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Fandom Fate/Drifters ooc

For once I have no idea which show it is...so I'll take your word for it
TL; DR was a light-hearted airsoft show that went full on PTSD and weird delusions at the midway point. And so it was memed heavily with a video game that shared similar (albeit more serious in tone) themes. It was majestic.
"Maiden, thy fair face art better suited to stealing the hearts of men in the halls of Valhalla than carving them from cold, unbeating chests."

He put one foot backward, bowed mockingly

This Rider literally called Saber a thot, and then bows after smacking her with the flat end of a sword.
lol. Sadly npc has to stick to character. I'm a fair gm, after all...and he really does know how to piss a swordsgirl off^^
: D, don't worry. Won't do that again, I mean, the no pain bit. I guess I'll explain it away as, "Huh, so that's what it's like to be hurt again." cause all of these heroes and gods have been sitting around on their arses for so long.
: D, don't worry. Won't do that again, I mean, the no pain bit. I guess I'll explain it away as, "Huh, so that's what it's like to be hurt again." cause all of these heroes and gods have been sitting around on their arses for so long.

It's fine. I just meant that there's nothing else to sword fights beyond stabby stab.

I tried to make Rider so edgy it's laughable.


Anyways. I can still feel the mud in my feet from the hike... ughhhhhh

lol. Was it at least a fun hike?
It's fine. I just meant that there's nothing else to sword fights beyond stabby stab.


lol. Was it at least a fun hike?
No. I trecked through mud, got maybe about 3 sentences worth of notes, and after being sunburnt and bitten, and soaked, finally got to go home. And those notes I could have easily googled! Like 'What is an Estuary?' I don't know, let me check humanities greatest repository of information that I keep in my pocket! Fun for the future hippies who would like to sit in a pile of decomposing organic matter. But not for me.

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