Fire and Leonhart 1x1 Forest Castle Fight school.

Kal's towel merely covered his back like a cape. He grinned back at her, standing in front of her. "Do you want to hang out tomorrow? You're really fun. Thanks for today." Her smile always made him feel comfortable, but he learned never to get too comfortable. He felt alot safer - she was someone she could trust.
Flower looks at him and then nods. "'re fun too." she said and then smiled. "I would love to hang out again." She said and then smiled at him. She looked at him also very comfortable around him. She looked at the floor. "So what do you want to do tomorrow?" she asked him.
Kal looked back to Flower, smiling. "Anything you want to do, Flower." Kal didn't want to make himself too comfortable, but he decided to dive in anyway. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, giving a soft embrace to her. "What do you want to do?"
Flower looked at him and then blinked. She never really was one to let people get to close to her, even a friendly hug wasn't entirely in her comfort zone, however she let him. "I don't know really. There are plenty of things to do here but....I'm not entirely sure what we could do." She blushed a little and rubbed her head. "I'm not very good at this." she said.

Nick looks over at Kal and Flower. He jumped up out of surprise and then blinked watching them. “That is just scary now.” He thought and then looked at Deathwish who seemed a bit surprised himself. However unlike Nick Deathwish didn’t pay it too much attention. Soon he and his brother Nick left. Nick was looking around for any girls of interest as usual. Deathwish found this quite annoying.
He realized that she seemed uneasy with this, so he let go. He looked down to Flower, thinking some. "What are our options?" Kal moved his hair out of his eyes. He was curious as to see what they could do. She was right - there was alot to do, but even he was unsure.
Flower looks at him. "Other then swimming and sparing, there are the gardens we could walk through, the library, the shooting rang, the stables, we could go horse back ridding." She said and then started drying her hair with her towel. "Or we could just hang out in our rooms." She said and then smiled at him lightly. She looked at him and then blew her almost dry bangs out of her eyes.
"Do you want to chill in our rooms, and maybe do one of those other ones another day?" He smiled, thinking what they could talk about in their rooms. She was fun already, the way she was. It wouldn't matter what they did together.
Flower looks at him and then nods. "Fine with me." She said and then looked at the door. She looked back at him and pulled her towel tighter around her. "I better get changed...I'm getting cold." she said chuckling a little. She looked at him and then loomed at the ground.
"Alright. Me too." He walked steadily to the doorway, heading towards his room. "I'll see you tomorrow." Kal walked into the empty hallway, and turning down into the dorms into his room.
Flower smiled and then nodded. "Sure." She said and then pulled the towel closer. She shivered a bit. "I think I better get changed now." She said smiling softly. She was a bit cold now. She looked around and then back at him starting to head to the door.
Kal took off his swimming trunks and hopped into the shower. He thought about what him and Flower would do the next day. And all the unnecessary class periods he would have to sit through. Kal always studied from his textbooks before he trained in the forest. But today, he sparred with one of the greatest in school, so that was his exercise. He dried himself off, and went to bed in pajamas, only to wake up in the morning to get ready. He closed his eyes and went to sleep.
Flower also took a shower. She walked out in a towel brushing out her hair with her brush. She pulled her sheets down and then grabbed her Pajamas. She changed and then looked out her window. She sighed and then laid down and covered up trying to get some sleep. She went to sleep and then woke the next morning. With a loud groan, she slowly got up. Once she was dressed she walked out.
Kal awoke in the morning to his alarm clock. Quickly, he stopped it with his palm. Coughing, before catching his breath, he slowly began to get dressed, and fixed his hair. He didn't wear his weighty armor unless he was training. Instead, he wore a lightweight plate. He walked out with a satchel of notebooks and headed to class.
Flower was walking down the hall before she saw Kal. She smiled and quickened her walk. She looked at him and then looked at some other students walking past. "Morning." she said and then looked back at him, she pressed her books to her chest as she walked.
"Hey Flower. How're you this morning?" Kal felt refreshed. He'd hoped that he got enough sleep. It seems as if he did, because he was able to walk without closing or blinking his eyes every so often. He hoped that she got enough rest as well. "Sleep well?"
Flower chuckled a bit. "I'm fine and yes I'd say I did." She said and then examined him. "It seems you did as well." She said and then walked into the classroom. Kira rushed past her with a giggle. Flower raised and eyebrow at what that was about. She looked at Kal and then smiled. "So after classes we're just hanging out right?" She asked.
Kal looked at her as he walked into the classroom. "Yeah, haha, I did." He then saw the girl he remembered seeing before, when he first met Flower yesterday. He answered her question. "Yeah, unless you wanna do something else."
Flower looks at him and then shakes her head no. "Nope hanging out is fine." she said and then sat down in a seat. "Oh so who's room were we going to hang out in." she pushed her hair behind her ear as she looked at Kal. She leaned back in her chair and then streatches out her arms.
Kal walked over to where Flower sat. "Which room? Up to you really, doesn't matter to me." He wanted to know more about her secretly anyhow, but if she wanted to know more about him, then she should hang with him in his room.
Flower looks at him and then smiled lightly. "My room is fine I guess." She said and then shrugged. "At least I have a TV in there too." She said and then laughed a bit. She looked at him and then looked as the teacher came in. Flower leaned back and then sighed. "Here we go again." She said and then looked at Kal. "Better be careful wouldn't want your head slammed into the desk."
"Yeah." He smiled and laughed back, before turning around to arrive at his seat, pulling the chair out and sitting down, sliding in by his desk. He didn't feel like sleeping. His dreams kept his body at rest during the night, so there was no fear of the desk being slammed against his forehead. He wasn't aware of what they would be learning of today anyway. That's what usually made the day surprising. It was a new thing everyday, usually, unless they were reviewing. He sat, arms crossed over the desk, making himself look somewhat bored but constant.
Flower watched as she started explain some Chinese weapons and techniques. Flower smiled and then got up when class was over. She raised her arms up and then stretched out with a yawn. She looked at Kal and then smiled. He really wasn't tired today, either that or class was interesting for him. She looked as the students started leaving the classroom and she followed behind them.
Kal smiled back at Flower, following behind the students leaving the room as well. He thought that the swords were interesting... The katana, wakasashi.... The history was amazing, the different dynasties were great examples to show different ways they were evolving as a civilization. Some of the techniques he probably needed to check out.
Flower looked at Kal. She almost boredly went through the other classes but the closer she got to the schools end the more excided she became to hang out with Kal today. She seemed in a really good mood even ignoring nick normal anticts to a point. She did knock him flat on his back once. She suddenly slammed her hands down on kal's desk and leaned down with a smile. "Schools over." she said.
Kal smiled. He couldn't resist that devious smile of hers. He looked up at her, as she planted her palms on his desk. "Well, lets get to it then, shall we?" He slowly rose from his desk, looking over at her, walking around his chair before he pushed it in. He stood along-side her, waiting to go.

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