Fire and Leonhart 1x1 Forest Castle Fight school.

Flower smiled lightly and then started walking. She looked back at him. "I do have a surprise in my room....but would you mind keeping it a secret. It's kind of important to me." She said and then turned down the hall to the dorms. She stopped in front of her room door. She looked back at him and put her finger to her mouth. She opened the door and then smiled as she was greeted by a big German shepherd dog. It was obviously a mix because it was as big as a wolf. Maybe that's because it was half wolf. It had mostly German Shepherd characteristics though "Hey Hunter." Flower said petting Hunter on the head and walking into her room.
Kal followed Flower, acknowledging that he would keep it a secret. Then he was surprised by an animal, as he's always liked animals. He smiled at Flower, and the dog. He tried to be friendly, by letting it smell him, before petting its sleek haired head. He followed her into her room quietly, then, stopping to look around.
Flower smiled and then watched hunter jump on her bed and lay down. Flower's walls had swords and a few guns on them. Also there were two dance flags over her beds. She looked at her dressier which had her TV on it. Flower grabbed a few of her clothes and put them in the bathroom real quick. "Hunter is a push over....unless I say." She said and giggled as Hunter perked her ears.
"Oh, haha." Kal looked around her room. He looked at the dance flags, wondering if she was doing cheer-leading or some other kind of activity that required those. He also had swords on his wall, but not guns. That was different to him. He steadily looked at the TV, then. He nervously patted down the back of his silvery head. "So uhm... Those flags.. Did you cheerlead?
Flower looks at him. "Well um....No...I use them to dance." She rubs her head. "Well you see...dancing and fighting....I don't think they are really that different. So what I use them for is to practice fighting a slower more graceful fashion." She said and then picked them up. "I have to use complicated move in battle so I need to get use to using a sword with I don't cut myself." She said giggling. She showed him the medal on the ends of them. "Plus I need to learn to balance myself with the weight of a sword. She said and then flipped one and caught it. She giggled a bit. "In short....they're training tools."
"That's pretty cool. Life itself is like an act.. All played together on a stage." Kal looked at the unusual fighting tools. It was pretty neat to him. His mother taught him about how life was like a stage when he was little. He smiled at Flower a little.
Flower looks at him and then puts them back on the wall. "I guess so." She said and then smiled at him. She sat down on her bed and then pushed her lazy dog off. Hunter looked at Flower and then walked over to a doggy door through a window and went for a walk outside. Flower chuckles. "I couldn't exactly keep her locked up...or else I'd have a big mess to clean up." She said and then looked out. "Of I have to deal with dead rabbits being dragged in." She chuckled. "One time Hunter dragged in a deer." She laughed.
"A deer? You aren't lying." He sat next to Flower. "That's crazy." He laughed then. He wondered what other things Hunter could bring in if she wanted to. He looked at Flower, smiling. "What other things do you do in here?"
Flower looked at him and then yawned. "Other then, sleep and bathing?" She chuckles. "I try to relax here and I study here." She said and then laid back. "Sometimes I just sit here and thing really." She said and then put her arms under her head. She looked at him. "I do read a little but it's mostly fighting books and stuff like that."
"Oh. I think alot too. Nothing better than that at times, in my opinion." Brushing his hair away from his face, he looked back to her, leaning backwards as she was laying down, holding himself up with his arms. "What do you think about, Flower?" Kal wondered.
Flower looked at him and then sighs. "I just wonder about things. I think about what my past could have been like....what my parents might have been." She sighed again. "Things about love sometimes to. In a room like this...tends to get lonely." She said and then pushed her bangs out of her eyes. "Fighting also happens to cross my mind...of course that seems to take up all of my life." She said with a small smile. "What do you think about?" She asked.
Kal smiled back. He thought it encouraging but sad at the same time, when she thought about what her past life would have been like. He thought. " I think about my training. I think about where it could take me and what I could do with my abilities. One day, I want to fight for the world. I don't know when I could use it, but I'm sure I will one day. I think about the friends I would've had, if I didn't shut everyone out. Sometimes, I think about my dreams, my thoughts before I sleep. Some which I can't tell you, otherwise I would. But usually, they are about me, being a knight. Its a dream that happens more than once.. I think about, what if I wasn't so lonely?" Kal stopped before he rambled. Some people he knew liked to hear him talk, but he wasn't sure if Flower wanted to sit through a one-sided conversation. "I'm sorry if I said too much." He looked back over to Flower, laying down as well.
Flower looked at him. "No, no it's ok. I think it's neat how you want to fight for the world. However you got some friends now." She said and then winked at him. "You got Nick and Deathwish....sort of. And I'm a friend aren't I?" She said and then chuckled. She looked up. "I think you can make tons of friends...I seriously just walked right up to me." She looked at him and then smiled.
He smiled back widely, and laughed a little, hard to keep it in. "Yeah. I don't know. There was just something inside of me that just, reached out. With a nervous guy like me, heh.. Its just hard to imagine being friends with a pretty and popular girl. From the beginning... I thought they wouldn't want to be my friend. I'm different from the other guys. I act tough, but inside, I have too many soft spots..." He looked over at Flower, a bit timid. "I was afraid they'd look down at me and think I was a wuss. I've been hurt too many times... That's when I started getting scared." He was red in the face now, he was exposed, his mind was let out.
Flower looks at him and then smiled. "I get it I really do." she said and then pushed her hand through her hair as she breathed out. "I am an iron women...but like my name says I'm a flower as well. Even with a fierce personality like mine I do get shy. For example boys...I get nervous around quite a few of them. I also am afraid that just because I'm a girl they wouldn't treat me seriously as a warrior." she shrugged. "I have my soft spots everyone does." she said and then shrugged. "You know some girls really like sensitive guys." she said winking at him teasingly.
"Really? Ohh." Kal said, half laughing, a deeper tint of red on his pale face, turning away slightly, covering his face, before looking back at her. "I treat you like a warrior, an amazing one at that. I like that you keep trying to get stronger, I do that too." Smirking some, before his eyes looked over hers. "Some guys even like girls who push back."
Flower smiled lightly, a small pink blush creeped up on her cheeks. "I Would hope so...or else I'd be doomed." she giggled and then looked back at him. She grabbed a peice of her hair and started twirling it.
"Yeah." He smiled and laughed, looking back to her, trying not to hide his blush anymore. He couldn't believe she was starting to get nervous around him. Then again, she usually was nervous around boys. "I bet you like Nick." He teased Flower.
Flower looks at him, her face turned to an annoyed stare look. " a million years." She said and then pushed her hair back again. "Nick isn't my type. He's hot I'll give him that but I rather not go into a relationship that I know is going to end badly." She said and then rubbed the back of her head.
"I was just kidding, but you never know. Just making sure." He laughed a little. "So who do you like then?" Kal gave inquire, staring with wonder. He thought if she even had a love interest or not. Kal wasn't sure, really. He was starting to get tired, and his usually quiet attitude was slowly wearing off, and that was easily seen. He was more laid-back.
Flower rubs her head. "Not really anyone right now." She said and then looked at the swords on her walls. "I've been a little busy." She said and then chuckled. She watched as Hunter came back and jumped right back on the bed. She sat next to Kal and then stuck her head between them. Flower blinks and pets Hunter. "Been running around have you?" Flower asked the dog and giggled as Hunter licked her.
Kal smiled, and pet the dog. It was so cute, so soft, though he was sure that it was as deadly as it was adorable. He wondered as Flower said she was busy. Probably since she said she gestured towards the blades, training. He blinked his eyes and yawned.
Flower looks at him as he yawned. "If you're tired maybe you should go back to your room." She said and then continued to pet Hunter. She pulled a knee up to her chest and rested an arm on it. She stared at the wall with a small smile. "I mean I'm almost running out of things to talk about." She said chuckling a little bit. She looked back at Kal.
He looked back at Flower, smiling. He didn't want to leave, but they actually were running out of things to talk about. "Alright." Kal slowly began to rise up from the bed, sitting up. He then proceeded to slide down, and stand on his two feet. Kal stretched his arms, before they fell to his sides. Slowly, he began to move towards her dorm door. "I'll see you tomorrow."
Flower looks at him. "Ok." She said and then looked as Hunter shot her head up watching Kal move towards the door. The dog jumped down and followed him. She rubbed her head on his leg, wagging her tail a bit. Flower chuckled. "She seems to have taken a liking to you." She said and then smiled. "Hunter...come over here." She said patting the bed to call Hunter.

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