Fire and Leonhart 1x1 Forest Castle Fight school.

Flower looked at Hunter and then tilted her head. No something else was bothering Hunter. Flower got off the bed and glanced at Kal. She went and opened the door were Zero was standing there. Fear struck Flower although she did not know why. She took a step back. "May I help you?" She asked him but Zero just smiled. She looked away quickly and glanced at Kal.

Zero looked at her and then frowned as he saw Kal. “I thought I’d get to know the best fighter here. I am a bit confused where everything is. I was glad when I stumbled upon your room here.” He said and then looked at Flower.

Flower looked at him and then closed her eyes with a sigh. “The boys’ dorms are down the hall and to the left.” She said and then looked up at him. “Kal can show you the way he was just leaving.” She said and then crossed her arms.

Zero looked at her and then reached and pulled her tunic down a bit. “I see…” He said and then held up his hand with a small smile as she smacked it away. “Sorry…” he said and then put his hands into his pockets.

Flower sighed and then rubbed her head feeling a headache coming on. “We’re just friends so please don’t think that way. You’re ticking me off.” She said and then glared at him.

Zero laughed. “Sorry hard not to…but I can tell you’re not lying so I’ll back off.” He said and then looked at Kal. He smiled lightly. Flower groaned a bit very frustrated with why this guy creeps her out so much. “Even if I’m not how would you know?” She asked him.

Zero turned. “I can sense such things. On people I know well. Flower Moon.” He said and then started walking away. “Little Flowerbud….seems to be mad at me.” He chuckled and Flower stood there confused. He knew her? How? And why does that Nickname sound familiar?! She knew that nickname. Flower’s eyes couldn’t be wider. She watched him carefully as if trying to provoke a memory
Kal looked just a bit irritated when he turned around to look at both Flower and the man standing near her at the door. He knew her, but she didn't know him? How? Maybe she knows her past... He thought that, if they got to know the shady man, they could reach Flower's history. Slowly, but steadily, Kal walked casually to the both of them, standing next to Flower. He moved his fingers through his hair again, blinking a bit, before letting his arms rest at his sides. "Might I show you to the dorms?" He said with a casual tone, looking at Zero with a blank expression.
Zero looks at Kal. "No thanks I think I can find them." hensaid and then looked at flower. "Better remember soon or I'll be hurt." he said and then walked away. Leaving flower confused and uneasy. She looked at Kal and then looked at hunter who was in attack mood. Flower petted hunter to calm her down.
Kal looked to Flower as he had walked away. "That was strange.. " He thought about Zero for a while. "Well.. I guess we could talk about it in the morning. " Kal blinked his eyes, and yawned again, covering his yawn with his right hand. He slowly started to make his way out the door, petting Hunter before he left. "G'Night, Flower."
Flower looks at Kal. She nods looking at the ground. "Yeah ok." she said and then looks up at him. "I don't know why but that boy scares me...please be careful around him. I don't remember why but he jut gives me a bad feeling." she said and then called hunter back I to the room. She closed the door slowly and then sighed getting ready for bed. She laid down on the bed and yawned closing her eyes. She fell asleep.
"Okay." Kal turned away as Flower shut the door. He started moving towards the boys dorms, and opened his door, shutting it behind him as he stepped in. He got his clothes ready for tomorrow ( black dress shirt with matching vest and bootcut slacks ) changed into pajamas, and went to bed.

Soon, it was morning, and Kal sat up and stretched. Blinking, and rubbing his eyes, he got up from his bed and got dressed, slipping on black wingtips before heading out the door. His satchel was slung over his shoulder and he headed out into the hallway.
Flower walked out and then stretches out. This time surprisingly Hunter was following her Fearful students kept there distances. Hunter would not let Flower leave the room without her some reason. Flower sighed deeply. She suddenly was tripped and she stumbled forward landing right onto Zero. She looked up her hands on his chest his wide smile made Flower's face pale. He put his arm around her making Hunter growl and bark. Hunter suddenly was on the ground whimpering. Shadows had the poor dog pinned to the ground. "HUNTER!" Flower called and tried to pull away. Zero pulled her back. "It might have rabies." He said but Flower just slammed him to the wall. She glared at him with furry. "Don't you dare hurt Hunter...." She said and then grabbed his head throwing him across the room. Once Zero let Hunter up again Flower ran to her poor canine friend. "Hunter!" She said and then checked for injuries.
Kal watched as he turned the corner, Flower was just holding onto Zero's head, throwing and spinning him sideways to the ground. He then saw him spiral and hit the ground. Kal saw Hunter startled, the normally terrifying bloodhound was huddled to the floor. Flower was running, and knelt down next to the dog to see if it was okay. People didn't mind the scene ; fighting occurred here and there. Kal walked over to Flower and Hunter. "What did he do?"
Flower looks at Kal. "He pinned Hunter in shadows of some kind. She wouldn't let me leave without her today. When Zero got close to me she started growling." She said and then blinked. How did she know his name? He didn't tell her. She glanced back behind her. "At least....I think that's his name." She said and then rubs her head. She looked at Hunter who got up. Flower sighed and petted her. "He bothers her as much as he bothers me apparently. I still don't remember meeting him but he obviously knows me somehow." She sighed.
Kal looked with worry to Flower. "He seems a bit weird... Better see what he does carefully. He's the only one who knows your past. " He looked around the hallway, and people were starting to clear. He began fixing the collar on his shirt.
Flower looks at him and then looks down. "I'm scared....he scares me." She said and then looked away hiding her face in her hair. "I don't know why but fear strikes me every time he's around." She said and then looked at Hunter who nuzzled her trying to comfort her. However Flower was still uneasy. She hoped Kal wouldn't think less of her.
Kal looked to Flower, with true care and compassion. "Don't worry... He's just trying to scare you. You can't let him do that, Flower." Flower, the girl with devious and competitive attitude, was hiding in her own shell. She was such a sweet little girl inside. But right now, she was scared. "The real question is... Why is he doing this...? I'm going to find out, Flower. We are. But..." Kal turned his head, looking away in Hunter's direction, and crossed his arms. "I'm not sure how, yet." He looked back to Flower now. "But I'm sure he's not going to give in easily... He's playing games." Kal paused. Shadows... Flower.. Maybe she had a dark past?
Flower looks at him and then sighed deeply. "I can't help it. He only needs to be near." she said and then sighed. She looked at him and then rubs her head. "I fear will just have to confront him." She said and then looks at him. She petted Hunter and then looks up at him and then smiled. "Besides...I guess he's the only one who can tell me about...well me."
"Yeah." Kal thought for a second. "Wait..." He looked to Flower, staring back a gaze. "You're the essence of light.. He is of darkness. Flower.. " He softly grabbed the back of her shoulder blade. "You are both equals. There's nothing to be afraid of. If he is the only one who can tell you about your past,and he won't give in easily..." He knew what might happen. He let of her shoulder, looking to the ground. "He might challenge you."
Flower looks at him and then puts her head to his shoulder. "UUUGH....another fight? My wounds are piling up...." She sighed and then looks up at him. "I'll get Deathwish on one lasts with that guy." She said and then looks at him. She removed her head and then yawned. She looked at Hunter. "And hunter." She sighed and then rubs her head.
He smiled when Flower mentioned Hunter. She was such a cute dog. Kal was afraid that if Flower actually got Hunter to attack Zero, or whatever his name was, then Hunter might get into a panic attack... or worse. Deathwish... he wasn't so sure. He was mysterious. "I hope you've got enough rest for those wounds, Flower. " Kal loomed over Flower. The mark on her face wasn't even that visible anymore, but it left a little scar, that stood out from her naturally innocent appearance, that contrasted her strong-willed attitude. But he could tell that she trusted him.. She acted alot different around him now.
Flower looks at him and then chuckles. "It was hard to sleep trying to think of where I remember him but don't worry...I got a good nights sleep." She said and then rubbed her head. She looked as Nick walked up however Flower gave him a death glare. He stopped and then went around them mumbling at how Flower ruins his fun. Deathwish walked by but Flower grabbed his arm. "Deathwish...may I ask a favor."

Deathwish looked at her a bit in surprise. “Ah…yes Flower?” He said and then put his hands into his pockets and looked at Flower. He looked at kal and then at Hunter who growled at him a little. Deathwish disliked animals because they sense something around him that they don’t like, so they hate him. Deathwish suddenly glared at Hunter. His glared was intense, enough to freeze anyone with fear. Hunter growled more.

Flower looked at Hunter and then glared. “Hunter! Sit.” She said and then looked at Deathwish. “Cut it out…she means no harm.” She said and then sighed. “Deathwish can you scare someone for me.” She said and then smiled at him. She saw his hesitation and then stepped closer. “PLLLLLLEEEEEAAAASE?” She asked with the cuties look on her face. Deathwish was unmoved. Flower stomped her foot. “Just do it!” She yelled at him suddenly scary (Wow….cute to scary….in a flash) Deathwish backed up and nodded. He knew to respect Flower….when she was mad.
Kal smiled when he heard that Flower had a good nights sleep. When Deathwish appeared, he remembered Fyra. What happened to her? She hasn't been at the school recently. He tried not to think about it right now. He looked at Deathwish as he was in caught in Flower's admiringly adorable facial expression, to a big angry mood change. Deathwish, looking neutral still, only knew better but to agree to scare Zero.
Flower looked at him and then smiled. "Thank you deathwish." Deathwish looked like he was blackmailed into doing something he didn't want to...which...he was. Flower just giggled and then crossed her arms. "Deathwish it's for a good reason. This guy knows something about my past....please just help me to get him to talk. He's stubborn and creepy and I don't like him!" She said and then Deathwish nodded walking off.
Kal hoped that Deathwish knew who she was talking about. He was sure he'd find out anyway, with all of the random occurrences that Zero has been starting. He turned to look over at Flower. "Hey Flower, we got class. No time for black-mailing people." He smiled, joking around with her, still remembering her cute smile she made, to try and make Deathwish do her dirty work. He began walking down the hallway as the halls began to clear out of students.
Flower looks at him and then chuckled. "Aw but it's fun!" She complained jokingly. She giggled and then started heading to class with Hunter. She sat down her loyal dog sitting with her. She looked at Deathwish and then pointed to Zero. Deathwish nodded and then Nick looks at the both of them with a 'what the heck are you two up too' look. Flower just smiled and watched as the teacher came in. She was talking about using a staff today.
Kal walked over and sat in his seat. At least there was alot more going on when he was with Flower. He hated being bored, and now he realized, she was the cure to his fatigue. This made him smile on the inside. The teacher had walked in, and had showed how to use a staff. Kal have used them before, but of course, not his expertise. "Each staff has different uses, based on size, shape, and construction." The teacher began to show examples of wooden, steel, and even shorter, bamboo staffs for practice. Kal sat as he usually did, his arms crossed at his desk.
Flower leaned back and then watched as Kira was called up. Kira started twirling the staff and doing expert moves. Flower smiled and then looked back. Zero was suddenly called him. He grabbed the staff and in seconds had Kira on the floor. Flower shifted in her seat and ducked down as if trying to hide. Hoping not to be called for a mini spar. Zero looks at Flower and then smiles. "Can we call up Flower?" He asked. The teacher pointed at Flower. Flower hit her desk. "Darn it..." She mumbled and then walked up.

Zero pointed his staff at Flower. Flower grabbed her own staff. “By the way Flower…I’m not sure why you fear me.” He said attacking her with the staff. As Flower blocked he got closer to her. “You don’t need to send Deathwish after me. Just ask Flower.” He said and then suddenly was suddenly thrown back.

Flower jumped just doing a simple slash down on Zero but he blocked. “Well I’m asking! Just who are you?” She asked and then blocked as he came after her.

Zero smirked. “You’re husband. Well…to be husband.” He said and then laughed as Flower looked at him. He tripped her and Flower looked up at him from the ground.

“WHAT!!!!!? I WAS ONLY 14 You idiot!” She said and then looks as he bent down. “Well to be husband. You were betrothed to me at a young age.” He said with a smirk. “Or more like I asked. There’s something different about you Flower, something special. So I had my father arrange a few things.” He smirked. Flower looks at him. “You have got to be kidding me.” She said and then glared at him.

“Besides…who wouldn’t want to be married to a prince?” He said and at the sound of that the girls just screamed. Flower looked annoyed. “I will kill you.” She said and Zero laughed. He showed Flower some papers proving what he had said. Flower grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. “I don’t care if you’re king…where are my parents now I am so not agreeing to this.” She said.

Zero looks at her. “There dead….but they’ve already agreed to it Flower. And that was still when they were over you.” He said and then yelled up his hands. Flower threw him back. “Teacher…I want to talk to this guy outside.” The teacher nodded and Flower practically threw him out the door. She banged him against the wall very angry. “I want this agreement changed.”

“Don’t hurt him Flower you’re still on school grounds!” The teacher yelled out.
Kal watched everything pick up his attention. As Zero and Flower fought, words were exchanged. She was to marry this guy, and her parents agreed with it? And... her parents are.. Dead. He couldn't believe how much easier the information flew into his face. Why, how.. ? Those were the only questions left, and Flower was to make him spit it out. Kal sighed, as stress hadn't already made his silver hair begin to have just bits of white in it, like snow. He wondered just how Flower and Zero might end up. She doesn't seem to like him now, but they might have to marry. What if she began to like him? Kal didn't know. Good luck to them if it does turn out, he supposed. Although...
Zero put his hands up. "Nothing I can do. I've been looking for you and here I find you don't even remember me." He said and then chuckled Flower slammed him back into the wall. "Ouch." He said and then glared at her. "Flower my leniency for you grows thin." He said and then shadows wrapped around her legs. He tugged hard on the shadows and Flower fell back onto the floor. He pointed at her head. "You blocked the memories out yourself. Unblock them and do it quickly." He said and then glared. "I choose you for a reason and I won't let it slip by." He said and then walked back into the classroom.

Flower looked up at the classroom door. “I…blocked them out?” She blinked and then stood up. She sighed and then walked back into the classroom. She sat down and then looked away from everyone. She was obviously upset as ever.

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