Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Garos skidded back, the light giving him a shove away from his opponent, then grabbing him in a hand. He smirked at her words, giving as much of a shrug as he could while being held by the hand of light. "Sorry 'bout that," he joked, breaking free of the light hand and dashing to meet her, throwing the dagger as he ran.
Flower Grabbed the dagger out of the air and threw it right back at him. As it missed flower shook her head in disapointment with herself and grabbed another hidden dagger from her leg. With all these hidden weapons, Flower often never worried about running out of tricks.
Garos eyed the dagger as it flew wide, missing him, then smirked as Flower simply grabbed another. "Just how many weapons do ya' have hidden, hmm?" he asked, picking up the dagger she'd throw and tossing it between his hands for a second. Calmly walking forward, he circled her, waiting for her to strike.
Flower smiled. "You'd probably wouldn't want to know." She chuckled and walked with him keeping him from getting behind her and then slashed her digger and when she was turning used her leg to try and kick him down.
Garos smirked and gave a nod, moving with her for the same reason. Couldn't have her getting behind him... she was quick enough when he could see her. As the dagger slashed forward, it hit across his cheek and he yelled slightly, seeing her leg at the last second and grabbing it. Using the kicking motion against her, he spun and tossed her behind him at the nearest wall.
Flower hit the wall and went down. She cringed and looked back at him. Slowly back up she was limping a bit now. It was her leg he grabbed. She slowly walked around a bit watching him. Then stopped and turned into a Cheetah and dashed at him gaining speed. Yet not hitting top speed because of her leg. (Oh and by the way....her clothes shift with her because of a Flower used in her clothes....called the Fire Flower or shifters flower. It contains properties that shift with a shape shifter such as FLower.)
The young man grimaced slightly as Flower hit the wall and fell. He frowned at her limp, but it looked like she was going to keep fighting. With little warning, she shifted and dashed at him, her new form taking him to the ground. The hit wasn't as hard as he'd expected, but it sent a jolt of pain up his form. "Damned animal form," he murmured, trying to scoot away from under the other.
Flower hissed and used her claws to pin his shirt to the ground so she didn't hurt him. She put her other paw to his neck. She stood there waiting for himto give up or continue. Although interested how he lasted this long and his cleverness surprised her, she was unsure about wining the fight now. It didn't matter if he was human in fact losing often teaches one more then winning. So flower never had to much of a problem losing. She smiled at him. "Well I sorry if I'm irratating you with my shifting. Just be glad I am not trying to hurt you or my next form would be an elephant...and that would kill you."
Though he was pinned and had a paw to his neck, he laughed at her words. "Nah, not really irritating as much as makin' me think..." he began with a grin. "Not that it's a bad thing, I'm jus' not used to plannin' strategy when I fight other folk. And, yea'... please don't turn into an elephant. I'd rather not die that way, thank ya' much."

He pondered what to do for a moment, how to handle the paw at his throat, then simply smiled. "Well, as it looks like ya' have me stuck here, I should ask; would ya' like to call this a match, or keep goin'?" he questioned.
Flower smiled. "I think the match is done. You are very skilled I have to say you surprised me more then once." she said turning back into a human and got off of him holding out her hand to him. "now your wounds...I can heal them for you." she offered to him seeing his injuries. "As you can see mine healed quickly."
Garos smiled warmly as well, wiping his bloodied hand on his shirt before taking hers and standing. "I'll admit, you surprised the hell outta' me as well. You've got quite alot'a skill, Flower."

Looking down, he blinked at he noticed the various injuries and blood staining him and the floor around them. "Yea', I suppose that might be a good idea. Didn't realize I'd gotten so hurt," he said, truthfully. "Guess I've just built up quite the tolerance fer' pain."
Flower quickly put her hand near the open wounds and healed them leaving no trace that they ever were there. She smiled. "Yeah...thanks." She backed off and then took a quick look at her leg and then looked back at garos.
Garos stretched a little after the wounds healed, looking down at where they were with a curious gaze. "Never stops bein' amazing, that. Guess if I did it all the time, it wouldn't be so neat," he said with another laugh, then stopped as she looked at her leg. It was the same one she'd been limping on. The young man frowned. "Ey, are you alright? That's the leg I grabbed at, right?"
Flower nodded and looked at it. "Yeah it is and it's fine. Just a bit sore I think it hit the wall the wrong way nothing to be worried about." She smiled and started to gather her daggers and suck them in their places.
Faye grinned at the boy and then watched Flower and Garos with her sister. She now had TWO new role-models. Maybe one day she'd be lucky enough to spar with one of them. Everyone else wasn't really a challenge anymore for her. She sighed again, bored. She looked out at the sky and noticed it was rapidly getting dark, it seemed to be 'bed-time' now. She looked at her sister and guessed that it probably was by how tired her eyes looked, she leapt up from the chair and grabbed Myra's hand, tugging her up, "Come on Myra! Bed-time!"

Myra blushed bright red as her little sister talked to her like she was a child. She shoved her arm playfully and gave Flower and Garos one last parting glance before Faye tugged her out of the room. Myra was astounded by Flower's transformations and Garo's tolerance for pain. It was like he didn't even notice. Myra was stopped infront of a door and Faye grinned, pushing it open and dragging her sister inside. Myra looked around then walked over to her bed, curling up under the duvet and peering up at her younger sister with big red eyes, Faye rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips, "You need to get changed first Myra." Myra shook her head and closed her eyes, Faye tugged at the covers and Myra swatted her hand at her sister. "You get up now or I'll---" Faye was cut off mid sentence by the water from Myra's glass beside her bed flying out and smacking her in the face. She growled at her sister, "Fine! Good night Myra!" She sped from the room, slamming the door shut, she locked it (her sister also has a key that works from the inside) She stormed down the corridor, grumbling to herself as flames spread across the palms of her hands.
James sighed deeply and sat down alone somewhere thinking about what vince had said. "You know why we are here?" jame shook his head no. Vince smiled "To find someone...and that someone is not you so I will make sure they do not bother you my dragon friend." James blinked and watched him leave. James put his hand on his forehead looking down. "WHo are they looking for?" He thought about this.
Faye kicked open the doors with one angry swipe of her foot and stormed out into the cool night air, she sighed and her palms relaxed. She carried on walking then turned and looked back at the school, her power keeping her warm in the cold night. She flicked her eyes to the ladder on the side of the school and smiled, she ran at it and quickly climbed it. Finding herself ontop of the school. She sighed and lay down, looking up at the sky as each and every star began to appear, closing her eyes and smiling. Faye always made the best of not having to sleep, she didn't need it, she didn't do it.

Myra got out of the bed once her younger sister was gone, changing into a big, baggy top and some shorts before clambering back into the bed and leaving the lamp on. She always slept with a light on now. She closed her eyes after a while, then opened them again. She found it so hard to get to sleep ever since her parents passed away, although that wasn't the event that made her incapable of getting a good nights sleep.
James walked past Mayra's room. He saw her light on through the bottom. He woundered why she seemed to be up. He looked at the door and then shrugged.
Faye pulled herself up and tugged out earphones from her pocket, she put them in her ears and then reached her hand into her pocket and pressed a button. Music blasted into her ears and she leapt up, still standing on the roof as she jumped around crazily, dancing under the stars. Without realizing she began to sing loudly, but yet her voice was actually really nice, matching the song perfectly as she danced lightly on the roof, "You make me, feel like I'm living a teenage dream! The way you turn me on! I can't sleep! Let's run away and don't ever look back, don't ever look back!" She waved her hands in the air as she danced crazily, her orange hair spinning out around her.

(The song is 'Teenage Dream' by Katy Perry! :D )
Nick watched her from the shadows. He smiled and chuckled silently. He had an apple and he bit into it. He sat down in his hiding spot. He stretched off chuckling to himself watching as he called it a show. But how did she come across flower's garden?
Garos helped the other gather up all of the strewn about weaponry and return it to it's rightful place, then cleaned up his blood from the floor. Leaning against the wall, he looked down at his blood stained clothing and chuckled. "Guess I should probably go clean up a bit. Don't wanna' be strollin' around here lookin' like'm half dead." He moved over toward Flower and extended his hand toward her again. "Thanks again for the spar. We'll have'ta do it again sometime soon."

Giving a last wave, he exited, heading to the room he called his own and jumping into the shower. After a moment, he exited and dressed in some running pants and hooded sweatshirt, heading outdoors to a spot he'd frequented before. Before he even lay a hand on the first rung of the ladder, he could have sworn he heard... singing? Chuckling, he began to climb the ladder anyhow, eager to see just what was going on up there.
Flower saw him headded up to her garden and ran up pulling him down. "Hey! That's privet!" She heard the singing and growled in anger. "That's my privet room...who dares!?" She looked at Garos and crossed her arms. "I don't want anyone up there it's my privet training room." She looked up angry. "And it should have been locked!"
Faye sighed as the song ended, "What next?" She asked herself, flicking through the songs on her phone. She absentmindedly bit her lip and her eyes were focused on the phone. Her fringe flopping over her amber eyes as she tugged one earphone out of her ear, her head snapped up to look in the direction of Nick, even though she couldn't see him and didn't know he was there. She looked into the darkness and frowned, a fireball appearing in her hand as she intended to light up the darkness.
Nick had quickly moved to another spot. He smiled. "You know this is a privet garden...I'm sure flower won't like you up here to much longer." He said coming out of the darkness. "Sorry to bother you but I thought you should know."
Garos blinked and raised a brow. "Garden? Now I'm confused. Last time I went up there, the place was empty..." he murmured, shaking his head. "I swear, this place turns around on me sometimes." He was lightly confused at her anger, but understood just how annoying it could be to have someone invade your personal space.

The man took a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, striking a match on the nearby wall and lighting one, then looked up again. "If you need any help gettin' rid of whoever's up there, lemme' know," he said simply, then leaned back against the wall and looked up at the sky, relaxing for a moment. Despite being healed earlier, he was still sore from too much training over the last few weeks.

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