Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Faye turned to look at him as he emerged from the shadows, she grinned, put her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow, the fireball vanishing from her hands as quickly as it had come. "Then why are you up here?" She took a quick look of him and tried to figure out which one he was, then remembering something from earlier she grinned, "Nick?" She sped beside him in a second, if he knew an escape route, she'd soon know it too.
Shade, having been daydreaming, realized that no one was outside anymore. He gazed at the stars.

"It was a night like this wasnt it? if only i knew how to control my power......maybe it wouldnt have happened.." He thought. He decided it was time for him to find his room. He searched all around the academy but couldnt find it.

"ugh....." Shade said, giving up. He went back outside and sat down in the grass ,thinking of sleeping there. He realized that insects could crawl on him if he sleeps in the grass. He began to float and prayed that his power wouldnt ​run out while he was sleeping.
Hunter walked up to shade and poked him. "Hey...dude....HUMAN!" (She's flower key human form.) She growled and twiched her dog ears.

Nick smirked and leaned on her. "Well I heard you....and came up here to tell you." He looked and suddenly disappeared with his vampire powers.

Flower looked up a Faye. "Hey what are you doing up here the door was locked...I thought." She looked at her and sighed calming her anger. " know this is my privet room."
Faye turned to her, surprise on her face as Nick vanished, "Your private room? No, sorry I didn't know." She bounded down to stand beside her, "Sorry about that, I know Myra hates it when people invade her privacy." She looks around, "It's really pretty in here though, calming." She looks to her, smiling kindly, "Did you make this place yourself?" Faye was still wondering where Nick had gone, and why he had tried to warn her.
"huh?" Shade said, waking up.

"uhh....heh....hi...." Shade said, feeling embarresed that someone found him.
Hunter looked down at him. "Hey why are you sleeping out here?" She said her tail behind her wagging. She sniffed him and turned into her dog form nowing looking up at him. "You aren't a key dog." Her tail stopped wagging.

Flower nodded and smiled. "yes...It helps me work with my powers...please leave." She said. "I'm sorry but I don't want people up here...I have something very important up here."
Shade winced one he saw Hunter turn into a dog.

"uhh.....i just...well....couldnt find my room so.....i kinda decided to.....well.....sleep outside...."
Hunter blinked and turned around. "Come on...I'll show you to the room guide." She said smiling a dog smile. She walked inside turning back into a human her clothes shifted with her. "Here..." She pointed.
"thanks....." Shade said, walking to the guide.

(ok confused now. is the guide a person of a book? lol)
(Ok thanks.)

Shade looked through the guide trying to find his room. He stood there feeling happy that nobody was there to see him.....

"oh god im making myself seem like an airhead" He thought. He began walking to his room. When he got there he realized all of his things were already there. " did?...ugh.." He said, confused....

"to be honest, im not really tired.....Shade thought. He climbed out his window and began to float to the roof. He wanted time to think.
Faye nodded, "Sure, sorry about the intrusion, I'll know next time." She left quickly, sighing as she got far away enough for Flower not to hear her as she muttered, "Dammit, now where can I hang out at night?" She sighs and looks around, irritated in the slightest at being kicked out of her favourite spot.
Flower sighed and looked around. She sighed and laid down looking up. "I better get a new lock." She rolled on her sighed.
Faye wondered where Nick, or even Deathwish was. She didn't particularly like the look of their older brother Vince but she didn't seem as scared of him as the others did. She felt a weird type of pull towards the three of them, as if she belonged in their little group. She shrugged it off as her craving social interaction after being stuck with her mute sister for four years straight. It was bound to be that. She looked around and sighed, seeing a spot on the roof that was completely clear, maybe she could go up there. Seeing no way to get up there via ladder or anything else she got closer to it and then closed her eyes, fire shooting out of her feet rocket style and boosting her up to the roof. She grinned and leapt onto it, punching her fist in the air in a mickey take of footballers and silly sports people. "Woop woop!" She danced in a circle then frowned as she thought what to do next, " I'm bored...AGAIN!" She groaned and flopped back onto the floor of the roof, looking up at the pitch black sky and tilting her head, smiling.
Nick poked her. "Really?" He laughed as his brother deathwish was with him. They both smiled suddenly not taking to see if she could pick them out. They both talked at the same time. "WHich one of us is Nick?" They said laughing together.
Faye raised an eyebrow, jumped up from her spot, spun around and looked at the one who had poked her, pointed a finger and spoke quickly, "You're Nick!" She grinned, "I'm right, right?" She looked to the one who she had guessed was Deathwish, "No offence Deathwish, you're just more...quiet." She folded her arms as she waited for a response, "Why are you guys out here anyway? Not that I'm complaining, but don't 'ya have to sleep like everyone else?" Faye got bored of being the only awake one at night, it was lonely.
Shade made it to the roof. He immedietly saw Faye and tried to silently float back down. Hes not good with starting conversations and that would make it awkward for him.
Nick blinks and looks at Deathwish. "Wow she's right...." He smiled and lean over her. "Your good....and yes we don't need to sleep." He laughed and looks at her. Deathwish rolls his eyes.
She looks up at Nick as he leans over her and grins, "Really? That's so cool!" She pauses, biting her lip before she grins at him once more, "You do realize this means I may bug you at night time? Unless of course I find someone else who doesn't sleep" She noticed Deathwish roll his eyes and smirks, "Hey Deathwish! Can I give you a nickname?"
"Well......maybe i should go look for Garos......he did say he was good with weapon combat......." Shade whispered to himself. "Or maybe i could......ugh....being new sucks..." He continued.

Shade felt weird. He dropped down to the ground. " leg.....well...i could stay here for a while.....ill go to sleep when i get tired" He thought.
Deathwish shakes his head no. He looks at nick and shakes his head no. Nick smirks and nods. "Fine with me." He leans his head close. Deathwish tapped his foot at nick. Nick looks at him then back at Faye. "Don't spoil my fun."

--- Merged Double Post ---

Flower sighed bored and jumped down making wings and flying off. She sighed and looked around at the castle from high above. She smiled feeling the night's wind. In the moon's light she soaked it up. Sighing happily she looked around.
Garos looked over, taking out a small black metal box and putting the butt of his cigarette into it. "Yea', maybe a lock'd be a good idea. Well, sorry to intrude on ya', Flower. I'll see ya' around, m'sure." He smiled a gave a half salute. "Thanks again for the spar," he said kindly, slipping off around a corner after he tugged his hood over his face.

As he was heading back to his room, he looked up to see someone floating near the roof. "The hell?" he questioned, eyeing the person for a moment. It was the new boy from earlier. What did he say his name was? Garos thought to himself, taking a guess as he called up to the other quietly. "Ey, Shade... the hell're ya' doing floating up there?" he asked, as if the question wasn't completely strange to begin with.
Faye shrugs, "It's not a mean nickname, it's just easier to say than Deathwish." She grinned cheekily, "Plus, Deathy is MUCH cuter." Her amber eyes flickered with amusement as she watched the expression on 'Deathy's' face, "And, I kept the best part in the name. Death. Way more threatening than Wishy."
Shade notices Garos calling out to him. "Oh! hey Garos! i was just going to...uh..." Shade paused, realizing that everyone on the roof will hear him. He floated down to Garos.

" i was gonna go on the roof and just think but theres a few people up there and i only know one." Shade said
The man nodded and smiled. "Yea', and from the sound'a things, the ones ya' don't know are ones that you don't want to. Those twins're nothin' but trouble." He frowned a little, then shook his head and smiled once more. "So, gettin' a bit used to the new surroundings? I know it's a lot to take it, but you find yer' way around pretty fast."

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