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Futuristic Fate of the Stars of Life (EPISODE 4: Formic Apocalypse)

Lux reaches forward and rubs her head a little.

Thank you, Bowe. That makes me happy. But unless you have a new mask that won’t break so easily, I’m not sure there’s much you can do.
Lux reaches forward and rubs her head a little.

Thank you, Bowe. That makes me happy. But unless you have a new mask that won’t break so easily, I’m not sure there’s much you can do.
Bowe savoured the rubs on her head, reading the note. "Hmm... maybe you can make one? Only you know what you want down to the last detail!" She said brightly, hoping the idea will at least help. It's not much, but it's an honest effort.
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Under the mask, his face lightened up a bit.

Yes...I’ll try. If I had all the parts I needed, I’d have a mask no one but I could take off. Thank you, Bowe.
Under the mask, his face lightened up a bit.

Yes...I’ll try. If I had all the parts I needed, I’d have a mask no one but I could take off. Thank you, Bowe.
Bowe giggled, seeming to cheer up as well. "Lux is welcome! Bowe is just happy to be around people and help them out, like most of you have done with me! After all, if it wasn't for you and the others, I wouldn't be here!"
"That's what I've been trying to design!" Rewby said confidently as she showed Lux some scribbled out and unfinished designs. "I've been brainstorming some ideas for a new mask model for you. Plasma-resistance alloy, interchangeability, mask-unmask voice command..." Rewby continues, listing off some of the possible features in her own model.
Bowe smiled upon hearing and seeing this exchange occur. "Well, Bowe hopes it works out, with both of your efforts! Bowe will leave you to it; she's hungry!" She said calmly, beginning to leave Lux and Rewby alone, waving to them as she headed off to get some food to eat.
When asked if she can help make his mask, her face lit up. "Of course, Lux! Of course, I'll help!" Rewby responds, grinning. "Heeey... that reminds me!" She said, placing her finger on her lip. "Before I got here, my former captain, Sokrat, gave me some rather expensive material to me as a goodbye gift."

I would greatly appreciate it if you let me use some of the materials for a mask.

He understood if she wasn’t gonna let him use it, and overanalyzed the offer.
"Oh, but of course! The crate full of that expensive material is still in my room, just sitting there." Rewby responds, pointing to the outside of the hallway. Before she can continue, they hear the Intercom beep. "All available crewmembers, please report to the Docking Bay. I repeat, all available crewmembers, please report to the Docking Bay." Susan said on the intercom.
He groans under his breath. He tightens the makeshift mask around his face, grabs Kqidons’ mask, and nods to Rewby.

After this, we’ll make the mask.
Talia’s eyes went to the ceiling as the announcement came over the coms. She had changed so she was in full battle gear; which for her was a black nano-suit with weapons, swords, and gas resistant form. So basically, a spy suit fitted for mass combat.

She made her way to the Docking Bay, already having five weapons that people could see, and listened for anything or anyone else.
"All available crewmembers, please report to the Docking Bay. I repeat, all available crewmembers, please report to the Docking Bay." Susan said on the intercom.
Bowe would manage to have grabbed some food along the way to the Docking Bay, Kokoro heading there at the moment in her Ghost Cloth body, and Hamele ended up getting there first out of both of the other two.
Talia waved at Hamele, before turning to see what everything was about. They were probably ready to leave, which is why she had already changed. All of her weapons were colored metallic gold, from the twin swords on her back to the tine daggers on her waist. You could even see that her shoes had gold soles, with sharp edges.

“Hey, Hamele. How are you?” she asked, even though they saw each other a few minutes ago.
Hamele had waved back to Talia, smiling. "Oh, pretty good! I've been pretty busy in my quarters, be it for better or worse... Ha ha..." She said, nervously trailing a laugh off at the end. "What about yourself? You seem... metaphorically loaded." She said honestly, chuckling out of minor surprise. That may not be the best word to use, but it's an appropriate word for the situation.
Talia scoffed, and tapped the weapons.

“It’s lava metal. Not really gold. It’s pretty cheap actually, and really strong.” That’s what she assumed she was talking about anyway. If she meant emotionally....... try over loaded.
“It’s lava metal. Not really gold. It’s pretty cheap actually, and really strong.”
Hamele smiled. "Impressive..." She said, unsure what else to respond to that with. It's true, it was what she was on about. And indeed, those are some impressive and pretty looking weapons and other items.
“Though it does make people wonder.” She said as a joke. She had pulled several switches of gold items with lava metal. There was some technical name for it, she knew, but she couldn’t remember.
Talia was still slightly jumpy, so when Lux appeared right next to her, she stumbled and let out a yelp.

“Jesus, Lux!” She sounded exasperated, but not angry. “Hey, where did you get the mask?” She hadn't noticed at first, but the moment she did she asked.

Sorry. And I made this temporary mask out of some sheet metal and wire until me and Rewby make a better one.

He writes and shows Talia.
In the Docking Bay, there is only one shuttle that was parked right smack dab in the middle of the area. While the Captain wasn't present at the moment, Kqidons and Ma'arz eventually came into the Docking Bay, while Rewby walks right by Talia. "Hello there!" She said to the Lunarim assassin, placing her hand on her shoulder.
Talia nodded to Lux. “That’s cool.” Simple reply, but she got the point across.

When Rewby put her hand on Talia’s shoulder, she somehow expected it, and smiled up at the Krystalline. “Hey Rewby. Where’s Susan?”

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