Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Name: Vince/ Nick/ DeathwishAge: Unknown/ Unknown/ UnknownGender: Male/ Male/ MaleSpecies:Half Vampire half demon/Same/samePowers: Shadow demon, mind control at times, vampire/ Vampire powers/ Death claws, shadow, and blood Coffin. Weapons: Sword/ bow and arrows/Hand gun, swords, knives. Vehicle: NonePets: Demon dog/ None/ noneFamily: Vince, nick, and deathwish are all brothers.Husband/wife: NO!/ NEVER!/ Maybe…but she’d be dead in a week.Girlfriend/boyfriend: Nah/ Never/ one for each day of the week.Crush: NO! / give me a brake/ You’re kidding right? Vince:

Myra smiled at the boy and nodded, she pulled her red cloak off of her white curls and suddenly looked much prettier than she had before. She gingerly pushed one of her books towards the book, as if recommending that he read it. It was titled, 'Loving haters' and was a book about how two people struggled to find love in a world full of wars and hate. She looked down at the table, nervous as she waited his disapproval or approval.

Faye grinned at the man, her orange eyes twinkling with what seemed to be anticipation, "I don't mind either really. I like them both, but need to improve my hand-to-hand combat." She looked him up and down, and her eyes landed on the scar on his neck, she raised an eyebrow, but not in a criticizing or disdained manner, more like she was intrigued, "You a fighter aswell?" She asked causally, looking up into his grey eyes.
James picked up the book and smiled. He read alittle bit of it on the back. "Sounds interesting...I think I'll read it after I'm done with the book I already have." He looked at her and suddenly noticed her beauty. He looked then hiding a slight blush and calmed himself before being able to look at her again. "Thanks." He said and then looked off to crist.

Deathwish and Nick walk in. They were twins and tend to be very close, they both had the same hair and clothes so no one could tell them apart. With an eye on everyone they walked up to James. "Hey there james talk'n with a pretty girl?" They both said. Nick looked at the girl but did nothing more. Both of them just wanted to get some fun out of james. Making him angry always was fun. "Hey can I date her?" Nick said laughing. Deathwish leaned on his brother. "How about we both do?" They both laughed.

James looked up at them. " I wouldn't let you touch this poor girl. If you do....A friend of mine will beat the crap out of you." He said with a smirk pointing to flower. He leaned his chair back and looked at them. "Would you really want to deal with flower?" He said chuckling. "Not only that but I haven't fed crist yet today and he likes the taste of Vampire demons." His face turned serrious.

Nick and deathwish look at eachother and then at flower. Their eyes went wide and they were nervous. Nick shook his head and looked at James. "Nah I'd kill the little cat before and the elf..."

Flower looks up from her book and glares at Nick. She pointed her fingure and suddenly light slapped him burning his skin at the touch. She went back to her book saying quietly yet loud enough for them to hear. "I'm a Keyholder." She said and then looked up from her book once more. "That was a warning."

Nick and Deathwish both sigh. "Well as much as we would like to date the pretty girl I'd say we don't want to deal with the best fighter at the school. Sorry young Myra." They said smiling as they knew her name. "Good thing you have james to protect you." They looked at Flower once more seeing her watching them and cringed.
Myra looked down at the table, her heatbeat increasing as they spoke. She hated both of them. Faye looked up at the sound of both boys voices and listened intently, as they said her sister's name she leapt up from her seat. Within a second she was infront of her sister and facing both boys with a dangerous glint in her eye - although it probably seemed silly since she was so young. She spoke furiously, as her fingers ran over the handle of her sword which was in it's holder bag. Her eyes looking as if they were alight with fire themselves, "Stay away from her." Her voice was full of venom and since her and her sister had both recently joined the school - she was surprised the boys even knew her. Then again, gossip spreads fast about a girl who doesn't talk. Faye didn't seem to mind the fact that she was shorter and younger than both boys, she always said the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Most of the younger ones in the same year as her understood her theory - since they had experienced her ruthless fighting skills firsthand - and tried to stay on her good side.
The young man smirked, listening to the younger girl's words. He tensed a little when her eyes went to the scars, but relaxed when she seemed quite unphased by them. He nodded to her question and chuckled. "Yea', is it that easy to notice?" he joked. "And I like hand-to-hand too... just that nothin' seems as good to me as'a big sword 'er an axe. Somethin' with a good weight behind it."

His words trailed off as the two twins entered and immediately started pestering the boy and girl he'd waved to earlier. The cheery expression diminished and his eyes darkened coldly. He'd seen these two toy with others before and it just plain pissed him off. He began to get up when he saw the jumping girl from earlier make a move. Flower seemed to be her name.

As the twins began to walk away from the table with one last remark, Garos called over to them. "Why don't ya' both go do somethin' productive, 'stead of messin' with others, mmh?" he said plainly, a frown lowering the corner of his mouth. "How's about readin' a book or training with all that energy."

He meant to say something else, but stopped when he saw the much smaller, orange eyed girl jump up. He watched like a hawk, ready to make a move if something happened.
Nick and Deathwish smiled. "Maybe you didn't hear us young girl. But we are sure to stay away from her. We rather not deal with James threat about Flower over there..." They both smiled. "However we might just go after you." They laughed till flower was behind them.

Flower's voice spoke like death. "And if you do....your dead." She put her arms on there shoulders. "Now why don't you two run along. I've had enough of your scent. You discusting creatures." She glare was just as scary. Pulling back she put a hand on James shoulder. "And while your add it....leave James alone." She said suddenly having a bright smile on her face.

Nick and Deathwish shiver. "Oh man she's scary...." deathwish said disappearing in shadow with his brother. They both waved bye though before they sent off.

Flower smiled pleased with herself. "There that got them moving." She removed her hand from James. Looking at the two girls and smiled. Suddenly she wasn't scary at all. "Sorry about them twins that are bored are a huge pain." She walked up and suddenly looked at them. "...You two are sisters right?"
Myra nodded, her head lifted as she looked at the girl curiously. She was so glad that Flower had shown up, she was worried for her younger sister and knew it was her fault Faye got into so much trouble with others, she just wished that Faye would give up on her, she was putting Faye in danger and she wished she had enough courage to run away, to leave.

Faye smiled at the girl brightly, her orange eyes suddenly seeming less fiery and more happy yet curious, she stuck out her hand, "Yeah, I'm Faye" She looked behind her, "And that's Myra!" She looked back at the girl and grinned, "How'd you get them so scared of you?" She asked with an intrigued tone, she now had a new role-model...and her name was Flower.
Flower laughed a bit. "It's called kicking their butts so bad that were in a hospital for two days trying to recover. For vampire demons that is pretty bad.” She smiled again and grabbed the girl’s hand. “Now I am a source of many rumors.” She said and looked at the man who smelled of Human. “…” Looking back at the two girls she crossed her arms. “They are very powerful people Faye…I’d suggest staying out of their way. Deathwish is the number one danger. He has a power that traps you and in a matter of minutes your stuck in a coffin that eats away at your powers, slowly killing you. He can only use it once but still, it the scariest thing I’ve ever had to experience.” She said seriously. “They are not to be messed with.”
Garos watched the interaction, relaxing in his seat again. His grey eyes had lightened back up and his expression was neutral instead of menacing. Going from person to person, he identified them in his head, telling himself to try and remember their names... though he was awful at such things. 'So, the boy's James, the sisters'r Myra and Faye - with Faye bein' the youngster, and the jumpin' girl is Flower. Need to remember those...' he thought to himself, picking up his book again.
Faye looked at the girl, frowning, "You experienced it? How did you get out?" Her eyes flashed with curiousity and she seemed to have ignored the girl's warning.

Myra frowned, those boys sounded scary. She shivered slightly as she remembered something more scary though. An image of her mother's screaming face as the man dragged her away from her parents by her hair. She quickly shook herself out of it before she could think about it anymore. She watched the interaction of Flower and her sister, worried for her sister's safety once more.
Flower sighed. "Once....I got out by unleashing my Key holder form. I was pretty tired after that..." She said a key holder from is a inner form that uses all the power of the key holder. Flower's form had silver armer and a huge light sword with 50 foot wings. This form is powerful but after words it takes a few days for the key holder to build of strength again. She glaced at Garos once more. She's seen him around but never really talked to him. Once again looking at the girls she sighed. "Like I said steer clear of them."

James nodded. "They goof off more then take things serriously but still they are pretty dangerous. Since they are vampires they drink blood and well you know what happens when a key holder is bitten." He sighed and looked at crist who was sleeping. His ears twiched though. The huge white tiger wasn't sleeping to comfortly.

Flower nodded finishing his sentence. "Yes when I key holder is bitten, they lose their connection with their keys. A very painful thing to go through. They therefor can not use their powers and get very weak till they regain their powers. Not only that but the vampire gains 10 times the energy and strength that they took from the keyholder." She pushed her white hair behind her ears.
I have a character I'd like to use, but he's an angel ^^;

If I told you that he thinks he's a very lowly being, is very obedient, and isn't very powerful (despite the fact that you have to cut off his head and burn it to kill him), could I use him?
Myra nodded, she knew the dangers and by the look she was giving her sister. It was pretty sure she was going to make sure she steered clear of them.

Faye wasn't so sure, she thought key holders were the most powerful creature of them all? She sighed, "Sure.." She looked at her sister and sighed as Myra gave her 'that look', turning back to Flower with a more committed and serious look and tone, "Ok. I will." She back at Myra, "Mind if I go train?" Myra shook her head as a 'No, I don't mind' and Faye smiled at her sister, "Thanks!" She bounded from the library, finding it a bit too boring and quiet for her fiery tastes. She looked around, saw the boys and ignored their presence, looking back as she whistled and a small, ginger fox cub sped to her feet quickly, putting it's paws up against her legs as she bent down and patted it's head, "Come on Flame." She stood back up with the cub in her arms as she headed down the hallways, in the direction of the training room.

Myra smiled at Flower as a thank you and then picked up one of her books, that's what library's were for, afterall. Her eyes flickered to James before she began reading, smiling slightly. girl anime/ChesticahLynn/7a4a96d5.jpg?o=67Name: Hunter[/URL]

Age: 16 years

Gender: Female

Species: Key dog

Powers: I can turn into a human and have a poison in my teeth that kill vampires.

Weapons: Um I'm a dog...

Vehicle: Your not listening are you HUMAN?

Pets: I am flower's pet

Family: Not that I am aware of.

Husband/wife: Nope not really looking for a mate

Girlfriend/boyfriend: Um no.

Crush: No

Human form:

--- Merged Double Post ---

Hunter walked around in her human form which she has become quite fond of. She smiled and stretched out her arms walking around looking for something to do. Maybe she would join flower.

Flower sighed and put the book back in it's casing. Jumping down, landing purfectly she walked out of the library. While unsure what to do now. She stopped for a moment looking around. COntinuing to walk a few seconds later.,

James smiled and read his book. Everyonce in a while glancing at the girl on the other side of the table. Somehow he couldn't consintrate. He sighed deeply as he watched Crist get up from his nap and rub his head on James leg.
Garos finished reading what he'd meant to in the book, going over the parts about demons and vampires especially. He'd shared words with the twins before, but hadn't seen them in quite awhile - which was fine by him. Pushing away the thoughts, he closed the book and went to return it, stopping by the table the others were gathered at and looked toward Flower. "Not to be a bother er' interrupt, but I wanted to thank ya' for how you handled those two. They're not the easiest to try'n reason with."

Chuckling, he continued. "An' I couldn't help notice the fear they had of ya'. If it's not too strange of a request, would ya' mind sparrin' sometime? Anyone that can run off those two with a few words has gotta' have some tricks up their sleeves."

He blinked, as if realizing something. "Ah, pretty rude of me..." he began, extending a hand that was still partially covered by his sleeve. A pattern of crossing scars ran over what one could see of the exposed flesh. "I know yer' Flower, but I haven't given my name. I'm Garos. Garos Voraath."
Flower nodded and grabbed his hand. "No not at all rude and no I wouldn't mind at all fighting you." She said with a smile. "I must say I am curious to see who would win are little friendly fight." She said not even going to dubt his abilities. Humans can be stronger then they think. Flower was not one to underestimate anyone. "You smell of human, am I correct?"
Garos shook her hand with a firm grip and smiled in response to her own. "I'd have to agree. I can't say I've seen much've ya' in a fight, but I've heard some good things... and not just from today." He chuckled and dropped his hand, fixing the sleeve again absentmindedly. At the mention of what he was, he nodded plainly. "I am. But, can ask ya' to keep it a bit untold to others? Not everyone knows an' I'd not like 'em to. Humans aren't exactly popular with everyone 'round here."
Faye passed the two half-vampire half-demons boys quickly, she would try her best to keep to her word. For her sister's sake. Flame began to struggled in her arms and she frowned down at him, "What's up Flame?" She stopped a few feet away from the boys as he jumped from her arms and ran back towards the boys. She spun around on her heel and watched as he ran over to them and began tugging on one of their jeans - she couldn't tell which one. She raised an eyebrow at the Fox Cub as she put her hands on her hips, "Flame." She spoke sharply and he turned, looking around at her with innocent eyes. "Here." She spoke in the same tone and he ran over to her, sitting down infront of her with his eyes begging for forgiveness. She rolled her eyes at him and pointed behind her, "Training room, now." He ran off and she turned around, about to leave before she looked over her shoulder at the boy Flame had bitten the jeans off, "Oh, sorry about that. Flame likes jeans."
Flower nodded. "Of course, I understand...however I am not one of them." She smiled and crossed her arm. "But if you don't want people to smell who you are best to try and keep your scent at a low then." She sighed deeply humans were rare and often mistreated.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Nick wiped his jeans. "I can see that." He smirked looking at her. "just be careful he has sharp teeth." He said walking up to her. "Faye right?" He chuckled. "Nice hair." He said almost mockingly reaching out to touch it. He looked down at Faye since he was taller then her.
She grinned at him, "I know right? It's natural aswell, like my eyes. It's so strange aswell 'cause neither of my parents had ginger hair OR orange eyes!" She noticed his mocking but shrugged it off, remembering what Flower had said. But if it got too much, she wasn't the type to let him walk all over her. She tilted her head, her orange eyes boring into his own eyes, "You Nick or Deathwish? It's kinda hard to tell."
Nick chuckled and laughed. "Oh i'm Nick." He said touching her hair and then let go. Leaning over her a bit he points back to Deathwish. "He's deathwish....just be glad your fox didn't mess with his clothes or the poor thing might be dead about now."
Her eyes hardened as she responded in about an insta second, "Then he'd be a flaming piece of meat on a stick." She growled to herself and slapped her forehead, "Dammit." She pulled her hand away from her face and noticed a confused expression on Nick's face, she shrugged, "Promised Flower I'd stay away from you." She grinned again, "Doesn't seem to be working does it?" She looked back at Deathwish, "Cool name though.." She pauses, raising an eyebrow, "Although I did mean what I said." She smirked as had the image of Deathwish with her sword through his body and flames on every inch of his skin, running in a circle like a headless chicken.
Nick raised an eyebrow and nodded as he backed away. "Nope..." He walked back to Deathwish who didn't respond he just looked at her with a glare. They oth yawned and leaned back on the walls.

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