Fire and Leonhart 1x1 Forest Castle Fight school.

Flower looks at Kal and then looked at the teacher. She sighed having to much on her mind to listen. She put her bead on her head. She rubs her head and then yawned.
Kal began to watch as class slimmed by like nothing, as his mind was the only thing keeping him active. He was easily confused, and it was something he was to get used to. You never know when the worst case situation could happen, and as a warrior, his mental stability would be a coming factor for him to move on in life as many do everyday. Soon, class was signaled to be ending, as the bell rang outside in the hallway, and the lights turned on. Kal slowly rose from his seat, his hand now reaching to cover his face, his eyes closing softly. He was suffering from a minor bouncing in his head. It didn't hurt him, just one of those moments where someone has to stop to enter reality. Soon, he was back on his feet, his hand back to his side, and he looked back to Flower. He wasn't sure what to do now... He was still lost.
Flower looks at Kal. She got up and then looked at zero who walked up grabbed her arm and lead her out. "Hey! Ow ow!" she said and then glared at zero. "Get away from me." she said and then crossed her arms. She looked at zero.

Zero looks at her. "You're mine so act like it." he said and then leaned closer to her. "you and Kal are getting to close."

Flower looks at him. "Stop it...I am not yours and you have no right to interfere in my life." she said and them stepped back. "I remember what happened and I hate you. You probably killed my parents." she said and then turned around but he grabbed her arm and pulled her into him. She felt shadows crawl onto he and she froze. "Zero!"

Flower looked at him and then swallowed. She blasted light out of her causing him to fall back screaming. The light had hut him. Flower turned and backed up. "Do not...use your shadows on me." she said and then walked away to class.
Kal found it frightening for Flower's health, as Zero gave off a demanding, insane persona to Kal. He saw Zero, laying cringed on the ground. Him and Flower were quite close, Kal would admit. They actually became close friends quite fast. And it was unbelievable to Kal that he became a heart-warming guy on the inside. She made me this way, Kal thought. Not that he didn't like it, it was just something he didn't want others to know. Zero seemed to be the only of the other classmates that seemed to know about their close bond. Then again, his classmates might find it odd that him and Flower have been talking quite alot. This didn't bother him.

Kal walked to Flower, trying to see if the shadows did anything to hurt her, or if she felt okay. "Flower... Are you okay?" Kal asked in care.
Flower looks at him and then nods. "I'm seems." She said and then continued to walk. "I want to get far away from my collar and leash as possible." She said glaring at Zero. She looked at Kal and then crossed her arms. She pushed her hair and then sighed trying to calm down. Zero was getting on her nerves. She looked at Kal and then looked at the ground.
Kal looked back to her and continued to walk along side her. Zero was odd to him. He had to make sure Flower was safe, at all costs. He steadily looked around the halls. "I don't really know what we should do, Flower." He looked back to her.
Flower created a light ball. She played with it. "I don't know either...but there is no way I'm going to be chained to someone so controlling." She said and then threw the light ball and then made it come back. She soon made a yo-yo out of it. She looked at Kal and then sighed.
Kal could tell that no matter where they were going, both him and Flower were troubled with everything that was going on in life, and by the looks of it, things with Zero were not going to end well. Kal sighed. If only there was a better solution, but there wasn't. They were cornered in every direction. He felt sorry for Flower. And now, he didn't know what to say.
Flower looked at him and then sighed. "Be careful ok...I got a feeling you're going to be pulled much deeper into this....and he just might try to harm you." She squeezed the light. "If he does I'll certainly kill him." She said and then sighed. She looked at Kal and then rubs her head. "UGH! this is sooo tiring."
"If that's the case.." Kal stared down the long hallway. "Then I'll be fine. Maybe..." He looked over to Flower, smiling. "As long as you're safe... You mean so much to me already." Kal glanced over to her, worried slightly about her. He wanted to do anything to save her.. even risk his life. It wasn't worth living if she was gone. He, for the first time, was afraid of being alone.
Flower looks at him and then smiles. "I think we got a good chance of that. I am one tough girl you know." She said winking at him trying to reassure him. She looked around and then back at him. "You mean a lot to me too you know. Your the only one who has ever come close to seeing the real me. Not just tough girl with amazing fighting skill.' She laughed.
Kal smiled at Flower, remembering her fighting skill. He laughed just a little. "Eheheh. Not that I don't already like that 'dangerous' tough girl, but that sensitive side of you is kinda cute." Kal gave himself enough time to tease her and smirked happily at her, blinking softly, before turning back to look where he was walking.
Flower looks at him and then lightly blushes. "Heheh...I see." she said and then looked at the ground. She looked back at him. "Glad i'm so likeable." she said and then chuckled rubbing her head nervously. "But really you're just teasing me again." she said chuckling softly.
"Do you want to bet on that?" Kal smirked, talking in a sudden, alluring tone, looking over to Flower, mocking her with the wink she did earlier. He laughed softly, leaving her in mystery as to what he meant. Suddenly, he continued, staring back to her, a pink fade spreading over his cheeks. "Then again... I don't have to prove anything. Unless... you want me to." He looked away from her quickly, looking at the doorways they've been passing in the hallway.
Flower looked over at him with a curiously raised eyebrow. "No, no you got me curious now." she said watching him turn away watching the doors they pass. Flower followed beside him watching him carefully.
"Oh.. Well you know me, Flower... I'm a quiet guy." Kal looked back to Flower, smirking, biting his lip a little, trying not to make it noticeable. Kal was purposely confusing her to stall. He didn't know how to tell her. What if she didn't feel the same way? Kal tried not to show what he was thinking on the outside. He laughed to himself. "Are you sure...?"
Flower looks at him and then tilted her head. "now you're just acting silly." she said crossing her arms. She looked at him and then sighed. "If you don't want to tell you don't have to I'll just be curious to what it is." she said shrugging.
Kal's smirk faded. "No-no, its..." They rounded a corner in the hallway through a doorway near a staircase. He stopped, turning near the corner to look at her. He crossed his arms, and looked in the dark corner. "Its just I don't know how to tell you. Its only been a week and.. I feel so much about you. You've been there for me, when I had no one. I just..." He looked back over to Flower, indulged in his feelings for her. He wasn't scared, he couldn't be. He knew he could be open with her.
Flower looks at him and then blinks. She smiled lightly. "You either say it or I walk. I'm not a patient girl." She said having it pretty much figured out. She tilted her head and giggled. "Tick tock kal." She said in a teasing tone. She pushed her hair back and then crossed her arms. She shifted her weight to one leg and then smiled.
Kal walked slowly to her, trying to make sure didn't grow impatient and left. He was close to her, and in a low whisper, he let his emotions out in 3 words. "I like you. Alot and..." This was the first girl he ever felt this with before. Everybody was gone, and Flower made him feel great. He leaned over her a bit, and whispered in her ear; "I care about you. I want you to be safe, with me.." Kal was beyond nervous. Something inside of him lept a mile in the sky.
Flower looks at him, she had expected that but still it made her blush very deeply. She suddenly got very shy and very quiet as he whispered in her ear.. She looked at him and then smiled. "I like you too...a lot." She said in a quiet voice. She looked down, but pushed her hair behind her ear. She looked at him and then back down. Her heart probably couldn't be going any faster.
Kal slowly grabbed her hips with his hands softly, as he tried to look into her eyes. They glittered unimaginably like a sea against the sun. He was being seductive earlier, but he couldn't imagine trying to be so intimate with such an innocent petite girl. "I will be here, to make sure you are safe and happy.. Let me be yours..." Kal's face turned a darker shade of pink. He couldn't believe what he said, although he made himself say it anyway.
Flower looked up at him and then smiled lightly. "Sure..." She rubs her head. He was so romantic and she couldn't come up with anything. She wrapped her arms around his neck. She looked him in the eye managing to do that. She was quite nervous.
He pressed his body close to hers, holding her close. "You're beautiful, Flower.." He watched enough romance movies to make him jealous beyond imagination, but yet he was still captured in nervousness. This didn't ease the fact that he always liked being an outcast until he met Flower.. Sylvia echoed in his head. Casual... He could do this. Kal leaned deeper into her, and went in for a kiss, softly pressing his lips against hers, closing his eyes.
Flower smiled as he called her beautiful. (Half tempted to make Zero ruin this.....hmmm.) She looked up at him and then felt herself tense up as he got closer. She felt his lips against hers and she slowly relaxed. She closed her eyes and leaned up into the kiss. She wrapped her arms a bit tighter around his neck enjoying the moment.

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