, her skills were un-comparable. She made him feel better as well.
Flower looks at him and then smiles. She continued to swim relaxing almost competely. She swam around on her back letting her hair spread out in the water. It may have been wet but it still was white. She looked at Kal and then smiled.
Kal smiled back. She swam so gracefully. He decided to swim as well, swimming on first his stomach, then floating on his back next to her. He blinked, looking at her hair. Beautiful waves of thick silver, flowing in the water that surrounded it.
Flower looks at him and then looks at the ceiling. "This is always relaxing for me...but I normally swim alone." she looked at him. "This is fun." she said and then drives under the water and popped up on the other side of him. She grabbed her wet hair and pushed it out of her face. "However unwanted side effect it takes me hours to brush out my hair again." she said and then laughed.
"Heh. " Kal smiled. He could imagine her brushing her hair. His hair didn't require too much maintenance though, but it was just a little tough to go through because it was thick, like hers. He stared up at the ceiling with her. "So you're a really good swimmer, and a really good fighter. I guess that adds up Flower." He gushed at her.
Flower looks at him and then blushes. "Whatever..." she said and then looked away. She grabbed a strand of her hair and started twirling it around her finger. She glanced at him. He was embarrassing her, and flower happened to be shyer then she lets on. She looked up watching the rays of the sun leak down. She looks at Kal. ""In a simple fight like that I'm good...but a real fight the more frustrated I am the less I think things through I may win the fight but I often come out with more injuries then necessary."

Nick suddenly jumped in the water. He grabbed Flower around her waist and then chuckled. “FLOWER! You go swimming without inviting me? How rude my dear.” He said and then watched Flower go deep red in the face as he set his head on her shoulder.

Flower suddenly tensed up a lot. She elbowed him hard and then swam away. “UGH!” She said and then crossed her arms. “Don’t you have some fan girls to go chase?” She said really annoyed with him. She looked at Kal…she was relaxing and just enjoying spending time with him and suddenly Nick shows up.

Nick looks at her. “You’re embarrassed….this fills my needs.” He said showing off his well-built form. He laughs as Flower got out and put on her towel to cover her back. “Hey no need to hide it anymore I already saw.” He said and then pulled himself onto the edge. “Now I see the real reason you hide when you swim.” He said and then smiled as he stared at her. Flower got annoyed and used her light to dunk his head in the water.

Flower crosses her arms. “Jerk…” She said and then jumped when Deathwish put his hand on her shoulder. “GAHH! Geez Deathwish you are quieter than a ninja, don’t do that!” She yelled at him shaking her fist but he just stared at her with a blank expression. Flower groans slightly. “How did you find me?”

Nick pulled his head up and gasped. “Let’s just say I have a buddy in the camera room.” He said and then winked. “You two done flirting now?” He asked and then laughed as Flower pulled her towel up to hide her face. “STALKER!” She yelled at him but Nick seemed just to be enjoying teasing her. “Alright alright I’ve had my fun…” He said and then put his hands on his head. “You’re just too easy to tease…who knew you were shy when it came to guys. If you were bolder I bet you could date any guy here.” He said and then laughed.
Kal was watching everything go into a rush; Nick jumping in the water, dunking Nick, Flower trying to hide her scars, and Nick explaining how he found them two. He might like embarrassing Flower for the thrill, but he thought Nick took it too far. He also thought it was cute when she was embarrassed. It was hard not to say that, but of course he wouldn't admit it. Unless...

Personally, it was up to her who she wanted to date and if she wanted to date, he thought. If she was willing, Kal sure she could have any guy she wanted. Quickly he swam over to the edge of the pool where Flower and Nick stood. "Well uhm... hey Nick." He didn't know what else to say.
Nick looks at Kal. "Hey." he said and then smiled. "How exactly did you get flower to go swimming with you?" he asked and then looked at flower who jumped back into the water.

"He just asked and he isn't a pervert like you." she said crossing her arms and glaring at him. She looked away and then started swimming around. She looked at Deathwish who was just standing there behind Nick. Deathwish wasn't even in a swim suit. He just followed his brother around.

"You just met him today...who knows he could be a closet perv." nick laughed watching flower look more annoyed with him. "Can't say it couldn't happen." he said and then smiled at flower.
He smiled at Nick. " I just might be. But I didn't show it yet. Then again I wasn't the one wondering how I got her to swim with me." He laughed softly. Kal then dived underwater in a flash, letting the cool feel engulf his whole body. He spun and twisted in the water. His pale skin made it easy to spot him from the surface, his hair like waves of white sea. He opened his eyes enough to allow the chlorine to sting his eyes just a little. Then, Kal resurfaced, gasping a little.
Flower looked at Kal. "And you called me the good swimmer." She said and then looked at Nick who was suddenly being admired by a few fan girls who were almost fainting because he wasn't warring a shirt. "Idoits....they're all idoits." She said and then looked at Kal. "Well Kal before word leaks out about me...maybe I should leave." She said and then looked at the water sadly.
"...Alright. I'm sorry." Kal swam over to the edge, and stepped up from it. Water droplets came down from his body and hair. He then grabbed his towel off of the bench and began to dry himself off. His hair was semi-dry now. "So uhm... What are you doing, tomorrow?" The towel lay over his shoulder now.
Flower got out and wrapped her towel around her. She looked at Kal and then started combing her hair out with her fingers. She thought for a moment. "Um nothing really." She asked and then smiled at him. She waited for him to respond only guessing he wanted to hang out again. She felt better having her back covered again so no one could see.

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