Fire and Leonhart 1x1 Forest Castle Fight school.

"Yeahhh. " Kal slowly began to rise up, and stood up from his bed. He moved over to his closet to get his light plated armor on. Just some steel guards, just incase. These now decorated his knees, wrists and shoulders. He then threw his sword over his left shoulder with a sword sheath and sling. He didn't decide to bring his satchel - today probably wasn't as important in class as Flower's health was to him. He then turned to look over to her. "Ready?"
Flower looks at him and got up. "Yep." She said and then opened the door to find Hunter was sleeping there. She shook her head and kneeled down petting her. "You're to loyal for your own good sometimes." She chuckled. "You could have barked you silly dog." She said and then looked up at Kal with a smile. She slowly got up and then crossed her arms.
He smiled and pet Hunter as well. Slowly, he began to walk down the hallway, turning, teasing Flower a little bit. "You wanna be late, huh?" Kal made a quick, innocent smirk.
Flower looks at him. "Yes." She said sarcastically. She walked beside him and then looked around. "I'm not to keen on seeing zero." She mumbled and then continued to walk. She crossed her arms and then sighed a bit pushing her hair out of her face.
"Same here. But we will be fine. I'm prepared this time." Kal softly chuckled to himself, as he rounded a corner from the boys dorms into the main hallway once more.
Flower nods and then looks at him. "I see..." She said and then looked down sighing. "You know. I remember a few things from back then. But still it's all fuzzy. Even remember the scars on my back? That was from zero's father. If I misbehaved or did something that he thought I shouldn't..." She stopped talking and sighed deeply. "Zero once tried to get him to stop. I guess that means he slightly has some humanity in him....but still I don't ever want to go back."
Kal looked down at the ground beneath him as he walked. She was captured, and her parents were gone. Now she was only to witness her nightmares of her past. And now, she remembers that she was abused by Zero's father. Kal then suddenly came to a realization. "He must've cared.." he went on, "at one point." He then gazed around the hallways.
Flower looks at him and then shrugs. "I guess..." she said looking down and sighed. "It's all really upsetting...I wonder of it was better for me not to remember." she said and then puts her head on his shoulder as they walked. She sighed again and pushed her bangs behind her ear.
"True.. but scars heal. You'll find a way to look beyond your past." Kal smiled, looking over to her as her head was on his shoulder. The students were waiting for their teachers to arrive to the classrooms, and he was sure that they were very early.
Flower looks at him and then smiled. "Scars....still leave a mark Kal." she said and chuckled looking up at him. She pulled her head away and looked around. She didn't see Zero and that left Flower slightly relieved. She looked back at Kal with a smile. He was really helpful to her today. She was glad to have him around.
"Yes but... Some fade. Mine have. Just watch my shoulder over time." Kal smiled back at her, and turned to look at his first class' doorway. He watched as many of the students were chatting in front of it, and the teacher would be here in 5 minutes. He sighed, and looked around the empty halls.
Flower looks at him and then chuckled. "I will." She said and then pushed her hair back with a long sigh. "Ugh...." She said and then looked at the ground. She looked at the other students and notices Nick and Deathwish have not arrived yet either. Flower tilts her head as she thinks of where they are.
A red headed girl with long flowing hair suddenly turned the corner of the hallway, and ran with a surprised expression. She then stopped in front of the classroom and dove over to the other people in front of the doorway, and hugged Flower silently. "Oh my gosh. I missed you guys!" Fyra explained, and let go of her, looking over to Kal. "How are you all? They let me off campus for a family vacation. Things were rough outside of the Empire, though. So we had to leave and come back."
Flower smiled. "Good...glad to see you." She said and then rubbed her head. "Sorry to hear that though." She said and crossed her arms. "How are you?" She asked and glanced at Kal with a smile.
"I'm doing fine, Flower. How're you guys?" Fyra said, excitedly. She gleamed at the both of them, grinning, leaning to one side.

Kal looked over to Fyra, and smiled, happy to see her back as well. "I'm doing just great." His mind was taken off of Zero for a while, as he spoke to Fyra.
Flower chuckled and nodded. "Classes have been boring....I don't think you missed out on much." She said rubbing her head. She looked around the classroom. Glad Zero still wasn't here...however with the rumors going might be hard not to hear of him. She looked at Fyra. "So after classes you want hang out?' She asked with a bright smile.
"Oh. " Fyra giggled softly, holding her hand to her mouth. She smiled as the question that Flower gave was directed to her, and filled her eyes full of light. "Oh sure! What do you wanna do when our classes are done?"

Kal looked over to Fyra, smiling, as the teacher walked into the room. His silvery hair moved as he turned his head over to Flower, awaiting her decision. He knew he'd probably be stuck with her, unless they went out for a girls night at a club or something. He laughed in his mind about that. Maybe then he could get on schedule with his training. Though he never minded hanging out with Flower. His feelings grew with her stronger and stronger, and he slept better when he was around her.
Flower shrugs. "Whatever you want." She said and then looked at Kal. She saw the teacher came in and then went to sit down. She pushed her hair back behind her ear and then sat down leaning back against her chair. She waited for the teacher to start.
"Okay." Fyra resumed to her seat, where she expected to get loads of homework after class from going on vacation.

Kal went to his seat, and ran his fingers through his locks of hair, thinking of the last time he studied, or did his work. He was sure he would find time to do it. His grey eyes showed contentious thinking within his mind. The teacher would've looked upon the class, and it went silent, with a wave of her hands. This specific teacher, being a stoutly, tan-skinned, brunette woman, looked upon the classmates of confused expressions on their faces. "Tomorrow night.." She went on, "there will be a meteor shower, happening near the forest to the west. Surely, there will be no casualties, hence that these meteors are limited in size, and quantity. They're expected to be baseball sized, but big enough to see." She smiled, and looked as the students began to slowly discuss. "It is sure a sight to see, and I want one of you to tell me what you have seen when you get back. " Kal thought that tomorrow night, would be worthwhile watching this shower.

Fyra looked up, and around at the other students, wondering just how that would look like. She always stared at the stars, and the moon, when she looked for hope in life. Maybe, she too, will find purity, like the rumors that have been told like a legend ; "One, who sees the falling flame, will find inner strength." If only, she had known where everyone went.. She was only lost and alone, besides when she was with her friends.
Flower smiled at the thought of seeing the meteor shower. She pushed her hair behind her ear and then crossed her arms behind her head. She looked as nick was already looking for his victim to take to the shower. His eyes laid on faye. Flower sighed a bit. That was nick for you. She looked at Kal and then back at the teacher.
Kal glanced around the room and thought just a little about the meteor shower, before staring down at his desk. Everything was going his way, and normally it didn't happen that way. Kal smiled at the thought of him and Flower, laying down, watching the night sky, flooded with falling, bright, stars. He hoped that tomorrow night would be something of a miracle to him. But tonight, was when him and Flower was to hang out with Fyra, and uncover something to do. The teacher then turned from the class to the blackboard, to show how gravity affected forces in multiple forumlas. "Gravity.. is essential in combat. It cannot be controlled, unless by magicks. But, you can use it to your advantage. Swashbuckling.." She explained, drawing a simple stick figure, kicking down something of a flowerpot infront of another figure. "is when you use your environment to your advantage. Most things fall when thrown upward, for example." The teacher further explained.
Flower looks at the teacher and then leaned back. She new about environment advantage...she was a light holder, when it's sunny her light was strong and at night she was weaker. She looked down at her desk thinking when she was going to be rid of Zero. He wasn't here...but why? What was he planning. She put her hands to her head and sighed. It was all to stressful.
Kal nervously began to ponder what was all going through his head. He was sure he'd be fine tonight, if Zero didn't show up, but at least this time, he was armed.

Fyra imagined what kind of beautiful meteors would decorate the sky as the teacher explained more principals of physics. Something told her, that she would feel peace inside. After all, her family, wasn't her real family after all...
Flower got up as soon as the teacher was done. She looked around and then pushed her hair back. "Geez if I didn't already have white hair....I'd have gray hair." She said seeing as she was highly stressed. She looked at Nick who had quite a few girls swarming him. Flower shook her head and then watched as an extra scary deathwish chased them all off. Flower walked over and patted deathwish's shoulder. "You know...of you wouldn't scare them might get a girlfriend." she said.

Deathwish looks at her. “I don’t want a girlfriend.” He said and then rubbed his head as Nick approached Faye. “I better get over there. If she puts him on fire….I will have to put it out.” He said and then put his hands into his pockets. He follows Nick and stands behind the cocky idiot.

Nick looks at Faye. “Hello.” He said and then smiled charmingly at her. “I’m Nick…and you are?” He asked and then tried to ignore Deathwish’s disapproving glare. He looked back at Deathwish and raised an eyebrow. Flower was in the background shaking her head.

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