Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Garos dropped his hand, figuring the boy didn't have any intent to shake it. At the question, he shrugged as well. "I don't mind either. I'd agree with Flower, though. Gotta' get some training from someone around here. Hell, I could give ya' a hand if yer' lookin' for weapon training."
Faye had watched the boy storm off with amusement in her eyes, she then looked over at Flower, Garos and the new boy. She shrugged and strided from the training room, the only two people worthy of fighting were occupied (Flower and Garos) She walked down the corridors when she heard a furious yell, "NICK, DEATHWISH!" She chuckled to herself as she followed the sound, forgetting her earlier promise, "What have they done now?" She mused to herself, stopping to see James freaking out inside a room, she looked around at his room and her eyes widened slightly, "Holy shiznicks." She muttered, "Why'd they do this to your room?" She asked, her eyes raking over the tattered, messy room.

Myra had just missed her sister but had been occupied with watching Flower and Garos, she smiled at their fast movements and took a seat. Enjoying watching their fight - just because she was shy and didn't speak, didn't mean Myra didn't know how to kick butt.
The young man shrugged and stretched his shoulder again, looking to Flower. "Well, trainin' talk can be saved for later. We've got a fight to finish," he said with a grin, grey eyes moving over toward the few that had gathered to watch. Seeing a somewhat familiar face in Myra, he gave a friendly wave before turning back to the female he'd chosen as a sparring partner. If he was wary at all of all those watching his scarred form fight, he didn't show it. Giving a 'come on' gesture with his right hand, he leaned down into a fighting position again. "Now... lets see how good ya' are with that dagger..."
James breathed smoke before he started cleaning up his room. He looked at the girl. "Why don't you go somewhere else...I wouldn't want to be around me right now." He said growling and hissing at her. He sighed not calming down in the least bit. He ran out his tail slightly hitting Faye's leg. As he found Nick and Deathwish he slammed them both into the wall cracking the stone. He roars in their faces. Nick slashed his chest but the sword broke. Jame's ripped shirt showed his body was already covered in dragon scales. Nick and Deathwish look at eachother. James's claws percing their skin. They both try to run but james breathed fire.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Flower nodded and held up her dagger. She smirked and suddenly the dagger glowed with light. "You sure?" She said and chuckled and then slashed the dagger in the air and light blasted out like spears running towards him. She runned towards him and held the dagger up to my face.
Garos gave a nod, watching her movements and grinning like a beast. He began to run full bore at the spears of light, waiting until the last second and sliding onto the floor under them, sending a booted heel into her feet.
Flower jumped up using her arms to jump back. She smirked and threw the dagger at him. Suddenly turning herself into a bear roaring angerly. She runned at him her claws slashing at him.
Shade watched in awe. He tried not to get to close to the fight though, as he has no control of his power. It is the same reason why he did not want to shake Garos's hand.
Faye crossed her legs and watched with interest, she flicked her hand and the fire swerved slightly, avoiding both the boys. Was she trying to help them? "James. Calm down." She spoke normally, "I know you're mad. But frying these two boys to a crisp isn't going to fix your stuff now is it?" She speaks almost as if she is much older than some petite teenager, as if she is an adult. She flicks her amber eyes to the boys and raises an eyebrow, "You guys gonna apologize? Or would you rather go up in flames?" The fire she swerves flies in her direction and looks as if it is almost absorbed into her skin, her eyes turning a shade brighter and her hair looking as if it is flickering - like fire - in the slightest.
James turned to her and growled and hissed. "You stay out of this!" He turned faye annoyed. "This is my afair and I'd rather handle it." He said and turned back to the boys. He breathed out smoke through his nose and took the boys back to his room. Throwing them down he yelled. "Clean it up!" He glared and then looked a faye finding her intrution very annoying. "Don't get involved with a dragon's tends to just make things worse." He started turning back to human. He sighed deeply completly human again. Puting his fingers through his hair he looked at Nick and Deathwish working fast like vampires. His room was clean in no time. He leaned on a wall looking at faye like she had down something wrong.
Faye placed her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes, "I'm bored, I'm making sure you don't kill no-one and I know perfectly well how to deal with Dragons." It was true, in fact Faye had probably had experience with dealing with every single race. No-one knew her or her sister's past, all they knew was that the two girls had joined recently without warning. Her eyes flickered slightly as she spoke and from the ends of her slightly moving hair flames appeared and then vanished once more, she was having difficulty in keeping the flames inside of her and she wanted nothing more than to go let off some steam; but Faye was stubborn, she needed to prove her point. Plus, these people intrigued her, she had spent two years with just her silent sister, she needed a bit of communication.
Shade heard people arguing. He thought to himself, "Garos and Flower probably wont notice.....ill just be back in a few minutes. He followed the voices he heard and saw a two people speaking angrily.

"um....sorry to intrude but..... whats going on here?" Shade asked
James sighed deeply. "Listen when I'm mad I really don't need another irratation. I would never kill fact I'm not a fighter at all....the only I was going to do to them was giving them a bit of reason not to mess with me." He said and looked at Nick and Deathwish. Suddenly his eyes turned to the boy behind Faye. It was Vince.

Vince was the oldest of the two twins. He grabbed faye and threw her to the side. "Please excuse me." He said harshly and then looked at the two twins. "You want to explain to me why you two are spending your time distroying rooms?" He hissed and cracked his knuckles.

Nick crossed his arms. "Hey he ruined our fun." He said simply till vince spit at them. He backed away knowing Vince was very angry. There was a purpose for their arivel to this school. Deathwish acting like nick leaned on Nick trying to make it appear he was nick.

"You two are a to much trouble." Vince turned to James who wasn't comfortible with Vince being here. Vince was much worse then the two twins because he trains one knows exackly how strong he was. He was even creeper then the twins as well. "Get back to your rooms....I'll deal with you two later." He looked at James. "Sorry about their behavior. My brothers aren't very smart."

--- Merged Double Post ---

James turned to Shade and sighed deeply. "Nothing..." He said looking back at Vince. "It's alright they did a pretty good job cleaning it up." He didn't make eye contact with vince.
Shade began to walk back to the fight.....then he paused.

"umm..... i know i just came from there but....can someone take me to Flower and Garos?" He asked politely
Garos quickly moved to avoid the dagger, then blinked as she turned into... "A bear?!" he exclaimed, but grinned none the less. Taking a few slashes to the chest, he ignored the tearing of his shirt and flesh and roaring himself, he bum-rushed the other, actually taking its feet out from under it in a bit of a tackle, then raining down blows at the 'bears' midsection. His grey eyes bore down on his opponent with furious intensity. This was just a spar, but she was one hell of a fighter and there was no way he'd let this go to waste.
Faye's eyes followed Vince, not stumbling in the slightest after his push, although she did give him a glare, causing her orange eyes to actually flicker, making them look as if they were actually made out of fire. Fire spread from her feet and made a perfect flaming circle around her, her eyes widened and she looked down at it, "Oops." She looked back up at Vince, tilting her head in the slightest, curiousity filling her aura. She then looked to the twins and didn't seem to mind that the fire around her was growing, blackening the floor. She gave them a strange look, one full of mischief as if her eyes were saying, 'I'm not done with you two yet' Before she looked to James and give a wave, "Seeya 'round James.." She paused looking at the floor and transforming the circle into words that spelt out 'Faye' before looking back up, "Oh, by the way....I'm not always an Irritation, sometimes I can be helpful!" She then waved her hand at the floor and it soaked up the fire, leaving a black circle with the word 'Faye' in the middle of it, she looked to the twins and grinned once more before speeding away as fast as a vampire.
Suddenly, the crazy, ginger haired fire girl appeared beside Shade, she grinned and then softened her gaze, trying not to frighten the poor thing, "Flower and Garos?" She asked simply, "Want some help getting there?" Faye was a nice girl, a bit crazy, unpredictable, fiery and determined. But still kind and caring underneath it all. She looked up at the taller boy; nearly everyone was taller than poor Faye.
Shade was happy that someone decided to help him, though a bit shaken. Hes never met anyone with so much spirit.

"t-thanks...." Shade said ready to follow the mysterious girl.
She grinned and grabbed his wrist, speeding him along to the training room within seconds. She pushed the door and it swung open quickly, she pointed at Flower and Garos, "They you go" She beamed at the boy and looked over to see her sister sitting down. She let go of the boy and ran over to her, plopping herself down in the chair beside her, "Hi Sis!" Myra gave her a strange look, she knew her sister had been up to something, raising an eyebrow and folding her arms. Faye shrugged innocently, "Nothing honest! I just trained a little bit in here and then....took a wander." Myra still looked at her and Faye glared at her big sister, "I just saw James and then helped that boy back here, okay!" Well, it was technically all true, even if she left a part out.
"umm.....thanks uh...may i ask your name?" Shade said.

He also noticed the other girl. "and uh...hi...." He said.
Faye looked at the boy, she smiles and her sister waves, "Hi, I'm Faye." She looked to her elder sister, "This is Myra." She looks back at the boy, "What's your name?" She asks, smiling kindly for once.

(Gotta go to bed, night night!)
Shade wondered weather he should start telling people his real name.

"im um...Sh-" Shade stopped, realizing that keeping to himself isnt always good.

"im Kaito." He said, Smiling

(lol Goodnite)
Flower turned into a lion roaring again and jumpped at him. Her light grabbed his legs and tripped him. She pinned him and turned back into a human grabbing knives and putting them to his neck. She smiled waiting to see if he could get out of this one.
Garos growled as the girl shifted into a lion and pinned him before going back human. Frowning, he sat for a moment, eyeing the knives at his throat. "Well, that's interesting..." he said quietly, not moving his throat much at all. In an instant, however, he grinned, grabbing one of the knives by the blade and prying it from her, throwing it into the nearby wall. As for the other, he rolled to the side, the knife only making a light cut across his neck. Rolling further away, he stood, grabbing the bloody knife from the wall and prying it out.

"Now, we've each got one," he said with a devilish grin, oblivious of the blood running from the various wounds he'd been dealt. Dashing forward, he swiped precisely at the other, making sure his cuts didn't go too ​deep.
Flower moved her arms to block. "AH!" SHe blasted light at him to push him back. She growled and created a light hand going in to grab him. She heals her wounds with light and looked at her hair. "Aw man...there goes my hair cut." She said lifting a a strand of hair he had cut. "Oh well..." She smiled and dashed back.

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