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Fantasy Ferrison's Academy of Magic


The local outcast.
Back long ago before man's will and imagination were tamed there was once a more powerful clan of men.


The leader of this clan was a powerful wizard named Borman and he was deemed greedy by mankind. The rest of the world rose to fight his long stretching reach and rule of tyranny. At the end of this battle five wizards sealed Borman's soul in a magical dungeon. The days after a swarm of goblins left the dungeon but was quickly stopped by the wizards. They then used magic to form a barrier that would keep monsters from leaving the dungeon. Afterwards drawn by the call of the dark magic of Borman many youth arrived looking to learn but not knowing what they were learning. One boy showed up welding dark magic but a kind heart. This boy had incredibly power and could be the perfect wizard. His name was Ferrison. They taught him personally and he quickly mastered all they could teach him and was their best student. They however sensed something dark in the dungeon once and found him down by the sealed soul of Borman. The rest of what happened was lost in history and in the end only the boy returned.


He had a frown and years later opened a academy on the ground and used the dungeon to test the students and keep them from experimenting on each other. He had two apprentices one who couldn't pass a single class due to lack of strength and magical reserves. The other was his daughter who was the ultimate mage destined to finally free the world from Borman's existence.


After a few years the daughter vanished into the dungeon after hurting the boy on accident and argueing with her father. They searched but couldn't find or sense her at all. The young male apprentice holds out hope that she'll come back one day to help them.


The school teaches the four main types of magic and their six sub sects of followings in the main types. The four are blue magic, enchantments, white magic, and arcane magic. Rumors are being passed around that a class for necromancy is held in the deeper levels of the dungeon in secret, but there is no proof and the headmaster publicly shames any use of the magic. The school consists of most of the town and also houses four wings along with the dungeon which is used for training and materials. This is the areas and what they are used for in the order you'll tour them.


The medical wing.

This area is run by two teachers and has a kind old witch that occasionally appears to help. They teach white magic used to battle undead, heal and protect, and craft barriers or seals.


The forges.

The forges are filled with magic fire that is adjusted by thoughts to forge magic equipment. The forges can make weapons and jewelery with any enchantment as long as the materials are there. The forges are run by a teacher and a student assistant who will be arriving soon.


The Blue house.

This area is enchanted so that death here is impossible making it the best place to practice combat magic. Blue mages tend to be the most eager to explore the dungeon and often love the forges. This area is run by two teachers to teach offense and defense in the highest quality.


The forest shack.

This area is run by the ghost of a great druid but is only allowed to be exploited during the day since a large group of banshees roams the forest at night led by a lych who has never really been seen clearly. This area teaches arcane magic due to its connection to the undead. A woman in red wanders this forest silently and plays pranks on people until dark. It is said she then turns into a banshee herself and shrieks endlessly killing all that hear her.


The last really important place to show is the dungeon. Never enter the dungeon after dark because that's when the larger monsters stir. A few years after the school was founded a group of students found a hydra on the first floor. Only one made it back and succumbed to his wounds a day after before talking of seeing many stronger enemies. The dungeon changes forms the deeper you go twisted into some evil place by the force of Borman's magic.

The classes available and required are listed below.


  • One combat class of some sort whether offensive or defensive.
  • One class of either white or arcane magic
  • Wizard history class (held in front of the dungeon.)
  • One sub magic class: druid training, paladin training, swordspell training, combat mage training, nature guardian training, holy priest training, demon maester training, master craftsmen training.
After a journey to follow rumors and find answers you petted upon a letter and a map. This map had led you fat across the lands maybe even seas and eventually you arrived at the top of a mountain able to see four vast lands filled with monsters. You look at the gate to a rather large fort on this mountain. You notice a boy with a rather childish grin and a sword standing before the gate as you and other students gather.

"Why hello there guys. Welcome to the entrance to Ferrison's Academy of Magic. To gain passage I'll need a demonstration of magic please. Anything at all. Even a failed spell will work." The boy said with a grin.


@Angel Lucifer @Sitahra @ghost of past @Endless Dreams
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Groot's long journey had led him to this, The Academy of Magic. The best in the land! He had to although do some magic that'll accept passage. He wondered what he could do. "Now which one should I do?" He said to himself.
To tired to walk, Joe shadow traveled to the academy. "Why hello there guys. Welcome top the entrance to Ferrison's Academy of Magic. To gain passage I'll need a demonstration of magic please. Anything at all. Even a failed spell will work." Ignoring him, Joe shadow traveled into the school and started walking onward.
Rina glanced at the boy. "To gain passage? Wasn't my application good enough?" Rina smiles at the boy, about to show him her best spell. But before she could a silver-white haired boy slipped by her, passing through the gate. Rina laughs to herself. "Well then.."
"Ok. Which one-ah!" Groot says getting the perfect spell. He quickly brings up trees and flowers letting him get over the gate, but before he got over, he asked the guide, "Is this good enough?" @Holo
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Fennik looked at the man, his hood creating shadow over his eyes.

His body then ignited on fire for a few seconds.

As it stopped, Fennik pulled his hood back, showing his face.

"That enough ?" He said with an almost dead tone.
FennikKun said:
Fennik looked at the man, his hood creating shadow over his eyes.
His body then ignited on fire for a few seconds.

As it stopped, Fennik pulled his hood back, showing his face.

"That enough ?" He said with an almost dead tone.
"Hmm. Indeed it is. I've never seen that before. Forest mages are awfully rare. (Another powerful mage and yet none like me.) As for you mister fire mages are very common and a spell of that level will get you past your first year but I'm sure you could do much better. (Maybe.)"

The boy said looking at them he then turned towards the boy on fire and drew his blade. The sword sucked a good deal of magic from around the boy before catching fire itself. "I suppose you'd get angry hearing this but I could take your best attacks and still be here to smile the very next moment."

"Cool! Thanks!" Groot said snapping his fingers together. Just then, a der comes running to him, and he sees it. He jumps high into the sky!, and lands on the deer. He rides the deer all the way into the school. "See you in their!" Groot said to both of them. @Holo @FennikKun
Rina looks around trying to find something to use her power on. She didn't really have anything showy like the others but she had to do something. She slowly leans down over a dying flower. Rina streches her arms out as a white light emits upon the shriveled flower. The flower glows brightly as the petals open and the stem grows. "..well I didn't grow it, but I can heal it." Rina smiles as the flower turns from brown to red. She rises from the ground putting her hands by her sides.
"Whoa that's more than enough. You can pass and you'll get a recommendation for your kindness. So will the kid in the trees." The boy said with a grin at the flower before he himself glowed with a feint layer of light.
"That sounds great to me. Thanks." Rina smiled and walked passed the gate towards the school.
Holo said:
After a journey to follow rumors and find answers you petted upon a letter and a map. This map had led you fat across the lands maybe even seas and eventually you arrived at the top of a mountain able to see four vast lands filled with monsters. You look at the gate to a rather large fort on this mountain. You notice a boy with a rather childish grin and a sword standing before the gate as you and other students gather.
"Why hello there guys. Welcome to the entrance to Ferrison's Academy of Magic. To gain passage I'll need a demonstration of magic please. Anything at all. Even a failed spell will work." The boy said with a grin.


@Angel Lucifer @Sitahra @ghost of past @Endless Dreams
Cree watched on as the others demonstrated their magic to gain passage. Her eyes filled with excitement as a boy brought trees and flowers right out of the ground. She was taking Druid training and couldn't wait to hone her abilities in that realm of magic. Another boy burst into flames, she loved fire and took great enjoyment in using fire as one of her favorite elements, the next brought a flower back to life. These were a talented bunch it seemed.

Cree waited for her turn, still not sure what spell she was going to attempt.

She looked at the boy with the sword as it was her turn. She looked around quickly and bent down to scoop up a few pebbles off of the ground. She pointed to them and said, "Transeo esca". The pebbles started to shake. They started to move and morph into something different. Cree looked on hoping they would transform into what she intended. In her hand lay pebbles no more, in her hand were nuts! She handed them to the boy with a small smile on her face. "Taste them if you wish." She said as she dropped the nuts in his hand.
Rina gets inside the school and sees the boy still on top of the deer. She smiles at him. "So how's it like to ride a deer?" @ghost of past
Essos said:
Rina gets inside the school and sees the boy still on top of the deer. She smiles at him. "So how's it like to ride a deer?" @ghost of past
Groot looks down at the girl that asked, "It makes me feel...Powerful, mighty, and above all else, sexy!" he said with a chuckle. @Essos
Rina laughs out loud. "That's awesome!" She reaches her hand out and pets the deer. "So soft.."
Fennik was just burning with anger in the inside.

If there was something Fennik really hated was being underestimaded.

"Dont underestimate me..."

The fire on the sword started getting hotter, you could even see the steel of the blade melting.

Something like this could make a regular pyromancer faint, but Fennik kept his posture.

Fennik looked at the man with his dead eyes, something that could relate even to having Death itself staring into your soul.

The entire place started burning, leaving only ashes and screams behind.

The fire mage then came back to reality.

"Wish I could do that right now" He thought.

He walked into the school, he passed by two students.

"I wonder where I can get food."
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"I know" Groot said with a cheerful face. He noticed how the girl was petting the deer. It made Groot feel, calm almost.
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Altaynna approached the gate and tilted her head, pulling back the hood on her cloak. "Must I, warrior?" She pulled out a ancient looking knife embellished with symbols. She inclined her head at him and awaited an answer, hoping she didn't have to. It had been a long journey.

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Joe sat on the gate, looking out over the student's. Mors was on his shoulder, Vitae wrapped around his neck, and Inter on his lap. The most noteworthy student he could find was a girl in a cloak with long black hair, piercing red eyes, and a runic dagger in hand. He watched as she inclined her head. Joe then looked up towards the sky lost in a memory.
Cree walked into the school and sat in a large chair near a fireplace in the front hall She pointed her finger at the flames, making them jump and form into different shapes. She then whispered ,"Caeruleus" and the fire turned bright blue. She smiled as she practiced her elemental magic. As she did her mind started to wander. She knew the history of Ferrison's Academy and had heard of the terrible stories of the dungeon. She was curious....
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"Test my magic!?!?" crap, so he either does something impressive and spreads the blight even more, or he just fizzles a spell and is deemed unimpressive. Elliot sighs. He only has 2 setback vials before he gets the next delivery, but he wants to impress this guy. He cuts his thumb with his tooth and holds his hand out to the side of him. The blood pools in the air and then makes a circle of black and red energy. A handle peeks out of the energy and he pulls out a black Katana with a serrated edge. Muramasa was one of his favorites. He then let's his chaotic energy flow out of his sleeves and around the sword, he swings vertically away from everyone else. The energy left the blade in a crescent shape and hits a tree (not the one just made) and when it hits it cut the tree in half, right down the middle. He winces and almost loses his footing. That's great. The blight has just spread over more than half my torso and is almost completely over my right arm except for past the wrist. He's just glad no one can see it due to his jacket, he ignores the pain and looks over to the boy that asked for a demonstration. "I hope that's enough" his voice cracked slightly from the pain. He doesn't plan on doing something like that again anytime soon. @Holo
Sighing, Altaynna took the silence as a yes. Rolling her eyes, she slices the blade across her palm, calmly spreading her palm across the air. There was a growl and a demon wolf sprang forth, blue flames glowing from his feet and tail. He circled around her for a moment, and then when she pressed her palm to the center of the black portal in thin air, and a snarling devil cat sprang forth, four tails thrashing in the air as it snarled and growled, pacing around her as the portal closed in on itself. Altaynna bowed sarcasrtically. "Is that enough for you, fair guardian?"

Joe watched as she summoned a fiery wolf, and a 4 tailed cat. "Ah, I see, that's why." He sighed, once more browsing the crowd. He saw someone slice a tree in half, but he looked dead tired afterwords. He sighed, seemingly doing that a lot, and jumped back down off the wall, blending in amongst the crowd once more.
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