Fire and Leonhart 1x1 Forest Castle Fight school.

Flower looks at her and then chuckles. She pulls out her sword. It had a silver blade and in the middle was blue writing in an unknown language. The handle a white diamond in the shape of a rose. The sword was in great shape with almost no scratches. Flower smiled a bit, even seeing her sword exicted her. She sent light through her sword making it glow blue. "If you're sure I'm ready to go." she said smirking now.
Fyra drew her trusty black katana from her waist. A few red stones glinted in the blade, within the onyx and steel alloy. A flame danced and spun around the blade, and the red stones lit up. She was eager to train with her in a spar, and smiled back.

Kal watched as their magic sword-show was a sight. He wished he had powers like that. He only knew 3 levels of acrobatics, and he was working on the fourth. In the book, he would have to learn to do a cartwheel to a corkscrew backflip. He mastered the wall-runs and wall-flips, but transitions like that were a bit harder to learn. One move to another required timing and mental stature.
Flower looked at her and then charged quickly straight forward but she jumped and flipped over her instead and attacked from behind. She used the flat side so if she did hit fyra she wouldn't harm her. She made sure her hair wasn't in her face so she had a clear view of her opponent. She was fast and would go into a roll if Fyra blocked her attack so she could put distance between them.
Fyra watched as she dove in front of her, and the flip over her head. She had to turn quick, and she did. Blocking the attack with the edge of her katana, she bounced back now to give room. She held the blade with both arms extended, and both hands tightly on the handle. She attacked the same as Flower would've, aiming for the shoulder.
Flower turned to the side before her sword could touch her shoulder. She grabbed the blade and then tried to flip the Katana out of her hands. She blasted light through her sword which made it glow a bright blue and she stabbed the ground light spreading through the ground. Two light streams came from out of the ground. Flower made them form hands and they went for Fyra. Flower was powerful and she certainly was showing it.
Fyra saw her blade fly into the air. That wasn't the case, for two hands of light flew towards her. Fyra waited for the blade to start moving downward, and she dove to grab it, before setting her arms both downward, activating a fire stream around her, encircling her in hot flames. Moving to the side, she turned, her katana in her left hand, and her right arm extended towards the hands. She made her arm like a cannon, firing four balls of fire quickly, like missiles from her right arm movement. They aimed directly to her right hand made of light.

Kal watched as two power-wielders sparred. This was amazing to him. He now understood he had no chance. Flower took any opportunity she could get to disarm her opponent.
Flower jumped back. She looked at the fire and then reatched out stealing the light from the flames making then disappear. She blasted the light back at her. She looked at Fyra and then attacked again twisting herself swinging the sword towards Fyra's side. She twisted light around her sword to make it less visible. She raised her free arm to give a small blast of light to Fyra's eyes.
Fyra saw the blade move before she was temporally blinded by Flower's light that struck her in the eyes. For now, she had to move her katana over to the blade, and heard a clink. She opened her eyes to see some soft shadows still lingering in her eyes, but she was fine. Fyra allowed swing of her katana to Flower's delicate legs.
Flower jumped back but stumbled and fell on her back. She rolled and then side jumped back on her feet. She slid her sword on the ground and the blue light started rising. She scent it at Fyra yet again. Flower ran towards her and then jumped up high into the air and then sliced her sword through the air towards her head.
Fyra had no choice but to jump off to the right. Sending her own blade to Flower's side once more, as she landed. She was afraid Flower would've got her there, Fyra thought. If she missed, she had a plan.
Flower blocked the blade with a wall of light. However Flower was using light but with all the moving around she wasn't getting any light from her surroundings. She kicked the sword up with her leg and then bent down flipping away from fyra. She stood up holding her sword facing down in a defensive position. She had to think of what she had to do now. While she was standing light around her seemed to fade, she was recharging herself and even her hair was turning back to a bright white.
Fyra held onto her sword as much as he could, not to let go. When Flower flipped back, he realized that her light was fading. She was losing power, Fyra knew. She rushed at Flower without thinking, into the fray. Her blade was at her left side. Dashing to the left of her, then the right of Flower, before sending her katana's flat side to the back of her neck. She just might have her.
Flower looked at her and then blocked the sword with her arm. She gripped the blade and then looked at Fyra. She swept her leg at Fyra's feet. Fyra was a much more a challenged then Flower expected. As her fingers started bleeding she flinched a little.
Fyra, distracted a little from her grabbing her sword, but heard her foot sweep, she pulled the blade from Flower's grip and danced around her feet, (but slightly tripped over her ankle) so she could move back farther to give herself time to try again to penetrate her defenses.
Flower looked at her hand. She looked at Fyra and then showed her bloody hand. "Ouch....I think I'm done....I've over did it." She said and then showed a strip of her hair that was black. "My light isn't as unlimited nor is my energy." She laughed a bit and then she used her light to heal her hand. She pushed her long hair back behind her ears.
She looked at Flower's bleeding hand. It wasn't too deep a cut, but she thought she shouldn't spar anymore like that. "Ah, same here. My flame only recharges within the spiritual stream. We'll call it a draw." Fyra smiled. They both tried as much as they could, and she gave enough to call it a workout. "Do you need a wrap for that?"
Flower looks at her and then smiles a bit. "No look..." She said her hand completely healed. "I can heal myself....but even that had limits as well." She said and then looked at Kal and then walked over. She blew her hair out of her eyes. "What ya think?" She said and then chuckles.
Kal had no words that could come from his lips. She merely didn't even try to impress him. He was a person lost in a shell that he could weakly even call himself a man now. "...Whoa." He wouldn't lose without trying though. Jumping down from the stands in the room, he looked around the arena, now understanding it was his turn to witness light surging through his body.

Fyra looked surprised. "Oh. Okay." She moved and laughed to Kal, turning. "Your turn." She could see the fear in his eyes, but he was still willing, she knew. She took his place in the stands.
Flower looks at Kal. "You going to be alright there Kal?" She asked and then pushed her fingers through her hair. She stood still and then gathered light back into her skin. The strand of hair that was black turned back to white. She took a deep breath and then looked at Kal with a small smile.
"Yeah." He confidently now showed on the outside he was ready. He unsheathed his heavy broadsword in his right hand. It had a black hilt with a silver blade. Nothing too special about it. What he could do was different. He looked casually at Flower, but then grew a smirk. He held his blade upside-downward, in both hands extended, in a defense position, as if it was just a ninja sword.
Flower rubs her head. She looks at him and then took a deep breath. She looked at him and then held up her sword. She threw the sword at him and then jumped at him. She would be more hand to hand this time making her faster and more flexible. She jumped kicking at his head with full force. She stared at him, she would and could grab her sword at anytime if need be.
He simply flicked the sword with his broadsword, before kneeling downward from the kick, and doing a quick sidestep to a sideflip. He wanted to the cartwheel flip, but that, was level 4. He was at 35 degree angle from behind her, moving a quick palm to to her shoulder.
Flower grabbed his hand and then went into a roll bringing him with her. She let go and then attempted to pinning him on the ground. She shook her head making her hair get out of her face. She was attempting to make this battle short since her other battle had tired her out. However if this failed flower certainly would continue. She may have gotten a drawl out of Fyra but she wanted to win this one more then that battle.
Flower pinned him, but he would not lose. But for just a moment, he looked into her eyes. There was something different about them. Before he could get a fair look, he slid between her arms and legs to roll and slide back, one hand on the ground, the other on his blade. Kal took the flat edge of his large broadsword and directed it to Flower's back.
Flower rolled to the side avoiding the blade. She jumped up and flipped forward and created light around her fist. She aimed straight for him. She smiled brightly always loving a good fight. She looked at him and then smirked a little.

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