Fire and Leonhart 1x1 Forest Castle Fight school.

Flower nods. "Yep. Want to go for a ride?" She asked opening the gate for them to walk out. "You don't have too but I want them to get a bit of exercise...I could just let them run around. They do come when called." She said and then smiled at him.
"Sure." Kal smiled and looked over to her. He didn't want to show off, but he wanted to at least impress her. He remembered his father always wanted him to learn how to joust. He only did it once when he was 8, and he fell straight on his back.
Flower put on a sadle on both horses. "Alright." She said and then got on Snow. She lightly kicked Snow to get her going and looked at Kal. "Sweetness." She said and then giggled. "See you outside then." She said racing off outside riding snow with ease. She loved horseback riding. She looked to make sure Kal was going to be alright.
Kal slung his arms over Black Rider, pulling himself over her and sitting on the saddle. He followed Flower's actions and softly thumped her with his heel to get her moving. She neighed and began to trot faster and faster, before Kal took the reigns and moved her to the right of Flower. This felt great. He was nervous, but this felt great to him.
Flower looks at him. "Ok...looks like you go the basics down...let's go for a run." She said and then pulled back on the horse making it stand up on two feet before zooming off. She smiled and then yelled out with excitement. She looked back Snow running pretty fast. Flower made the horse jumped over a fallen tree. She pulled back and then stopped petting her neck. "Good girl." (by the way Black rider is a boy lol)
(oh xD ) Kal pulled on the reigns upward to make Rider speedup, roaring with a neigh on his back two hooves, before speeding off. He leaned and directed him near Flower. Kal leaned downward as the horse sped-up. Soon it was near the tree trunk. Kal got nervous, but he watched Flower's motions. He made a quick lunge over the thick mossy tree trunk, landing. Kal felt a little offset, but he was sure he was going to be fine.
Flkwer looks at him and has snow walk over. " ok?" she asked with a laugh and playfully hit Kal on the arm. She petted black rider and then looked at Kal. "Maybe I should tell you the black rider has done that before. He knows when to jump or not even if you don't so I think you're pretty safe." she said and then she pushed her hair back.

Zero was hiding as a shadow. He was watching Kal and flower closely. He didn't like how close they were. He moved to the shadow of a tree a bit closer being a shadow himself at the moment he blended right in.
Kal looked at Flower, smiling, unconfident. "Y-Yeah.. I'll be fine." He looked around, trying to get mind off his fear. He thought he saw something move near a tree. It was a bit unusual,so he ignored it.
Flower chuckled. "Alright big guy." She said and then patted his shoulder. "No more jumping." she laughed and then looked at Black rider. "You got that?" She told him and then petted Snow. "If you want you can get on snow with me and we'll take it easy." She chuckled and then looked as Snow got a bit nervous. Flower petted her wondering what was wrong.
Kal smiled, looking over to her. "No. I'm good. " He laughed just a little. "I gotta get the hang of this. I'll feel weird if I don't." He fixed his hair, and let his body relax, as it was tensed up before.
Flower looks at him and nods. She smiled at him and then got Snow moving again. This time only going into a steady jog. She looked back at Kal and then looked at Snow. She didn't mind, weather it was riding fast or slow she enjoyed the time with her horses. She blew her bangs out of her face and then continued to ride.
Kal began to start the horse back into a normal speed, the horse kicking up sand as it stomped through the ground steadily. Rider's mane blew softly as he was moving. He was sure he could do this.
Flower looks back at him, she smiled and then sped up just a bit. She looked at Snow who wanted to run but Flower held the horse back keeping it a jog. She looked around suddenly feeling uneasy. She felt this before and was looking for Zero but he was no where insight. She looked at Kal to make sure he was ok and then kept riding on.
Kal raced a little faster than Flower, alongside her, laughing a little, smiling at her. Rider softly swayed his head, before getting a little more comfortable. Kal's long silvery hair blew briskly in the wind.
Flower looks at him and then smiled. She laughed. "Now you're getting it." she said and then continued to run snow getting faster and faster. She smiled and then giggled loving the feel of wind through her hair.
He smiled at Flower, racing to her until they were equal at a faster pace. Kal was now used to the flowing jog of the horse. He was sure that if he got enough practice with horses, he could be a knight, not only a foot-solider. She was beautiful, her hair blowing in the wind, shining in the glistening sun. He adored her as they ran together.
Flower glanced at Kal. She smiled happy he seemed to have gotten the hang of riding. She slowed to a stop and then looked around. They had gotten quite a ways from the school. She looked at Kal. " and a horse just somehow really fits." She laughed and then slowly dismounted Snow. She petted the slightly tired horse.
Kal smiled and stopped his horse, stepping down from it then. "R-Really?" Kal asked with uncertainty and embarrassment. He looked over to her, smiling a little, softly petting Rider's mane. He blinked some, looking around him also. The school was a dot far across the land.
Flower chuckled at his nervousness. " looked really great once you relaxed." She said and then walked over to him. She crossed her arms smiling. She looked at Snow and Black Rider. "We should give them a break and then ride back soon." She said and then smiled at him.
"Okay." Kal smiled, looking over to her. "You look great either way. But I'm not the only one who knows that." Kal smirked, holding one of his hips as his eyes darted the landscape. A forest lied to the west, and they rested in a plain.
Flower looks at him and then rubs her head. She looked and then turned around and Zero just appeared. "AH! GEEZ don't do that! I get enough of that with deathwish." She said but the look of Zero's face made her back up a bit. She shook her head. Zero looked at Kal. "I think you should leave." He said obviously angry.
Kal looked over to Zero, neutral in the situation, although of course he'd side with Flower. He then glanced over to Flower then, wondering if he should. "Flower, should I go?" Kal asked with inquiry.
Flower looks at Kal. "No." she said and hen looked at zero. "We both leave." she said and then grabbed the horses. She sighed and then looked at zero. "I don't even like you. Give up it's not going to happen." she said about to get on the horse, however zero grabbed her leg with a shadow and pulled her down. He glared at her the area getting darker.

"You don't know what you're dealing with." he said and then the shadows went crazy wrapping around trees making the tree's move. The horses panicked and ran off. Flower looked at zero, her nightmare....this was her nightmare. She got up and backed up. His eyes turned red like a devils. Flower watched he shadows snap and whip at her feet.
Kal smirked, his eyes gleaming, even though he knew he was in danger, and his power was drastic. He was positive that he had no chance, but as a warrior, he shall die in pride. He was hanging out with Flower, which made him a target too. He never showed his affection for something or someone before, but it didn't bother him. He looked over to to Zero, holding his facial expression as he did so, despite his thoughts. "She's important to me. You'll have to deal with me." Kal was prepared always - he rarely trusted anyone. He knew he was powerless against him. He still had some magicks he kept with him. Might as well waste them now. He held his right arm at the forearm and charged a white energy around his arm. Grabbing one of his 3 knives with the energy-covered hand from his waist, he threw it, a glowing knife with wind spinning from it. This was in range of Zero's chest, this was only intended to fly him backward.
Zero looks at Kal and then slid back a bit. "I thought so." He looked at Flower and then looked at Kal. "Ok fine." He said and then grabbed a shadow and turned it into a spike. He threw it at Kal and Flower stepped in front. He stopped it just before it hit her. He looked at Her and then changed the shadow and then grabbed her neck. However the shadows ran off once Flower covered herself in light. She looked at Kal and then looked at Zero. "Sorry Kal...I'm not good at staying out of the way." She said and then looked at Zero. "So not doing well for the whole marriage thing." She said and then Zero suddenly appeared behind Flower swiftly knocking her out. He looked at Kal holding Flower. "I won't have her interferer....I don't want to hurt much." He smirks.

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