Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

The man gave a dismissive wave and shook his head. "Don't worry about it. Unless I'm ever in a pinch like that... then feel free to not let me die." He snickered, rubbing lightly at the back of his head. The headache had started to diminish, but slowly. Following her gaze down the hallway, he gave a nod, sighing as well. "Yea'. So much for a restful night of sleep," he said, only half joking. "After our spar earlier and tryin' my hand a magick, I could use a few hours. Can't risk it though... who knows what could happen while I'm snoozin'." He smirked, but something in his eyes showed real worry. He couldn't bear the thought of someone getting hurt while he was asleep.
Faye grinned at him, "That's not so bad. Only a 86 years age difference" She giggled and then looked at the sky, "Urgh, it's morning time, worst time of the wholeee day" She then looked back to Nick, "Who do you think is gonna win? Vince or possibly Flower?" Faye was feeling so conflicted about this whole war thing, why did they have to have a war anyway? It was stupid and just ended in so many deaths worldwide.

Myra looked around anxiously, it was morning time and there was still no sign of her sister or either of the twins. Had she finally taken that step and ran away? No...or else the twins would have come back by now, they must have found her. She only hoped they could calm her down, Faye had the worst tantrums Myra had ever seen. Myra looked to James and then down at his hand dangling beside hers, she blushed a little bit and looked back up only to see a pure white cat running up to her and rubbing its head against her legs, she grinned and bent down, stroking it's head and picking it up as it meowed and purred affectionately.




Powers:Shadow magic

Weapons:(wolf) His claws (human) a sword



Family:All dead



Crush:not at the moment


Flower looked at him. "I bet..." She looked off and then saw vince. Grabbing her sword she pulled it out at him. She stood protectivly beside Garos. Vince had that look of power in his eyes. It was him. Flower growled at him.

Vince smirked seeing flower was healed. "Now how did that happen? I was sure to take her healing ablity away. A bite to the neck always renders a key holder helpless." He glared and was in front of flower in a flash. He grabbed the end of the sword before she could do anything. "You managed to surprise me..."

FLower swallowed and then let go of her sword going in the punch him. As he grabbed her fist he lifted her up. She struggled and growled at him even louder.

Vince smiled and threw her to the wall hard still having her in his grasp. His body was outlined in shadow. He laughed and with a quick whistle he called his demon dog. A huge red dog with black eyes and outlined in fire. It's claws were huge and black with a green glow.

James looked at the small cat. "It's it yours?" He smiled and looked at Crist who woundered about such a small animal. It smelled like a cat but it was so tiny. Crist sniffed it.
Garos began to answer the girl when he noticed Vince as well. Scowling, he readied himself, but things happened so quickly. As Vince threw her to the wall, Garos growled and stepped toward him and whatever beast he'd called forth. "Kindly stay the f#$k away from her, Vince, or I'll have yer' head!" he roared, stepping in front of Flower. "Neither you er' that beasty of yours scare me. If ya' think yer' gonna' get by me and hurt her, just try it!" The human's eyes glared daggers at the other as his blood boiled in his veins.
Vince punches him. "Back off...I got a job to do...Vampires use to be on top ruling all the lands 2,000 years ago...In fact I was there! (wow old man) I saw key holder grow and take over, and I thought I had gotten rid of royal line." He turned flower making her face the wall while he moved her hair. A white crown was on the back of her neck like a birth mark. "I knew it...the mark of royalty for key holders. You looked so much like the late Queen you had to her daughter." He looked at Garos. "You will not stop me."
Faye sighed, "I'mma go speak to Myra..even though she won't answer." She leaps up and looks at Nick, smiling slightly, not seeming at all put off by him revealing his age, "You coming?"

Myra smiled and nodded, before James could say anything else she heard a loud crash come from down the corridor and her eyes widened, was it Faye? She ran off in the direction of the sound, sure James would follow. She saw a boy who looked like one of the twins, but older and slightly different, and a huge, beast-like dog who looked like he had just come from hell itself. Her eyes widened and she stepped back, what should she do? Faye wasn't around, it wasn't her job to intervene...but what if someone got hurt? She flicked her big, wide red eyes from Garos, the boy and then to Flower.
Garos takes the punch without flinching, skidding back a bit on his feet. He laughed coldly and shook his head. "Ya' think I really give a s#%t about this damned war between the 'Holders and 'Vamps?" he asked, the words like venom from his mouth. "Ya' know how much damage that little scuffle causes?" he snarled, shoving Vince away from Flower. "Ha! Ya' think I can't? Try me."

Turning to Flower, he spoke, his words harsh. "Get outta' here. I'll hold'm off."
(why is it everyone decides to be online when im not? lol)

Shade had been on the roof the whole time. He wondered why nobody went outside or something. Gently floating back to his rooms window, he realized how long hes been thinking....or sleeping.
Flower held her side. "No way...I'd never leave a friend while in battle." She growled and kicked vince but he just shoved her away. He turned into a shadow demon and roared at them both. He slashed down at Flower but she did a back flip back.

James followed her and suddenly got in front of myra again. "This is don't freak out but...." He started turning into a dragon. Roaring a vince.

Nick got up and nodded. He followed her and looked at Faye. He looked at deathwish who was gone suddenly.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(I have no idea lol sorry)
(I totally understand. Got out of work the other day and had about 8 messages to try and reply to. So much chaos.)

Garos looked over to Flower and began to protest, then nodded. Then, he looked to Vince and laughed right in the face of the shadowed form. "Ooh, spooky!" he said, running forward to swing a few punches and kicks at the other male. In sparring, his punches had been strong, but he wasn't holding back for the other's safety here. After what the man had done to Flower, there was no holds barred. If Garos had to, he'd put this beast down for good.
Faye heard the roar and sped to the school in an instant, worrying about her sister and the others. What was going on? She got to the scene of the crime and blinked in shock, "Wow." She saw Vince as a shadow demon, Flower looking extremely pissed off, James roaring and turning into a dragon thing and Garos looking like he was about to explode with fury. "You guys sure do cause a scene don't 'ya?" She then noticed her sister and smiled weakly, trying to show her she was sorry about the yelling. She turned back to see Nick behind her, she raised an eyebrow, "Where's Deathy, your brother seems to be about to wipe out the whole student population..." She turned back and looked at Vince, still speaking to Nick, "How strong is King Vince?" She asks causally, knowing he was outnumbered but noticing he didn't seem to mind.

Myra flinched slightly at James roar and then her eyes latched onto her sister who had appeared, worry grew inside her until Faye smiled at her gently, she could tell that things were alright now. Maybe sending the twins out after her was a good idea. She then listened as her sister spoke causally to everyone, as if they were fighting over a pack of crayons and not who was going to take over the world.
by the way vince is the shadow demon...I got to go so I'm sorry if you guys were having fun but to free you guys so you can role play let me make this quick.

Flower smirked and opened a portal. Hunter and Sky attacked Vince quickly pushing him into the portal. As it closed FLower fell to her kness. "I should use that power more often." She laughed and looked up at everyone. Sighing knowing he'd be back soon.
Shade was just about to fall asleep again, when he heard a noise that made him jump. "what was that!?" He asked himself. He almost instantly thought of Vince. "Am i that late? did the fight already start? I have to get there!" He thought."

Shade followed the noise. When he finally got to the source, He was shocked. He saw everyone fighting a mysterious person. He wanted to ask if that was vince, But did not want to distract anyone......but it was more than that. He was scared. He hasnt been in a real fight in his life. Shade passed out, directly where he was standing.
Faye frowned at Flower, "Where'd you send him?" She was still aware of Nick's presence behind her, but she didn't mind. It didn't feel strange or felt comfortable. Like he was meant to be there. She looked at her sister and noticed her smiling at James, did she like him? She smiled a little bit, it was good for Myra to maybe make friends, or more than friends, with someone, they'd be able to look after her and give Faye a break from it.
Garos went to strike Vince when he jumped back, the portal opening before him. As Vince vanished, he looked over toward Flower and saw that the others that had gathered. "Seems like the whole gang's here," he joked. "What the hell was that ya' sent him into?" he asked her. "And how long will he be gone?"

He started saying something else, but his headache flared back up and he stopped, going to lean against the wall and lean his head back. What a strange day and night it had been. He could use a drink, some breakfast and a whole day of sleep. Smirking at the thought, he let his eyes rest for a second, listening to those around him.
James turned back into a human his shirt torn off. "At least I still have my pants." He rubbed the back of his neck trying to laugh about it but failed. He looked at the ground and put his hands into his pockets.

Flower sighed. "I sent him through a portal to a different world...but he'll probably be back in a few days." She sighed deeply and looked at them all. Including james and chuckled at his uncomfortable look. She looked back to garos. " ok?" She asked seeing how he looked tired. However flower seemed energized.

Nick put his hand on faye. "Flower would defenatly beat vince..." He chuckled and looked at them all. As he put his hand down from faye's shoulder he's brother walked down the hall. " ready." He said and then pointed down the steps.
Garos opened his eyes as Flower started speaking, giving a nod at when he'd return. With a smirk, he took off his sweatshirt and tossed it over to James. "Here ya' go, James," he said with a light laugh, left only in his sleeveless shirt. He looked back toward Flower as she asked about him, and gave a nod. "Yea', I'll be fine," he said, only half telling the truth. He felt like death. The magick he'd tried, coupled with trying to attack Vince had gotten him pretty worn thin. "I'll be better once I can get some training in. If Vince is gonna' be back in a few days, I'm gonna' be ready."
Faye grinned at Deathwish, "Oh hey there Deathy, you just missed an amazing mini-fight!" She smirks as she waits for him to explode about the whole nickname thing. She then looked to Flower, "A few days? So that means in a few days we have to be prepared for his 'return'" She said return in a dramatic way, grinning at them all.

Myra rolled her eyes at her sister, didn't she realize this was a serious matter? People could be killed! She couldn't help but look at James abs, blushing and smiling a little bit. She realized she was staring and dragged her eyes away to look at Nick instead, she frowned as she noticed how close him and Faye were standing, and Faye didn't seem to mind either.
Flower shook her head. "No you are going to rest...did I ever tell you my family owned this school?" she laughed and sat beside him. "Besides a day of rest is sometimes more needed then a day of training." she smiled and nodded at deathwish. "Let's get something to eat I can smell the bacon from here." she chuckles.

--- Merged Double Post ---

James chuckled and put the shirt on. "Thanks garos." he looked at myra and smiled. "Hey I'm hungry let's get something to eat." he looked at Nick and deathwish who looked ticked off.Deathwish zoomed trying to beat up Faye but nick's arm was stopping him. "Oh calm down's a nice nickname." deathwish didn't care his arms reatched out to faye's neck. Nick kept him away smiling. "Do you really want to hurt a friend?" he laughed.
Faye grinned, "It's alright Nick....I'd kick his butt anyway!" She grinned at Deathwish and for a fraction of a second her eyes turned black and then went back to orange as she grinned at him secretively.

Myra nodded but then stopped when Deathwish charged over to her sister, Myra didn't see the playfulness in it and she glared at Deathwish. Forgetting her shy nature for the safety of her sister, thunder boomed through the school as it began to storm. She looked up and clenched her fist, causing the sprinkler above Deathwish to burst and drop almost a bucketful of water solely on him.
Deathwish spits out water aNd looks at myra. "I wasn't going to really hurt her you know." he looked at nick who was laughing hard. He walks away wet and angry. James laughs and looks at Myra. "Awesome! Do that again!" he chuckled and looked at her. He smiled and stared then looks away once he reliezed he was staring. Looking at nick who was still laughing at his twin.
Garos laughed and nodded. "Okay, okay. Ya' talked me into it. And no, I guess I never really knew who owned the place." He smirked at the other's words. "Rest more needed than training? Now yer' talkin' crazy." He snickered, stopping as his stomach growled violently. "Ugh. Okay, food first, then rest, then training." He stood, extending a hand to Flower to help her up.

Looking over towards James, he gave a nod and grin. "No worries." Stepping forward, he turned to the others and smiled warmly. "C'mon, the lot of ya'. Race ya' to breakfast!" With that, he took off, headache and wariness be damned.
Flower grabbed his hand and then raced off as a cheetah ahead of him. Nick smiled and grabbed Faye. "I'll see you down there." he let go and then raced off with vampire speed. He was down there in seconds. James looked ay Myra. "Shall we?" he smiles. (Sorry on my iPhone can't separate my characters actions.)
Myra smiles lightly and the pounding rain on the roof stops, she also finds herself looking back at James as he stares at her, she blushes slightly and nods at him, following him down there.

Faye rolls her eyes and speaks before Deathwish storms off, "Sorry! She can be a bit...protective?" After he is gone she bursts into laughter with Nick, "Did you see his face?" She giggles, "Deathy looks so funny when he's mad!" She nodded as he raced off and then almost instantly follows him, finding herself standing beside him in the breakfast hall within a few seconds.

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