Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Shade decided to leave. Everything the others were saying were confusing to him. He walked the halls thinking about the things that happened "soo.....this person....Vince...did that to flower? im kind of scared....i mean....if someone could do that to flower and get away......i mean, flower and garos were pretty much evenly matched while sparring......if i cant even touch Garos and Vince turns out to be the attacker......i wont know what to do. What if he attacks me?thShade thought. He wanted someone to talk to, but hardly knew anyone. He went outside and started to float to the roof. He figured people are there all the time. Maybe he could actually get to know someone.
Nick and Deathwish look at him. "Um...what?" They both said. Then nick looked at her and sighed. "If you want us to go up there...I'm not sure she'd calm down." He looked at his brother. "We could try." Deathwish shrugged.
Myra nodded, hoping they realized she meant she wanted them to try. She didn't want her sister hanging around with them, but there was nothing she could do about it, Faye was very stubborn. She mentally sighed as she remembered all the trouble she got into before their parent's passing, and after it. She'd never been very good at avoiding trouble.

Faye could hear the noises from the tree in the distance burning and she could smell the smoke already, she guessed it had spread to another tree by now, there would probably be firefighters there soon. She didn't care, why should she? Let the damn forest burn down, Myra already saw her as a nuisance, a trouble maker...why not live up to her name?
Nick shrugs and looks at her. "Um so do you want us to talk to her?" They said and walked up to her. James stepped in fron of myra. Nick rolled his eyes. "I'm just asking her a question sir jumppy."
Myra blushed at James's action, finding it incredibly sweet. She looked down at the floor as she stepped into the boys line of vision, she looked back up nervously, she nodded and fiddled with her fingers.
Nick shruggs and sighed. "Fine...We'll go.." They both sped off with vampire speed till they found Faye. "Hey..." He coughed a bit. Deathwish ran around the tree till the fire went out. He waved to Nick. Nick waved back and looked at faye. "Please don't set me on fire."

--- Merged Double Post ---

James sighed and looked at her. "Hehehe sorry..." He rubbed the back of his head.
Faye looks to Deathwish and grins, "You could have just asked me to stop burning the forest ya' know." She sits up lazily, her arms stop burning and she looks to Nick, "Meh, as much fun as it would be to see you running around on fire." A huge grin spreads across her face as she imagines it, "That probably wouldn't be the best thing to do, 'cause Deathy would be like 'ROAR! You set my bro' on fire!' And then you'd be like, 'ROAR! You set me on fire!'" She looks back at the crippled tree and tilts her head before looking back to Nick, "Why'd you reckon your brother tried to kill Flower, is she the one he's 'looking for'" She spoke the words 'looking for' eerly, like a ghost imitation. Faye was trying to avoid the talk of the huge rant she just had, in fact she slightly regretted it now, she only regretted doing it infront of so many people though, she did mean every word she said.
Nick sits beside her. "Well's sounds just like him." He sighed. "And yes we think so...we think Flower is the well The Queen of Key holders. I mean she looks just like the late Queen herself." He sighs. "Really I rather mess around I have nothing to do with the vampire...and demon fight with your kind..."
Garos had simply watched all of the things going on and stayed silent. It seemed every time he'd gone to spoke, there had been another sort of outburst. As the chaos unfolded, he waited his 'turn', cleaning up the mess of blood and various supplies that he had made in his healing process.

After everything had calmed, he turned to Flower. "Yea... I guess we should start lookin' in his room then..." he murmured, giving a small smirk. He was trying his best to calm down, but with the attack and the blood-magick that he'd performed, it was no easy task. His mind raced. Who would be attacked next? If it was Vince, what was the male capable of? Shaking his head, he moved toward the door and out into the hallway, moving past the others. He gave a nod to them, trying not to completely ignore 'em.
Faye laughed a little bit, "Oh yeah, I'm the same. I forget about all that junk, I just wanna have fun." She grinned, "So what's Vince then? The demon king, the demon vampire? Neither? Both? Heir?" She then frowned and flopped back onto the roof, "Hey, what happens if Flower is the Queen or whatever..and she gets killed? I mean, what happens to Key Holders?" She looks up at the slowly lightening sky, sad that it was getting light again, she liked the nighttime.
Flower followed and sighed. "Hey...Let's be carful...he's been powered up by my blood." She sighed and grabbed his shoulder. "Maybe we should wait...I really don't want ether of us hurt....again" She sighed deeply and looked around.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Nick sighs. "Both...and...then the demons and vampires will rule and likely feed off of or kill key holders." He sighed and looked at her.
Garos nodded in agreement, wondering just how powerful the other would be with Flower's blood in his veins. At her hand on his shoulder he stopped and turned. "Maybe yer' right... I don't wanna' see ya' hurt again and not be able to help. That healin' took way too much outta' me," he said with a sigh, leaning against the wall. "It's just got my blood boilin' that you'd just get attacked like that. What reason would he have, if any?" he asked her calmly.
Faye sighed, "Greattttttttt." She frowns then looks at him, "What's stopping him from taking over right now? For all he knows Flower could just be another key-holder?" She holds up her hand infront of her face and makes a flame on the end of her each of her fingers, one by one. Twisting her hand back and forth as she focuses on it, her eyes zoom in on the flame on her pinky finger and she smiles as it - for about a second - turns blue with the heat it is giving off, then goes back to normal. She looks over at Nick and waits for him to answer
Garos chuckled a little and shook his head. "If ya' don't wanna' explain, no problem. None'a my business anyhow... but if there's somethin' that can help us stop whoever did this, I'd be okay with knowing that part of it." He smiled, then took a seat against the wall, resting.
Flower sighed and looked at him. "Ok he probably is a top assassin...going to kill the Queen of key holders...which happens to be me." she looked at garos. "Now you can't say anything about that ok!" she sighs and looks down the hall.Nick sighs and looks at her. "If she's the queen...she will be able to unleash the power of all key holders and then kill us all."
Faye nodded, "Ooooh. Right. I really need to catch up on my Race's history and knowledge and stuff." She pauses, "Who'd you reckon Vince would kill first? All the key-holders in the school?" She was obviously implying it about herself, but she was worried for her sister. If so, she'd need to get Myra out of the school at the first sign of trouble.
Nick sighs. "I won't let him kill you...or your sister...I'd make you my slave." He laughed and then looked at her seeing if she'd laugh. "..." He smiled.
Faye laughed and rolled her eyes, "Mhm, 'course you would Nick." She smirked, "I'd rather that than be dead I guess." She turned to look at him as she raised an eyebrow, "I wouldn't be a very good one 'ya know. Always burning down your house and maybe 'accidently' setting you on fire every so often" She put air quotes around accidently and grinned at him. She frowned, "How old are you Nick, I've been wondering for a while..."
Nick frowns and sighs. "Do I have to tell you or can I just get a kiss?" he sighed and leaned back. "I really rather not tell you Faye."
She looks at him, "Why not" She grins, "I might take it as well as Bella took it when Edward told her he was 108." She slapped her forehead and spoke, "I just revealed that I may have watched Twilight didn't I?" She groaned and then pulled her hand away from her face, looking back at him, "Pleaseee tell me, I promise not to freak out.....or burn another tree"
Garos nodded, listening intently. As she sighed and looked down, he stood again, putting a hand lightly on her shoulder. "Don't worry. I'm not tellin' a soul. Ya' have my word, Flower," he said truthfully, then leaned back against the wall, thinking things over. "I saved the Queen a' Keyholders, hmm?" he said with a sly grin. "I wonder what kinda' reward comes along with somethin' like that..." he continued, then laughed, obviously joking and trying to boost her spirits. As fierce as he could be in a serious situation, Garos always hated seeing people in bad moods.
Nick sighed. "I'm 100 ok." he turned to his side away from her. "..." He didnt like talking about his age. "...there happy?!"

Flower laughs and pokes him. "You get nothing." She chuckled and then looked around. "However I can give you something if you really want something." She chuckled.
Garos laughed as well, giving a mock glare at the poke and poking back. At her words, he raised a brow, but snickered. "If yer' gonna' try and bribe me with money, I'll have to respectfully decline," he joked, grinning.
Flower laughed and shook her head no. "Never...but I do owe you." She smiles and then looked outside. "Morning already?" She sighed and looked around the dark hallway.

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