Fire and Leonhart 1x1 Forest Castle Fight school.

"No need." Kal has a sudden distinction for his attitude now towards Nick, but he wouldn't judge just yet. He did admire his playfulness and his ability to admit his feelings for her, even if it was indirectly. He smiled at that. Nick's friend, or maybe his brother, seemed a bit odd though. He decided not to question them. He stuck with his idea of losing thought, besides conversation. Quickly, he thought of something to keep it going, and perhaps so a bit of curiosity. "So Flower, what are your hobbies?"
(Nick and Deathwish are Twins...they look exactly the same lol)

Flower looks at him. "I do spar and train a lot but decides that I guess I will have to say swimming." She said and then smiled lightly. “I uh also sing a little bit.” Flower said showing a bit more of her shy side. That was until Nick ruined it.

Nick chuckles. “Yeah this one swims by herself…she never lets anyone see her in a swim suit it’s sooo dull.” He said then received a quick smack on the back of his head by Flower. “Ouch…” He said rubbing his head. “I’m just saying you’d look hot!” He said but only got another smack on the back of his head. He grumbled to himself.

Flower glared at Nick. “It’s because of boys like you that I don’t.” She said and then crossed her arms. “The last thing I need is to be sexually harrassed… someone else.” She glared at him.

Nick looks at her. “Yep I’m bored…I’ll see if there are any other girls I can flirt with….” He said and then walked away.

Deathwish looks at Nick as he walks out. He looked at Flower. “I better make sure he doesn’t start kissing someone’s girlfriend…I’m sorry Flower.” He said even though his face was still emotionless. He followed his brother out.

Flower rubs her head. “If you were to ask Nick what his hobby was it’s be slapped…by every girl he flirts with. Stinken player he is.” She said and then sighed deeply. “His brother on the other hand is a mystery. Deathwish is his name and he sure can scare the heck out of anyone. People think he secretly is a mass murder or something…but I doubt it.” She said.
"Ohh. I like training too. I practice acrobatics .. And sometimes I like to write." Kal slowly admitted. He practically laughed at Nick's remark, but he tried to hide his mouth with his hand. Deep inside, he wondered what she sounded like when she sung. He might ask her when the time is right. Kal liked her voice already, it had a soft side to it, but it was very devious. Maybe he did wonder what she would look like in a swim suit. He shook the thought for now. When Flower explained to him who they were, he was in wonder again. He laughed at her remark, and agreed with her on Deathwish. "Wow. He does seem different..."
Flower looks at him and then smiles. "Oh good maybe we can spar sometime." She said and then rubs her head. "Deathwish is odd but he's nice...just takes time to understand him really." She said and then looks at the floor. "Writing huh? Sounds interesting." She said and then looks back at him with a smile. "Maybe I could some sometime..." She suggested and then looked at the time real quick.
He smiled at the thought of sparring with her. "Sure." He knew he was not to take it lightly from one of the school's known finest. He always decided to hide his abilities, but he might show her what he can do. He was dazed after talking to her. He never has been so social in a while. He was excited and happy to meet her. Kal just couldn't believe it. And he might actually have plans, to do something some day. He was blessed. He snapped out of his internal happiness as he looked to the clock, half-dazed. "Uhm... What do we have after this?" He regretted asking that question, it made him feel stupid, but he was still tired as well.
Flower looks at him. "hmmm I think it is...History(Of combat, fighting styles) I think we'll be talking about Knights today and their weapons." She taps her sword. "My favorite one as well." She said and then started walking. "Well come on." She said stopping at the door so they could walk to history together. She smiled lightly and then pushed her hair behind her ear.
He began to follow her walk, steadily through the door. The hallways had people moving in a blur in his eyes. The classroom seemed farther away today. When they got to the classroom, he asked her, "What are your other favorite sword styles?" Kal looked to her with grey eyes of intent to get to know her better. He smiled at the thought of it, even. He liked many sword styles, not just his broadsword.
Flower looks at him and then blinks. "Well all kinds....I use all of them." She said and then rubs her head. She looks at him and then grabs the handle of her sword. She takes a seat in the chair. "I guess Samurai." she said and then looked at Kal. She watched as Nick and Deathwish came in...the red mark on Nick's cheek meant he got slapped....again. However Nick normally does really well with girls. Maybe it wasn't his lucky day...however with a small girl of Nick fan girls outside Flower rolled her eyes. "What they see in you Nick I will never know."

Nick looks over her as she leaned back her head hanging over the chair. “Maybe I should show you.” He said but Flower waved him off. He crossed his arms and then sighed. “Fine Fine…”
He followed her to her desk, then Kal responded. "Besides the broadsword, which is my favorite for brutal combat, there's the cutlass for intermediate, and the rapier for sparring, which can deal quick slashes. That's my standings with it. I guess its good to use all of them, to get a nice grip on each, and how to use them in dire situations." He smiled, turning to Nick, joking. "Did you try with the teacher yet?" He made a quick laugh.
Flower looked at Kal. “It is. If you use one style peoplebegin to expect your moves. If you mix them all no one can guess what you cando.” She said and then smiled.

Nick looks at him and then laughs. "How do you thinkI got slapped?" He said and then looked at Flower. “She’s just like youFlower…could be your mother for all we know!” He said and then laughed. That isuntil he saw Flower’s saddened face.

Flower put her head on her arms. “Could be…” She said andthen sighed deeply having no memory of her childhood. She looked at Nick as heplaced a hand on her shoulder.

“That’s right…you can’t remember can you?” Nick asked asFlower looked away he sighed. “Sorry Flower I didn’t mean to upset you.” Hesaid patted her head. “Aw come on Flower you’re not cute when your sad likethis.”

Flower would have hit him but she knew this time he wastrying to cheer her up. “Is flirting the only thing you know how to do?” Sheasked leaning back in her chair. Nick just smiled. Flower sighed a bit.
"That's true. " He smiled back, aware that she might use counters from different fighting styles. He shared the same expression as Nick's, until her face fell. He wondered how she forgot, what she forgot, and what she does know. He felt true sadness for her, although it wasn't easily shown through his serene and serious looks. It was hard for him to look sarcastic. He agreed with Nick as his hand was patting her head. He wondered maybe he could talk to her at a better time to understand more about her. Maybe she even had problems they could talk about. "I'm sorry to hear that, Flower.."
Flower looks at them and then blinked. She looked at Kal. "Yeah..." She looked as the teacher came in. She leaned back only to hear whispers from the girls. She rolled her eyes, darn Nick how does he get all these girls to like him so much. She blinked and then sighed as the teacher glared at her...what did she do? She looked as the bell rung after a pretty boring class. Flower got up and then stretched out.
Kal was exhausted. He merely was only interested in the Knights and their swords, sword-fighting at that time, but when it got to ancient civilization structures, he passed out. He wanted to learn about it, but he couldn't keep up. It was too much for his mind at the time. Kal suddenly felt addicted to communicating with Flower. He thought about trading notes with her in class, but he thought he would only be annoying. He wanted to be good to her, he thought. If he did this, she would see him as a good person, unlike most people in the school. They made rumors about him because he was quiet. He slowly, gradually lifted his slump body from the desk, and sighed of relief. He suddenly stretched his back muscles, and they began to ache. Sharp amounts of pain stabbed his back. He could muster some strength to walk over to Flower, still only half in his mind. "Uh.. Uhm, hey." He then teased her. "I saw Nick looking at you in class."
Flower looks at Kal and then smiles. "Hey." she looked at nick as she mentions him and then chuckles. "Yeah right...I bet he was trying to stare at he girl in front of me." she chuckled. She looked at him and then slowly stood up. She stretched out her arms and then crossed her arms. She put her hands on her deemed and leaned back into them crossing her legs as she stood.
Kal softly scratched his head, before thinking now. He thought that was funny. She even thought the girl in front of her was probably the one Nick was looking at. " Heheh, you wish he was. You just don't want to admit that he likes you more." For all Kal knew, he actually probably was staring at Flower as much as he thought.
Flower laughs flat out. She grabs his head and made him look towards were Nick was making out with another girl. She smiles and pats his head. "Nick flirts with any girl...and the ones that fall for his princely like charms find out he's also a great kisser, however he breaks more hearts then he loves." she said and then watched Nick for a minute. "He's not the type to get serious with however, if he serious with a girl he treats her well." she said and then shrugs. "However few there are." she said and then crossed her arms.
Kal thought for a minute. If there was a woman in his own life, he knew he would treat her with utmost respect. She would deserve everything positive that he didn't have. But Nick had options, he thought. If Nick could have as many options as he wanted, if he failed, he could try again. That wasn't fair. But that didn't matter to him exactly. He just didn't want Nick to get hurt. He turned his head back to look at her. "Wow... You think.. You think he'll be okay?" He showed concern, in an awkward way, considering most people would think he's having the time of his life.
Flower looks at him. "Yeah...I'm sure." she said and then smiled. "Come on I was going to meet someone..." She said and then walked out wondering where the girl she met earlier was. She looked at Kal waiting for him. She smiled lightly and then looked as Nick and the girl walk out. Flower rubs her head and then watches as Deathwish walked past. "Gees Deathwish you don't have to be his body guard." She said but Deathwish just looked at her.
Kal walked to Flower, to stare out the door. He really hoped so. Soon, he saw a fiery redhead walking towards Flower.

Fyra walked and stopped in front of Flower and the unknown boy. "Hey Flower! Ready to go? And is who is this? I like your hair."

"I'm Kal, and uhm, thanks, heh. I try." Kal was really embarassed. Its been a while since someone had something to say like that to him.
Flower chuckles. "I met him today. Hope you don't mind." She said and then looks at her. She was glad Fyra missed Nick. He would have been all over her anyways. She looked at Kal. "He was brave approaching me....I thought I'd be nice." She smiled and then crossed her arms.
Fyra smiled. "I see. Well okay then! Where do you wanna go?" Even through all of the lectures and boring class periods, Fyra seemed to be really cheery. Her nose kinda perked up a little when she was excited. Even Kal could see that.
Flower looks at them and then chuckles. “We’ll I like swimming but whatever you want to do. We could go for a walk or go to the spar arena.” She said and then shrugged. She looked at Kal and then remembered….to swim she’d have to do it with a boy around. Flower slightly covered her face with her hair. “Whatever you two want.” She said with a small smile.

Flower looks at them and then chuckles. “We’ll I like swimming but whatever you want to do. We could go for a walk or go to the spar arena.” She said and then shrugged. She looked at Kal and then remembered….to swim she’d have to do it with a boy around. Flower slightly covered her face with her hair. “Whatever you two want.” She said with a small smile.
Kal felt being nice to his new friend. Might as well do what she likes, Kal thought.

Fyra thought. She had to be home earlier because she had to help her brother train for the finals of a competition.

But she wouldn't worry. Maybe they could all hang out longer tomorrow, or a different day. She then had an idea. "How about we spar for a bit? I gotta leave early to help my brother with finals."

When Fyra said that, Kal had an idea. Maybe after Fyra had to leave, that would give him and Flower time to swim. He decided to keep this idea to himself until she had to leave.
Flower nodded. "Sure...let's go." She said and then looked at Kal and then looked at Fyra. She started walking to the spar room. She chuckles. "So who sparing who?" She asked and then smirks a bit. "I think I was going to spar that Kira girl...but maybe she won't be there." She said and then shrugged at them. She smiled and then opened the doors just as an arrow flew at her. Flower blocked the arrow with light. She closed her eyes as the arrow dropped. "Don't you idoits know not to aim at the door!" She said and a large blast of light came out of her hands and the people with the arrows scattered. She rubs her head. "Gaaaa that could have been bad...."
Kal and Fyra walked behind Flower at her pace. When the arrow flew from behind the door, Fyra flinched, and a flame almost was going to burn it, before Flower had blocked it, and sent the people crawling away from the door.

Fyra walked around Flower to advanced through the door and looked around. "How about me and your first? And I wanna see you and Kal spar after." She giggled softly after that. She wondered what Kal could do, but she wanted to see him spar against someone else so she could disarm him easily. But she might have the fair fight against Flower.

Kal hasn't sparred against anyone in a while. He sparred against his friends when he had them around, but he always practiced in the forest now. Sometimes with armor to test his speed, other times shirtless with light white pants and a black belt, to test his abilities. He was eager but afraid he wouldn't be able to show the girls his true strength. He was still sure he had a chance. He wouldn't lose against a girl.

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