Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Nick smirked and looked at her. "Hey you're cute." He laughed a bit. Deathwish growled. "Nick...stop it...And don't call me that!" He yelled growling to himself.
Shade rolled his eyes. "its a MAZE here Garos...." shade said. He stayed quiet for a second..."And by the way......i need help mastering my....'power' you know any good teachers for that?" Shade asked
Faye grinned at Nick and then diverted her attention to Deathwish, "Aw, come on Deathy. It's such an amazing nickname!" She heard chatting down below and a sentence from the conversation drifted to her ears and probably the boys, "Those twins're nothin' but trouble." Faye chuckled again and looked at both boys this time, "You don't seem to have a very big fan base" She then looked at Nick, wondering how old he was, she couldn't really tell by his looks.

(Gotta go! Night night!)
Garos laughed warmly, but nodded. "Yea', that it is. I still get lost sometimes, but I think this place can mess with ya'." He shrugged and was quiet for a moment as well, speaking again to answer the boy's question. "Well, I can't help ya' with mastering any sorta' power, but I can help ya' do some combat training. It might not seem helpful, but when one trains, they can focus themselves like never before. 'Least I could. If ya' want, I could help."
"ok!" Shade said. He was happy because he had not had the chance to train or fight. "oh! You can call me Kaito if you want" He said
The man nodded and grinned. "Kaito it is! 'Til I forget it, that is..." he said with a laugh. "I'm pretty awful at rememberin' names, so sorry in advance if I forget." He looked over toward the door. "Well, wanna' do some training now? I'm sure the trainin' rooms are empty. I just need to go grab my sword first."
Garos laughed again. "Yea', probably for the better. It's on the way anyhow." He moved inside and made a quick trip to the nearest weapons room. Opening the second box there, he drew out a huge two handed sword. It looked old, but it had aged well, only a few marks here and there. After he'd closed up the case and the room, he lead the way toward another door a few hallways down. It was a relatively small training room, but it would do.
Flower landed and looked at Shade and Garos. She sighed deeply and went to her room. Getting dressed in a night gown and then sat on her bed laying down. She sighed deeply.

Deathwish glared at her. "No!" He then uncrossed his arms. "No nicknames..." Nick chuckles and then puts a hand on her shoulder. "Anyways I guess not..." he chuckled.
Garos just shrugged. "Hmm... not really sure. Probably thinkin' that I'm a fool for training so much," he said with a laugh. "And, no worries if you don't really know much hand to hand. I can help. First though," he began, opening a box and grabbing out a slew of weapons. "Would ya' like to work on weapon combat, or maybe unarmed?"
Vince watched them from the trees. He looked at his two brothers. He shook his head and then leaned forward looking at the two guys training. He smirks thinking he could have some fun here.
Garos nodded, setting his sword against the wall and stretching. "Alright then. Well, lets' see what ya' can do. Gimme' a punch or two."
Shade was hesitant. Now that they actually started training, the hype left his body. Shade ran towards Garos and swung his fist.
Garos pulled to the right, dodging the fist. "Not a bad punch, just slow an' not the best form. Keep tryin'. Like this," he said, demonstrating. He didn't expect the boy to get it right off the bat, but that was why they would train and practice. He'd get it eventually.
Shade tried to do it exactly as Garos did, but failed misserably.

"how bout you attack me? i fight better under pressure" Shade said.
Garos blinked, then frowned a little. "Er... I don't know if that'd be the best idea. Don't wanna' end up knockin' on yer' ass the first time we're training." He laughed, then shrugged. "If you really want me to, I can. Just let me know when yer' ready, I s'pose."
Shade got in a fighting stance he made. His arms flowed like waves and his feet looked like they were ready to go wild!

"Alright. Hopefully this will also help me master my power. It relies mostly on focus. So in a way, you ARE helping me master it" Shade said as his eyes turned white.
Flower couldn't sleep for long. She gets up and gets dressed again sighing. When she opened the door suddenly...STAB right in the stromach. SHe screamed and fell down, Not only that but a bite to the neck to finish her off.

Hunter: I heard flower and to her aid. When I saw her I screamed too. I was in terror at my master's condition. "MASTER!!"
Garos blinked at the boy's power and new appearance. "Heh... you sure yer' a human?" he said with a chuckle, pulling back to deliver a punch, then stopping as he heard a scream. He lowered his hand and looked toward the door. "The f@#k was that?!" he asked in confusion, looking to the boy. "Training's gonna' have to wait. That didn't sound good." At the second scream, Garos sped off toward them, his grey eyes ablaze with worry.

When he arrived, he found one he didn't recognize huddling over Flower. The smell of blood assaulted his nostrils. "What happened?!" he roared, scarred face a mix of worry and blind anger.
Hunter was crying. "Master was stabbed and bitten on the neck. Key holders lose their powers when bitten! She...she's to weak to heal!" she whined and looked at flower who was out cold. Hunter sniffed and got up holding flower who was limp. "I'm just a dog I don't know how to help her." she held out flower to him begging for his help. Venice was hidden as a shadow apart of hunter's shadow. He was the one who stabbed flower but left no trace that he was ever here. Once disappearing he went back to his room. He wiped the blood off of his mouth. "Goodnight...Queen flower." he laughed a bit lookin ou his window.
Shade, left behind by Garos in the training room, Heard what was going on as he ran down the hall. He finally caught up. He looked over Flower. "This doesnt mean shes.....dead.....does it?" Shade asked
Hunter looked over to shade and shook her head no. "She's still breathing...but we have to hurry! We have to stop her from bleeding!" She was scared and paniced.

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