Fire and Leonhart 1x1 Forest Castle Fight school.

Flower looks at him and then smiled. "Yeah." She said and then chuckled. She looks back at the TV and then pushed her hair out of her face and then stretched out her arms placing them under her head. She looked at him and then smiled brightly.
Kal smiled slyly and ruffled her hair softly, fixing it like she usually did. He watched as they began to compare which animals worked the hardest in their life to sustain a healthy lifestyle. He watched as they showed beavers, then bees. Kal blinked as he watched and tried to remember as much as he could.
Flower looks at him and then giggled slightly. "Hey...." She said and then kissed cheek. "Don't mess with a women's hair....bad idea." She said and then giggled. She looked back at the TV show. She yawned slightly and placed her head on his chest.
"I bet you're tired now hun." Kal thought for a little bit. He felt nervous of what to do. Should he let her sleep here? The thought of them sleeping together made his cheeks red. "D-..Do you wanna sleep here?" Kal buried his face in her shoulder as her head lied on his chest. He couldn't believe what he was asking. Then he supposed he could shower in the morning. And if she wanted to... Kal's mind boggled with immense thoughts of a relationship. He couldn't believe how much his life would change with a girl being part of it.
Flower looks at him and then blushed a bit herself. "Uh um. Only if you want me too." She said and then rubs her head. She looked away rubbing her head and then looked back at him. She pushed her hair out of her face.
Kal nodded nervously. "Y-Yes.. " Kal was scared inside, but Sylvia echoed in his head once more. Kal turned back to look over to Flower below him. "Mind if I change into my PJs quick? And well if you want... I have extra.. Or well, however you are comfortable." Kal made a nervous laugh to himself that could be just vaguely heard between themselves. He didn't really need to head to the laundromat as often as other students, as he stocked up plenty of clothes as much as his fighter novels.
Flower looks at him and then slowly sat up. "No I don't mind. I think I'll be fine in these." She said and then smiled. She stretched out her arms and then pushed her hair back. She blew her bangs out of her face. She shook her head and then put her hands on her lap stretching herself out a bit.
Kal quickly rose up in nervousness, and searched his drawer. In his drawer, he found a pair of pajamas and went into the bathroom with them. He quickly changed his dress shirt and slacks into his pajamas. He then thought about when he needed to extend his dagger that day. He better bring his blade with him tomorrow, things might get rough. He then threw the clothes in the hamper and walked out in his pajamas. They were black with white rastafari lions that decorated them. Kal slipped into bed with Flower, looking over to her, holding her again. "Good night, Flower."
Flower chuckled. "Goodnight." She said and then snuggled into him happy to be held. She yawned once closing her eyes. Her head felt better at least and she was glad it did. She was worried though, zero obviously wasn't going to let her Kal wasn't safe. She slightly opened her eyes and looked up at him. She closed them again and pushed it out of her mind.
Kal fell asleep without a sound.


He was sitting upon the same chair, upon the same room. He wasn't as tired as he was back in reality, but he felt alot more welcome to sit, rather than run around in the dream-land that he was now apart of. He sat in the same chair that he was in the previous dream. For some odd reason, the room seemed a bit more warmer than usual. A faint sweet smell lingered in the air. The windows let a sunset paint a orange and purple blaze in the fortress, and on the red carpet that was on the floor. Kal ran his fingers through his hair, leaning on the right arm of his chair, his hand caressing his chin, as he glanced to Sylvia. He didn't intentionally send himself to the dream world - sometimes she can open the portal. He was dressed in a sleek black tuxedo, and she was in a thin, flowing, red silk dress, sitting upon the sofa.

Sylvia glanced and looked over Kal as he appeared in her world. "How did it go?" She smiled warmly. Kal didn't know what to say, so he just said what came to him at the time. "It was good. I mean, we got closer and stuff." Sylvia looked at him curiously. "What do you mean?" "I mean, we.. We're together, I think." She smiled weakily at him, happy but sad on the inside. "I see. That's good Kal." She nervously held her head down and ran her fingers through her hair, before looking back at him and crossing her legs. "I'm happy for you. You weren't nervous, were you?" Kal thought. She was repeatedly responding to him in his head whenever he was. "...No." "That's good, hun." She smiled again, and looked at him.

Kal began to relax, and sighed deeply into the fresh air that contained the fragrance. He stopped leaning and sat straight up, looking over to her now, smiling. "Its just... You've been here for me, all this time. And you said you'd always stay. I can'task for any more than you've done." She blushed just a little, and tried to hide it with her magic. "Why.. why thanks, dear. Its what I do. And don't you worry. You come to me when there's no where else to go. Because one day..." She glanced over into the sunlight. "You'll be able to take on your dreams without fear." Kal thought about that quote. It was something that he knew would reside somewhere deep inside of him. He'll remember it, he knew. But he still wanted her to be with him in his rest, she helped him get his mind off of anything.

There was a short silence between them. Kal then blurted to break it. "And I await that day. But I don't want you to leave." Sylvia looked from the window to him in surprise. She didn't know what to tell him, because she knew she would never leave Kal, even if he was dead gone. She would come into his vision, and make him an afterlife. But she was afraid that he wouldn't want to talk to her after a while, only if he was in real need. She sighed and looked down to the ground, and knew this wasn't how she intended the night to be. This was the opposite of her thoughts. "I won't Kal.. Ever."

Kal rose, and slowly started to walk from his seat over to Sylvia. He stopped, and sat next to her on the sofa, and looked at the sofa, then her. His expression changed, to a sad one. He then wrapped his arms around her thin waist, and buried his face in her shoulder. She looked down at him with the same surprised expression, and embraced him back. She held him tightly, and tears fell between them, ever so silently.


The morning brought a light to his dorm. Kal moaned a little, and tried to hide the light from him. He was still clinging to Flower.
Flower moved as he started to shift while trying to get away from the light. She yawned and then lifted her head slightly her hair almost completely covering her face. "Ugh." She said and then looked at Kal. She smiled lightly and then wrapped her arms around his which were around her. She moved to sit up wondering what time it was. As she tried to untangle her hair to get it out of her face she let out another big yawn.
Kal's mind was only concerned about his rest and darkness at the moment. His comfort was easily disrupted by the light catching up to him, and he awoke, blinking open his eyes. He'd hoped that he didn't do anything to awake Flower in his sleep. He looked up at Flower, his head in her lap, and his arms tangled with hers. He smiled, as she was another light to his world. Kal began to wonder what time it was also. He knew that the sunrise was just ending, and the window was tinting a light blue across the bedsheets. "Good morning, hun. How'd you sleep?"
Flower justed plopped back down as she yawned. "I slept good but I'm still tired." she said as she untangled one of her arms with moved and started messing wih his hair. "And you?" she asked as her fingers slowly went through his hair. She moved her hand away pushing her own hair out of her face.
"I... I slept good." Kal responded, trying to show that he didn't know about what he dreamed, although he did. He slowly reached for his forehead with a hand and flexed it a little. He was still a bit tired, and he needed to stretch. Slowly, he sat up, and slid out of bed, stretching all of his limbs outwards as he gasped, then relaxed with a sigh as his body reformed back to normal stance. He looked back to Flower, a hand on his hip and he looked tiredly, unsure of Flower's answer, depending if she wanted to use it after him too or whatever. "I'm going to go shower quick. You can shower too if you'd like." Kal blushed, and he was too lazy to do anything about it right now. He began to gather some clothes together (black tunic, underwear, socks, and tight jeans) while his favorite sash and light-plated armor rested in his closet, below them, his broadsword. He began walking in direction of the bathroom.
Flower looks at him and then nods. "Yeah sure." She said and then pushed her fingers through her hair. She slowly got up and then stretched out. She slowly put her arms back down as she had stretched out as far as possible. She looked at him and then crossed her arms behind her back. She slowly sat back down on the bed yawning yet again.
Kal leaned over and kissed her forehead, and smiled. He acted oddly cutesy sometimes around her.

In the shower, the water danced among his soft, pale skin. He used his favorite soap and washed up. Kal began thinking about the dream that he had that night. He shook it out of his mind for now. Hot steam blew across the air, and Kal was enjoying the warm sensation of so. Then, he shampooed his hair. It was now soaked in bubbles, and messy. The bathroom's steam left with a strong masculine fragrance. He rinsed off and dried with a towel nearby, hanging it on the door, and began slipping into his clothes. A brush was in his bathroom's cabinet, and he went through his thick silver hair to fix it slowly. He smiled as he was now satisfied, and walked out, eager to start the day. "Your turn, Flower." He smiled, fixing his hair a little, and moved from the doorway, to sit next to her.
Flower looks at him and then smiles. "Good." She said and then slowly got up. She entered the bathroom and then closed the door. She turned on the water and then undressed entering. She took longer then Kal but she was girl...that tended to happen. She leaned back against the wall letting the water rise her off. She hoped Hunter was alright although once she left the poor dog alone for a week and it had been eating rabbits and squirrels. She pushed her hair out of her face and then continued. She turned off the water and got dressed. She walked out not taking to long. She pulled her hair out of her clothes.
Kal smiled at Flower. "Class starts in an hour." Kal glanced around the room, trying to think of a subject to talk about. "So what's on your mind?" He looked up to her and smiled.
Flower looks at him and then sat beside him. "Hmm. The many ways I'm going to kill Zero..." She sighed and laid back on the bed. "I guess I'm just trying to figure things out. Really I didn't intend to get into a relationship but it sure is nice." She said and then looked at him. She pushed her hair out of her face. "What's on your mind?" She asked.
What was on his mind was something he wasn't sure she was going to believe. He didn't know what to tell her. Kal turned his body to look at her, and he lied beside her. "Uhm.. Nothing really." Kal's neutral and confused expression turned into a wild smirk, as he thought about what she said. "And I highly agree with you, dear." Kal got closer to her and softly held her with his arms into a loose embrace.
Flower chuckles and then wraps her arms around him as well. "Well your the one who approached me out with that one bold move. To this day I wonder what ever possessed you to do such a thing." She said giggling slightly. She slid closer to him and then put her head to his head.
Kal blushed. "I..I.." He didn't know what gave him the courage. Normally, he was scared pretty girls wouldn't accept him. "You.. You're pretty. I was scared. But something inside of me, told me to try.. You were worth it." Kal cuddled slightly closer into her and tighter, smiling.
Flower looks at him and then smiles. "Hm." She said and then kissed him. She closes her eyes and then pulled him slightly closer. She smiled under the kiss and the pulled back. "Glad you had that feeling."
Kal was kissed and brought closer. "Mm.." He softly held her arm and kissed her back as she kissed him. Then he opened his eyes and looked into hers. "I'm happier everyday with you. You brighten my days."
Flower smiled and then grabbed a strand of his hair playing with it. "I'm a light holder....I tend to do that." She teased and then continued to play with his hair. She looked into his eyes with a smile. "Ugh....we better get up or we'll be late."

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