Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Garos nodded toward the both of them and picked up Flower. "Follow me, I may need help," he growled, taking off at inhuman speed toward one of the rooms. It had been a long time since he healed anyone or anything... he hoped the old magick he'd learned would work. He looked down at Flower as he ran, speeding through familiar corridors. "C'mon, yer' too strong to die..." he said with a wary smile, stopping in front of a door and simply kicking it in.

The room they entered looked like a very old but simple room for potion-based alchemy. The things he needed were here, among the dust. He could almost smell them. Setting Flower carefully on the table in front, he ran furiously toward the back of the room, gathering the few supplies he needed. When he came back, he began making strange symbols around the girl in various chemicals, speaking low to himself after each one. A strange buzz began to fill the room, like the hum of old machinery starting up, and the symbols began to push black smoke toward the ceiling.

Garos rolled up his sleeves and shuddered. What came next would be painful for the both of them.
Flower breathed slowly. She moved her head a bit in a daze. Still out she didn't move much, not able to open her eyes she groaned a bit because of the wound causing her much pain. She didn't responed to what Garos said. With a bite to the neck, she might be to weak.

Hunter followed but knowing nothing about what he was doing she reverted back to her dog form scared. Her ears pinned to her head and tail under her. This was strange, a human doing this? (All of a sudden...I'm reminded of full medal alchemist) Hunter looked around still quite frightened.
(I've never actually watched FMA. Lol. What Garos is doing is more an old type of blood-magic that requires some basic alchemical supplies and chems to make the 'runes'. Got the idea from a short story I read a long time ago.)

Words began to come from the man's mouth that almost hurt the ears and minds of those around him. It was if they should not even exist, filling the listener with a surreal nausea. The runes on the table began to glow, as did Garos' palms.

As they glowed, so did Flower, beginning to heal as Garos' words began to echo around the room, seeming to come from the very room itself and not from him. His voice wavered, however, as the same runes on the table began carving into the skin of his arms by some unknown force. His eyes fell closed and he grit his teeth in tortured concentration, ignoring the pain until the girl before him was well again.
Flower closed her eyes tightly. She suddenly was awake but couldn't move. In fact with the words suddenly being spoken over her like some kind of witch, she didn't want to open her eyes. She felt herself healing but of not her own will. Frightened she growled in response. In fact that surprised her. Knowing she was bitten on the neck it shouldn't be posible for her to change her volcal cords to perduce such a wolf like growl.
Garos finished healing what he could and fell, the runes burning out. Blood leaked from the fresh and deep wounds in his arms, but he tried not to notice. His head was throbbing and his eyes felt like embers in their sockets.

Gripping the table with shaking hands, he tried to stand and failed. "Flower... say somethin'. I hope to hell I didn't just do all that inexperienced s@%t for nothin'," he joked, giving a small laugh, then wincing. "Okay, laughin' is a bad idea."
Flower sighed deeply. "Well at least it was you....darn human what the heck were you doing?!" she sat up slowly and looked at him giving a small smile. She put her hand on his head and started to heal him. "Thanks garos." she held her stomach quite sore.
Faye laughed at Deathwish, finding his annoyance hilarious. A scream broke into their conversation and her head shot in the direction of where it came from, frowning. "That better not be my sister...." She growled as she spoke, she looked back to the boys and her eyes were furious, not with them of course. "See 'ya later boys." She ran straight off the top of the building, flames shooting out of her feet and lifting her slightly so that she hit the ground gracefully, she rolled her eyes as she sped at a vampire pace towards the scream, "That's another pair of socks and shoes ruined." She kicked her shoes off as she ran, leaving their bottomless remains behind. She reached the area of the scream and saw blood on the floor but no people, she frowned and looked up, seeing someone being carried off quickly. She sped after them and entered the room they had gone in to see Garos chanting inhumanly, Flower on a table looking like Death and some weird dog sitting there looking anxious. She ran over to them, her eyes wide at seeing her role model almost dead on a table, "Sh** What happened?" She looked at Garos and noticed his concentration, deciding it best not to bug him. She still wanted to help and gently lifted her hands a few inches away from Flower's neck, seeing that to be the worst injury. She closed her eyes and her hands glowed red as she began to try and help heal the girl, her face becoming rather peaceful as she concentrated.

Myra found herself awoken by a scream, she sat up in bed but wasn't too scared as she could tell it wasn't her sister screaming, plus, Faye didn't seem to be scared by anything. She swung her legs out of the bed and rubbed her eyes tiredly, suddenly she didn't feel like sleeping anymore. She padded across the floor with her bare feet, tugging her baggy top down so that it covered her short shorts. She looked at Faye's empty bed and sighed, running her fingers through her long white hair that reached to her hips. Maybe it was best to see who had screamed, even though it wasn't her sister, it could be involving her. She gingerly unlocked the door and opened it, padding out into the hallway in the darkness as her heart began to thump faster, she quickened her pace as she felt eyes on her and then paused in the middle of the hallway, looking around. She frowned as she realized she didn't know where she was going.
Despite the pain, Garos laughed again, grabbing the table and standing. Blood had pooled under him from the marks on his arms. Eh... what's another scar? he thought to himself with a smirk. "Well, I was hopin' to give ya' a hand..." he joked, relaxing as she healed his wounds.

He moved toward the nearest wall and put a hand to his head, trying to push away the headache that bore into the back of his eyes. Blood magick. The hell was I thinkin'?

At Flower's thank you, he gave a pained smile. "Ah, don't worry about it... we should be worryin' about who did this to ya'. I'd like to find 'em and show 'em just how I feel about them hurting people."

Seeing Faye, he blinked. "Damn, I didn't even see ya' there, kid. Sorry." He laughed a little, closed his eyes against a white flash of headache, then opened them again. "Flower got attacked'n bitten. Ya' need to go find yer' sister and tell somebody. One'a the instructors has gotta' be around tonight. Can't have anyone else gettin' hurt. I don't wanna' try healing everybody. Don't have a damn clue what I'm doin'."
Flower stood up tall. "Hey I'll take the healing from here garos." she smiled and looked at faye. "I smell nick on you...was deathwish with you? If they were they couldn't have done this. "James is out because I know him to well..." she sighed deeply and looked at hunter. "Hey hunter look I'm ok!" she smiled as hunter jumped on her licking her face. Crist and James found a lone girl. He ran up and then stopped. "oh it's just you...come on I heard a scream you shouldn't be alone!" he held out his hand to her.
Myra smiled at him and took his hand, blushing a bit because she was still in her pyjamas, she looked down at the floor as she remembered him as the boy from earlier. She was glad it was him who found her and not someone else, she could only imagine what might have happened if it had been someone else.

Faye grinned at Garos, "Don't worry about it." She then frowns and shrugs, "No point telling my sister, what's she gonna do? Tell someone else?" You could tell Myra's muteness irritated Faye, of course it would, she didn't even know why she wouldn't talk. She then looked to Flower and nodded, "Yeah, I was with Nick and Deathy ontop of the roof, they couldn't have done it 'cause they were still there when I left." She almost smacked her forehead as she remembered Flower had told her to stay away from the boys, oh well, nothing she could do about it now.
Flower sighs and crosses her arms. "Yeah the twins wouldn't do's not their style." She looked at Faye oveiously she wasn't going to leave the two alone. She guess as long as they don't hurt faye it'll be good to keep an eye on them. "Since you're not going to leave them alone....I guess I will sign you to keep a good eye on them. They appear to be very found of you. I have and Idea on why nick does....the little perve....but deathwish I have no clue." She sighed and looked at Garos. "I'm at a lost on why someone would-" She stops and her eyes widened. " the same people who murdered my parents....and sister." She growled anerly. "Darn did they find me?"

James looked at her and then relized. "But um...if your going to be walking around....maybe you should get dressed first...I's not very proper for a girl to be walking around with a boy in nothing but her pyjamas." He said grasping her hand and then started walking back to her room. "hehehe if the teachers cought me....Um that'd be the end of me." He blushed deeper just thinking about it. Crist followed James.
Myra nodded, blushing even more as she stepped into her room and shut the door gently, she ran over to her wardrobe and was dressed in record time, throwing on blue jeans and a red top, she wanted to wear a skirt, but she was trying not to attract attention. She brushed her hair quickly and put on some very light make-up, barely noticeable. She then went back over to the door and tried to calm her blush as she opened it, smiling at James and stepping out of the room.

Faye smirked up until Flower mentioned her parents and sister. She shuddered quite visibly as she realized how similar her situation was to Flowers. Both her parents were murdered and Myra probably would have been too if she hadn't have gotten away, Faye still kicked herself for not being there, of all the nights to go to her friends house, why that night? She sighed and then looked up at Flower, "Sure, I don't mind them." She grinned, "They're actually kinda fun when you get to know them." Faye wasn't sure about their brother yet; although she didn't seem to be as scared of him as the rest of the students.
James nodded and then held out his hand again. "Yeah better now we have to find the others..." He looked at crist. 'Crist find them." He said as crist sniffed around and then dashed off. James watched him waiting for myra keeping Crist in sight of him.

Flower nodded. "I guess I never took the time." She said and shivered as they both were behind her. She glares at them.

Deathwish trying to fool Faye talked. "Well you should...I'd love to get to know you. Oh and we both have an idea on who it was, your not going to like it." He said and looked to Nick who was acting like deathwish.
Garos had listened calmly, trying not to speak too much and fuel his headache. His mood darkened at the mention of Flower's situation and her parents that had been killed.

However, when the twins showed up behind Flower and spoke of who it was, he growled, walking toward them menacingly. "Ya' have an idea, eh?" he said, voice harsh and violent, grabbing the shirts of the two. "Why don't ya' let us in on who it was and save yourselves the trouble."
Nick and Deathwish look at him and then sighed deeply. "Well...VInce...we think it was our brother vince." They said and looked at Garos and both pulled back. "Now why don't you let go of our shirts please?" They said smiling.
Faye looked up at the pair of them and grinned, her eyes lighting up. She then frowned and tilted her head, staring at the boy who was acting like Deathwish. She then looked to the boy who was acting like Nick, he seemed to be speaking slightly different, and usually he would have made a comment about her by now or be staring right at her. A wide grin spread across her face and she ran over to the boy acting like Nick and hugged him tightly, squishing him in the hug. She muttered loud enough for both boys to hear, "Silly, silly boys" She hugged tighter, even though she could tell it wasn't Nick, she knew it would irritate Deathwish.

Myra followed James, messing around with her fingers as she looked down. She was wondering where her sister was, she wasn't used to being away from her for so long. Then again, she knew it was better for her sister to hang out with other people, especially ones that could talk to her.
Garos let go of their shirts harshly, pushing them back a bit. "Yer' brother, hmm? What a lovely family ya' have. Keep smilin' ya' smartasses. I'm not entirely convinced yer' innocent yet." He frowned, thinking things over, then spoke again. "Where the hell is Vince?"
Deathwish looked at nick thinking help. He held out his arm twiching his fingers. Nick looked back at his brother. "Hey! great i'm never acting like you again....mess out on a hug but a pretty girl..." He mumbled and looked at Garos. "Hey we had nothing to do with this...Vince may be our brother but he doesn't like us. In fact he'd rather have us back home." Nick looked at Deathwish crossing his arms. "get her off yourself." Deathwish head drops and starts pushing away.

Flower laughed amused at the two then looked at Garos. "I think nick is too bummed me naive but let's check his room first."
Faye leaps back, grinning at Deathwish, "Aw, you don't like hugging me Deathy?" She then turned her eyes to Nick and placed her hands on her hips, "That's what happens when you try and trick me! No hug for you!" Her eyes then turned serious as she looked to Flower, "Vince tried to kill you?" She tutted and looked around, "Where is that boy?" She then looked to Garos, speaking what she was thinking, "Why do you have such an issue with the boys?" She asked, not sounding rude or sharp, just curious.

(Thought I'd let you know, Faye will usually refer to Nick and Deathwish as 'the boys' When she says it she doesn't mean Vince aswell)
Nick smirks and grabs her and hugs her. "It was deathy's idea!!!" He laughed as Deathwish glared at him. "Stop calling me that." He crosses his arms. Nick just laughs and lets go of Faye. "I like it." Deathwish punches his brother. "That's a warning for both of you." He glares.

James look at myra and smiled. He walked finding everyone. "Hey there you guys are." He smiled and then glared at the two twins. ""
Faye laughed with Nick and looked up at Deathwish, "Nick's right, Deathy is an amazing nickname!" She chuckled again and then felt surprise run through her as someone grabbed her and pulled her away from the boys.

Myra swallowed as she saw the two boys, she watched as one of them grabbed Faye and pulled her into a hug, she glared and was beside her sister in an instant, grabbing Faye's arm and tugging her away from the two boys as she glared at her. Her eyes basically saying, I told you to stay away from them! Faye crossed her arms and pouted, "Aw, come on Myra! We're just messing around!" Myra folded her arms and still gave her that look, Faye now began to glare back, "Myra, we're not doing anything bad, I'm making friends! Isn't that what you wanted?" Myra loosened slightly but now she gave her another look and Faye could tell she was trying to imply that she didn't want Faye to make friends with 'those' kind of people, she was reminding Faye that she tended to make friends with the wrong people. Faye lost it. "For god's sake Myra! I can't do ANYTHING right can I? Do you know how damn hard it is to spend FOUR years in solitude with a sister who doesn't even utter a single word! I'm sorry I'm the 'trouble' child, I'm sorry I can't spend every second of the day with you Myra! And I'm sorry I couldn't get home in time to save Mum and Dad! But can't you just let me have some damn fun every now and then!" She yelled at her before sprinting off, the door at the end of the hallway slamming open like a tornado had just hit it, fire left on both of the handles, flickering in the darkness.
Nick and Deathwish look at each other. They backed away from the two sisters and then rubbed the back of their heads. Nick sighed. "Yikes I'm sorry..." They both sighed Deathwish hit him on the head. "You just had to get your hug..." Nick rubs his head. "Hey she hugged you...I wanted to be hugged."

James growls. "Pervert!" He looked down at his hand and let go of myra's hand before the twins said anything about him. As he looked at Nick he raised an eyebrow. James glared.
Myra looked at the door which was slowly growing ablaze, she sighed and waved her hand, some water from the sprinkling shooting out and stopping the fire before it grew anymore. She only wished stopping Faye's temper was as easy as that. She bit her lip, deciding on whether to go after her sister or not, she shook her head, what would be the point? So she could sit there silently and irritate Faye even further by not talking? No. She stepped back beside James and her eyes turned down at the floor once more, sadness overwhelming her.

Faye meanwhile, had stormed from the building, she had leapt up onto the rooftop she and the boys were on earlier and growled, slamming her fist down onto the rooftop as her fist set ablaze, she let of another yell of anger, shooting out a long firebeam that shot out and struck a tree in the forest, breaking it in half at the contact. She sighed and plonked herself on the edge of the rooftop, her feet dangling as she reckoned her tantrum was over. She looked over at the flaming tree and sighed, musing to herself, "Should I stop it? Or let it start a forest fire?" She dangled her bare feet over the edge and leaned back on her hands, tilting her head as she watched the tree burn.
James put his hand on her shoulder. "it's ok...she'll calm down. I can talk with her if you'd like?" He smiled at her.

Flower sighed and looked at James. 'I don't know...maybe we should have a water controler...not fire...or a dragon....or high tempered."

James crosses his arms. 'You trying to say something?" Flower just chuckled.
Not even Flower and James friendly bickering made Myra smile, she shook her head then looked up at the twins, she bit her lip, maybe Faye would calm down if they spoke to her? Would they want to? Thought lingered in her big red eyes as she thought about it.

Faye sighed and dropped the rest of her body onto the roof, laying down as she exhaled a breath, fire spread from her fingertips to her shoulders, completely coating both arms and staying there, flicking in the dark. She did blame herself for her parent's death, if only she'd been there, they might have still been alive today. Myra would still be talking. She was always the trouble child, even when she was a toddler. Setting the house on fire during one of her early tantrums, burning down the school and getting in trouble with the police all before she turned 11.

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