Fire and Leonhart 1x1 Forest Castle Fight school.

Flower looks around and then sighed bored a bit. She looked at Kal who seemed to be really interested. She smiled lightly and then looked back at the new student who seemed very uninterested. She blinked and looked away. She crossed her arms and then leaned back in her chair. She rubbed her head and then sighed a bit. She wondered who he was. She sighed, maybe she shouldn't know...he creeps her out.
Kal stopped taking notes when the teacher presented a video on the projector, of successful procedures in order to summon synthetic magicks. Kal watched the video carefully, watching if he could use some of those elements he hasn't used before. He was sure the next time he would train, he would find time to practice magicks. Not only that, but he had to work on his energy intake of chi. Suddenly, the bell rang for the next class, and Kal looked up to the clock above the door frame. It was time to go. Kal took a stand, while the class began to leave out the door. He simply walked over to Flower's desk. "Are you ready, Flower? She's waiting." He smirked when he mentioned her upcoming spar.
Name: Zero

Age: 19

Likes: Unknown

Dislikes: Unknown

Hobbies: Unknown

History: Unknown

Weapon Choice: my hands

(the new student)

Flower looks at him and then smiles. "Ok yeah!" She said and then jumped up. "Come on let's go!" She said and then grabbed his hand. She rushes out completely forgetting about the new student. She smiled and then rushed to the spar room. She looked back at Kal with a happy smile. She stopped in front of the door and let go of kal who she dragged with her.
Kal was surprised by what Flower did. In just seconds he was being dragged by Flower. He ran to catch up with her pace. When they arrived, he smiled back, and his hand was let go. He was happier when she was, he began to realize. This was something that he believed was a bond. The only people he ever talked to was Flower and Fyra, and Flower at most. That must be why some people are scared of him, or don't like him...

He was excited to witness Flower and Kira fight. This was something he couldn't miss. He hoped Flower got enough sleep. She would need energy to fight. "You better of counted enough sheep in class. You'll need all you can get against your rival." He smirked back at the girl who he only showed his real side of him.
Flower looked at Kal. She smirks and then nods. “Yeah…” She said and then opened the door. There was Kira standing in the middle. Flower smirked and walked up. A rather large crowd was already there. Flower pulled out her sword and pointed it at Kira. “Ready…”

Kira pushed her dark pink hair back. “Always Flower.” Kira said and then grabbed her gun. Kira started shooting first. She stood in a stance and watched as Flower jumped back and dashed to the right avoiding the bullets. Kira clicked the gun and watched as the empty holder came out. She loaded it back again and then dashed into a roll as Flower sliced down her sword.

Flower sliced her sword to the side and then looked at Kira who had avoided the sword. Kira fell on her back but she jumped right back up. Flower looked at Kira Flower’s hair flinging out of her face as her head turned. Flower got up and attacked again. She charged and then sliced, not giving Kira time to shoot. Kira had to keep jumping back to avoid the blade.

Kira used her gun to hit the blade off to the side. She shot at Flower once again but Flower redirected the bullets with her light. Flower created a light ball and threw it at Kira. Kira got hit with it and was thrown back. Kira shook her head on the ground. She looked at Flower and then suddenly turned into a tiger. Kira roared loudly and rushed at Flower.

Flower gripped her sword and then took a stronger stance. She held the blade on both ends and then blocked Kira’s attack. Flower slid back and looked at Kira who was biting the blade. Flower glared at Kira and then kicked her back. Flower jumped and sliced her sword down at Kira. However the sword just hit the ground with a clang. Flower was stunned for a moment as the vibrations hit her hands and up her arms. The shock made Flower cringed a bit.

Kira was now a lioness; she rushed at Flower and jumped pinning her down. Flower held Kira’s head away, however Kira’s hook like claws made flower’s sides bleed. Flower yelled out a bit. Flower got her feet under Kira and kicked her off. Flower rolled back and then stood up.

Kira turned human and then grabbed her gun again. Kira shot at Flower. Flower lifted her hands and streams of light went under the bullets and sent them away from her. However a bullet grazed Flower’s cheek. Flower stumbled back and put a hand to her now bleeding cheek. Flower looked at Kira and then summoned more light. She blasted it at Kira. However Kira had rolled out of the way.

The two girls charged at each other. Kira hit the side of the sword with the back of her arm. Once it was out of Kira’s hand she grabbed it however Flower kicked Kira’s hand that held Kira’s gun. Kira sliced the sword at Flower and Flower dove to the side. Flower grabbed Kira’s gun.

Flower rushed at Kira and then jumped as Kira tried to slice her again. Flower watched as the sword hit the ground. Flower jumped onto the blade and then pointed the gun at Kira’s head. Flower smirked. Kira tried to move the blade but couldn’t. It was over….Flower had won.
The crowd cheered for fans of the school's now greatest fighter that has been shown in this spar. Kal stood a bit late, as he was still surprised at all of the movement and the actual winner - Flower had won the spar against her rival. This was for sure a big accomplishment for her - he couldn't wait to congratulate her. It was truly amazing, down to every movement that was required to nominate the winner. He stood and clapped among the others. He even whistled at Flower, smiling as he did so. He couldn't believe what he was doing. This was the most he even participated in any kind of event. It was more like an event than anything else at school anyway.

When the crowd began to disperse, Kal made his way down to the arena from the bleachers. He didn't really know how to politely go about doing this, as Kira was still there. He would embarrass Flower later, and that made him smile.

"The both of you did great! Really something to watch... "
Flower and Kira shook hands. Flower smiled and then looked at Kal. She chuckled and then handed kira's gun to her. "Next time tiger." she said chuckling as Kira did indeed turn into a tiger. She walked to Kal rubbing her cheek and then flinched. "That's going to hurt for a while." she said and then smiled as Kira handed her a bandage.

Kira tossed her hair back. "You know it all went wrong when I tried to use your sword." Kira laughed. "Well my pride maybe hurt but I guess it can't be helped." Kira said. It wasn't as obvious to some people but Kira was rather bothered by the loss. However Kira was to classy to let that stop her from congratulating her opponent. "Nice job flower." she said and then looked at Kal and nodded. She smiled and walked out.

Flower pushed her hair back slowly being able to stop panting. "I only won because I managed not to get in hand to hand combat with her." flower said and then smiled at Kal. "Some fight huh?" she said and then looked behind her should at the door. "One to keep in mind...she can shape shift." said and then crossed her arms.
"I have to say, I was surprised when she did shape-shift into a tiger. You only told me she had a gun." Kal looked over to Flower, smiling. "That was one amazing fight. You did great. I'm proud of you." He tried to revisit all of the scenes of the fight in his head. He remembered more than enough of it, even if it was a speedy battle. "So... what do you want to do now? You know.. unless you're busy. I'm sure you'd like to relax.." Kal enjoyed his time with Flower, and tried to get as much of it as he could, without trying to be an annoyance to her.
Flower looks at him. " I'd like to relax now." she said and rubbed her head. "Plus I really pushed myself and I need to get cleaned up...kira's claws mabe me bleed a little." she said and then suddenly fell onto Kal. She was tired in the first place and not only was she bleeding she was usig even more energy to start healing herself. She had fell over for a few moments from exhustion.
Kal took quick reaction, catching Flower in his arms. She was innocent and tired, and he was left to help her. "Here, lean on my back, I'll get you back to your dorm. Can you still walk? If you can't, I'll have to carry you." He grabbed her right arm softly and slung it over his right shoulder. He began to walk just a little, to test her pace, to see if it was stable.
Flower looks at him and then sighs. "Yeah." she said walking with him. "Sorry I guess trying to heal myself was a bad idea." she said and then looked at him. She rubs her head. "One bad night and suddenly I can do a spar?" she chuckles although she was a bit frustrated.
"Don't worry, you'll be fine. I'll do anything I can to make sure of that." He smiled, looking back to her, as they began to leave the arena, back into the empty, bland hallway. Kal began to slowly move onward with Flower on his back. He didn't seem to mind her weight on him. They took the branch from the hallway into the dorm hall, where he tried to remember which dorm room Flower resided in.

He slowly opened and turned the knob on her door, hoping Hunter wouldn't get them caught with a noise. But when he opened the door, she seemed to wag her with her tongue out, as she did last time. Kal began to move Flower to her bed, grabbing her by her back and legs like a child, before lightly setting her down. "Would you need help getting cleaned up?" He said, trying not to show emotion, but true care. The blood wasn't all too bad, but not very pretty.
Flower looks at him and then chuckles. "Geez I'll be was just a wave...after the excitement from the fight stopped." She rubs her head and then looks at Hunter. She smiles and then slowly got up again. "Not to mention being freaked by all those drained me fast." She said and then looked at the bathroom. "I would ask you to help but I rather not. It would be to uncomfortable." She said and then walked into the bathroom. She undressed and cleaned the blood off. She sighed and checked out her sides making sure all the scratches were healed. A few of the deeper ones were still there but that was to be expected. Flower got dressed again and then walked out. She plopped onto her bed again and then smiled a bit. "That feels a bit better...blood can feel sticky sometimes."
Kal watched as Flower talked about her reaction to Kira's bullets and her slowly, weakily rising up. He hoped Flower would be fine moving around. When she replied to his question, Kal responded back. "Okay. Be careful." When she came back and laid on her bed, he smiled. "Does anything hurt?" He sat on the edge of her bed, looking over to her.
Flower smiles lightly. "Some of the deeper wounds. When it comes to Kira and I...we aren't as nice as we are to others. She said and then laughed rubbing her head. He do come out with injuries. I'm sure she got a slight burn or too from my light. Hopefully nothing broken from hitting the wall when I shot her with that light ball." She said and then chuckled.
"You guys aren't on good terms either.." Kal lied alongside her like the day before. Looking over to her, he said, "Why is that so?" He clearly knew now, something happened between them to cause a grudge.
Flower looks at him. "Kira and I are fine with each other. We both just were suddenly pinned against one another. I mean we both have mysterious pasts...well at least she remembers her...and we both are females; pretty females I might add, we also are very great fighters so people naturally pinned us against one another. We found a common competitiveness." She said and then rubs her head. She looks at him.
Kal smiled. "After what you added about females, would it hurt to say that I agree with you?" He softly nudged her elbow with his own. He glimmered and beamed at her, hoping she wasn't too capable of strangling him on her bed. "So that's how it is.. If you're too alike, they'll compare and contrast. That's society. All too familiar.." He eased back, thinking to himself.
Flower looks at him and then chuckles. "Lucky for you not today." She said and then put her arms behind her head. "It might have caused a possibly good friendship to be a long distance one." She said chuckling. She looks at him and then smiled lightly.
He smiled back to her, wondering what to say now. "So, Flower... I don't even think I know your favorite color, speaking of which." He laughed softly. He guessed it might be hard, because she couldn't remember her past. But now, it was time to make a new kind of history for her. "What kinds of shows do you like to watch on TV?" Kal said, turning over to her, laying on his side, thinking of a conversation starter.
Flower looks at him and then chuckles. "I've always liked the color red...and white. My two favorite color combinations are black and hot pink...but I don't like black alone. My favorite shows...hmm I almost like anything on animal planet and I also like good Syfi." She said and then looks at him. "Other then that not really anything else" She said and smiled.
"I like purple, and politics.. " Kal looked over to her with sudden interest in hers. "What have you seen recently on Animal Planet?" He wanted to try and strike up a fun conversation, which he was bad at, he realized.
Flower looks at him and then smiled. "Well...Something sort of sad really. I like watching this show called Big cat dairy and dogs 101 and cats 101. There is one I like a lot. Meerkat manor. It's cool because the leader's name is FLower...they call her the iron lady and the dessert rose. It's cool really. She's a lot like me in animal terms I guess." She laughed.
"I'd have to agree." Kal laughed a little, smiling at her. "I think I might have seen that show before. I don't think I have, actually. Sounds interesting. What do you like about meerkats?" He thought about when he last seen it but he couldn't remember. It was all too hard for him to recall. Slowly he pulled back his silver, long hair from his eyes.
FLower looks at him. "They're just interesting. They all are a family and they have rules and stuff. They are really cute." she said and then laid back. "It's a druma show with animals and really is real life." she said and then looked at him. She looked away. "It's just fungo watch those little guys try to survive and have their victories." she said rubbing her head.

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