Fire and Leonhart 1x1 Forest Castle Fight school.

"That sounds awesome." Kal was enlightened by that. He still felt sad, though, considering she might be as well, because they were like a family, and she couldn't remember hers, if she really had one at all. "Speaking of meerkats, what's your favorite animal?"
Flower looks at him and was about to say but Hunter barked once. Flower chuckled. "Dogs of course." She said and then laughed as Hunter came wagging and wanting attention. Flower petted Hunters head. She looked at Kal. "And yours?" She asked with a smile. She looked at him and then laughed as Hunter jumped up between them.
Kal pet Hunter's head, then back, smiling and laughing. "Lions. Cats in general, I suppose. But don't worry, I love dogs." He looked over at Flower, thinking some. "We have our contrasts, and smiliarites." He blushed just a little.
Flower looks at him and then wraps her arm around Hunter pulling the large dog closer to her. "But Hunter isn't just a dog. This girl has wolf in her." She said and then patted Hunter's side. She giggled and then looks at him. "Lions are great too...I do like some cats but not the flat faced ones." She said.
"German Sheppards.. yeah." He looked over to her and Hunter, before she responded. "I agree, flat faces just look weird." Kal lied on his back, relaxing now, letting himself rest. "I like lions... They symbolize strength and courage. Canines... Loyalty and cooperation. Even slyness, I've heard." He ran his fingers through his hair, before fixing his tunic.
Flower looks at him and then sits up slipping off her boots. "Yeah...wolfs symbolize wisdom if you can believe it." She laughs. "Sometimes anyways. I think it's mostly owls who are paired with wisdom." She said and then rubs her head. She slipped her soaks off too. She pulled her legs up and then looked at Hunter. She yawned and then laid her head back down.
Kal was happy that Flower was healing faster than he expected. She seemed so lively and open to him. He wondered what the greatest memory she had left, was. " Flower.. " Kal looked over to her, laying back on his side. "What' the greatest thing that's ever happened to you?" She looked into her eyes, seeing the light in them.
Flower looked at him and then blinked. "The greatest thing? Well...finding hunter. When I was first found I was already 14 or so they say." She said and then looks at him. "And becoming your friend." She said quickly and then smiled at him. She looked into his eyes and then looked away. She petted Hunters head.
Kal's expression at first made him look like he wanted to scream. He pet Hunter's sleek haired head as well, looking back over to Flower. He smiled curiously and happily at her, trying to look back into her eyes. "Oh really?" He felt an odd, ticklish feeling all around him.. He couldn't tell what it was, but it was there.
Flower chuckled. "Yeah." She said and then looked at Hunter who seemed to be loving all the attention. "So what about you?" She asked and then looked at him. She went over Hunter's head and her hand pasted over his. She removed her hand then and looked at Hunter who licked Flower's face. "AHH Gross." She said and then wiped her face off.
Kal turned back to look up to her ceiling. "Maybe.. Maybe its when I first held my first sword. I learned alot since then, and its been the birth of something new. And.. " Kal turned over to look over at Flower, smirking. "I suppose the fact I met you too. I can trust you and, well..." He just couldn't contain himself yet again. "You're amazing, and different." She also liked being taken seriously as a warrior, too, he knew. She took pride in her skills as a fighter. "As a person, and a warrior."
Flower looks at him and then blushed a little. "Geez...your embarrassing me." She said and then rubs her head. "You're great beat me after all." She said putting her hand over her mouth slightly. She looked away.
Kal blushed back, looking over at her as she turned away, smiling, laughing nervously. " I'm - I'm sorry, its just..." He stopped, trying to think over what she said. "You know I only got lucky that time." He couldn't help but grin. "After all.." He gushed, blinking a little. "You are one of the greatest in the school." He tried looking away as well, but he couldn't stop himself to look at her, to try and embarrass her. He was pushing his luck, he could tell.
Flower closed her eyes. "Now you're just asking for me to hit you." She said and then gently patted his head. "You're lucky I like being nice to you. I love being mean to nick." She said and then laughed a bit. She looked at Hunter who got down to get a drink of water. Flower looked back at Kal and smiled a bit.
Kal wasn't looking forward to that. He smiled and laughed a little. "Sorry." He ran his fingers through his hair once more. Knowing when to stop was hard, but it was fun here and there. "But you don't have to admit it." He joked a little.
Flower sat up and looks at him. "Why do you guys like to tease me so much?" She asked and looked at him. She put her head on her knees and put her arms around her legs. She looked at him with a smile and then pushed her hair out of face and then combed a bit of her hair with her fingers.
"I don't really know Flower." He held one of his cheeks with one of his hands, as his cheeks began to flush with color, and smiled, trying to make it fade away. "Guys like to see reactions..." Kal didn't know what more to say than that. He looked at the serious, defiant Flower, squealing and hiding her face in her legs. A smile formed at his lips.
Flower chuckled and then rubs her head. "I see." she said and then looked at him with a smile. "Maybe I should act more like Deathwish then. You hardly get him to get off the same serious face he has on." she said and then chuckled. She fixed her tunic pulling it down further. (She's waring what's in the picture of her.)
"Hm. Well that sounds like Deathwish." He smiled as Flower nervously pulled down her tunic. He then looked around her room, thinking to himself. He turned his head back to look to Flower now, a thought coming to him. "I used to be like that." He said, eagerly thinking of something to add to that. "But people.. I was pulled in. Until..." He stopped. "I was betrayed." He swept a hand over his face, relieving stress. "Plenty of times."
Flower looks at him and her face softens. "I'm sorry." she smiled lightly. "But I don't think you have to worry about anymore though." she said and then Flower her arms as she falls back on the bed. "I would hope so anyways." she said looking at him.
"Oh, its fine." He looks up from the bed to Flower. "I'm used to it. But you... Like I said, you're different, even on the inside. I can trust you." His sad long face became a smile towards her. "And, you can trust me. With anything, I promise."
Flower looks at him and nods. "Of course." she said and then stretched out her legs. "I have nothin right now but you'll be he first I inform if I need anything." she said and then chuckles. She looks at him and then looks up atthe ceiling.
He smiled as she said that. She was going to him to talk about her problems? He felt something flutter inside. Kal felt like a person should. "Okay." Kal blinked some, looking over to her, his hand covering his yawning. "We know its all over when someone gets tired, heh."
Flower laughs and then looks at him. She sits up and slightly leans over him. "Well remember you're the one who got tired." she said poking his nose as she smiled. She looked at hunter who seemed to be guarding the door. Flower watched for a moment and then looked at Kal with a smile. "Hope you don't have trouble getting out the door." she laughed.
Kal smiled as she poked his nose, blushing just a little. He slowly leaned up, holding himself up from the bed with his arms. "I don't think she wants me to leave. But I don't think you'd let me stay the night." Kal said with a soft smirk. He slowly turned and rolled off of the bed, standing across from her. "As usual.." Kal laughed, "I'll see you tomorrow."

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