Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Garos nodded and smiled. "Yea', I overheard one of 'em in the library talkin' about it. That and 'yer powers sorta' gave ya' away. At least 'yer polite about it... most types around here, even other 'Holders tend to be sort've nasty about it."

The young man nodded again, frowning at the mention of keeping his scent low. "Don't I know it. I'm usually better about it, but I've been trainin' and that usually makes it worse."

"Demons and vamps' are especially 'fun' to deal with," he murmured, almost a growl in his tone. "That's why I have issues with those twins... and why I'm always in the trainin' rooms," he said, voice finally lightening to a more pleasant tone.
Faye nodded and waved slightly, "Seeya around." She started to walk off to the training rooms, paused, looked back and grinned, "Or not I guess?" She carried on walking as she muttered to herself, "Probably better if I don't." She pulled out her sword and spun it in her hand lazily as fire spread up and down the blade, heating it considerably while she kicked open the training door room, walking in as it slammed behind her.

Myra smiled at James shyly before getting up from the table and walking out with the wave of her hand, she exited the library and looked around for her sister as she pulled up her dark red hood. Her eyes caught onto the toy boys and her heart beat increased considerably, she had a good idea where Faye would be and quickly sped past them, avoiding all eye contact by staring at the floor.
Nick and Deathwish smirk as she pasted by but the smil on their face faded knowing Flower would be the one to punish them if they mess with her and sighed. They both walked off to the kitchen and grabbed something to eat. Then they both went outside for hunting. Of course for humans or anything they can sink their teeth into.

Flower nodded. "Yes it is very disapointing that my p-" Stops herself and thought for a second. "Other key holders would do such a thing." She said and looked around. "However I am sorry for their rudness..." She looked down and sighed.
As the twins passed, Garos gave them a steeled gaze, clenching the fist closest to them, but not saying anything until Flower spoke again. He looked toward her and shook his head, smiling again, if not a bit sadly. "Nah... ya' don't need to be sorry for any of 'em. I didn't mean to make it sound as if I was blamin' 'Holders at all. It's like anything; there's both the bad and the good." He sighed as well, looking around as he walked with her. He wasn't quite sure where exactly they were headed, but was enjoying the conversation none the less. "Sorry if'm keeping ya' from somethin'," he said with a smirk. "But, if you've got nothin' going on, we could always go have a spar now." The man was anxious to spar someone that was known to be powerful. It wasn't that he itched for a fight, but in fighting people stronger than himself, it made him push his limits even further. It was, without a doubt, the best training he'd found.
Flower nodded and went into one of the training halls. "Well then...lets go." She said entering the hall. She looked around and stretched out a bit. She looked around and walked to the center. Waiting for him she stood tall smiling.
Garos followed her into the training hall and smirked, moving towards the center as well. He began to stretch, then tugged off the long sleeved overshirt he wore over his sleeveless shirt to hide the scars. After a moment, he cracked his back and looked toward her. "I'm ready when you are, Flower."
Flower nodded and grabbed her sword taking a stance and then nodded to him. "Ready..." She said waiting for him, starting out with her sword always helpped to tire out the person she was fighting. Then she would use her powers to finish them off.
(Sorry it took so long for this post. My internet provider had 'unexpected issues' with the service. Such fun.)

The young man eyed the sword, then nodded. "Ah, okay. Swords then?" he questioned, going over to one of the weapon containers and taking out a large, black, two handed blade. It was a favorite of his. Slinging it up onto his shoulder with one hand, he grinned devilishly. "Alright, now I'm ready. Go ahead."
Flower nodded and dashed forth to him swinging her sword up. She was fast and her moves were fast and harsh. Never relenting. She used her shapshifting ability to help her to be faster then anyone.
Grinning, Garos quickly went on the defensive, large sword moving with surprising speed to block and deflect many of the unrelenting blows. A few got through, opening old scars slightly and flicking drops of blood into the air. Garos laughed and pushed forward to the offensive, bringing down the blunt end of his blade at first. This is what he had hoped for... a spar that would challenge everything he knew.
Flower spun around and got behind him kicking down. She jumpped back and then held her sword ready to strike again she dashed in jumping above him sliding her sword above him just barily missing. Landing into a roll she looked back at him.
"Speed, hmm?" he said, grinning again and wiping a bit of blood from his neck on the back of his hand. He walked over, dropping the sword. "Too heavy..." he murmured, dashing toward her and throwing punch after punch. The attacks were strong and focused, the force of a sledgehammer behind his hits. For someone of his muscled build, he was surprisingly quick with his fists.
Flower dropped her sword and blocked most of his fists. She ducked and grabbed his arm flipping him over to the ground. She grabbed a dagger from her boots(Lol) and held it up blocking her face and then lowered herself a bit waiting for him to get up.
Name: Kaito (prefers to be called shade by aquantances)

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Powers: Space and Time

Weapons:Uses none

Vehicle: None

Pets: None

Family: None -__- as of yet...

Husband/wife: do i have to say it?

Girlfriend/boyfriend: none



Shade unkowingly walks up to Flower and Garos. He had his head in the clouds.....

He quickly noticed the two fighting and jumped back like a bullet.
Flower in reaction bullets back and looked up. She looked at Shade and blinked. Then looked at Garos and stood up stright. "Excuse me...but who are you?" She said and switched between the two boys.
Garos let out a surprised yell as he was flipped over, landing with a thud. He laughed at the predicament, then went serious again as he saw the dagger. Grinning he flipped to his feet and reared back for a huge punch... stopping quickly as a young boy managed to find himself between them. "The hell?" he asked, raising a brow. He lowered his fists, wiping a bit of blood from his right eye and looking to Flower, then back to the boy. "I was gonna' ask the same. Ya' gotta' be more careful. I coulda' knocked ya' flat!" he said, giving a warm smile to show he was just giving the other male a hard time.
Shade, almost as confused as flower, caught his breath. "im uh....Shade....i was just wandering around because i didn't know where to go. Im kind of new and this place is huge" Shade said as he glanced at the surroundings.

"Sorry if i caused any trouble" He said, bowing.
Flower blinks. "ah yes the new student." she smiled and walked up to him. "I'm flower...are you looking for your room?" she said smiling. "There's a map down the hall....shows you the whole castle floors." she looked at garos and then back at shade.
Garos grinned at the newcomer and at Flower's words. "New student, hm? Well, nice to meet ya' then." He extended a hand in greeting, making sure there wasn't blood on it first. "And don't worry 'bout causing trouble. We're just sparring. I'm Garos, by the way."

Not even thinking, he looked down at the hand he extended and tensed slightly, hoping the newcomer wouldn't recoil at all the scars there. His sleeveless shirt did little to hide past wounds and he would hate to discomfort someone he was just meeting. Helluva first impression that would make.
Faye meanwhile had been sparring with another student when the pair walked in, she was momentairly distracted by them and the older boy she was sparring with landed a punch on her stomach. She gasped, leapt back and with the speed of a cheetah had whipped out some nun-chucks and slammed them across the boy's feet, causing him to drop the floor - surprise on his face. She grinned and spun the nun-chucks in a quick circle, and the boy leapt to his feet, swinging his sword at her arm, it made contact and made a nice red gash across it, she winced and threw the nun-chucks aside, "Sword play again?" She asked before pulling out her own sword, flames began leaping up and down the blade as it turned a shade of red, she grinned and did a flip right over the boy, turning and slashing across his back. He yelled out as flames licked his back and blood began trickling down it. "No fair Faye!" She shrugs, "All's fair in war Liam." He turns and slices out once more with her sword, she ducks down and slashes his ankle with her sword, causing him to yell out once more and dive towards her in anger. Their swords clash and she smirks, kicking her foot out and slamming it into Liam's manhood, he flies backwards and crashes into the wall, laying on the floor in pain before he groans and gets up. The slash on her arm shimmers a white colour before it vanishes completely, he runs at her once more and she sighs, getting bored by now. His sword clashes with her soft, supple skin and causes a gash in her left leg, she lets out a yell and does a few quick paced movements with her sword, resulting in Liam on the floor with more wounds and her sword at his neck, his hands raised in surrender. She grins and helps him up, "Thanks Liam." He walks away in shame at having being defeated by such a small, younger girl.
James was walking down the halls reading. Not really caring for fighting. He was a good fighter but with no heart in the game he wasn't as good as the others. He continued to read like the bookworm he was slightly watching as the girls whispered walking by. He didn't care much for girls. However one had cought his eye eariler today. He sighed and went to his romm which was a reck. He dropped his book in shock. The twins... "They didn't!" He yelled in furry and got of his mouth flames of fire. His dragon eyes shown bright as his hands turned to claws. "NICK DEATHWISH!!" He called out spiting fire.
Shade sighs in relief. He began to walk away slowly.Shade turned around, "would you mind if this fight? im kind experienced." Shade asked
Flower shrugs. "No problem with me." She said and looked to Garos and then back at Shade. "But the best way is through training....I'd sugest you get a trainer." She thought through all of the teachers here. "It depends on finding what you are good at or finding a diverse trainer who could see your strengths and run with it."

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