Fire and Leonhart 1x1 Forest Castle Fight school.

Kal whistled, and pointed to Flower, smiling. He smiled, opening and closing the door behind him. "Bye."

He slowly made his way to his own dorm room. There, he relaxed. Laying on his bed, he looked around his room. A set of broadswords crossed silently over his bedset, TV on the right of his closet, and, and his computer next to it, both of them on a computer desk. He also had some books that helped with his training, in the nightstand cupboard next to his bed. Before he fell asleep, he showered quickly and prepared clothes for tomorrow. (A black rayon/cotton tunic, with dark blue denim jeans) that he put on top of his nightstand. Out of his many pairs of boots, he had his black, thin grey fur edged, leather boots, at the end of his bed. That night in his pajamas, he slept. He heard voices, and random visions in his dreams. He heard Flower's voice, but he couldn't understand what she said. Then, he saw a bright light. He awoke the next morning.
Flower fell asleep with her dog next to her. She seemed to be having a nightmare. She got up from the floor the next morning rubbing her head as it was sore. Flower slowly got dressed and walked out. She didn't look to good. She sat in class just looking at the wall. She rubbed her head having a slight bump from last night. "What....what the heck..." She said and then sighed. She had a nightmare about being chased threw a dark forest. Shadows and everything was trying to get her. Flower sighed depressed at the moment.
Kal slouched, and relaxed in class. He learned some more about throwing weapons. He only really used throwing knives, if at all. He remembered his dream with Flower, recalling it very strange. He turned his head to see Flower across the room, staring at the wall. She didn't look very healthy today. Kal wondered if he should bring it up to her today and talk to her about it. Maybe she was stressed, and he could help her. He moved his silvery locks out of his eyes and looked back to the teacher, as she was explaining medicine for poison-tipped weapons and projectiles.
Flower glanced at the teacher and then got up as soon as the class was done. Flower rubs her head and pushed her hair back with a yawn. "Ugh...poison dart frogs are useful aren't they?" she said basically to herself and she looked at Kal and then headed for the door rubbing her eye.
Kal slowly rose from his own seat, and walked over to Flower, looking over to her as they left the classroom. "Hey.. are you feeling okay?" He wanted to make sure that she was doing fine, she was growing important to him already.
Flower looks at him and then shakes her head no. "I slept but I really didn't get any rest. I kept having the same nightmare." she crossed her arms. "I'm just tired is all." she said and then lightly smiled at him. Every once in a while she had that nightmare. She wondered if it was a memory or something like that but was unsure that it was or wasn't.
"Oh..." Kal thought about this. He felt sorry that she didn't get enough sleep. He wondered what the nightmare was about. As they both inched towards the next classroom, his caring was let out. "Are you going to be okay throughout the day?"
Flower looks at him. "I'll survive." She said and then rubs the back of her head. "I've had the same nightmare before, many times." She said sighing. "In fact I'm wondering if it's a memory of some sort. Although it seems unlikely..." She said and then looked up. "I mean it was completely dark and....everything even the trees were grabbing at me. The shadows were chasing me down and all I could see when I looked back were two red eyes and a shadow form." She said and then looks down sighing. "It bothers me a lot really."
"Awhh... " Kal thought that would be annoying to have dreams that constantly tortured you in your sleep. In her case, she was probably genuinely scared, or like she said, bothered by so. It was weird that the trees tried to grab her, and a shadow figure chased her..

He walked past the door frame into the classroom, looking around. There seemed to be fewer people in the room. Where'd they go? He was unsure. Usually the same classmates followed each other to the next classroom.

He roamed over to his seat and sat down.
Flower looked at him. She looked around and saw nick being slapped by the girl he was makig out with two days ago. Flower walked over and patted his shoulder seeing as nick was genuinely annoyed and frustrated. Flower sighed and took her seat as nick took his and put his feet on his desk.

Nick looked at Darren. "Hey Darren, how'd it go wih you and flower?" he asked and leaned back in his chair trying not to drawl the most curious flower into the conversation. "People have been wondering if you two were dying." he chuckled and laughed but ignored flower's curious gaze at him.
Kal began silently sketching in his notebook. He sketched people, a forest... Kal even made a story with them, as class continued when the teacher walked in. His boredom took over the realm of his notebook as the teacher explained certain algorithms at the beginning of class. Each character was elaborate, and the story was fluent. His skills were coming back to him, he realized. He tried not to wonder where the story would end, because that was the fun in making the plot.
Flower was trying hard not to fall asleep in class. She looked over to Kal and then blinked. She glanced at his notebook and smiled looking it over. She blinked and then looked away before it looked like she was staring. She looked at the teacher and then yawned. Man she was in bad shape today. However soon she couldn't resist and fell asleep, luckily she didn't get caught but it was noticeable how she wasn't moving when class was over. She was completely knocked out.
Kal stood slowly from his desk, pushing the chair behind him. He then looked over to Flower. Moving casually to acknowledge her presence, he stopped in front of her desk to look at her. She was sleeping; probably throughout most of class. Kal scratched the back of his head. How would he wake her? If she slept through the teacher's talking, he must do something else. He simply grabbed one of her arms and softly shook it, before talking to her at a medium tone. "Flower... Flower! Get up, you're sleeping." He smiled, trying not to blush at her, dozing off.
Flower slightly opened her eyes. She blinked a few times before slowly siting up and rubbing her eyes tiredly. "Yeah...." She said softy and tiredly before it hit her. She blinked and looked around. She sighed. "Darn it....I slept through class didn't I?" she leaned back in her chair obviously annoyed with her self. "Ugh..." She looked at Kl and blushed a bit. "Geez...and the normal sleep through class guy is the one waking me up." She said and then pushed her hands through her hair with a sigh.
"You've inspired me to sleep more. Hanging around you helps me sleep. Now, now get up!" He smiled and laughed some, blushing now. He stood, covering his face with his right hand. He looked so awkward when he did that, but he was sure no one else was around. Even the teacher was outside checking the hallways.
Flower looks at him and then rubs her head her blush had deepened now. She suddenly rushed behind him not wanting him to see. "Well class." She said feeling better after that nap. She crossed her arms and then took a deep breath calming herself down so she could look at him again. She smiled. "Well at least I feel better now." She said with a laugh.
Kal laughed back, trying not to hide his blush anymore. He slowly began to walk towards the doorway and steadily walked past it. "You slept like a baby. Throughout all of class." He softly chuckled, teasing her a little.
Flower blushed and rubbed her head. "Hehe...what can I say I was tired." She said and then shrugged. "Besides...what the heck is slept like a baby mean? Most babies don't sleep through an entire night, like adults do. And they wake up almost at the slightest sound." (Well some don't) she pushes her hair back and then looks at him. "And you have no right to tease me mister!" She said with a serious look but it quickly turned into a smile.
He smiled back, looking over to her, his hands at his pockets. "And neither do you. But you do it here and there and I don't stop you." He made a soft, deep laugh. "At least you slept good in class. You did pretty well, but you've yet to outdo the master." Kal chuckled to himself.
Flower looks at him and then smirks. "Yes master...why don't you shut up now?" She said and then chuckled patting his shoulder. "I think I'll save that title for when I really am bored." She said and then chuckled. " is a fight between me and that Kira girl." she said and then crossed her arms. "People have been wanting to know who would win in a fight between us. Two of the best girl fighters head to head." She looked up. "Considering I fight with a sword and she uses guns....I'm betting on her." She said laughing. "So after classes you want to come watch?"
Kal smiled. "Definitely." Kal wondered how fun it would be to watch him and that other girl battle out in that arena. "But here's a tip when it comes to any projectiles." Kal went on. "I learned that aim can be messed up by confusing your opponent. Speed is key. Plus, your light ability would be able to deflect and maneuver those bullets anyhow. And this might sound crazy, but.." He began to feel like he was going to sound stupid when he said this. "Sword twirling. Its actually helped me, quite a few times..." He didn't want to get into the explanation of how he got into those kind of situations now.
Flower looked at him and then smiled. "Aren't you helpful." She said and then stretched out her arms. "I'll remember that." she said and then looked behind her seeing a new student approach. She blinked having never seen him before. Flower stopped for a moment as he walked by. She froze almost before watching him enter the classroom. Flower was confused by her reaction to him and little did she know...she had gripped Kal's sleeve. Did....did Flower become afraid? Flower blinked just staring at where he went. "Wh-what the heck?" She whispered to herself unknowingly still clinging to Kal.
Kal turned to look at Flower, watching her reaction as she gripped his sleeve. He turned to her warmly, giving her his concern. "What is it, Flower?" What was it that made her stop? He saw a new student in front of them walk into their classroom. He guessed that might have given her the change of emotion.
Flower looks at him and then let's go. "S-Sorry...I don't know." she said and then continued walking. She crossed her arms and then sat in her seat looking around. She saw the new student staring at her and she looked away. She rubbed her head and then crossed her arms. She wondered why he bother her so.
Kal sat wondering why Flower acted strange in the hallway. He didn't let it bother him too much, but it still lingered in his head, taunting him as he sat down. He looked around in the Science room. Today, we were supposed to learn about magic build-up, and when casted by energy, can create genuine but synthetic forms of gathered elements. Kal sat and began to take notes as the fire elemental build-up was being diagramed at the front of the class. This interested him, as he was someone who used magicks sometimes as a regular practice. People like Fyra and Flower have their abilities inside of them, and are not synthetic, as they are real powers from within, that use energy, like all magic.

Then, when the Darkness build-up came to him, the elements used to make the synthetic was something that stuck out to Kal. He realized, when his sword was being forged, he heard a word or two of the build-up elements to make Darkness was muttered by the Blacksmith in his hometown. Maybe... his sword had dark power? This was something not known to him before. Then again, he thought the slight black outline on his silver blade was strange. Sometimes, it even glowed.

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