Fire and Leonhart 1x1 Forest Castle Fight school.

(Up to you, Hearts. o: Whatever you feel is right. ) Kal wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her deeper, only to remember for a moment that he actually managed to get inside a pretty girl's heart. Especially Flower, because her personality was strong and defiant on the outside. She was really a soft and delicate girl on the inside. He could feel his emotions taking over his mind.
(Nahhhh... I feel tired so I don't think I want to go into a fight scene right now) Flower enjoyed the kiss for a few more moments before pulling back. She looked at him and then smiled big. She blew her hair out of her face. "I think this just a lot more complicated." She removed one arm to rub her head.
(Lol. Hang in there.) Kal smiled, alot more happy now. He looked into her gleaming eyes. "Yeah." He slowly ran his fingers though her silvery hair, smirking. "You're lucky no one goes down this staircase. Class is starting soon." Kal teased a bit, laughing some. He couldn't believe what was happening. From the start, he knew she was beautiful, and now, she was in his arms.
Flower looks at him and then blushes a bit. "Yeah..." She blinked. "Hey you started it." She said knocking on his head playfully. She looked around and then looked back at him. "I guess we should head there then." She said slowly pulling away. She smiled at him and then looked around trying to figure where class was. She started walking.
Kal moved away from the staircase, rounding back around the corner into the main hallway. He felt so much better, getting his feelings off of his chest. He continued to look over to her, smiling. "Somebody's not going to be too happy." Kal didn't want to bring him up, but just the thought of teasing Flower about it was something he just had to do.
Flower looks at him. "Hey at least he wouldn't kill me. You're the one in danger." She said teasing right back. She smirked and then looked inside the class. "I would love to ruin his day but...I rather not have to fight him just yet." She said and then sighed deeply. She looked at the class. Nick was being himself and flirting with a girl while Zero had shadows around him. He literally had an anime "I will kill you ora." She looked at Kal. "Age before beauty?" She laughed nervously.
"It's cool. I'll be prepared for when I have to tell him that you let me." Kal smirked, looking back to her, before walking into the room. As usual, he took his seat, looking at the chalkboard ahead of him, awaiting his mind and imagination to take over his thoughts as the teacher described certain inscriptions in ancient walls.
Flower looked at him and then sat down in a chair. She looked at kal and then looked at the teacher listening slightly. However she was a bit distracted now. She looked at Zero who was watching her carefully. She glared and then crossed her arms.
Kal was simply enveloped in a tragic turn for his life. He finally found love, which was something he was never able true to touch. Except from his family, of course. But this.. This assured him he would never be alone again. He would always have her, if nothing went wrong. Then, he began to look at the teacher, scolding a student about talking in the middle of class.
Flower at the teacher and then rubs her head. She sighed deeply and then waited till the class was over. She stood up and then stretched out her arms. She yawned loudly and then looked as Zero left the room eyeing her. She looked down at the ground till he left.
Kal looked at Flower. She seemed ashamed that she let herself to him, and Zero didn't like that they hung out so much. They was a small spot inside of Kal that made him feel sorry for Zero, but the way he treated Flower was no way to treat a woman. Slowly he got up from his seat, and walked over to Flower. He didn't know if she was ashamed or not, but he decided not to ask. "Something bothering you?" He knew it must've been Zero, but he wanted to know why, besides the fact that they were opposites in general.
Flower looks at him. "Zero was just staring at me weirdly...I was getting uncomfortable is all." She said and then looked around. "What do you want to do?" She asked with a smile. She hated that Zero had to spy on her. She wished he would leave her alone. There was no way on earth she was marrying him anyways.
Kal smiled. "Anything you want to do, Flower." He then thought of the library. She mentioned it before, and maybe they could go there. He thought of Flower first, her needs were to be pampered first. "If you don't have any ideas, we could go to the library. I remember you telling me about it before, and I haven't been there in a while." He smiled at her, glancing downward to her.
Flower looks at him. "Alright, this way." She said and then grabbed his wrist and started leading him to the library. "I hope you don't get lost's quite....large." She said and then giggled. She looked around and started walking down several hallways. She also went up a floor and continued to lead by memory. She stopped in front of two large doors. "Here we are." She said and then pushed the doors open. The room was Huge and filled with books stacked up. The ladders were available, but there were help for some of the higher books. A few trained birds would grab books they were trained on. Most of the help were human though. Flower chuckled a bit. "This is the only room that has a second floor and third floor." She said pointing to the swirling staircases and the floors the swirled themselves up. "It's really quite cool. Just looking around is has tiring as running around this whole school."
Kal looked at the swirling staircases above him, going into higher floors. "Yeah..." He didn't remember this the last time he was here. Then again, he didn't really pay attention during the student tour last year. He just brought books from home, and he was fine with that. He didn't know were to start, despite Flower dragging him along. He looked over to Flower curiously. "You like fighting novels too, huh?"
Flower looks at him and then smiled. "Yeah but there's a lot more then just fighting." she said and then used her light to grab a book. She showed him. It was a mystery book. "This one is one of my favorites. Outside of fighting." she said and then looked around. "There are all kinds of genres in here."
Kal looked around. He wasn't so sure about all of the books, besides his fighting genre that he read so thoroughly. Maybe there was books that didn't involve fighting. Maybe like school subjects or art. Kal was fond of art, as it was something that showed personality and cultural ideals. Although he wasn't somebody to show who he was, he still enjoyed how others represented themselves accordingly. Politics, was another subject. The government of this city was shaken, and Kal was always someone to try and fix it, although he wasn't a very good leader. He was sure he could do it, but he just didn't add up when it came to social matter. This is why he struggled so much with making friends in school. Since his trust was low for many people, he simply turned them away.

Kal wanted to save the world oneday, and he knew he could do it, if he could fight for this city's colony and fend off the Fakina Empire from taking over. "Flower... Do you think there are books that talk about like... " Kal felt ridiculous asking Flower such a question, because he simply didn't even know if she was interested in the genre. He crossed his arms as he usually did when he was nervous, and looked back to Flower. "Books about law?"
Flower looks at Kal. "Hmmm law...oh yeah!" She said and then went to a computer and looked it up. " this section." She said pointing to a map of the library. "She smiled at him. "Not my favorite but I think I can stand a snoozer." She laughed a bit and then looked around. "Seems to be that way." She said pointing over to where the books would be.
Kal began to walk in the direction that Flower pointed out. "Thanks, dear. And don't worry, its not my cup of tea, but I'm sure it will be." He looked in the back of him smiling, and laughed a little. The bookcases closed onto him as he walked closer. A white bird was flying over him, and then flied off to another bookcase. Soon, he was scanning the many titles, books of all colors and sizes. He soon spotted one of interest and took it out, entitled "Lawyer's Loopholes". He looked at the Table of Contents and saw tips for knowing if a document is stable or not, and tips for how to write a contract without any loopholes able to penetrate it.

He then found another one, but this was at the very bottom of the bookcase, the last book on the right. It was a little pale yellow book, with old yellowing pages, called "Dreams Of A Better Tomorrow". Kal opened it and looked at the inner cover, showing the check-out log. The book was never checked out yet. He turned at Flower and smiled. "What books do you want to check out?"
Flower looks at him and then smiled. "Nothing." She said and then smiled. She looked at him and then chuckled. "Hurry up...I want to visit someone." She said and then looks at him. "I think you'll like her." She said and then pushed her hair behind her ear. "And him..." She added. She looked around the library a bit and then watched students coming in and out. She stretched out her arms.
Kal walked past her smiling. "Okay." He then typed his ID number on a keypad and scanned his books at the librarian check out desk. Putting the books back in his satchel, he glanced over at Flower, walking in front of her, and stopping. "Where are they?"

Kal was anxious now, and he didn't know why.
Flower smiled. "You'll see." She said and then walked pasted him. She grabbed his hand yet again and then lead him outside towards the stables. She looked at Kal and then opened the stable door. The horses were noisy as usual. She let go of Kal and then ran to the end. "Snow!" She said petting the head of a black horse with small white dots all over it, giving a snow storm type coat. She looked over at a pure black horse who was playing with her hair. She giggled. "Snow and Black Rider."
Kal smiled, walking over to them and Flower. "Wow. Hey there." He smiled, looking up to the horses. Flower did infact have her way with animals. This intrigued him, and he thought it was cute she had this side of her that included animal life. They did have quite a beautiful set of coats.
Flower looks at him and then smiled. She petted black rider's forehead. "They don't bite...want to feed Snow an apple? Black is picky." She said and then grabbed a bag on the wall. She grabbed a knife from a strap on her leg. She cut the apple in half and offered a half to Kal. She looked at Black Rider. "Hey my hair is not food." She said pulling away from his mouth. She took a bite out of the other half before Black rider stole it. "Hey!" She put her hands on her hips. "Meany." She said and then closed her eyes as the defiant horse blew in her face. "..."
Kal grabbed the other half and gave it to Snow. Snow willingly grabbed it with her mouth from his hand and started munching it down. He smiled and watched Snow and Black Rider eat them down. Slowly he turned over to Flower. "Nice horses."

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