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Fantasy Fantasy Prison

Rodwen lay back in her office chair. "What to do what to do"

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As Raygou don't get a reply from Niko, he looks a bit puzzled and then leaves the cafeteria. He sighed "I'm not allowed to fight or just make a bit noise... so this immortal for 2 years shit isn't very useful at the moment..." He said and walks to his cell. "Hmmm..."

(She really ignored me ^-^')
Seven came from his cell with wet hair and a huge smile. He had just showered for the first time in a long while. He had returned to his cell to change into a prison uniform which was not soaked in blood. The man ran one hand through his wet hair as he glanced about, curiously searching for something/someone that might serve as entertainment for him. Then, he shrugged and pranced happily to the common room where he plopped on a couch on his back with feet propped up on an armrest and hands behind his head. He would stare up at the ceiling with a contented grin as he let his mind wander. He had dissected a man just a little while before--the first man he enjoyed cutting up since he got placed in this prison--and Seven was still feeling pleased with this, as if he got some kind of high from the brutality.
XDBuggyBatXD said:
Seven came from his cell with wet hair and a huge smile. He had just showered for the first time in a long while. He had returned to his cell to change into a prison uniform which was not soaked in blood. The man ran one hand through his wet hair as he glanced about, curiously searching for something/someone that might serve as entertainment for him. Then, he shrugged and pranced happily to the common room where he plopped on a couch on his back with feet propped up on an armrest and hands behind his head. He would stare up at the ceiling with a contented grin as he let his mind wander. He had dissected a man just a little while before--the first man he enjoyed cutting up since he got placed in this prison--and Seven was still feeling pleased with this, as if he got some kind of high from the brutality.
Eden suddenly stuck her head through the ceiling above Seven. "Hey, Mister!" She said with a grin as her long black hair dangled down. "You doin anything important?" She asked him excitedly. She had finally found something to do and decided to make a team for her plan.

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Seven sat up quickly, surprised by the female's sudden appearance. Realizing the face was a familiar one, rather than a dangerous one, the psychopath grinned happily. "Oh, hey Missy!" he exclaimed as he stared up at her. "Nope," he replied simply to her question. Noticing that the girl seemed rather excited, he tilted his head curiously and asked, "Why?"

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Non-Karie wandered around, simply put....she was bored. not particularly entertained by anything and had taken over after Karie had a mental breakdown about her mum..their mum?...whatever.... she thought lazily.
XDBuggyBatXD said:
Seven sat up quickly, surprised by the female's sudden appearance. Realizing the face was a familiar one, rather than a dangerous one, the psychopath grinned happily. "Oh, hey Missy!" he exclaimed as he stared up at her. "Nope," he replied simply to her question. Noticing that the girl seemed rather excited, he tilted his head curiously and asked, "Why?"
"Well, apperantly there's more prisoners apart from us that I haven't met...wanna give them a good scare with me?"she said happily as she dropped from the ceiling and landed onto her feet on front of him.

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"Sure!" he exclaimed excitedly as he stood up on the couch. It wasn't often that somebody invited the psychopath to play with them. He usually had to find his own entertainment, so he'd certainly not turn down an invitation to be apart of tormenting some prisoners. The man would hop onto the ground after the female did so. Standing beside her now, he'd offer her a psychotic grin. "Do you have somebody in mind?" he'd ask with a tilt of his head as he casually placed his hands in his pant pockets and watched the female curiously.

(@Aeron You online? I wont be on for much longer...gotta wake up early))
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(Ack! I never got an a,era that you responded /.\ Sorry!!)

Éden shrugged. "I was thinking we can go find someone in the hall or something. You're the only person I've formally met here, so..." She stepped to the door and looked down the hall. "Do you see anyone?" @XDBuggyBatXD
Aeron said:
(Ack! I never got an a,era that you responded /.\ Sorry!!)
Éden shrugged. "I was thinking we can go find someone in the hall or something. You're the only person I've formally met here, so..." She stepped to the door and looked down the hall. "Do you see anyone?" @XDBuggyBatXD
(Understandable, no worries! ^^)

Seven quietly followed Eden to the doorway and peeked out after her. He looked right and then left with a grin upon his face. "How about those chicas?" he asked, signaling to three rather mean and muscular looking female inmates. One of these clearly had the ability to create ice from nothing. Another was super stretchy, and the other had no visibly notable power. The psychotic man looked to Eden with one raised eyebrow as if daring her to take on the trio. Then, his childish smile returned suddenly as he asked, "...can I have a sucker first, Missy?" He would hold out one hand expectantly while he watched the female.

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((Okaaaaaaay? For real, Wtf happened? ( -_- ") This roleplay was running super freaking fast before, and everyone just suddenly vanished? Come on people! ( :( )))
(Sorry! I got distracted with a new thread xD )

Éden smiled and dropped a pitch black pop in his hand, the black dissolving to reaves a dark red pop. "Let's go for the icy one!" She said excitedly. They seemed like more of a challenge than anyone at the moment... @XDBuggyBatXD
Aeron said:
(Sorry! I got distracted with a new thread xD )
Éden smiled and dropped a pitch black pop in his hand, the black dissolving to reaves a dark red pop. "Let's go for the icy one!" She said excitedly. They seemed like more of a challenge than anyone at the moment... @XDBuggyBatXD
Seven watched curiously as the lollipop turned dark red in his hand. He grinned contentedly as he popped the candy in his mouth and looked at Eden with excited eyes. Then, the psychopath nodded giddily in response to Eden's comment before peaking back around the corner at the three women. "Hm, but what about the other two hanging around her?" he asked with a tilt of his head as his gaze glided back to his companion's eyes. The three seemed to be like a small gang, very close knit. He paused thoughtfully and then smiled brightly as an idea occurred to him. "Why not just get all three of 'em?" he said confidently. "You have enough powers to take on all three of 'em, right?" He would stare at Eden with attentive eyes, seemingly thinking the female was near invincible. Or perhaps, Seven wanted to see just how powerful Eden was, or to see how far he could push the intriguing woman?
Eden nodded with a thoughtful look in her eye. "I can...but this prison gives me limits, especially since last time." She said with a small smirk. "I do want to play with them, though..." She shrugged. "What do you think we should do?" (Gonna go sleep, will respond tommorow!)

Seven twirled the lollipop in his mouth playfully as he thought of what to do to the other inmates. "Hmmmmmmm...everything is more fun with blood and screams, so whatever we do should have those things," he grinned as he leaned his back against the wall and crossed his arms in front of him. He looked to her for her reaction before adding, "But you're the one with the cool super powers! Just show me something fun."

Eden rolled her eyes. "What am I, your walking circus?" She walked to the hall and took up form of her first stage demon.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3a64f6ee_2015-07-3018.37.20.png.4d66a5119a96878cc751d80ee7980ced.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65334" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3a64f6ee_2015-07-3018.37.20.png.4d66a5119a96878cc751d80ee7980ced.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She slowly flew up and behind the women as her jaw opened to impossible lengths, her fetures becoming grotesque and horrifying as she raised her spiked fingers. She began to screech like banshee, wondering how they'd react and trying not to giggle. @TheHappyPikachu @Church Burning



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Non-Karie turned around lazily to the girl "Would you shut up!? I've already got a headache from Karie's mental breakdown that caused me to take this form!!" She yelled, absolutely un-fazed by there appearance. (You guys were still on this RP!?!? Sorry! I forgot about it...I'll get the others back on!! xD ) @Aeron
The demon stopped, then began to laugh, so much it began to go back to Edens regular form. She appeared in a cloud of black smoke on the ground, laughing. "Wow...you must be pretty pissed to have ignored that!" She said, standing as she brushed off her jeans. She turned around. "Hey, Mister...she ain't gonna bug. We should look for someone else that's willing to play!" She said as dark cloud gathered next to her and she sat up on it, crossing her legs as it began to hover.
Non-Karie looked past her to see the man from before "oh, it's you 'mummy's boy'.." She said blankly before turning back to the girl "trust me. If you would've done that to Karie she would probably be in tears but since I'm in control...ain't nothing like that gonna do nothing.." She said elegantly despite stretching at the same time before placing her arms behind her head in a casual manner. @Aeron @xXBuggyBatXx
Éden gave her a Chesire Cat grin as she laid down in her cloud, her head hanging off the side towards the girl. "Really, now?" She said happily. "I'm pretty sure you weren't stuffed in here to look pretty, lady, so what do you do?" She asked, realizing that she must have something, at least...
Non-Karie smirked a bit before sighing "as much as I would love to say i destroyed half the planet fact is I'm not even the one in here...it's Karie..my other half who's in control most of the time..but then again I'm another half of her as well.." She shrugged "boring as could be... 'Attempted murder'.." She rubbed he temples like an upset parent "and if that weren't bad enough she was framed!? I mean cine on!! At least kill a few people...that girl..if she hadn't been carrying 'his' child and hadn't had me she would still be out there all happy-go-lucky..." She said disappointedly "it's almost sickening.." Before the smirk returned to her face as her red eyes glowed crimson devilishly "though...I have my fair share of secrets...blood is such a pretty sight don't you think? It goes well with black...and blackness is darkness..which I'm sure you can see is quite the main colours of my out fit..opposite to Karie's white...after all.." She stared directly into the girls eyes "we are quite literally ying and yang.." She muttered before cracking a grin. @Aeron
Éden began to giggle. "Ooh...you sound just like me..." She purred, her eyes turning jet black. "I feed off raw emotions, only negative ones, mind you. The only difference between us is that I'm a demon..." She then looked up in excitement. "Wait...you said we got ourselves a future mommy in the big house with us?" She began to cackle. "H-ha! That's rich! Way to get knocked up them slammed into the Big House! She must be so-" Éden stopped, sat up abruptly...and grinned. "...upset." The cloud disappeared and she landed on her feet. "Catch you later, honey...I got myself a new girl to meet." She winked and went up in a puff of smoke, the smoke then disappearing into the air vent.
"Come on Raygou! You can't beat us!" A prisoner said to Raygou. Prisoners surrounding him.

Raygou looks serious. "Don't talk so much shit..." He said and his tail start to burn. He turns into his Full Darkness mode and his Scarlet Flames turned into Blood Red Flames. Two Horns grew out his head and his ears, hairs, arms and lower legs start to burn. His eyes turned Completely Red with White Pupils. "Only try to survive..." He said and he formed a dagger with hus Flames.
Seven giggled psychotically at Eden's comment about being his private walking circus. Then, he peaked around the corner as the female transformed into a disturbing monster and stalked toward her prey. Seven fidgeted excitedly, absolutely loving her creepy form. Then, Non-Karie whirled around to yell at the demonic woman for screaming at her. Seven was surprised. He hadn't recognized the inmate from behind and from such a distance. As Eden burst into laughter, Seven frowned in disappointment. He had really wanted more of a horrified reaction from Eden's target. The man ambled over to Missy when she called out to him, a noticeably disappointed expression upon his face. "...No fun," he mumbled sadly as he watched his companion climb onto a strange dark cloud. Then, his attention was drawn back to Non-Karie as she referred to him as 'mummys boy'. Seven broke into his usual large grin as his eyes met hers, and he waved playfully to the female. "Hello Mommy," he said quietly before closing his mouth to listen to the two females converse. He stood calmly, twirling the lollipop in his mouth with his fingers as his eyes slid back and forth between Non-Karie and Eden. Then, Eden grew energetic and vanished suddenly, leaving Seven alone with Non-Karie. The psychopath looked up curiously at the vent that Eden's smoke had disappeared into. Then, his gaze returned to Non-Karie's face once more as he continued to twirl the lollipop in his mouth. "What kind of secrets could you have...?" he asked with a slight tilt of his head.

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