Fire and Leonhart 1x1 Forest Castle Fight school.

Kal didn't know what to say. He'd hoped that Flower got what she wanted out of him. The classroom looked shocked. Kal put his head down on the desk, thinking to himself now, as his lead lay on the table. What was he to do, to think? Zero was to marry Flower. She is starting to get her memory back. It seemed all too fast... Kal began to run away from society and the world again, by trying to dream. He tried to sleep but he couldn't. He forgot that hanging out with Flower stopped him from sleeping. He entered a quiet tone, and finally found his way into the dream world by force.


He was in a castle, dressed in a tuxedo, sitting on a soft red velvet chair. Pouring wine into his glass was a long haired brunette lady in a scarlet dress. The halls were beautiful, with streams of golden threaded silk, and adorned with chains of gold and pearls. He glanced upon the celestial palace's deep beautiful stained glass ceilings, with pictures and murals depicting great feats of castles and medieval wars. The air was silent, and the lady had asked, "Would you like anything else?" "No thank you, I'm quite fine, Sylvia."

She turned on her heel and crossed her legs, sitting in a black sofa across from him. "So tell me.. Mr. Tanomuski... Do you like your life? How is it for you?" Sylvia looked to him, smirking a bit. Kal knew he was in another dream, created by this woman in his figment dream world. She was the one who made his dreams, and knew about of his most precious secret : his sadness felt in reality. Sylvia always cheered him up whenever he needed help.

"Quite so. I have found someone... Who has helped me sleep better. Which gives me more time with you, as well. But.." Kal took a sip of his glass, looking over to the woman in front of him. "I am in class right now. It is getting harder for me to think, Sylvia." Sylvia looked curious, but with true worry. "Who has been helping you sleep?" "A girl... Her name is.. " Kal downed the wine-glass in nervousness, the glass shaking in his hand. "Flower. She's.. She's my friend." Sylvia looked a bit saddened by this, but was happy for him, and smirked with a wide smile. "You seem a bit nervous, Mr. Tanomuski. Is there something else you want to tell me?" Kal tried to lucid dream, by hiding his blush that came over his cheeks. "No.. Nothing at all, I.."

Sylvia began to reach a deeper, more beautiful tone in her voice. "I know what you're feeling.. It's okay. Please, go on, hun. " She personally liked Kal's appearance, it appealed to her. Even when he was nervous. Kal suddenly began to feel less tense. His feelings were confusing at the time. It was something he never felt before. " Well.. we are good friends, and we got to know each other pretty well.." Sylvia smiled and laughed a little. "Its nothing to be afraid of, dearest Kal... Just be casual. Keep doing what you're doing. I know you're a charming man, even when you don't know it." Kal refilled his glass by controlling his dream, sipping from it. "Thank you.. I'm usually, a bit offset about my appearance."

Sylvia blushed, trying not to hide it. "You'll be fine, dear. I'll always be here for you, so, if you want to talk tonight, we can." Sylvia got up from her sofa, and hugged Kal, wrapping her arms around him in an embrace. Kal hugged her back, holding her close to him. She then softly kissed his cheek, and looked to him, smiling, as Kal smiled before downing his wine. "Good boy. I like seeing you happy. Now, wake up, before you get in trouble." The dream ended, but he was still sleeping. He tried waking up, but it was hard for him to snap into reality. He slowly rose, sitting up, holding his head, his fingers combing through his hair.

Flower looked at kal as he woke up. She sighed and then looked down. She looked as the teacher dismissed the class. She rose and suddenly all the girls surrounded her. She looked at all of them and then seemed to be becoming increasingly sad. She pushed threw them only to be greeted by curious guys. She slammed her fist on the desk. "I DON'T WANT TO MARRY HIM! Now leave me alone!" She said and then rushed out with crossed arms. She blinked and grabbed her head. "ahhh!"

Flower was behind a wall, her back completely against it. She cringed as her father’s voice yelled out. “NO! I don’t want you near Flower!” He yelled and Flower peeked out to see who he was yelling at. There was a younger Zero and his father sitting on the couch.

“She’s to be a powerful bender…her light power is so strong already.” Zero’s father said with a calm voice. “She’ll be well cared for…” He said and then looked in Flower’s direction. She quickly pulled back not knowing if he saw her.

“Our daughter is certainly out of the question.” Her mother’s calm voice spoke. “She is not an animal to be sold. She is my daughter and I will not send her to live with the likes of you. Even your son radiates with the evil you carry.”

“You have no choice. All the most powerful are eventually brought into the royal family. Your daughter is no different.”

Flower closed her eyes and then slowly started to creep back into her room. She stopped as something crashed. Flower ran out into the open and saw the coffee table had been flipped over. The soldiers suddenly grabbed her and dragged her out of the house. “MOM! Dad!” Flower cried out but they couldn’t do anything.

Flower opened her eyes and then leaned her back against the wall. She hid her face in her hair softly crying. They were forced…she was forced. However why would they want only powerful magic into the family? She slid down and put her head to her knees. The memory caused much emotion.
Kal watched the sudden masses of students crowd around Flower. She then yelled and ran out of the classroom, holding her head. Something was wrong. Kal left his seat and dashed out into the hallway, ignoring the students. Sylvia wanted him to be happy. He had to help Flower.

Turning around the door and looking around the hallway, he found her crying, holding her knees close to her. His poor friend, dearest Flower, whom was known as the school-over, tough girl, was in tears. Kal knelt down next to her, and began softly patting and rubbing her back. It must been hard for her, whatever was a result of what Zero had said, or what she was thinking about. He hoped Flower would get her emotions out before explaining everything to him. "Shh.. I'm here Flower. It's fine."
Flower looks at him and then leaned on him. She grabbed his arm and then wiped her eyes. "I'm...sorry. I remembered something and I...I..I hate Zero...he took me away..." She looked as students walked by. Flower pulled away from Kal. She hid her face so no one could see her eyes. ".."
Kal thought about her reputation as students walked by. He needn't worry, because people never really seemed to care about him, until at least the battle with Flower the same day he met her. They didn't matter right now, Flower did. He only wanted to be there for the sake of her. He looked down to Flower with worry. "Do you want to walk around, take a breath, and talk about what happened for a bit?" It was sad to see her cry.
Flower looked at Kal and then nodded. She got up and then looked back at him. She smiled lightly. "You know I think you're the only person in the world who has seen me cry." She said wiping her eyes with a slightly laugh. "I must look ridiculous."
Kal looked to her with a small smirk. "No, Flower.. I don't think you do." He stood, grabbing the wall for balance, before standing on his own. He knew from experience how it felt. " Its always better to get your emotions out." He stood next to her, smiling, patting her back softly, now slowly walking in the opposite direction of the next class. He knew they could walk around the floor back to the classroom. He looked over his shoulder at her. "So... what all happened?"
Flower looks at him and then followed him. "Well...he likes it when I'm on the floor. He tripped me again and then told me I was the one who blocked them." She sighed. "The frustration of finding out I'm suppose to marry him and then everyone questioning me...I remembered something. I was forced out my home away from my parents were forced to give me to his family."
"Ohhh..." Flower now knew the important aspects of her past. "It's not your fault, Flower. As long as you know that..." Kal looked over to her as he walked, "You can take anything. You'll feel less pain." He felt sorry for her, as she couldn't help her fate. Maybe she could control it, maybe. Her parents were dead, and they were forced to give her up to the family... of a prince? A royal family, he guessed. They must've had a good cause other than for her to be married to the prince for adding her to the family line.
Flower looks at him. "They also said Zero's father was evil...and zero himself felt evil like him. Maybe that's why he scares me so much...other then the fact that he is a shadow holder." She said and then sighed rubbing her head. "That's what I remember so far anyways. Other the my mother' crying..." she sighed looking down. "I don't know if he threatened my life...but...I knew my parents didn't want me to go to the castle...well...if they had a castle...I don't remember to much yet." She sighed deeply.
Kal began to piece this all into his head carefully. If she didn't like Zero, he would have to help her at any cost. " That's why he's a dark caster... He's pure evil. Despite his ability, he did act a bit funny..." Kal brushed his hair out of his face. He looked to Flower again. "You can fight this. You can't help that you're scared until you're willing to do it." He smiled at her as they turned a corner.
Flower looks at him and then smiles lightly. She looked at him and then leaned over lightly, kissing his cheek. "You're the best." She said and then smiled at him. She looked as Hunter caught up with them. Flower chuckled. "And where did you go?" She asked and Hunter just yawned.
Kal roughly rubbed his face with his palm, slightly ruffling his hair as he did so. He was so embarrassed. He looked back down to Hunter, then Flower, smirking and laughing just a little. "No, you are. That's why I'm telling you that you can make it through this." Kal tried not to look or act any flustered than he already was.
Flower looks at him. "Opps I think I just embarrassed him to much." she said and then laughed as hunter barked and then lightly jumped on Kal licking his face as well. Flower looked at hunter. "Hey! Copy cat!" flower said and hunter perked her ears at flower with confusion. Hunter and flower had a strong bond and both of them often understood each other just by looking at one another. Hunter obviously did not like being called a cat. Flower petted hunter's head. "Yeah well shadow and light don't mix. If my light isn't strong enough he'd over power me and might just tap me. Seaperated from light there would be nothing I could do."
Kal softly petted her dog Hunter as it licked him and got down. He laughed a little when Flower called her dog a copycat. He then thought about what Flower said about the powers her and Zero had. Maybe he could do something if it all went wrong. "If something happens... " Kal looked over to her, still blushing from when she kissed him. "I'll save you."
Flower looks at him and then started blushing slightly. "" She said and then looked down at the floor continuing to walk. She looked off to the side Hunter walking beside her. Flower started to twirl a strand of her hair. "Thank you..." She said and then looks at him with a smile.
Kal slowly began to smile from his serious look he tried pulling off when he said that. "Welcome. You're a brave girl." He rounded another corner as they were down the hall from their classroom. "I'll be there for you, Flower.." He looked over to her with the look again. "Always, whenever you need me.." Then, he smiled at her, looking into her eyes.
Flower looks at him and then smiles. "You're sweet. Thank you." She said and then rubs her head blushing still. "Um..." She looks down and then held her hands together. She hoped he would always be around, be her best friend. He was great. She looked at him in the eyes as well although it was hard since she was so embarrassed about his declaration pretty much.
He stopped to the side of the door in the hallway, so they could not be seen, and he looked into her eyes again. "No matter what happens, we can make it through. I trust in you Flower." He said, walking a bit closer to her, a blush completely visible like hers, and took it upon himself to stay casual, looking down to her. "And I'll do anything you make sure you're safe. Ok?"
Flower looks at him and shyly glanced down. She looked at him and then smiled lightly. "Um...yeah. I trust in you too." She said and then looked away. She wasn't use to someone being so....worried about her. She looked back at him and then crossed her arms behind her. He was someone she could count on, and she liked that, she wanted to be able to come to him and to rely on him. "And I hope....if you ever get in trouble. I can do the same." She said a bit quietly.
He was staring at the wall, when she turned away from him. When she had said that she wanted to help him too, he looked over to Flower's back, then her beautiful hair in a shocked stare. "Really?" He took time to process this too. Everything seemed too unreal. "Thanks... Flower..."
Flower rubs her head and then nods. She smiled and then looked at him. "Of course." She said and then looked at him. She looked at him and then looked inside the classroom. She looked at Zero and then looked back at Kal.
Kal smiled back at her, and realized they had class. He started to walk silently towards the doorway, turning back to smile at her. "Let's go." He laughed just a little, passing the doorway, and taking his seat, wondering if the teacher would care if he was late or not.
Flower looks at Kal and then nods. She entered the classroom and took her seat. She looked up as the teacher stared at her a bit. Flower sat there and the teacher continued teaching. Flower leaned back in her chair crossing her arms thinking silently to herself about what to do with Zero. He was a few seats behind her but his intense stare was still felt. Flower thought it might be because she spends much of her time with Kal.
Kal walked slowly over to his seat, and sat, watching the teacher teach a little about the magic of elixirs. His mother used to brew them when he would get injured by fighting monsters at his old Training Facility where he used to live. He slouched in his seat, and relaxed, a little uninterested. He was as unsure as Flower about how they could prevent the forced marriage. Maybe they could destroy the papers? Maybe he had a backup.. Agents... But it was worth a try. He tried to think of many other ideas.

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